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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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south korea accused the north of provocation after the dprk fired artillery salvoes towards the border islands. yonhap news agency reported that about 200 shells fell into the sea. all residents of the island were evacuated as a precaution. south korea has already responded with its own shooting. however, according to the agency, siul planned these exercises in advance. and it was with them that the evacuation was connected. in germany, hundreds of german farmers blocked the ferry on which vice-chancellor robert habeck wanted to return home empty vacation. the protesters demanded a reduction in transport taxes for agricultural workers. farmers tried to storm the ferry, however, havit's guards and three dozen police officers were able to repel the attack. the ferry still had to set sail to disembark the officials in a safer location. immediately after the advertisement ours.
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world war ii, battle of the caucasus. i think my grandfather is hiding something. bustle. fireworks, turning on the new year's light. lights the lights. magic staff, grandpa, we have one at home something tasty, let's conjure something, no, conjure, snowman courier, it has been proven that my grandfather is santa claus! on new year's eve
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, everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts, for those around them. happy new year, wizards, happy new year to those who grab polka dots along the way, keep up with another costume, and find that same entrance. yandex maps - an application for the new year's city. under silver foil, a delicious chocolate layer inside. beautiful, perfect planbier, airy, natural, happy mik in the heat of july carries a silver bullet, a ray of sunshine gold, the bremen town musicians are already in the cinema, win when you give joy to your loved ones, order a sbermarket scooter at the megamarket and win 10 million rubles.
11:03 am
one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, great blow, now i’ll post it , damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, mobile operator number according to coverage speed, cool video, took off faster than i thought, because... with the russian lotto the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses, cars, and also prizes of a million and jackpot 800 million, just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website, stolato, langidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue, mangidaza against prostatitis, new year's discounts in the magnet. belster cheese 1999, so that you
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remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito protects your payment for housing. payment is transferred to the landlord after successful check-in. and vika everything will go as planned. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month shoot for free. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy synetic dishwasher tablets for only 799 rubles.
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on november 5, 1942, residents of the city of ardzhanikidze, now vladikavkaz, were alerted. advanced german units broke into the village of gisel. from here they had only 8 km to go to the center of ardzhanikidze, but the nazis were unable to take the city. soon they were surrounded and defeated near gisel. selected tank units of the wehrmacht, after which the german offensive on the caucasus has stopped. hitler put everything he had into this blow. the goal was to destroy
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the soviet union, in principle, to take it out of the war. the battle for the caucasus lasted 442 days. on the front stretching from novorossiysk to... the caucasus, how did the germans manage to get to the top of elbrus, why did the battle for the caucasus turn into a military disaster for hitler?
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at the end of july 1942, german troops reached the foothills of the caucasus. on august 15, they approached the foot of the ancient volcano, mount elbrus. it was the highest mountain in europe. she rose 5.5 km high above the plain. to conquer elbrus, the germans sent 18
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military climbers from the edelweiss mountain rifle division. the ascent was commanded by captain hines groth. in 1939. even before the start of the war, grod had climbed elbrus and knew well the mountain roads and passes leading to it. on august 17 , at an altitude of 400 m, among deserted glaciers on snow-covered slopes, the germans discovered a soviet hotel for climbers called shelter 11. having established a strong point in it, grot’s detachment continued the ascent.
