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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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i understand, but i see 203, the first, the second, you see, now i see everyone. the mtr shelled the belgorod region, and... the city of shibekina also came under fire.
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a man received a shrapnel wound and was taken to the hospital. power lines were damaged and several streets were left without power. belgorod and five other districts are also under fire. air defense systems intercepted 10 missiles, but shrapnel shattered windows in houses and damaged cars. two people were injured. the authorities said that for security reasons they are ready to remove everyone from belgorod to the nearest cities. the situation in belgogod. continues to be difficult, we are doing everything that depends on us to restore, now the operational headquarters for the restoration of belgorod is working, some families write: we are scared, help us - go to a safe place, we are ready to transport you on the same day, we will accommodate you in comfortable rooms, warm, safe, free food, and you will stay there for as long as necessary. there are not enough places in our
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temporary accommodation centers in the region, which means i will contact our colleagues, the governors of neighboring regions, so that they can provide us with all possible assistance. they are hitting peaceful cities, proving to the west that kiev is still ready for any crimes, as long as the allies continue to give money, as the western press writes, by january 10, when the nato council will be held, ukraine needs to show that it can still... harm russia, in addition, the kiev regime is thus trying to lift the spirit of despondent nationalists. about crimes egor grigoriev. another attack on the ssu on mirny belgorod, 30 damaged cars, 90 apartments, newly injured residents. in moscow, 74 people are already being treated, 20 in intensive care. the ukranazis do not hide that they want maximum casualties and destruction. the reserve colonel in the ssu in his video predicts the trajectory of the new ones.
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language word: pure russian. the presence of missiles with a flight range of 2.0 km is a lie to make matters worse, but multiple launch rocket systems are actively used against civilians, while ukrainian armed forces soldiers on the front line try to survive on a diet of shells. spanish elpaiz writes with reference to sergeant of the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade. they are fighting with remnants not suitable for their purposes. but the ukrainian leadership is now of little interest to the goals of the military. at the office.
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according to the new law , even the third disability group will not save you from mobilization . it was the politician zelensky, the comedian, who brought the mask to show on the streets; they offer to escape from the military commissars with the help of the image of a storyteller for 13,600 hryvnia.
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kikiev again wants to feed big headlines to sponsors; they are attracting specialists who have been written off, but understandable to the west, such as an expert apu, american transgender cirillo. in the summer of 2024, crimea will be explosive, the russians will explode. what do you have in mind? i don’t think that the kerch bridge will be standing in the summer of 2024. simultaneously with the terrorist revelations, ukraine’s assurances from its european partners, the head of european diplomacy , barel, and the polish foreign minister, discussed the supply of missiles to kiev. they prudently kept silent about their range. condemnation of attacks on peaceful targets, prohibitions on such things.
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delivered 41 group strikes, one massive with high-precision weapons and drones at decision-making centers at military airfields, arsenals and bases, as well as at ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities and locations of kiev militants. all objects are hit. during this time , about 40 attacks were repulsed. zelensky’s formations lost another 4,700 soldiers and mercenary officers. 14 tanks and 68 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 87 su-27s and a mi-8 helicopter, as well as 253 combat drones. the latest means of combating drones were demonstrated at the raevski military training ground near
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novorossiysk. there was an offsite meeting council of innovation technopolis. these systems can protect against various types of drones and work even in difficult conditions. then today at the training ground we see a demonstration of the work that was carried out , as i already said, in cooperation between industry and the structures of the ministry of defense, today the technopolis demonstrates
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enormous demand, because it is the platform on which this is the unification and development of the field the battle of these unique solutions. is happening. the prosecutor's office in the moscow region is conducting an inspection after the outages, provision of public services. emergency restoration work on the heating main in podolsk has been completed. the backup boiler is started. most of the work is currently underway. heat will be supplied to houses in the klimovsk microdistrict in the coming hours. this was announced by the head of the city district, grigory artomonov. well, for now people are being given heaters. a field kitchen with hot water has been set up on oktyabrskaya square. and tea. the accident occurred at night, several teams worked, in the morning the heat supply was resumed, during the day new problems were discovered, but now they have dealt with them. residents microdistrict, they will recalculate utility bills. in the north-east of moscow,
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the power supply to houses, which was disrupted as a result of an accident at a substation, has been completely restored. the mayor of the capital announced this. sergei sobyanin noted that all houses are powered according to a permanent scheme, but 20 teams remain on duty to quickly respond to possible complaints. on thursday morning there was a fire at a substation in the beskudnikovo area, the fire was quickly extinguished, but some of the houses had to be transferred to a backup circuit. in germany farmers blocked the ferry with economics minister robert habeck, are outraged by the reforms, and believe that habeck is deliberately finishing off german agriculture. what is this for? everything led up, anton dadykin will tell you. the farmers arrived at the port in advance, because the deputy prime minister and minister of economic affairs for climate protection of germany, robert habeck, was returning from the christmas holidays on a picturesque island in the north sea. the police did not allow the tractors of those meeting them to approach the pier.
