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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 4, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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in omsk the collapse of the cold was even more rapid. on january 2, the city recorded a heat record of +15°; yesterday thermometers already showed -26.3. the powerful anticyclone was still pushing the arctic cold south, and the closer to the core of the anticyclone, the stronger the cold. in the north of the krasnoyarsk territory, even during the day -40 in the tomsk region and khantamansi autonomous okrug, in koma and the arkhangelsk region, the maximum temperature today is -30°. extremely cold in the northwest. area in the north and northeast of the central region and the middle volga, where today during the day it is -20-25°. tomorrow the frost will loosen its grip a little. from the west and south, a cold anticyclone will try to displace the atlantic cyclones. the appearance of clouds and the influx of warmer air will cause the cold to recede a little. a mild winter will return to the black earth region and the middle volga in southern siberia. unfortunately, it will not be possible to immediately shift the anticyclone. closer to christmas, the high pressure center will begin to intensify again, and at the same
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time the frosts will get a little stronger again. in krasnoyarsk the previous morning it was about zero. today it's -18. subsequently the temperature will decrease by approximately 1.5°. on friday morning the thermometers will show -36. then the weather pendulum will swing in the other direction. on january 6, it will be -9 at night, up to -3 during the day, and after christmas the city will be covered by a new wave of cold weather. in moscow at night it was cold, like at the russian vostok station in antarctica. true, it’s summer there now, today in the capital it’s about -21 this afternoon, with friday as the atlantic cyclone approaches, the frosts will gradually soften. january 5 light snow, maximum temperature -16, january 6 -12, frost in the capital on christmas will intensify again, and after the holiday the thermometer columns may again drop below -20. this is the weather information, goodbye.
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start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy household appliances with cashback of up to 50%. what are we going to do with the girls? and without the girls, nothing will work. where am i? holob 2, what? already at the cinema. we're playing at home in january! cars, prizes of
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a million and a jackpot of 800 million, quickly get tickets, on avito work just find your place, dad, you'll be home soon, soon, i'm now i won’t be late, mom, guess who started a new job today, grandma, what a cap, 10 minutes to a new job, many vacancies new every day, and vita work? start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy filippo berrio olive oil for only 899 rubles.
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i saw a sign in the skies in the harsh winter. after the great celebrations, something will appear that has never happened. the stars of the worlds will converge, it will happen where east and west meet. the line between the real world and the world of dreams will melt , a great competition will begin, great and small, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands. but who will take the heavenly trophies and rule in both worlds? watch the games of the future kazan february 21, the legend begins, thick walls, high floor, signal interference, in order to have good mobile communications in the house,
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you must first run a cat with technology on wifi, use mobile communications even where there is interference with the signal, beline on to your side, hello, i'm dash lyubimova and i'm at... my parents', daughter, let's go to lunch, he comes here often, he cooks unrealistically, our beloved ones, we we are not always there, sometimes we are unbearable, sometimes wonderful, sometimes tired, but our loved ones always return, what do we need for this, taking care of each other, megamarket, making people happy in the new year is profitable. the size of tax social deductions has increased since january 1, and getting them is even easier. what changes have been happening since the new year, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in the instructions.
