tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 January 5, 2024 2:30am-3:00am MSK
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general vlasov was supposed to create the image of nazi germany as a liberator from the godless yoke. the germans tried to present this from a completely different angle, to show that they were not bringing occupation, but liberation, not enslavement, but liberation from the soviet regime. here you understand, it is also very important to understand the point that when i want to see something, if they show it to me, i am willing to do it. i agree, we must just state that a significant part of the population, before of the entire western ukraine, it was collaborationist, it was anti-soviet, which is why they served the germans with such ease. during the second world war, the german film studio ufa, part of the news film magazines ufa tonvohi, was involved in the production of propaganda films for the reikskommissariats ukraine and osland. 1941
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was published in ukrainian and russian. a whole staff of professionals, screenwriters, directors and cameramen worked on the film. all films were created under strict supervision officials from goebbels' ministry. the studio especially often produced propaganda films for ukrainian workers, who were called ostarbalters in germany.
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miraculously, she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty? her mother is an important person at court. everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and she’s a girl, she repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat our food, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, “yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now, we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it together, so i’ll horse you tore it up, where are you going, drowning two, got used to watching videos on the internet, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs. and
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more than in other cities, i liked the beer in munich, not only did pavlov like it, but the girls also drank theirs with pleasure. mugs, the big, lively city of munich, how much life and movement there is on the streets, at the same time how much order, looking around the university of munich, which we had heard about dearly from an officer, went straight to practical classes. students, doctors, a professor performs a demonstration operation, together with the students, our travelers, holding their breath, watch the complex operation. one can feel from everything that
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future european celebrities are being formed in this building. leonid lvovich recalled his student years with grief. he could relax like this in his dorm after classes, just comfortably in a student’s bedroom, but not only while sitting can you take a break from studying, but in the rhythm of gymnastics movements, a wonderful break from mental stress, the pictures were beautiful, they... showed a well-fed life, bavarian beer, which means happy people who work for the great third reich, but this was only an external facade, the propaganda side of the matter, this is the true nature of the work these ostarbeiters
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were completely different, i’m not even talking about the attitude towards them, which was very different, but in general they were treated by the same german farmers, as servants, as second-class people, with whom you can... not particularly be considered, propaganda never corresponds to reality, propaganda, it was created precisely to attract the population, precisely to mislead them. in fact, the ostarbeiters, firstly, they lived in isolated camps, control over the life of the post-starworkers was received by the ss, that is, accordingly, there were certain fairly strict rules of conduct, such as compliance. such as the prohibition of contacts between women and men ostarbeiters and women and men germans, very strict aspects regarding sabotage, refusal to work, and so on further, and a rather harsh regime of treatment,
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that is, these were people who were not prisoners of concentration camps, they stood above them in the legal category, but close to them, that is, getting into a concentration camp, by the way, was... no problems, that is, refusal from work, automatically concentrations. however, adolf hitler never appreciated rosenberg's grandiose propaganda project. for him, eastern europe was just a source of raw materials for free labor. the fuhrer's true plans for ukraine were described in detail in the ost general plan. this typescript the 100-page document was compiled at the university of berlin. the germans planned to use ukraine and other occupied territories of the soviet union exclusively as an agricultural raw material appendage to germany. all
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large industrial centers were supposed to be liquidated, and the cities were completely rebuilt and populated by ethnic germans. more than half of the local residents should have been destroyed or evicted beyond the urals. according to the plan, the germans had the exclusive right to occupy all key positions in the city administration, trade cultural institutions. the text of the ost plan did not provide for any national autonomy, much less state independence for ukraine. hitler did not delve into the ideas. yes, who was appointed imperial minister of the eastern occupied territories, immediately suggested that let’s make a government there from ukraine, let’s be russian. and hitler said that no, ukrainians for me are the same slavs as russians, that’s hitler, he didn’t understand rosenberg’s deep ideas, he said that for me they are all slavs, all slavs are those slaves,
