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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next episode of the besagon tv author’s program. it will be called, and we will raise baba iga in our team. i think you will understand why we called our program that. but as usual, first i want to report a little on how they watched us last time, our previous... program
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living by a lie, i watched it together with channel russia-24, russia-1, youtube, telegram channel and so on , more than 10 million people watched us, which of course cannot but rejoice, and once again we took this opportunity thank you for your attention to our programs, i would like to begin with the fact that today the conflict between russia and ukraine is acquiring a completely new dimension. the border areas of our country are being shelled. rockets and shells are flying in the belgorod, kursk, smolensk, and voronezh regions, killing civilians. sabotage groups are penetrating our territory. on may 22 , such a group seized the gray-voron checkpoint on the russian-ukrainian border. were injured. 13
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people, one person died, the beautiful, clean city of shibekina turns into ruins, people are leaving, people are afraid, for now we will leave aside the questions that people have about why this is happening, why our borders are not protected, discuss, i want something else, why, as the world community, the world media, are discussing this situation, they they call these attacks terror, terrorist attacks , they call these people who kill civilians terrorists, neo-nazis, no, moreover, the world community, the world public are convinced that these are not ukrainian terrorists and not mercenaries, no, these are russians are the same russians who disagree...
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absolutely, and we understand that everything has its own cause-and-effect relationship. for example, look, this is the flag of the russian freedom legion, a white-blue-white flag, we see it at all the congresses and meetings that take place in europe, where the division of our country is discussed, but where did this flag come from? but look, this was the coloring used by the vlasovites, who simply copied st. andrew’s flag, here.
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used by those who sided with hitler, the liberation army of general andrei vlasov, and i remind you that the vlasovites called themselves patriots of the country, that they did not fight with the people, not with their country, with the regime, with bolshevism, with stalin, and so on and so forth. i would like to remind you of the leaflet that the vlasovites scattered throughout our country. adolf hitler's national socialist germany sets the task of organizing a new europe without the bolsheviks and capitalists, in which every nation will be provided with an honorable place. we are the sons of our people and patriots of their fatherland, created a russian committee. which sets itself the following goals: the overthrow of stalin and his clique, the destruction of bolshevism, the conclusion of an honorable peace with germany. well, how similar is this to the slogans that are heard at these meetings in lithuania, warsaw, prague, the so-called
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new russian government in exile, they talk about the same thing, they just don’t mention hitler. only complete and irrevocable. decolonization of the so-called russian federation is the key to long-term peace and the creation of a new collective architecture security in europe and the world. we call for starting an active systemic struggle for our own liberation and de-occupation of the war criminals of the terrorist state of the russian federation from the imperial regime. they talk about the overthrow of the regime, about the dignity of the people.
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and this is done, i must say, very professionally, remember, we showed you a production video, dreams come true, i now serve in the russian freedom legion, guys from russia, if you hate the putin regime and want russia to become a free democratic country, join us, a how they recruit into this army, look, they decided to bind russian prisoners of war with blood,
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i understand why in our society certain people step by step justified vlasov and his movement, we talked about this, here are the words of a historian from the yeltsin center that we mentioned many times, nikita sokolova, for the most part, almost never, those people who really fought against the soviet regime were rehabilitated. these are dissidents of the forties, dissidents of the thirties, who, but there were really real militant groups, they did not rehabilitated, although they did nothing, these are vlasovites, this is a big social problem, these are the fruits of this work, why
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schoolchildren and students know nothing about the real hero of our country, the real hero. of the great patriotic war, general karbushev, who was tortured in a camp and did not betray his homeland, but everyone knows andrei vlas, this is vitaly tretyakov, he is a journalist.
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raise your hand those who know who general karbyshev is, only one rose, one, repeats the third hand, then i automatically asked another question, and general vlasov, you know, students, delighted that they can finally show the teacher a recreation center at the same time. it’s no coincidence, it’s no coincidence when we learn that for 70 years the cia has been working in ukraine. here's
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your proof. listen to what former australian special forces commander, rikado bossi, has to say. ukraine has been a center of globalists for many decades, 70 years at least. the cia, which can hardly be called a good organization, they are implementers of, let’s say, deep things. soviet union. and they also needed the resources that are located in ukraine. that's what it all means. just like america, most european countries worked for hitler's germany until the moment it became clear that the soviet union was winning. exactly. they also worked in ukraine, they work in exactly the same way now,
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they work with us, look at this , in my opinion, talented advertisement, and how to become a spy for the cia. i don’t believe in revolution, true life happens where imperceptible changes take place in the souls of people, imperceptible to my country, but not to me. the true life, it's mine russia, this will always be my russia, i will stand, my family will stand, we will live with dignity, thanks to my actions.