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if you are completely unfamiliar with how tax deductions work and how you can get some of your taxes back, see our previous programs. there are different deductions: investment, property, and others, we have already talked about the largest ones, for example, when buying a home. today we will talk about social deductions. expenses for education, treatment, insurance, voluntary health insurance or non-state pension, fitness and so on will not need to be confirmed by checks, receipts, contracts and licenses. from january 1, a unified document, a certificate of payment for services or contributions, is used; they are issued by the organization or individual entrepreneur where you spent the money electronically and transfer it yourself. tax, these certificates replace all others documentation. at the end of the year, the tax service itself will generate an application for deduction; it will appear in your personal account. all that remains for you is to simply check the application and sign it. that is, in the twenty-fourth year you simply spend on services useful for life, in
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the twenty-fifth, in a couple of clicks, in your personal account, on the tax website or in the tax application, receive a deduction. you will be required to have paper documents or electronic copies if during the process. federal audit will reveal some inconsistencies starting january 1 2024, you will not have to provide a cash receipt as confirmation of services received for fitness, training or treatment, since the entire package of documents that actually needed to be submitted to the tax office will be replaced. with one single certificate of payment for services received - in an organization or from an individual entrepreneur, you and i will now have the same analogue in relation to all services for which it will be possible to receive a social deduction. of course, not
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all sports centers and medical centers are completely we have established electronic document circulation with the tax office, if the particular gym or individual entrepreneur trainer with whom you work out does not transfer... the data, then you will need to take a paper certificate. social deductions have a general limit, and from the new year it rises to 150 thousand rubles per year, that is, if you spend 150,000 or more on your health and education, you can return 19,500 rubles. if less, 13% of the amount actually paid. now medical expenses for your significant other can be added to the deduction. from january 1 it will be possible to receive social. from the spouse’s education, but only if it is full-time and not distance or correspondence. a separate limit applies to the education of children or wards. expenses up to 110,000 rubles are taken into account. per year, that is, you can return a maximum of 14,300 rubles. for
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both parents or guardians. there is only one group of expenses for which it is potentially possible to return the entire personal income tax paid for the year. this is a waste of money for expensive treatment. their list defines. and, for example, this includes dental implants, infertility treatment using the ico method, palliative care for seriously ill patients, there are no limits on expensive treatment, you can return 13% of any amount. amount spent. the only limitation is that you cannot return more from the treasury than you transferred there. social tax deductions, all types of social deductions, are carried out and applied based on the year the expenses were incurred, in relation to the income of the year in which the expenses were incurred. the remainder is not, let’s say, unclaimed, not covered by income, next year. cannot be carried on the previous one either, this is precisely the mechanism the provision of a social deduction differs
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from a property deduction; a social deduction has such a transfer option, but unfortunately there is no unclaimed balance. property deductions , which relate, for example, to the situation of purchasing expensive real estate, or the introduction of costs for the construction of real estate, can be carried forward to subsequent periods, this is precisely their fundamental difference, unfortunately, such a history is not provided for with tax deductions, but in fact, in my opinion , this would be fair, because for expensive types of treatment, for example, it would be logical to spread this opportunity to obtain a deduction over a longer period for the taxpayer. so, let’s repeat the main thing: from 2024 , unified documents were introduced, these are certificates that confirm expenses. you will no longer need to submit other confirmations, such as contracts or checks. and already in the twenty- fifth, the deduction can be received on one application without a tax return. the
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social spending limit also increased to rub 150,000. that is, in a year it will be possible return up to 19,500 rubles. separately, they count the costs of training children or wards up to 110,000, which means that 14,300 rubles will be returned. for two parents or guardians. an exception is expensive medical care, for which there is no annual limit. if you have any questions , if you want to know more about taxes , customs, duties, excise taxes and so on, about how to communicate with the tax service faster and more conveniently, write to us in telegram, we will ask the experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of our instructions. you survived where death reigned. dear friends, i i invite you to our next issue of the author. we will talk about africa as a territory of the future, where russia has
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had many allies since soviet times. the monument to fathers mendeleev and florinsky , the founder of tomsk state university, whose history began 144 years ago, its appearance gave a powerful impetus to the development of the whole of siberia, and to this day the university remains the most important center of science, education and innovation. today tomsk is a city where every eighth resident is associated with universities, only in tsu about 15,000 people study, for whom a unique educational scientific environment has been created. if you want to develop throughout your life, if you want to become a leader in life and, so to speak, determine this
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life, then come to us, and we will give you this entire enriched environment so that you are the best made a choice. more than twenty faculties and institutes, whose technical base is available to student employees, unique installations developed at the university allow you to literally burn in the name of science. denis ka's group with a spark. researchers are studying factors in the spread of leaf fires and developing new methods for detecting hidden sources. using gas-analyzing equipment, using special sensors to study the aerosol there, we can essentially smell a fire, that is, using marker gases, we can catch it that way. the captured data will help operational services quickly make decisions on problem areas. the focus of researchers is not only on monitoring, but also on forecasting natural fires. the dragon helps the scientists with this. this installation allows you to simulate the transfer of burning
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particles, bark, leaves, which can fly away due to convection over tens of kilometers, and provoke so-called spot fires. the project to study them was supported by the russian science foundation. we can analyze, we can obtain information about their ignition potential, about how many particles are needed there to ignite a particular structural material or ground cover, and thereby make an amendment.