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it was decided to rename the western peak of elbrus hitler peak. a nazi flag was planted on the top of elbrus, a fairly well-known episode, it was carried out by a divisional unit, and then below at the foot of this mountain, this is described, by the way, in several memoirs, the germans held a solemn and iconic parade, i would even say a kind of sacred parade, because only ss units took part in it, which marched in their black formation, in black ceremonial uniforms, and thus... saluted the fact that here on one of the peaks, on one of the symbols of the soviet union flies the flag of the third reich. the newsreel german weekly newsreel dedicated a special issue to the conquest of elbrus and the installation of nazi banners. berlin radio
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announced that the caucasus had become part of the third reich. propaganda sheets were printed especially for the residents of the caucasus, soldiers of the red army in germany. troops are already in the north caucasus, the hour of your liberation is near, the collective farm system of power of the communist party has come to an end. on these same days, in all major cities of the caucasian republics there were rallies of thousands of people. people of different nationalities took to the streets of ardzhanikidze, grozny, tbelisi, makhachkala, sochi and baku. here are rare newsreels that were filmed on august 13, 1942 in the city of
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ardzhinnikitsa. residents of the ossetian capital and envoys of the caucasian republics gathered for a rally dedicated to the defense of the caucasus. among them are russians, assetians, georgians, azerbaijanis, kabardians, circassians, ovars, chechens, lezgins. turning to... to our bread, our oil and our gardens,
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this will never happen, fighting friends, sharpen blades, preparing for a mortal battle with the fascist robbers, we swear over the marriage of our fallen comrades that we will stop the enemy. we’ll smash it and kill it, we won’t retreat a single step. the battle of the caucasus became one of the largest battles in the great patriotic war. the front line stretched for 100 km, fierce battles took place among inaccessible mountain peaks and glaciers and gorges.
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about the formation of the ussr. during the years of industrialization , rich deposits of mineral raw materials were discovered in the caucasus. at the end of the 1930s, the caucasus provided 85% of all soviet oil, 65% natural gas, 56% manganese ore. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, the north caucasus became the main all-union region. more than 100 sanatorium hospitals for
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soviet soldiers were established here. through the caucasus ridge from iran there were supplies of american weapons, ammunition, tanks and aircraft under the lease program. hitler believed that the forty -second year would be the year of the complete defeat of the soviet union, that is, in the forty-second year the soviet union would cease to exist. so hitler concluded that the capture of moscow was not means taking the destruction of the soviet union. he stated in a categorically natural manner that moscow in general does not have any important meaning for him in this regard. that the main thing is to gain control over the food supply, the food supply is ukraine-kubalny don, this is the first, second, it is necessary to take control of the oil fields of the caucasus, well, first of all, the northern caucasus, the caucasus occupies a very advantageous strategic position, it is located on, say so, at a crossroads, on the one hand, you can strike from the caucasus
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to iran and further, from iran anywhere, from iran to closer.
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to the oil-producing regions, this is the north caucasus, this is baku, baku and grozny, then they wanted to take the coast of the north caucasus, first of all such important strongholds as tuabsy and novorossiysk, then from there they had a strategic plan, to strike where, to strike the english colonies , that is, right up to india, yes, this was a strategy, and for this it was necessary to appropriately plunder
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and eliminate the southern flank, let’s say, of the defense of the soviet troops. on the offensive... he participated in all major wehrmacht companies since the beginning of world war ii. army group a is advancing into the caucasus, which is assigned to marshal list. yelma, who has proven himself by the generation of yugoslavia, that is, he knows how to operate in mountainous areas with bad roads, with rough terrain, with the actions of rebel groups, that is, relatively speaking, a specialist in such balkan operations, balkanization, well, the balkans are mountains that the caucasus mountains means wilhelmlist, especially
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since veligerist is generally quite tough, quite professional commander. the caucasus was defended by two soviet fronts: the north caucasian, marshals semyon budyonny, and the transcaucasian, general ivan tyulenev. both commanders were men of great personal courage. during the first world war, budyonny and tyulenev served in the tsarist cavalry, fought on the front line and became full holders of the st. george cross. during the civil war, both supported soviet power. ivan.
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caucasus, but they practically did not have the strength for this; the headquarters did not send reserves to the caucasus. forty-second year since we we remember that for us it started not very successfully, one might say, even completely unsuccessfully , the failed offensive near kharkov, but the most important thing is that this significantly worsened our military-strategic situation in the south of the country, and it is no coincidence that it was in july of the forty- second year sevastopol, which had been resisting since 1941, finally fell, and so did crimea. became completely german, and against this background the germans decided, as they say, to build on their success and try to accomplish what they failed in the center, in the south, in the soft the underbelly, as they believed, where...... there are more chances, more space, there are open spaces, steppes just for these tank attacks. in my opinion, the problem of our troops in the caucasus was that
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these were troops, conditionally troops of the second echelon, that is, in general, no one was expecting an attack here, by and large there was not even a front here, there was a district, such an attack in in general they didn’t expect it, the command was not ready, not ready at all, there were problems with the command staff, with the organization of troops there are problems. the supply of tanks is at a very low level, there are practically no tanks there, that is, in general, the troops were not, so to speak, focused on immediate defense. on july 23, 1942, german troops captured rostov-on-don. on july 25, the wehrmacht received orders to begin operation edelweiss. the main blow was delivered in the direction of the formidable one.
