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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm MSK

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how to cancel, there’s no way, artyom , it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it spread faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster with it, that’s it corporate, this is enterum, enterum is a new generation enteric sorbent, its mineral matrix ... removes toxins from the body, preserving nutrients. a smart solution against poisoning. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy a 152-piece tool set for only rub 1,399 hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lukyanov. today on the international review program. events of the week, chronicle
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, facts, comments, the completion of globalization, at whose expense we lived in debt, the search for the right solution, down with the economic crisis, the era of global inequality is coming, materials from our program , happy new year, merry christmas, everyone has a christmas tree, and here is a palm tree for us, we turn south to east, they even prepared toys with camels, but they turned out to be heavy, difficult to hang, 2024 promises to be no less captivating than the previous one, everything that happened in... we'll meet
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will continue, only with greater intensity, the processes are gaining momentum. everyone noted one feature: the year of big, important elections has arrived. in total, more than 4 billion people around the world will vote, literally a global majority, something that rarely happens. presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in 2024. in almost 40 countries. according to experts, tense companies are expected in bangladesh, taiwan, pakistan, india, indonesia, mexico, the usa in south africa, and elections are also awaiting europe. people in bangladesh will vote on january 7th. the leader of the ruling awami league party, the current prime minister of the country, sheikh hassina, who has already won elections three times, intends to be re-elected again. she is opposed by the national party. bangladesh's bnp,
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whose leaders are in prison or in exile. elections will be held in taiwan on january 13th. current president tsai ing-wen is completing his second term in office and is legally no longer eligible to run again. for the post of president three former city mayors in taiwan will compete. leicent is beijing's main opponent, hou yue of the gamildan party and the leader of the taiwan people's party. general. elections in pakistan are scheduled for february 8. the political crisis has been going on in the country for 2 years. in april 2022, the center-right conservative party pakistan muslim league, led by shahbaz sharif, initiated a vote of no confidence in prime minister imran khan in parliament, as a result of which he was removed from office. however, he remains the most popular politician. it is unclear whether he will be able to participate in the elections. general. elections in
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indonesia will be held on february 14. current president joko wedoda cannot run for a third term. there are three candidates in the election race: the leader, retired general probova, and the son-in-law of former president suchart. national elections in india will be held in april and may. the indians will elect members of the eighteenth national parliament. the party or coalition that wins the majority of seats in parliament will in turn choose prime minister
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the us will be held on november 5, current president joe biden has announced his candidacy for the next term. he has no competitors within the party yet. the main rival is donald trump. the third independent candidate is john kennedy's nephew, robert francis kennedy, jr. in ur, the date for the general elections has not yet been determined. for the past three decades , the african national congress party, led by current president cyril ramoposa, has been in power. he plans to run again, but is opposed coalition of seven opposition parties. the date of elections in venezuela is unknown, but president nicolas maduro promises to hold them in 24. in october 23, the maduro government entered into an agreement with the opposition on dialogue and organizing voting. elections to the european parliament will be held in june, following which
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top eu officials will be appointed. and the next presidential elections in europe will take place in finland on january 28. for the presidency. nine candidates, the most famous of them being former foreign minister pekka havista. current head state, sauli neinisteo, will leave his post, he already has two presidential terms behind him. elections are important, including for international reasons, when the world is very unstable, the stability of national systems becomes crucial, and it depends on how much the government is able to ensure recognition of its right to govern, in other words, gain legitimacy. historically, this happened in different ways: by force, class hierarchy, dynastic tradition, and finally, by voting, with increasingly massive participation.
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by the end of the 20th century, the liberal democratic system, with competitive elections, became the norm, dictatorships became an obscene anachronism, implementing. or at a minimum, imitating democratic institutions is good form. but, to paraphrase the classic, democracy is not a dogma, but a guide to action; it does not stand still. we asked a sophisticated observer and keen connoisseur, gleb kuznetsov, about modern features. gleb, who is the main character of the election campaign now? politician, technologist-consultant, self-voter. behind the last quarter of a century, let's say, right?
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final mandates, as, for example, this happened in spain, when, therefore, in connection with the holiday season - those bodies that were obliged, therefore, to administer elections in spain, they became a little self-sufficient, and this gave more power to municipalities and so on and on and on and, as they say, launched a chain of events that led to the retention of sánchez as prime minister of spain.