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but i understand that something happened wrong, i put out the hot saucepan with a glass of water, as a result, a mini-explosion occurs, let’s say, a fire occurs. several dozen laboratories are engaged in truly passionate research at the university; using high temperatures , for example, materials with desired properties are obtained. in this reactor, high -energy synthesis takes place, this process makes it possible to obtain unique additives that improve the properties, for example, of metal alloys, while still hot, this is called sinter, this is also what we call raw, unprepared material, the sinter is processed, broken, classify and then study the composition of the particles. we can say that this is such
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a seasoning that, in order for the properties to increase and improve, we can make a metal alloy. juicier or more fluid, and we can, with the help of such additives, increase, for example, the burning rate or heat of combustion of solid fuels. we call this materials with specified properties. these powders are subjected to high temperature processes several times. the hot pressing installation makes it possible to obtain ceramic or composite products that are in demand in a variety of fields. this is the aircraft industry, this is the shipbuilding industry, there. various parts that, well, various components of mechanisms in these industries. the head of the laboratory, ilya zhukov, says that the team works with leading industrial enterprises in russia. our developments in the field of special ceramic coating materials include materials of so-called slippery ceramics, aluminum-
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magnesium-boron compounds and the use of such materials as coatings for special components technology. provide an increase in its, therefore, wear resistance, and, accordingly, service life. the properties of melts obtained using additives are examined by laboratory staff. 80% of them are young scientists, with beginners working with them. we actively involve masters, that is, senior students from senior years, in the work to perform various applied tasks, and, accordingly, write theses and postgraduate works. special attention, according to specialists at... the university pays attention to technical equipment. a powerful hardware base allows you to achieve noticeable scientific results. i am developing alloys with increased strength characteristics. and for my tasks, that is , the study of mechanical properties or some kind of tribology, and the instrumental base of tomsk state university fully covers my tasks, allowing me to obtain
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research results that can be published at the same level. magazines, that is, the world level is ensured. technology, although the most important, is still a tool for scientists who admit that the team plays a big role for them. i love going to my job, and we always understand each other , we support, we work very hard, we are very demanding of ourselves, very demanding of others, and we will never abandon each other in trouble or in any way. the university actively supports student employees who work on competitive technologies. we consider it important to give every student the opportunity to touch the innovative and entrepreneurial direction, this is what they need today our country is preparing people
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who are capable of transforming knowledge into products and technologies. the tsu research and educational center is engaged in additive technologies, which allow layer-by-layer building up of materials, these are nanostructured powders based on zirconium dioxide, it is the nanostructure of the original powders themselves that makes it possible to obtain very high quality products, without defects, with a high level of properties. more than twenty people work here, graduates and students of the university, they press the grain, subject it to thermal and mechanical processing, polishing the products, then sintering at high temperatures. the production technology is unique, new not only for russia. if, for example, you make some kind of sample, study it there, put it, for example, in a furnace, and it just doesn’t work out for you, then you can’t just go to the internet to see why or even take it... this wear-resistant ceramics, which
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is used in various fields. in the future , we began to develop structural elements of a ball valve for the oil and gas industry; it is completely ceramic a valve that is resistant to acids and abrasive materials and is widely used in the oil and gas chemical industry. one such tablet is enough for 30 crowns; the dental laboratory says that the russian material is suitable for various orthopedic structures. now, if you certify it, you can start working, and we won’t see any difference from foreign analogues, that’s why. it’s just a matter of small things, just get certified and launch.
