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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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would have stopped at the borders of our country , the ussr, what would have happened next, if even with our victory, already in the forty-fifth year, churchel proposed a terrible plan for the unthinkable, to arm the prisoners of war, the surviving germans, to throw a nuclear bomb on the soviet union, exhausted, bloodless and finish him off with someone else's hands, which is happening now, therefore. it seems to me that when we are talking about completely detached things, the trinity there is either from the st. petersburg university, or it seems completely, one is not connected with the other, no, connected, connected, because the same winston churchel said that if you choose between war and shame, shame, shame,
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pole dancing at an industrial exhibition is a shame, mockery of fallen comrades is a shame, showing a film during the war about american heroes, paying for a ticket , with the money received from this ticket, missiles will be supplied to ukraine to bomb belgorod, it’s a shame, if we choose this... then we get shame, war, and the disgraced one cannot win the war, father snake, old, never passed on the secret, poper never passed it on, he dragged him to the grave, the vein is torn, you see how it turned out, well, okay, what are you , you and i will go together
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, you ring the bells, i paint icons, let's go to trinity , let's go together, what a holiday for people, what joy you have created, you are still crying , well, well, everything will be, well, everything, i reminded you, in the footage from torkovsky's great film andrei rublev, i had a question: what if tarkovsky knew that no one would ever see his film, would he make it? well that's all for today. the door had already creaked, our midshipman krivoruchka appeared and, as always, said: “we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we’re right, geologists.” i look forward to seeing you at our, god
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willing, new meeting. as a result of complex negotiations , 248 russian military personnel were returned to russia from territory controlled by the kiev regime. some have already been taken to moscow. all those released are provided with necessary medical care. psychological help. they were met at the airport by zenaida kurbatova. the il-76 board landed, which brought the first batch of our fighters. 75 people. all of them were returned to russia as a result of the exchange. in total , 248 of our military personnel will return in the near future. the homeland greets them with frost, but everyone is in a joyful mood, all the fighters are mentally already at home with their families. yes, i believed that they would help us out.
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the power of russian weapons is unshakable, we will win. we spent 8 months in captivity. thank you, thank you again to everyone who participates in the release of prisoners of war, as well as all the people who help the northern military district soldiers, thank you, low bow, light mother, a little later i will hug my son with pleasure; i had no doubt in our country, which consists of those people who were also waiting for us here and supporting us.
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zinnayta kurbatova, pavel mier, stanislav yalovsky, news. the russian army repelled all attacks. among other things , the 115th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces was not allowed to break through in the kupinsky direction; zelensky’s formation lost over 600 more soldiers and mercenary officers. a tank and nine other armored vehicles, as well as eight air defense systems and self-propelled guns, including american and polish, were destroyed. besides, the strike was carried out on a hangar with aircraft ammunition, as well as a point. deployment of foreign mercenaries of the national formation kharkov region. 8 raket.u, two s-200 missiles, as well as 34 projectiles from the hymers, vampire and alha systems were intercepted. about the situation on the front line, alexey baran. that's it, let's tighten up the bodysuit and work.
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to the front line of the defense line of the ukrainian military in one of the areas of serebryansky forestry, assault groups of the central military. districts manage to approach noon. sasha, the first rpg crew took a position along with the machine gunner. the main task - hold this strong point until the main forces arrive. meanwhile, units of the ukrainian armed forces are not giving up attempts to regain lost positions. there are mercenaries from different countries, including american, english, and from the french region. polish mercenaries, most of them are armed with fairly good training. to provide fire support for assault groups , motorized rifle units are immediately deployed to the line of combat contact in the kremen forest. moving through the forest, b-2 tries to go at full speed, because the foliage
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opal, all movements on the ground are clearly visible to ukrainian reconnaissance drones. the districts are equipped with a universal berezhok combat module, but the enemy’s armored vehicles are attacked by the carnet anti-tank missile system included in its composition, the equipment is weak , the leopard is the same, they are also undermined, do not hold shells, they will also be blocked, everything is the same, just more electronics, if an infantry fighting vehicle passes by at speed, they are unable to keep up, equipped with an anti-tank missile system... advanced in preparation for possible breakthrough attempts. alexey baranov,
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alexander malyshev, khalit tankiev. news: line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic krasnolimansk direction kremen forest. against this background , raids are taking place throughout ukraine. those who can be sent to the front, road checkpoints on the roads do not allow ukrainians to leave the country without a special certificate from the military registration and enlistment office. zelensky almost directly stated that they will row everyone they can reach, but the kiev regime will allow them to pay off. as forbes reported, they will be able to receive reservations from mobilization ukrainians, who are able to pay 6,000 hryvnia to the budget every month, is approximately 160 dollars, that is, they will have to pay 2,000 dollars per year. however, tariffs may rise sharply by the summer, and forced mobilization, egor grigoriev, don’t even think about approaching them, idiots, look, they’re not narrowing it down, they’re looking for people, in one hand there’s a phone with the camera on, in the other there’s pepper spray,
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the ukrainian is threatening to use it against military commissars, here are the heroes who do not serve, the military asks ordinary people to serve, this time from the staff of the recruitment center to the ukrainian fight back. a new round of conflict between the president of ukraine and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine. the british financial times writes: neither side wants to take responsibility for an unpopular decision. given the risk of public backlash, the task of training men for the armed forces has become something of a challenge.