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in brazil, for example, after the elections, after the formation of the elections. tens dozens of deputies had their mandates revoked for various reasons - the supreme electoral tribunal, which formed, that is, that is, here is the topic that yes, lula disilova was elected president, but the parliament remained, it was a script, during the 3-4 months of lula’s tenure there desilova, it was, therefore, changed, because the parliament was also scripted and did not remain in the form in which it existed. it turned out that several dozen deputies committed terrible, which means, offenses during
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the election campaign, already six months later, we can say that after fulfilling their powers, they were deprived of these very mandates, that is, ensuring access to ballots, then ensuring access to elected bodies is the function of the regulator, the second is ensuring access to the media and social networks, this is also an absolutely regulated story, and it... in general, some can be raised, so to speak, others can be lowered, as was said in our great film, yes, the third is various kinds of administrative restrictions imposed on events, and so on and so forth, that is, options influence on the electoral process and the results of this process, that is , there are a lot of formed authorities, and practically nowhere really except... maybe very wild african or asian countries, they come down to what it means in some
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black-black room, black - the black regulator, therefore, is doing his dirty work and drawing a result that is not the same as the people voted, well, the regulators probably have to learn from each other, adopt the best, after the elections in brazil, when lola dalova ended last year, that means , so stellar won, in quotes stellar. an amazing event took place in new york, the americans held a seminar with participants of the supreme court of brazil, who were involved in ensuring the victory of lula disilva in new york, several days with the apparatus of the supreme court of the states, the apparatus of the supreme supreme courts and not only states in whole, but each specific state, they studied, exchanged something there. experience, it was all sponsored by democratic organizations, naturally, because it
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was all sold under the sauce that this is coming exchange means experience in countering right-wing populism, that is, americans are also learning, americans are trying to study the best practices, and of course brazil is a large country , diverse, divided, federalized, that is, also... consisting of states, a federation, for americans a good model for everyone, so to speak, understandable limitations, the experience of the supreme electoral court, the americans are trying to somehow analyze for themselves to see what they can take from the practice of brazilian judges and what they cannot? here are the elections, especially where democratic procedures are rooted , they now become not so much an instrument of turnover and...
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inclined to be deceived and receive something other than their allotted 3-4-5% allowed there, more, yes,
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15%. this means a monstrous threat, because then their uninteresting opinion will have to be taken into account somehow, and then, further , the traditional set of slogans for arms citizens, we must create systemic mechanisms to counter this, this right-wing wave, we must protect the treasure that we... we have, that is this liberal world order, it is written quite openly that when people go and vote for whoever they want, this means that this becomes the biggest threat to the liberal one.
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that in advance means it is provided for in the divine spheres, and this is how it will develop. movement towards what was predicted, movement towards that, thank you. different types of elections have one thing in common: manipulation from legal administrative to media. understandably, against the backdrop of international unpredictability, internal shocks are all the
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more dangerous, they resonate with external ones shocks. hence the desire to work as reliably as possible. true, they are far from the original democratic ideals, but they are ultimately a tool, not an end in themselves. democracy, however, is viewed with suspicion by many. screen. the world is not ruled by those who are given the official reins, but by someone standing behind the scenes. the masonic movement began in england in 1717, when the grand lodge was created. the secret mystical... school was among the first to include english and prussian kings, and later many european monarchs american presidents, from napoleon and george washington to richard nixon. on the dollar bill there is a symbol of freemasonry, the all-seeing eye. it is believed that it symbolizes control over the world economy, but the main thing that
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the freemasons are accused of is the so-called masonic conspiracy, its goal is to establish a new world order with... a single world currency, erasing national and religious differences between peoples. another frightening goal is the creation of a shadow government, which at a certain point in time will take power from official. another fashionable theory is that the world is ruled by two famous banking families: the rothschilds in the uk and the rockefellers in the usa. according to some experts, scientists or simply conspiracy theorists, these two houses are behind almost everything that... happened and is happening on earth in the middle of the 19th century, this is their secret influence on european politicians of the first half of the 20th century, including hitler and stalin. it is no secret that, largely thanks to the rockefellers , the us federal reserve system was created, and the dollar became world currency in 1944. reserve currency. in may 1954,