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who would work for greater germany, they were supposed to be exploited in exactly the same way; according to the ost general plan , it was supposed to reduce their numbers in the same way. the population of ukrainians, as well as russians. for these purposes, it was planned to divide the entire population of the remaining ukraine into categories. the first category, well, according to various estimates. 30-35% was subject to germanization, what is this? these are actually ostarbeiters, well , only ostarbeiters who did not move to germany, but who remained as an auxiliary labor force on the territory of ukraine, they were supposed to serve the german masters, the second 30 percent was supposed to be transferred there to the east to the urals, so that they would carry out the necessary mission there, first of all kill the russians, this was part of the plans of the hitler command, well... and the rest was subject to destruction and disposal , because ukrainians, as well as
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other east slavic peoples, belonged clearly to the category of untermensch, but to implement this plan to finally turn ukraine into a raw material appendage of the third reich hitler failed. in august 1943, the wehrmacht suffered a heavy defeat at the kursk bulge. the best german divisions were defeated. 4,000 german soldiers were killed or captured. the red army liberated orel, belgorod and approached the administrative borders of soviet ukraine. on august 24 , 1943, soviet troops launched an offensive on a huge section of the front from smolensk to the sea of azov. after the germans’ operation on the kursk bulge failed, it became clear that germany. can't win the war and hitler, after the kurdish arc, was finally
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convinced of this. the question was that hitler set the following task, he set the task: not to lose the war, that is , it will not be possible to win, without options, but not to lose, that is, to transfer the war into a protracted positional war, when the exhaustion of the forces of both sides will lead to.. .to some kind of end to the war and the preservation of germany within those borders on which stabilization will occur. on september 8 , 1943, hitler urgently flew to the headquarters of the army center group in zaporozhye. this was the last one the fuhrer's visit to occupied soviet territory. after listening to the report of general field marshal manstein, he allowed the wehrmacht to retreat from eastern ukraine. to the dnieper. by order of the fuhrer, a new defensive line,
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the eastern rampart, was hastily erected along this river. the fortification lines stretched from the baltic to the black sea. according to hitler's plan, the dnieper was to become a natural water barrier for the advancing soviet troops. nazi propaganda declared the eastern wall an impenetrable wall. at one of the party meetings in berlin. hitler declared: the dnieper would sooner flow back than the russians would overcome it. over a considerable distance, it is believed that about 300 km of this fortified strip was equipped; they were on the high right bank of the dnieper. these were long-term dota points, concrete shelters, a trench trench system, multi-tiered, there were several rows of these trenches, barbed wire, anti-aircraft guns, and individual fortified firing points , let’s say, very good. supporting infrastructure, that is, at the closest distance from it, it is fortified from it on the eastern rampart there were, first of all
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, supply bases, these were ammunition, flammable materials, food, including the reserves that were stationed there, that is, it was such a deep and chaotic defense, there were troops of the first line, there were troops of the second line, there were troops of the third line , we had to overcome all these lines, the idea of this line was to conditionally end the war on it, so it was necessary to break through it, that’s why... for this purpose the battle for the dnieper was fought with quite large losses, with with a sufficiently large amount of force. to liberate ukraine, the soviet command assembled a record large force, over 2,600 thousand people, which was almost twice the number of soviet soldiers who participated in the battle of kursk. the troops of the voronezh, later the first ukrainian front, were commanded by a lieutenant general. nikolai fedorovich vatutin, this man had
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invaluable knowledge and experience, behind him was stalingrad and the kursk bulge. vatutin excellently planned operations to encircle large enemy groups. but now it's the fighters were exhausted. in 2 months they fought almost 400 km. however, the bet did not leave them time to rest. and regrouping. by the end of the forty-third year, after the kursk arc, the soviet command had already begun to quite actively switch to...