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then the farmers tried to break through to the target along the shore. upon the arrival of the ferry with the deputy prime minister more than 100 people gathered at prechala. according to german media, habeck suggested that the demonstrators send several representatives on board for negotiations. farmers responded by calling on the minister to go ashore. to talk like men. took a chance, when the stranded deputy prime minister began to move away from the pier, the protesters rushed to storm. it was not possible to detain the ship, then some participants in the action remained on the shore, waiting for khabik with the next voyage; they celebrated the success of the blockade with fireworks. the ferry set sail with khabik, no negotiations with us there wasn't, although we are all here... peaceful, we just want to talk to him, to say that the government has crossed the line.
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according to the bilt newspaper, habeck was finally able to go ashore only at about 2:00 a.m., after the farmers had dispersed. the blockade of federal minister habiq's arrival at the ferry pier shamefully violates the rules of democratic coexistence. with all the understanding of the characteristics of a living protest culture, such a radical expression of political mores should not leave anyone indifferent. vacationer's blockade khabika took place. despite the fact that the ruling coalition in germany announced concessions for farmers the day before. agricultural machinery will continue to be exempt from transport tax. subsidies for diesel fuel will be reduced, but gradually over 3 years. this year they will decrease by only 40%. the government's generosity has not delighted either farmers or the opposition, whose representatives govern parts of germany's federal states. this is a distracting maneuver by the coalition. it turns out that now farmers should be grateful that there will be no transport tax, but subsidies for
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diesel fuel will begin to be reduced gradually, do you really think that farmers are dumber than you, this is a mistake, your hands will see subsidies for diesel. the german farmers' union has already announced that a nationwide protest planned for monday will go ahead despite the government's concessions. we will continue our protests, we demand that the government completely abandon the abolition of subsidies. the government decided to get into the pockets of farmers after the verdict german constitutional court. on november 15 last year, he prohibited berlin from using 60 billion euros from the fund intended to combat the pandemic for the transition to green energy. the cabinet of ministers' ability to make new borrowings is blocked as a hub at the door. all that can be done is to seek new revenues, which is difficult to do in an economy that is suffering from rising energy prices as a result of anti-russian policies. the total rating of the three parties of the ruling coalition is 32%, this is an anti-record. a traitor
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to the people, a criminal. and this is how olaf was greeted scholz in the state of saxony anhald. the chancellor flew in to inspect the flood zone. the reputation of the politician himself is tarnished not only by the budget crisis and reckless support for ukraine, but also by the corruption scandal. at the end of december , the german media found out that in 2016 scholz, then... a new batch of signatures in support of vladimir putin as a presidential candidate arrived at his central election headquarters. the first to be brought were the documents collected in moscow. anton potkovenko monitors the work of the headquarters. impressive boxes, each of which it’s enough to simply hold it, but the political weight, of course, is enormous, this is where the will
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of citizens is expressed, those very signatures in support of the nomination of the current head of state vladimir putin in the elections in march of this year. putin's central election headquarters in the capital's gostiny dvor brings in documents in batches of three boxes, each containing such weighty a4-sized stacks. these are the same sheets with signatures. the first is moscow. hello colleagues. next are the signatures from bryansk, then almost immediately the boxes with documents from the vladimir region, and then one region after another, more and more volunteers. belgorod, voronezh, ivanovo, kaluga regions, signatures were brought by the twins, the klakov sisters. i am very proud that there are so many signatures from the kaluga region. entire stacks of boxes: kostroma, kursk, lipetsk, oryol region, ryazan, smolensk, tambov, tver, tula, yaroslavl, leningrad region and st. petersburg.