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grozny, they had a very clear plan to capture the main cities that controlled this territory, their final blow was formidable, in order to then leave in baku, thanks to such offensive actions, they managed to basically reach key lines, they took a mozdok, that’s what i would pay attention to, this is, in principle , an oil-bearing area, they were stopped at malgabek, that’s where this line was further, which they...could not. velhelmlist ordered his troops to break through the mountains of the north caucasus, capture the city of sukume and encircle the entire black sea group
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of soviet troops. the shortest route to the sea lay through klukhorsky, morukhsky and sancharsky passes. at an altitude of over 3.00 m, the bedrock slopes were covered with snow and ice all year round. the soviet command believed. bet was an impregnable barrier and paid practically no attention to its defense. hastily prepared rifle units were thrown into the mountains to meet the germans. half of the soldiers had neither special equipment nor warm clothing. there was a shortage of ammunition, medicine and food. often soldiers were forced to bandage their wounds with footcloths. famous soviet mountaineer, captain of the red army. "we were climbers even before the war we once turned to the department of mountain, ski and physical training of the red army
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with a proposal to use our experience for mountain training of troops, but often heard the answer: we can’t fight on elbrus.” on the day when the germans hoisted their banners on the top of elbrus, general tyulenev received urgent directive from stalin. a native of georgia , the supreme commander-in-chief perfectly understood all the difficulties of the upcoming battles. he wrote: those commanders who think that the caucasian ridge in itself is an impassable barrier for enemy. we must firmly remember that the line that is skillfully prepared for defense and stubbornly defended is impassable. soon, on stalin’s instructions, a friend arrived in the caucasus.
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who commands them? by order of beria, many commanders were removed from their posts. budyonny was recalled to moscow. climbers were urgently called from all fronts to the caucasus. well- equipped sabotage groups were created from them. the supply of the army was improved. however, all these measures could not immediately change the situation at the front.
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it mainly recruited indigenous people from the mountainous regions of bavaria and austria. alpine jagers, as the germans called them, were trained in combat tactics in difficult-to-reach highlands. the germans cherished their mountain special forces and did not use them in battles on the plain , even during the most difficult periods of the war. this is exactly the division that included people who had first-hand experience. such a city, it was formed in the city of shart kirchin, this is bavaria, this is the alp, these are people who know how to ride mountain skis, these are people who have been involved in mountaineering to one degree or another, there often included hunters who hunted mountain bones in the mountains there, plus soldiers who were shorter, stockier, more hardy, that is, in this division there were southern germans, bavarians who knew
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the mountain conditions well, they lived in them. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, how to vote on a smartphone? early on sunday morning, during the absolute parade , the kids shouted: people, get up, everyone is going to vote, mom said sleepily, let’s choose remotely, dad supported, yawning, we choose electronically, the woman said to her grandfather, i’m a father, i’ll go with you on paper , our generation loves pills, but the young generation is electronically modern, i’m progress, not an opponent, hold my granddaughter’s alarm clock, this is all quite reasonable, it’s possible remotely, we let’s go with you, choose your mother the old fashioned way, using our usual method, on the site, as usual, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient.
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we will take on this matter, it will happen.
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these are people, these were very highly professional units, mountain men, they were sometimes called, they had a special emblem. on the edeluys mountain cap, this is a flower , yes, that grows high in the mountains, the training was very serious, preference was given to the skill of navigating in the mountains, the ability to act in small groups, very serious physical training, because almost the majority of the ammunition and other equipment they carried it on themselves, because there were even areas where no mules could pass, and of course no cars there...


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