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the soviet command understood perfectly well that if without stopping, and this happened precisely without stopping the offensive, they stormed this line, then this would lead to large losses, but there was no time left for preparation, equipment, pulling up parts, the main thing the task was a rapid offensive, the liberation of kiev and, in the future, access to our western border. the width of the dnieper on various sections of the front ranged from 500 m to 3 km. stalin promised to award the title of hero of the soviet union to the first fighter to cross the dnieper. on september 21 , 1943, advanced soviet divisions began crossing the river. british journalist alexander werth recalled: as soon as
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soviet troops reached the dnieper, thousands of soldiers began to cross over to another. the western bank of the dnieper, it is higher than the eastern, and the width of the dnieper without a flood is about three kilometers , that is, to overcome a water surface 3 km wide with the dominant western bank, this is generally a very serious thing, that is, fire from a high bank simply from machine guns, even without
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artillery, or artillery with a warlock, or, well , with mortars to abandon the river, well, in general this is very serious. obstacles on september 22 , 1943, soviet troops managed to capture the first bridgehead on the right bank of the dnieper, at its confluence with pripyat. soldiers who managed to reach the right bank were under heavy enemy fire and were forced to dig into the ground. by the beginning of october, in some divisions that crossed to the right bank of the dnieper, no more than a third of the personnel remained in service. one of the soviet soldiers who served in the funeral team wrote: “we collected the bodies of the dead who drowned and stored them in mass graves, 50 people in each. a lot of soldiers died. the german coast was steep and well fortified, ours advanced in the open why were there big losses? in many ways,
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this was due to the fact that the germans had an excellent fortified line, they had quite serious artillery weapons, the river was well targeted, which is very important, that bank and the middle of the river were shot through, the germans had searchlights there, they were preparing for inflict maximum damage on those troops so that they do not have time to swim to their shore, because as soon as the troops crossed to the other shore they entered into hand-to-hand combat, this was completely different, because in many ways it was impossible to use their own artillery, their own firepower in order not to defeat their own troops.
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developed a new tactical plan. one of these tactics, strategic models, which was used by the soviet command when crossing the nepr, there was a capture of multiple bridgeheads, including false bridgeheads on the other bank, an imitation of what exactly here... would be in the direction of the main attack, why was this done? in order to stretch, disperse these troops, so that they were forced to react to these 53 bridgeheads, let's remember, 53 bridgeheads were captured, of course, not all of them knew what are called the lines for a further attack, but they disorganized the enemy, they were forced to spray their forces to respond to each of these bridgeheads in some way. for a further offensive beyond the dnieper, soviet troops needed tanks. special sapper and engineering units were sent to construct the crossings. pontoon bridges were built under continuous enemy artillery fire.
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the water temperature did not exceed 5°; in the bukrin area, where the width of the dnieper was about 600 m, almost a thousand piles had to be driven for a temporary bridge capable of withstanding tanks. despite this, the first bridge is days away. in order to finally dig in, finally build a fortification structure, finally shoot there, so that all this would happen, that is, the germans did not have enough preparation for the time being. on november 6, 1943, soviet
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troops liberated kiev and continued their offensive to the west. despite the autumn thaw, vatutin’s troops advanced 300 km. retreating, the germans left behind scorched earth. in total, during the war years they turned 714 cities and 28 thousand villages of soviet ukraine into ruins. in the devastated villages , the red army soldiers were met by those who were speechless suffering of the inhabitants. vasily grosman wrote: “hearing the russian speech, the old people run towards the troops and cry silently, unable to utter a word. the elderly peasant women speak. we thought that we would sing and laugh when we saw ours, but so much grief has accumulated in our hearts that the tears themselves flow from the eyes
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. the last operation of the battle of the dnieper is considered to be the karsusch operation, this is where the germans suffered a complete disaster, it became clear, because everything, well, everything had already failed, that is, the battle for the dnieper is the same battle that, well let's just say this is kursk the battle and stalingrad - this is the beginning of a turning point in the war, and the battle is just days away. three german servicemen appeared, one was a soviet collaborator. they were accused of killing several hundred soviet citizens, some of whom were killed with extreme
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cruelty in mobile gas chambers, the so-called gas chambers. the defendants argued that they were only following orders and therefore did not deserve capital punishment. however, on december 18, the court found them guilty and sentenced them to death. the next day, in front of tens of thousands of kharkov residents, the criminals were hanged in the blagoveshchensky bazaar square. thus, the kharkov trial became a prologue to the future nuremberg tribunal of nazi criminals, which will confirm the immutable principle of international law. the order does not exempt from responsibility for committing war crimes.
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investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear and clear signal in russia. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? you feel like you're on top of the world. he got up, shook himself off and went. is
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