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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. september 24, 2022 was an ordinary day for the crew of the fighter, su-34 bomber, pyotr kashtanov and dmitry koptilov, they came to work, received a task, they had to work.
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that's it, we started preparing for the flight, planning the route, working through it, put on the unloading gear and went to receive the plane. having received a flight mission for a combat mission, they took their duckling into the sky. that's what pilots call these planes, su-34. they are really similar in their nose part, but duck. in my opinion, as far as i can remember, it has always been like this.
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he served in military service, military service, that is, he already had experience in this regard, therefore, well , he quickly grasps everything, he grasped at that time, well, just as he grasps everything now, that is , accordingly, but what can i say, well, i say, a grated kalach, already such a serious man, the clock was 13:30, the day was sunny, as the icemen say
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, we descended to an extremely low altitude, we walked, we knew that it was hard for the infantry, we needed to work, including us, we worked, we walked along the route , bypassed the obstacles that we encountered at a height, uh, towers there and so on, they reached the target, worked at the specified time, completely unloaded, and went on the return route. they began to perform a maneuver at an extremely low altitude, well, at the moment when they began to retreat , they felt a blow to the plane, then time was very fleeting, that is , as if seconds passed in fractions of a second, that is, for everything, for all decisions, that is, it was as if the altitude was small , around 50 m, maybe a little higher there. after
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which the plane. was on the free ends, but when i turned my attention to it, i saw that it was hanging, and then i immediately i realized that i was already without a hand, landed, and assessed the situation.
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and unfastened the outboard, threw it into the zsa, ran to the assault, immediately assessing the situation, oriented himself to the cardinal points, in which direction we should go, and running up to the navigator, helped him unfasten from the undercarriage system.
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somewhere, yes, well, there was a swamp ahead , so it turned out that on my weak legs i also dived into this swamp, we couldn’t cross this swamp, but then we gave ourselves a painkiller, and
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just, roughly speaking, we got stuck , hid, in a matter of minutes , a group of bounty hunters arrived at the site of the plane crash. a special detachment of bandera men, having tracked the fall of our dryer in pickup trucks, rushed for the prize. pilots of the russian aerospace forces are tempting prey. just like in that same movie, we heard a sound, well, cars drove up, people started shouting something, the thought that our guys would be there, as if not. because we roughly imagined the place where, yes, where we landed, so we lay there, looked at each other, somehow in the eyes, we probably didn’t even say anything each other, i just
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don’t remember this moment, but we realized that there was no sense, not just a sense, but in general there was no sense in giving up , even worse, the hunters scattered and rushed to search for our heroes, the moment when we realized , that it was not our troops who came to pick us up, but realized that these were soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces who were shouting, russians come out, we will catch you, and so on, we became quiet, i took out a grenade. i turned the fuse,
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pulled out a grenade, pulled out the pin, i pressed it, and then they put their hand between each other, that’s it, then they began to wait, they threw stones at... us in the hope that we would get scared, move, or somehow give ourselves away. with a machine gun, fully loaded, about five meters from us, they prayed, they prayed, they still prayed mentally.