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all of them will be transferred to the central election commission by january 31. they brought them to the central election headquarters with signatures collected from 19 regions, these are all signatures in support of our candidate. let me remind you that december 30 is also. the documents were delivered here by volunteers from the moscow region, naturally , if you count, we have another 69 regions that will bring all the collected signatures one by one, our lawyers check all these signatures so that there are no errors, and of course the collection of documents throughout the country, he continues. we have already collected more than half a million signatures, and next week a new interim result will be announced. all signatures in excess of
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the required 300,000 will subsequently be listened to to update the information base of supporters. an exciting event, at least for us , i became the first registered candidate for the high post of president of the russian federation, this is the start of a very serious, albeit short-term election campaign,
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it will be interesting, it will, i hope, i am sure, be effective for the citizens of the country . vladislav davankov also received a presidential candidate certificate. it was put forward by new people, parties focused mainly on entrepreneurs who continue formulate your country's development program. we already have more than 240,000 people registered on our website who want to become volunteers, who want to take part in shaping our program, and those who want to become trusted representatives. the central election commission has currently reviewed the documents of 11 candidates for nomination to the post of president of russia, eight from the party and three self-nominated candidates. the collection of signatures is underway, the first certificates have already been received, which means that the election campaign in russia has taken a political start. anton podkovenko, evgeny kirilenko, konstantin berzov, lead. well, then, after a short advertisement, we’ll talk about the situation in
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the automobile industry. if they ask me to go to the store, i turn from my beloved dashenka into daria ubigailova, well, unlike my dad, he loves this business, the megamarket, the new year's sale, oh, i ordered peas for olivya, winter freshness or double strength, squirrel or a crocodile, and dad is often profitable, apply thank you bonuses, pay benefits up to 95%, that’s what you need, and after that you’ll be loved again for a long time, until you get hungry again, couscous, mega. please in new year is profitable, well, how are you with a cold , i’m even on the nose, we can handle it together, but first bouklin, the two components strengthen each other by acting against the symptoms of a cold, everything passed together we are strength, double strength ibuclin double strength against cold symptoms in tablet format or powder for a warm drink, the legendary
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we take cherkizov, cut it, bake it into a delicious chicken, cherkizov from meat from our own farms. what men are silent about, that life is out of control, the fear of ceasing to be a man, these are symptoms prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn, turn, twist once. only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita with delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, with a credit card everything will be as you
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want, everything will be as you want, there will be peace for three, they will start not shorter, just we have enough. in russia, more than a million new lik cars were sold last year, production is developing, so the aurus company is going
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to launch a business class line, and there are also plans to revive the volga brand. about the main trends vera moroz. last year , the russian automobile market began to show signs of recovery and began to grow. this is especially noticeable against the backdrop of a low base for 2022. according to the ministry of industry and trade. in the twenty-third year , one and a half times more passenger cars were sold, 1,56,000. after the catastrophic decline, we see recovery growth, and we see reaching the level of a million cars per year, at the peak in 12 , more than 3 million cars were sold in russia, 1.5 million cars have been sold steadily in recent years, and we understand that a huge market has been formed - demand. the average check exceeds 3 million rubles. according to spent. chinese brands are in the lead when it comes to purchasing funds. in november their share was about 65%. this is more than 200 billion rubles.