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why are we surprised when we learn that, according to ricado bossi, the united states, the cia has been working in ukraine for 70 years. look, in afghanistan, to fight the ussr, the cia spent billions of dollars on arming and training over 100 thousand majahets. this is how al-qaeda came into being. america sent more than $200 million to nicaragua to finance contra militants to overthrow daniel artegui. in yugoslavia's kosovo liberation army (kla) was sponsored by the united states, and it is recognized as terrorist. in syria, to overthrow basher al-assad, free syrians received billions of dollars in military aid from the united states. the ss army, where both the muslim brothers and isis, banned in our
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country, came from. and today, on the territory of syria and from the same syrian free army, brigades, detachments, terrorists are recruited who are fighting in ukraine against us. moreover , they all underwent training with the help of american british instructors, and they are prepared at us military bases, ein al-assad in iraq, and this. in syria. yellow and blue armbands are worn by arabs, africans, japanese, and americans. in the ukrainian trenches, militants can hold an international summit of terrorist organizations, notorious thugs from all over the world have gathered in ukraine, the only country that officially invites mercenaries to embassies in europe, recruiting centers have been opened in africa and the middle east, every month one of the main curators of the independent us allocates
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maintaining legionnaires millions of dollars, and of course, these were chechen militants who committed. in 1991, dzhakhar dudayev announced the separation of chechnya from the russian federation. what did this lead to? a few facts. listen, the population of the chechen republic at that time was 870-900 thousand people. there are 4.5 million people in the rostov region. the number of murders in the rostov region per year averaged 400-420. and in chechnya. 2,500 murders with the number of crimes per number of inhabitants of the region. the second chechen war put an end to banditry not only in chechnya, but throughout russia. having received respite, chechen gangs began to come together again, they began to receive
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clothes, weapons, help from the united states, which...
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olek tegnebok about the extermination of jews in ukraine. in order to create a real ukrainian ukraine, physically liquidate the entire russian-speaking intelligentsia, all ukrainophobes quickly, without trial, shoot. the damned jewish community does not pay attention to this, this zionist community strives to ensure that the ukrainians disappear forever. russian-speaking amorphous biomass of living stomachs, this herd needs to be eliminated by about 5-6 million.
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that our western colleagues , as we called them, they know how to play for the long haul, they are patient, they are calculating, they are cold in mind, they have no heart, that is why in our country they are trying to incite ethnic hatred with their light hand, that is why today we have a problem with our migration, from such a quantity. that russia receives, it is very difficult to immediately determine who is one of them, relatively speaking, who is not, who has already gone through the school of militants, who is not,
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and proof of this is that entire units from central asian countries are fighting in the structures of the armed forces of ukraine, for example, the turkic legion and the turan battalion. to all turkish-speaking brothers, we will destroy. this shaitan regime of kadyrov, the imperial regime of putinov, we will fight every day, we will nightmare you from the inside out. dzhashasyn turon, dzhashasyn turon, and we see confirmation that since 2022 alone, crime among migrants has increased by 170%. this is a crime of all categories, at 37.5%. severe and especially severe crimes are 72% crimes in the field of drug trafficking, 54.2%
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are extremist and terrorist crimes, what is the result of this? it is very simple, this is the result that is being sought, this is the discontent of the population of our country, and this negative attitude begins to spread to honest... grants who came here to earn money, to work honestly, and how could it be otherwise when in the schools of the central asian republics until recently, when teaching history to children, they talk about russia, that this is a prison of peoples , this is an aggressor, these are enslavers, this is the result of schooling in those countries from which migrants come to us, here is a very interesting remark: the scientific director of the russian military historical society, mikhail mikhkov , about history textbooks in neighboring countries , here what he says: 292 times in
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the history textbook of uzbekistan, russian colonialism is mentioned. there is no term great patriotic war, there is a term participation of a particular republic in the second world war. stalin is a criminal like hitler, and so on. for many structures, migration has turned into an income source; not all russians can receive this citizenship on the same basis as migrants in order to end up in their homeland. well, aren’t we ourselves to blame for the fact that we are fueling this opportunity to instill in our society this very interethnic discord, and there is some kind of it, too.
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the amount of money they extort, the question arises, the real question, the root one, what to do? we need migrant
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hands for our economy. this is true, but how to avoid those the dangers we're talking about? it seems to me that our prime minister mikhail mishustin is absolutely right; now in central asia, in some republics , russian schools are starting to open, that is, this is an opportunity to give children knowledge about russia, something that will help them, when coming here, not to feel that russia is their enemy. it takes time, it takes money. this is routine work, but it is impossible without it. why did our president call the collapse of the ussr truly a global geopolitical catastrophe xx centuries? first of all, it should be recognized, and i have already spoken about this, that the collapse of the soviet union was the largest geopolitical catastrophe of the century. therefore, there is evidence, look, for the preservation
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of the ussr. in kyrgyzstan 94.6%, in tajikistan - 96.2%, in turkmenistan 97.9%, in uzbekistan 93.7%. the majority of the population of central asia also perceived the collapse of the ussr as a tragedy, but it came true.
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should be expressed in demonstrations, in dissident activities, no, how can it be that in the cultural capital of the country, on faculty of history, at st. petersburg state university, the following story happened: a second-year student of the faculty of history, fyodor solomonov, took an academic leave and went to fight in ukraine, in the donbass. on april 1 of this year he died. this is tragic. the news was taken to heart by the majority of students, and the teachers, the students themselves, organized such a temporary memorial in memory of this guy, their classmate, their classmate, but it turned out that at the university there was a certain party, as they called themselves, in response to this memorial, they began to post the ukrainian flag in their telegram channels,
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mock those who... expressed their condolences to the family of this boy, moreover, they began to accuse their classmates, classmates of racism, and the leader of this party turned out to be an associate professor of the faculty, belousov mikhail sergeevich, this is what he writes: i want to tell everyone that i think it’s normal to use esvosh rhetoric within the framework of post-irony, that is, outright banter, direct and open. approval of rashism is disgusting, associate professor, teacher who accuses our country of racism, that is, by analogy with fascism , he was fired, i think absolutely rightly, in addition, i read on the internet that several students who took an active part in persecuting those who supported
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their comrade, who died, in the person of czech president petr pavla invites the parents of this girl and apologizes for what they did to her, that is, calling russia shit, this is considered natural, when czech children oppose this, the president apologizes for them, well, after a very short time at the same time the same president of the czech republic.


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