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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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gives concerts, some funds from these concerts allegedly go to the armed forces of ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine, i want to immediately make a reservation that i have no warnings to either mr. sheppelev or aneruzhek, we just received these letters associated with their names , that’s why we’re talking about them, so as not to fantasize and not spread gossip, we turned to... the presidential administration to the structures that actually deal with such issues. this is what they told us. annie loroc, after the start of the svo, being under the emotional influence of information, about at the beginning of active hostilities on her social networks, she posted several posts in support of ukraine. currently, anna lord takes an active part in a charity fundraiser for child victims.
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during the period of the svo, and also provides financial assistance to the state budgetary institution, the shakhtarsky orphanage boarding school, for the disabled, the dpr, and so on. the press secretary of the president of the russian federation, dmitry sergeevich peskov, vouched for loyalty, not lorks, to replace the head of the presidential administration of the russian federation. can i not believe official response on this matter from?
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behaved because they are speaking not in front of the presidential administration, but in front of people who pay money for their speech, and these people want to know what they really think, otherwise it turns out that the declaration, so to speak, is a condemnation, sincere, passionate and so on, it is public and loud, and so to speak, everything else, mil pardon hoped.
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or not? in my opinion, this is a very sincere attempt by people to get answers to questions that concern them, really concern them, because that living in uncertainty about how to relate to something is very difficult, this is a sincere desire to figure it out, but denunciation is completely different, and i will now give you an example of what denunciation is, if... such an actor is anatoly bely, he
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worked in vamkhat, was popular, starred in many tv series, the audience knew him, loved him, he very sharply condemned the military operation, he said that he was ashamed, he said that he despises all those who support what happened, and slamming the door, he left our country, went to israel, this man committed, in my opinion... two betrayals: first, he betrayed his homeland, which gave him everything, education, profession, fame, money, the opportunity to live comfortably, i realized that i don’t want to live here, i can’t live here, i won’t live here, the country is an aggressor, a terrorist, who, well, really poses a threat to the world, i have a happy opportunity, i repatriated to israel by blood and that’s it, if again, it’s unpretentious...
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do you think so? count. he left and slammed the door. for me this is betrayal. because that before blaming your country for being an aggressor, it would be nice to think about the fact that 8 years before this
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moment, russian people in eastern ukraine were bombed, shot, killed, tormented, tortured, and so on. you didn’t do that... you earned money, played in the theater, was completely fine. the second betrayal, in my opinion, is a betrayal of its own kind, because in order, apparently, for mr. bely to achieve great results in our country, he abandoned his real surname, the surname of his relatives, parents, grandparents, great-grandmothers, great-grandmothers, surname weissman, he became white. so, just recently the lenkom theater was supposed to go on tour to israel , with a wonderful performance staged back in 1989 by mark sakharov, a jew, by the way, according to the stories of the famous jewish writer sholomaleihom, tevye
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milkman, a performance, a memorial prayer, peltzer also played there, sasha abdulov and leonov played there, the performance was restored, now... the role is played by a wonderful artist, with whom i i really love happy to work, seryozha stepanchenko, this is a play in a jewish shtetl, about pogroms, about the very difficult fate of a jewish family at a certain time. so, anatoly vaisman writes a denunciation that sounds like this: they want to bring the linkom theater on tour to play a play, a funeral prayer, read speculation on the jewish theme on the stage of the theater "gabima, blasphemy. dear israelis, with experience, you can explain to me what this is what? the producers decided for themselves that money doesn’t smell like blood. and most importantly, how to make this shame didn’t happen, i’m waiting for constructive