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russians then spent almost 45.5 billion on domestic brands. their price ceiling was 2 million rubles. this is the most dear, the most packaged news costs that much. that is, people who are largely focused even on cars that cost a million and a half. this is a grenade, these are both nivas, this is vesta in inexpensive configurations, it will also end up here. apparently, a new spark that will take its place between granta and vesta, buyers who go for slightly different cars, and other cars among the new ones are, of course, chinese cars of all axles, but prices start there, the minimum, the very minimum, which can now be found with with all discounts, this is 1,800; in terms of sales volumes, the gap is not that big, 63,500 chinese cars per month, versus 3,600 domestic ones.
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production and government officials and municipal representatives of departments, state companies, and in general for a wide range of consumers who had previously bought western brands. i think that it will be interesting and prestigious to purchase the aurus brands of the next line, they will be in a different price category, more affordable and more mass-produced. by according to the calculations of the ministry of industry and trade over the past year, the production of domestic cars should have increased by 15%, to approximately 700,000 units. this is for all segments, including buses, trucks, cars and light commercial vehicles. according to the ministry, production of the volga
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with a modern design is expected to restart in the middle of this year. we also previously managed to revive the moskvich brand. meanwhile, businesses that were abandoned by foreign companies are gradually returning to work. so former korean hyo's korean plant st. petersburg, may launch assembly in the first half of the year. this is not the only example. the head of rostec previously told vladimir putin about plans for the production of atom electric vehicles, in moscow, on the basis of a former renault enterprise, so at this site we made the production of this atom electric car, and i think that somewhere in the middle of the twenty- fifth we will already deliver , in the twenty-fourth the prototype will be ready, and in the twenty-fifth we will begin serial production on the assembly line.
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local work, to localize production the fund has already allocated about 50 billion in auto components since 2022. there are also programs for preferential loans and leasing. these are government programs with preferential loans for young doctors, for families who buy their first cars, and so on. there is a state program of preferential leasing, which is really a big help, including for... commercial segment, we count on the state to allow the use of maternity capital funds for the purchase of cars, this is where it really lies - in fact a very serious lever to support the car market and the auto industry. the russian automobile industry also has export potential, so avtovas plans to increase the supply of lada cars abroad to 100,000 units by 2030. in particular, negotiations are underway with
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iran. indian special forces conducted a special operation in the arabian sea off the coast of somalia. the missile shifter recaptured a cargo ship that was hijacked by pirates. chronicle of events from our subcorrespondent in india evgeniy davidov. the cargo ship seized off the coast of somalia was under liberia flag. according to preliminary data. there was an indian crew on board. 15 sailors barricaded themselves inside and are waiting for help. the first images of the captured cargo ship. indian special forces land on board and carry out a clean-up operation, all this is under air control, naval commandos check the deck, look into the triumph and commander's room, here is a message from the country's navy, the crew has been saved. the entire crew of 21, including 15 indians on board the ship, were safely evacuated. in the news release in india today began with information about the condition of the sailors, as reported by the country's military department, the cargo ship sent a signal
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to the maritime trade coordination center. boarded and comes under the control of pirates, many legal subtleties arise: firstly, this ship is not indian, it flies under a different flag, and you need to have permission from the owner, without which our military cannot board the ship. piracy off the coast of one of the poorest countries in the world has continued since the nineties of the last century, after the outbreak of civil war and dismantling of the navy, somali pirates have since attacked thousands of ships in the arabian sea and indian
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ocean region. most pirate attacks off the coast of somalia come down to one thing: the pirates take the crew hostage and demand the shipowner's money. the crew can't do anything here, they can't shoot back or resist, so negotiations with the pirates are coming. however, the pirates did not put forward any demands today. the indian destroyer approached the captured ship within hours. pirates on a ship by this point it was no longer there. probably, even before the arrival of the military, they left the ship. evgenia davidov, vladislav dadonov and anna lvova, news. from india, and now a message that arrives marked urgent, the fsb has detained a russian involved in an attempt to commit sabotage at a ministry of defense facility on instructions from the ukrainian special services. here is a quote: the federal security service detained a russian citizen involved in an attempt to commit sabotage on one of the facilities of the russian ministry of defense in the chelyabinsk region. sabotage. was
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