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in order to still live, this was probably the most terrible moment - which is experienced, constantly , replayed in the head, this was the most terrible thing, the russian artillerymen did not give the hunters a chance... to find the pilots, when our artillery began to work in this place, this scared them off, scared off the graduates, they they ran away, began to sacrifice us, look for us in other places, but we also continued to hear voices at a distance of about 100-150 m from us, they were approximately located, and nikolaevich said, we’ll probably live with you for a while, then i inserted the ring back. the artillery probably worked for another hour, probably there , that is, such moments, it stopped working
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, shelling began from their side, from small arms, from some kind, that is, in the bushes the same thing, in our bushes, that is the pilots lay in this swamp for 5 long hours, only when it got dark, we set off on our way, both had an injury to their right arm , peter had a fracture, nikolaevich had a complex dislocation, and plus... a compression fracture of the spine, it began to get dark, darkness, and we went east, it was warm , the sun was shining all day, but by the evening it was getting colder, well, closer to 30 at night it was already starting to get colder, we walked through fields, forests, along plantings, tried not to go out on the road, plus after the rains it was still slushy... it’s good there , fat, that is, there are also 5 on the shoes kg, i was very thirsty, i don’t
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know, maybe it’s all connected with emotions, plus painkillers, plus this all made itself felt, but only then it got dark so quickly, as if from the face they could see that it looked like a lake there was something nearby , well, it seemed like we had reached it, but that was not the case, it turned out to be surrounded by barbed wire and also a net... but we didn’t lose hope, we went along this net, we still came out, we found it, got some water , that’s it, we wandered on, they walked almost all night, almost didn’t talk, everyone had time to think. about something of your own. pyotr kashtanov, an ordinary guy from
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the russian outback, was born in khabarovsk, but grew up in the tambov region, where his parents moved a few years later. peter is the youngest in the family, there are two more sisters and a brother. since childhood , the boy dreamed of becoming a pilot. and the dream was not born by chance, near the village of zherdevka, where the kashtanovs lived. there was a military airfield and the guys often ran to watch the planes. petya liked these strong, beautiful and fast cars that soar into the sky and perform incredible the brevity and complexity of aerobatic maneuvers. it happens that a person, while still a child, saw something fascinating that sank into his soul and decided: i want to be a pilot, a director, an astronaut, or anyone else, the main thing is that i have a dream. this happened with pyotr kashtanov.
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i was 14 years old at the time when i consciously realized that i had chosen exactly the profession that i wanted to do for the rest of my life. when you see a plane flying and someone is flying it, i wanted to do the same. peter stormed the admissions office of the flight school several times, but... the time came for army service , he ended up in the tank forces, upon his return he again tried to enroll in the flight, the sky beckoned, it didn’t work out, then there was the ordinary life of a young man and...
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therefore you strive to realize it, he again came to the city of niysk, krasnodar region, on the fifth call, he entered, it was probably the happiest day of his life, like the first flight, excellent for the take-offs. this is the best job in the world, and i will continue to recover and continue my flying career. why fly? well, there's one life, everything is different there, there is a family there,
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real people in this profession. the most sincere, the most frank, who will support you at any moment, help you, real people in aviation, i prove this to myself, every day when i come to work, major dmitry koptilov, he has been serving as an aircraft navigator for more than 10 years, only a month has passed since being wounded, and he’s already driving himself, he says it’s not time. have been treated, the spine still hurts, but not so noticeably, so the assault sometimes allows itself to drive its car, a restless person, in hospitals and sanatoriums, a hand in the nikolayech hospital, although outwardly calm, taciturn, a real navigator who loves the sky and his profession, paving the way, i
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myself am a village boy. and we have a special choice, and we have a special choice there, and since my uncle is a military man, he advised me, he says, why not, let’s try, yeah, well, in principle, i finished school well, so there was an opportunity to enroll , that is, the score was not bad, we served in belarus and they came to visit us with their aunt, and i took it for airfield and put him in the cockpit, he still remembers, he says, i say
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, tasks and so on, i can’t imagine how a groundman, roughly speaking, for me, are all heroes and in fact, they have such features, he is in any the moment to be ready, that's all , it's not about awards, it's not about this , it's about the person himself, about his attitude towards his work, towards his service, that's why it's not even
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classmates, classmates and not classmates, just guys, that's all cool. everyone who is there serves in the armed forces, all normal, adequate guys, but let's go back to that day, on that ukrainian field, where our sim-34 was shot down by an enemy kzrk. the night came the next day, september 25th. after an eight-hour march