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military commissars, bypassing posts and being sent to the front line for money, soon it will be possible completely legally, zelensky’s office offered
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to exchange the reservation for additional taxes, the figures are discussed different, from 6 to 14,500 hryvnia, ordinary workers of course don’t have that kind of money, captured ukrainian soldiers say. well, i heard that in order to stay in trtsk and you didn’t go to zero, somewhere around 8.000 and you will stand there trtsk somewhere to open some. iran in connection with the terrorist attack in kirman, the president
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emphasized that the murder of civilians who visited the cemetery is shocking with cruelty and cynicism. moscow strongly condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and has reaffirmed its commitment to the fight against this evil. as a result of the terrorist attack in irani, more than 100 people were killed, at least 200 were injured, and the country declared a national mourning. breaking news comes from iran. iran officially announced that more than a hundred people were killed as a result of two explosions near a cemetery in kermani. the road leading to the cemetery where general qassem sulaymaniyah is buried, he enjoyed enormous support from the people
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of the country, after his death he became a national hero, on the anniversary of his death thousands of people came to his grave, hence such a large number of victims. iranian authorities called the incident a terrorist attack. local media publishes shocking footage. the explosions, which state television called the terrorist attack comes amid heightened tensions in west asia, a day after one of the... is shockingly the most powerful terrorist attack targeting iran in recent
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memory. iranian authorities harshly condemned the incident and threatened new surges of resistance. the explosions came on the fourth anniversary of the death of general sulaymaniyah, who led the alquuz division, conducted operations outside iran and provided military assistance to hamas and hezbollah. the general died as a result of an american drone strike. and in the same scenario , the deputy head of hamas was killed in beirut this week. lebanese authorities believe. that israel and its allies are behind this attack, german journalist bilt believes that this chain of attacks will take the conflict in the middle east to a new level. one of the leaders of the lebanese hezbollah stated bluntly: this will not go unanswered. hezbollah is ready for any development of events. we are ready to answer. and they have many scenarios for the development of events. at any moment the party leadership can go any way. british experts believe that americans took part in organizing attacks in iran and lebanon. ezbollah. hezbollah is one of the main militant groups threatening israel. hezbollah may violently
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attack tel aviv. to be honest, i don’t think israel is behind the attacks on beirud. his allies may be behind the attacks. the targets of the attack were not ordinary people. the target is the enemies of the united states. retaliation against western forces may begin throughout the middle east, experts believe. various groups have already announced that they are ready to that. the hamas group also plans to increase attacks. after the murder of representatives. january 4 has been declared a day of national mourning in iran. maret karadilko and anna tarasenko. news. for the united states, a new conflict on...
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yemena confirms that no manifestation of american aggression will go unanswered and without consequences. us secretary of state antony blinken and british foreign secretary david cameron discussed this situation. the uk and the us are developing plans for military strikes against the houthis in yemen. london can send a royal frigate to mms lancaster to support the destroyer diamond already there. at the same time , the press notes that the united states is extremely afraid of escalation in the red sea. we are not looking for conflict with the houthis, this is simply a reaction to the fact that they do not stop their attacks on ships in the red sea. we are confident that the reforms that the palestinian authority must implement will solve the problem. such
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statements from washington do not inspire confidence among the houthis. the situation has reached that. i think it is unlikely that any of our colleagues will deny the fact that what is happening in krasnoye sea, a direct projection of violence in gaza, where israel’s brutal operation has been ongoing for 3 months. escalation is observed in other occupied palestinian territories, as well as on the israeli-lebanese border. it is no secret that
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the eastern region is extremely disappointed that all this time the united states has been covering up the actions of israel. holding the remaining members of the security council hostage and preventing the adoption of resolutions demanding an immediate ceasefire. china also believes that the situation in the red sea has its own preconditions: the catastrophic situation in the gas sector, when people die under shelling every day. we call on israel and palestine to negotiate and the fire in the gaza strip must stop. meanwhile, one of the world's largest, the danish shipping company maersk, has suspended the movement of its ships in krasnoyarsk. ekaterina radaeva, news. the united states is again facing a shutdown, a partial cessation of funding for budgetary structures, as white house spokeswoman karine jeanpierre admitted.