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the bilderg club emerged, founded by the foundations of three american billionaires. carnegie and ford. its first meeting was held at the bilderg hotel in the dutch city of oosterbeg, where 70 people from 12 countries, representatives of political and business circles in europe and the united states met. since then, secret meetings have become annual. the club's headquarters are located in new york, on the premises of the carnegie foundation. one of the main goals identified was to solve problems associated with the existence of the ussr, as well as the creation of a european one. own a central bank and single currency under the natural control of the united states. many of these challenges have been successfully achieved, among them european integration and the euro area. the club and its members never make official statements following meetings. the last meeting of the club took place in may '23 in lisbon. among its
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participants were henry kissenger, mark rutte, jens stoltenberg, parel, wolfgang schmidt, radoslaw sekorski and other famous names. in addition to the bilderberg club, participation in planning a new world order attributed to such organizations as the committee of 300, the council on foreign relations, the trilateral commission, the club of rome, the german marshall fund, and the participants in these communities are often the same. whether the rothschelds rule the world or not is up to us. unknown, but we know for sure who the king of beauty in the african sovanna is, rothschild’s giraffe, the rarest of the giraffes, and therefore all the more beautiful. report from kenya: for decades, the pakot and
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ilhamus communities of baringa county have fought over livestock, pasture and land. the region flourished banditry and theft of animals, which was often accompanied by the death of people. but in 2007 , the rivals united in the face of a common enemy. abandoned, but our patience ran out, the elders asked how long the bandits regularly stole cattle, this place began to dispose of these lands, resources, exploit nature, so we decided to stand together in its defense, we want to return rothschild’s giraffes here. they used to live here, it was their home, but due to conflicts, constant sounds of gunfire and activity people in general, they had to leave these lands. reserve area 44.
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rothschold's giraffes once inhabited the lands around lake baringa, but their numbers have declined sharply and are now on the brink of extinction due to conflict and poaching. according to the kenya wildlife service , there are only about 600 left in the country. salvation. the number of giraffes in kenya is declining. our goal is to ensure the protection of these beautiful animals. here in the reserve, giraffes feel very good. this is a unique species that, without our help, is in danger of disappearance. the reserve is not a guarantee . climates and global warming can lead to disaster in this seemingly safe place. in 2020, heavy
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rains caused lake baringa to overflow its banks, cutting off part of the reserve that was a favorite resting place for giraffes. the animals are trapped. due to climate change , the waters of lake baringa have risen and giraffes have become isolated on longcharo island. in 2019 we asked for help. eight more giraffes, their lives were under threat, but the tribes managed to come to an agreement and through joint efforts the animals were returned from the island to the mainland. transporting giraffes turned out to be more difficult than we thought, putting them in a boat and transporting them was very exciting, but we managed it, largely thanks to the specialists of the kenya wildlife service and the northern rangelands foundation. the last transport took place in 2021, then we returned nine giraffes, we are already 14 people, now
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is the best time to remove all the giraffes remaining on the island. efforts are clearly coordinated, everyone works together, from reserve workers to groups of defenders nature and rangers. peter, for example, is involved in protecting wildlife through the linda twiga initiative. he believes that it is a nature reserve. to work in reserves, i was simply delighted, because i love these animals so much, according to peter, during droughts , cattle breeders flock here in search of water and pastures for their animals, often this endangers the lives of the inhabitants of the reserve. cattle breeders come here and scare the giraffes, and the animals are not accustomed to the new inhabitants, for us, rangers, this becomes a new challenge, for
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for charles lengatai and his family, the emergence of a reserve a few meters from the shore of lake boringa was a gift of fate, with it he had a permanent income, before that, for many years he patrolled the wildlife and watched giraffes, and now they have become his friends. raphs are very vulnerable creatures; when moving, they get nervous and take a long time to get used to the new area, and therefore live in certain territories. there are still many fertile places in the reserves, but giraffes are simply afraid to explore them. the ranger is confident, thanks to the common effort of the giraffes the rothschilds will be saved from extinction, their population will be restored, they will again populate these lands en masse. and to speed up this process and support the region, which has been in distress for a long time , will help generate income.
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okay, what is money? strictly speaking, it was just imagination, self-deception: people took a piece of paper, drew a picture and wrote 3 rubles with silver. money, i assure you, is from the devil the tempter, one of the most powerful passions. everyone wants it. and no one has it. teacher from kosrilov. hero of the story
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