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, the pilots had almost no strength left to go further, so they decided to rest for at least an hour. the so-called rescue blanket was very useful for this case. big words of gratitude to caring people, and who. aviation is helped, for example, by the same kits that warmed us up, you know, there are fires and so on, the film shows plastic bags, not bags, but how they are done correctly, warming film, yes we took cover, about an hour was enough for us to warm up, now we lay down, warmed up; it was already beginning to get light. we also had a monocole with us, that is, we could still see the approach of our
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troops 3-4 km ahead, identify our troops, the motivation was first of all to survive, because just like that, to sacrifice ourselves, just like doing nothing , roughly speaking, well, what kind of motivation was there, that... family, there was motivation, peter walked ahead, motivated, he had water, so, well, really, yes, like each other they supported me and i wanted to return home, first of all, just to return, at this time officers came to everyone’s home out of happiness, calming me down. or their wives, they said that there was no information yet that they had died, we were looking for them, there was hope that they were alive, after three or four hours they only
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informed our families that this was the situation, but like there was no point in being upset yet, because there was no information confirmed that where they are alive, not alive, died, did not die, that is , this is kind of the situation, my mother found out somewhere... on the second day i told her what, well shared that this happened, i was just getting out of the plane, i fell and injured my arm , then the next day she found out from others, everything became clear, but she said right away, you’re darkening something, well, it ’s deceiving your mother, the hardest thing it was at that moment already, well, after all the calls. to save by deception, to try to save her nerves, and they walked, it was more than 10 km to our posts, they
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had to somehow get through, with broken arms, with a broken osturman-spine, they walked, walked and walked their own way, at most secretly, without giving themselves away, well understood that we were... from when we had already moved 10 kilometers away, realizing that we had retreated in our direction, but it already became morally easier. in the morning, the pilots went out to some kind of farm, several houses, hangars, what parts were there, whose side was unknown, at 9 am we approached the settlement, nikolaevich remained waiting, i came closer to see it too.
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i saw the letter z, well, my soul seemed to already feel better, but i still wasn’t sure that it was ours, just, well, i waited for
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peter. told him this news, but she had already left, as if at that moment they saw in the distance a man, on the outskirts of khotor the pilots met a man, the man looked to be a pensioner, he was doing something in the garden, then he headed towards the house, hello, father, hello, where are the russians, yes, there are russians everywhere, father, give me some water to drink, that’s it, we’ve drunk the watermen asked that there were our troops here, anyone in the populated area, he said, yes, there are artillerymen, we asked him to take us, grandfather didn’t come in himself, he was so far away, guys, someone come out there were so many people here, they all came out, they were like, where are you from, we, we are from there, and what area, such and such, yeah, and how do you walk from there?
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we scurried around, we were like, well, somehow we came like that, then they took us to the evacuation point, and a helicopter helicopter flew in, they took us away, took us to the hospital, today the worst thing is over for them, weeks and months of treatment and rehabilitation lie ahead, neither one nor the other, despite what they have experienced, wants to part with heaven, only, probably, their attitude towards life has changed after everything that happened. god gave this situation, well, the opportunity to continue living, we must take advantage of everyone, not that there, i don’t know, change some stereotypes and somehow, maybe something, if any, was bad, remove all this and start a new, clean life. i was raised by parents who, after all, grew up in the soviet union, who saw it all, who experienced it all, here.
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experienced all this, told how it was, how it could have been, how it didn’t happen, so they instilled everything, parents first of all, that is, you are first of all grateful to your father, father and mother for being for what is right upbringing, also in our school, where teachers instilled in us this, to respect our elders, to listen to them, to listen, after all, people have lived longer than us, they have seen us more. it’s very interesting to work with such people and learn from their experience, it ’s worth a lot, literally just now i was talking with a friend with whom i was in the hospital, a month later he was back on the front line, they gave him leave, now he’s back on the front line, that is, what else am i i can say, i just asked him, it’s not too early, maybe you’ll live longer? well,
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what does he say, you have to do it, so you have to do it, here you go nikolaevich, now he’s not just an assault for you, probably, yes, he’s my brother, already the eldest, first of all, thanks to him , it’s really thanks to him that everything happened like this, that we ’re alive and well, it’s thanks to him, he’s to me i’ve already become like a brother now, that’s why. yes, we have always been family, because the team in aviation, well, in any team it is coherent, in aviation people are always frank, well-coordinated, we are one family, we prepared for dissolution, dissolution and once, we started to the left, second, 202, i see 201, i like it i'm 900, i understand, but 23,
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अव shelled the belgorod region, came under fire and...


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