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after 16 days, parts of the us government will no longer be able to continue. work for the united states a shutdown is threatening, there are about 2 weeks left before the partial cessation of government funding, but instead of doing their job, the republicans simply left washington in mid-december. and in november , the us house of representatives approved a temporary budget bill, part of the state programs will be financed until january 19, the second until february 2. moreover, congressmen blocked assistance to israel and ukraine. until biden resolves issues with protecting the southern borders of the united states. well, in the meantime, biden himself was recognized one of the seven main political losers of last year, the rating was published by fox news. harvard rector cladine gay left her post due to accusations of plagiarism and anti-semitism, although until recently she was considered an ideal
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representative of the democrats. anton dadekin found out how this happened. clodingay. the first african-american woman in harvard's history, the second female chancellor in its history, her resignation letter hinted that there was an element of racism in her dismissal. it's a shame that my commitments were called into question. stand up to hate and stand up for scientific rigor. for me these are two fundamental values. it was scary to be subjected to personal attacks and threats based on race. gay held the post for the thirtieth time in a row. rector of one of the most prestigious the problems began on october 7, when a group of universities in the united states was only six months old. harvard students said. israel's own policies allegedly provoked the hamas attack. several major harvard donors demanded publication
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list of students who support gases to expel them from the university. when this did not happen, the billionaires announced they would stop financial support to the university. republican politicians intervened in the scandal. they summoned gay, along with the heads of other leading educational institutions, to special congressional hearings. it doesn't depend on the context, the answer is clear: yes, that's why you should resign. against the backdrop of the scandal, opponents of the gay woman began to meticulously examine her scientific works and immediately found traces of plagiarism in them. those with a rector borrowed scientific ideas consider resignation.
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one gay. the university of pennsylvania, for example, made the right decision immediately, but only after we forced the academic community to see the light. there was something rotten at the top in these universities; their leaders were legitimizing anti-semitism, especially after the hamas terrorist attack on october 7th. back in september, harvard colleagues loudly applauded during the inauguration of a fifty-three-year-old african-american woman, a specialist in the field of electoral technologies , about their connection with racial identity in the united states. now some. white harvard professors allow themselves bold statements, not only in relation to gays. she represents our bureaucracy's commitment to diversity,
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equity and inclusion. this desire is destroying universities across the country. we began to divide everyone into oppressors of the oppressed. the oppressors are the successful people of the white race, everyone else is oppressed. this is what students are taught these days. gay was appointed precisely for the sake of diversity and... the government, and now she blames everyone but herself. she talks about racism. i'm not racist, i just don't think she deserved the position. the house education committee announced that despite the resignation of gays, congress is still waiting for harvard to report on the fight against anti-semitism and plagiarism at the university. apparently, republicans are no worse than democrats at mastering the techniques of cancel culture and are ready to use them to win the american domestic political struggle. anton dadykin, lead. the word bonsai from japanese translates simply as a plant in a pot, here in general it is generally accepted that everything beautiful is simple,
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he has been here for many years, among ordinary rude faces, his poetry lives on. in september 1943 , advancing soviet troops reached the left bank of the dnieper. promise me that you will sing from the bottom of your heart, i promise. since january 1 , the minimum wage and the cost of living have increased , what they have become and how indexation will affect benefits and payments, we will talk about this in this issue, instructions, now an employee who works full time cannot receive less than 19,200. 42 rur to month, this is 3.0 more than in the twenty- third year. the federal minimum wage is the floor that the entire country must adhere to. it is worth
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noting that this amount is before tax, so the employee will still receive a little less. regions can establish their own mrod, which must be greater than the federal one. and in many regions, territories and republics, the average is noticeably higher. this happens in two cases. in the north.
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rubles per month before taxes. in moscow it is tied to the regional subsistence minimum for able-bodied people, this is almost 26,000 rubles. the cost of living is tied to the median salary of russians. the median salary is the amount in the middle. half of russians receive more, and half - less. the federal per capita minimum is 48% or slightly less than half of the median salary, and minimums for different ones are already calculated from the per capita minimum. groups of citizens for able-bodied children under 16 years of age and for pensioners, indeed, but if we look at foreign practice, then the minimum wage is calculated in percentage of 60, yes to the average wage, well, in order for us to achieve such indicators, well, it is necessary that the government consistently implements
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the... and the tactics that it adopted last year, yes, this - and indexation - of the minimum the size of wages, the level of inflation is higher, this is how we gradually, without much strain on the economy, because in any case , increasing the number of companies is a change in the economic parameters of the functioning of the business, and naturally the business should gradually do this get used to it, so if we switch to this parameter over the next 2-3 years , but due to higher rates of indexation of turnover - than the inflation rate, then we will reach 60%. the size of the subsistence minimum is prescribed in the budget for the coming years, and regional authorities can set their own standards, but with a limitation, the minimum wage in the region cannot be less than the federal average. payments for sick leave and maternity leave depend on the salary.
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sizes are tied to the cost of living. benefits, scholarships and other social payments if your family has children, and the family income per person does not exceed the regional subsistence level, and the property meets the criteria of need, then you can receive a single benefit. it will be 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence level for children. if your income is less than the subsistence level, then you can enter into a social contract with the state. he allows it.
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from january 1, the minimum wage increased by another 3.00 rubles. sick leave and maternity benefits depend on the indicator, increased and the cost of living, it affects the allowance for need. if you have any questions , if you want to know more about existing benefits, write to us in telegram, we will collect your questions, send them to experts, we will tell you everything in the next issues of the instructions, attention to all personnel, attention to all personnel, let's start the movement, let's start the movement, your task is to deliver wedge contact
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technique. upon arrival at the site of destruction, report the results, one young lady got drunk on wine and asked to steal from the regiment for the sake of peace.


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