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the power of the university allows us to solve various problems. in this case we are not talking about culinary training. the chef of one of the tomsk restaurants is preparing a vegan burger. from vegetable raw materials, the manufacturer of which, before entering the local market, decided to find out how residents feel about such a meat replacement. the university conducted a study dedicated to studying fears associated with new products. it turned out that vegan cutlets in the public consciousness are shrouded in a real shroud of fears. well, the most important thing is chemistry, it’s not natural, it’s harmful, you can’t eat it, then it’s gmo, well, it’s quite an old idea in nutrition, well, myself. this is probably so scary for people - this is conspiracy theory, conspiracies, this is all being done specifically in order to reduce the population.
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based on the results of one of these studies, analysts compiled portraits of convinced vegans and ordinary supporters of a healthy lifestyle: makers, adherents of proper nutrition, and quite interesting facts were revealed, for example, vegans, one of their main values ​​is self-development, that’s exactly adherents have it right... nutrition is family and children, these are opposite values. the university carries out such and a number of other socially significant studies thanks to the center for applied analysis of big data, whose employees work with a supercomputer. we are among the top 30 most powerful supercomputers in russia, these are not only university supercomputers, but this is a supercomputer, for example cristofari from sberbank or the new supercomputers from incov, that is, in this regard we are very competitive. public opinion research, digital portraits, and computing power allow for a wide range of open research. this is true , because firstly, these are very interesting tasks,
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that is, there is something to talk about with your girlfriend, a competitive salary, a constant search for new solutions, so on the basis of the center they created a science, a national association of university e-sports. games are much more than just games, they are science and we are doing science, we are trying to understand how elements of esports can be included in the educational process so that students replace a standard lecture with 40 minutes of gaming, received the same educational result. the tsu esports class is located in the scientific library, which , by the way, works around the clock. from the founding fathers, the university inherited not only a rich collection of books, but over
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the years, now they contain about half a million samples, decades of work by more than 2.0 botanists. the works of modern botanists are presented in the university greenhouse, the largest in siberia. one of the areas that the university is actively developing is the study of the conservation of ecosystems in the region, a special attention is paid to the global problem of the spread of micro. only in the very
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, very rudimentary state, so it is of course very interesting from a scientific point of view to understand how widespread microplastics are in rivers, fresh lakes, how much of it accumulates, how it is transported, particles of synthetic fabrics, cosmetics and plastic items end up in rivers, lakes, and then accumulate in fish, their gastrointestinal tracts are examined in this laboratory, dissolved in alkali, and microplastics remain. we can observe paper filter, the diameter of one cell is 0.45 microns, visually we identified several fibers that were most likely obtained using the decay product of fishing nets, as well as decay products of the textile industry, which can enter the water, river ecosystems using waste water, for example, the center works in close
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cooperation with other laboratories of tsu, which means... a university that will unite higher educational institutions and scientific institutes of the region into an intellectual consortium. in the project's boundaries an inter-university student campus with 10,000 places will be created in the city. and this is not just a campus and residential areas, but this is actually a new environment that is being designed together with companies, there should be offices of pnd centers of companies, so that in this environment, the students themselves live, work, create, all universities mingle, that is, we we are aiming to create another high-quality
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infrastructure that will allow... central asia. being in the center of eurasian regions of the country, as well as from abroad, we are primarily talking about the countries of the southeastern and in russia, people from different countries come here to study , we have this culture of thinking, on the one hand, associated with a positivist and such a european approach that allows deep. delve into the details and gain new knowledge, on the other hand, while maintaining integrity, which is characteristic of the east, in fact, in our opinion, but new knowledge must appear, breakthrough, which will allow our country to occupy the forefront in technology. tomsk state university is among the largest
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classical ones. countries tsu today is one of leaders of higher education not only in the field of applied but also fundamental research.
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