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answers and appropriate actions. after that, all sorts of threats were sent to the artists, and the tour had to take place. cancel, why do you think, why did anatoly vaisman do this, why did he do everything for a wonderful performance staged by a wonderful director, a jew, i repeat, based on the wonderful work of the great writer sholomaleikhoma, the monument to which onobronny stands here, why didn’t he want to, so that this... play about the jewish people will be shown in israel, because he doesn't care on this people, because he understands for sure that when this performance comes to israel and will enjoy a gigantic resounding
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success, the level of weissman himself will be below the plinth, because what he abandoned, what he rejected from himself, will come to israel and will prove that this is great russian culture of the highest class, which is unworthy of a man who betrayed both his homeland and his family, instead of helping his today's compatriots watch high art, mr. weissman. does everything so that this does not happen, because the greatest sin lives in him, envy and fear that they will see who you really are, having lost everything in
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russia, mr. weissman does not want the israeli viewer to see what he really lost. his grandfather , who fought against nazism, who had no hesitation, betrayed his benefactor and also a jew, who made him, made him both an artist and a president, calmly, just like that, with a click, put him under arrest, to please another master, although only recently this is how i congratulated him on his day birth, dear igor valerievich, with great pleasure, to be honest, we congratulate you, in general, i wish you everything that the guys said, and friends, time, and health, and children, grandchildren, in general, i wish you
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the next year, so that everything will be the same for you, and at least something has changed for us, birth, environment, thank you, believe me, i’m not defending kolomoisky, absolutely not, everything about him is clear, i’m talking about something else, i’m talking about that lightness. with which people part with their conscience, with a feeling of gratitude with a feeling debt, surprisingly, the arrest of kolomoisky is a demonstration of the fight against corruption, despite the fact that the attitude towards this corruption is fantastically varied, look, for example, how the poet and writer defines corruption in ukraine
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. this is actually the essence of the ukrainian people, that is, the jews of kolomoisky punish for
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the virtue of the ukrainian people, normal, and i want to ask a question, in connection with all this, with the lenkom theater with the cancellation of the tour, with corruption, with the arrest of kolomoisky, with vaisman’s denunciation, jewish the people experienced one of the most tragic stories of the people... to look for those who are to blame for your torment , for what they did to you, no matter how they changed
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passports, continents, histories, biographies, no matter how they did plastic surgery, you were able find and punish adolf eichmann, gerberd cukurs, you continue to look for those who are to blame for the torment of your people, how can you dance havanagil together with the azov people today? tattoos with hitler slogans and swastikas, how can you communicate with people whose slogan are the words of tiknebok from their party declaration, remember, the damned jewish community does not pay attention to this, this is the zionist community and strives for the ukrainians... to disappear forever. ukraine has hostages, jews. if the globalization
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community leads its troops, then a real holocaust for jews will begin in ukraine. how can you kiss the chevron of a soldier of the azov regiment, as one of the hasidim did in uman. moreover, this soldier of azov at this very time is decorated with a nazi symbol, a wolf a hook that served as the emblem of n. sdap. and how can you, based on the cowardly, dependent denunciation of a certain white weissman, deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying. but don’t you see how two things are combined, when some are ashamed to be russian, and others are afraid to be jews,
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how both are combined in one word? betrayal, and you look how one thing is replaced by another, look how unexpectedly corruption is called the best quality of the people, and a vile, vulgar denunciation turns into a sincere, very hard-won feeling of justice and the desire for it justice has triumphed , look like a shawl...
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especially now, when russia is threatening to use nuclear weapons again, imagine that what she said now would have been said 30 years ago, that it happened in hiroshima, that this it was terrible, and that today it could happen again, because russia is again, listen, again threatening to use
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nuclear weapons, bitch! there is no other word, this little word alone again gives the opportunity to millions of semi-literate people who do not know history and are not interested understand that for the first time, too, this bomb was dropped by russia, the soviet union, and not a word about the united states and not a word about the pilot.
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i’ll give you an example , such a harmless, harmless one, for now it’s a show , we know that this is some kind of action where connoisseurs, smart people gather, who very carefully watch how fashion develops, they see those costumes and those clothes that never no one will see it either on the subway, or on the trolleybus, or even in a taxi, they evaluate it, they talk to each other, everyone has their own opinion, it wears... the character is new, they don’t even understand that being in this state of self-awareness, of actual importance, you can just like that, just like that, flick them on the nose and tell them that you’re just dunces, because a witty funny pranker took and put on a swimming cap , covered himself with a piece
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of plastic and walked along the catwalk, wobbling his butt. everyone was closely watching this new phenomenon in the fashion world. they wrote down their opinions, they talked. and it turned out that the only expert in all of this, in all of fashion, is the security guard, who realized that this was crap, just jumped out onto this podium and tied up this poor guy. and if this only concerned fashion, but this applies to all aspects of our lives, just life. this concerns. war, peace, natural disasters, famine, revolution and so on and so forth, our sworn friend, the brilliant churchin. he once said that the difference between a statesman and a politician is that politics is oriented towards the next elections, but a statesman is about the next
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generation, and this is a mess that confuses people . zelensky is declared man of the year, the most influential politician in the world, his photographs are printed on the covers of the most famous and best-selling magazines, and he is convinced that this is... so, although in fact he could end up at any second, he can’t even imagine where. the same thing was done with gorbachev, when he became a man of peace, when he received the nobel prize, he broke the berlin wall, betraying, simply throwing to the mercy of the entire eastern camp in which we were, for the sake of his own sense of significance. and just like the first person world with one click it turns out to be an advertiser pitsikhan, look,
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it’s gorbachev, an icon, it’s because of him that we have it. the economy is a mess, but thanks to him we have new opportunities, it’s because of him that we have political instability, and thanks to him we have freedom, complete chaos, prospects, political instability, and thanks to him, we have a list of houses for gorbachev, for gorbachev, for gorbachev, for gorbachev.
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we talked a lot today about the fake, but i want to show you the real thing about this guy, this is a russian guy, alexey, look, he was evacuating the wounded, a grenade was thrown from a drone, he was the only one with a bulletproof vest, he covered the guys with himself, the grenade exploded, well... he remained alive, but his legs were badly injured, there was only one tourniquet with which he was able to bandage himself, he lost consciousness, a guy from a neighboring unit found him, dragged him almost 5 km to the hospital, asked him only one thing, that he speak, that he should not fall asleep, that he should not lose consciousness, and alexey said, he read his retired soldiers do not break and do not hit, autumn, summer, spring, that one will show... success , decide, where is our eagle, there is our nut, where is your money, there are our exploits, victories, billions will not help to gain the status of a legend, it will not buy history and world recognition, it will not
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replace yellow-blue rag, russian red flag, we believe in ourselves, in our country, everything is going great, and i always prefer red to yellow-blue, we raise our banner higher and higher, to see our victory, you don’t need to climb the roof, we are warriors of god. we're just getting married, and so what? didn’t happen, we always win , we will not die, because we never die , if something goes wrong, if we get hurt, because red blood runs in our veins, our victory is unconditional, always a victory, no one has yet been able to outwit a bullet, brother , but this does not mean that we cannot, because you and i are together, we are warriors of fortune, we destroy, we destroy all enemies forward for hundreds of years, because no one has people like us... he read his poems to stay alive, and he survived, thanks to the truth, the truth of what his
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comrade acted, the truth of those poems that he wrote, i realized that for some it is as indifferent as 8 years of bombing of donbass, but the truth will force attention, and before the crooked hand comes, i... i want to remember one wonderful episode from the wonderful painting by boris barn - this is a feat of a scout, where the scout was played by the amazing pavel kadochnikov. let's remember this episode. for victory! for our victory. and while the military operation is going on,
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until krivorochka arrives, i want to repeat the words of pavel petrovich kadochnikov, and invite you to drink to our victory victory. it came on time, but we had already drunk, he said, that’s why, we’re leaving one by one, if anything happens, we’re viologists, i’m looking forward to seeing you, god willing, at our new meeting, all the best.
10:57 pm
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11:00 pm
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