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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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in the ssso they shelled the belgorod region and the city of shibekina also came under fire. a man received a shrapnel wound and was taken to the hospital. power lines were damaged and several streets were left without power. belgorod and five other districts are also under fire. air defense systems intercepted 10 missiles. but shrapnel shattered windows in houses and damaged cars. two people were injured. the authorities said that for security reasons they are ready to remove everyone from belgorod to the nearest cities. situation. in belgorod continues to remain
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not easy, we are doing everything that depends on us to restore, now the operational headquarters for the restoration of belgorod is working, some families write: we are scared, help us - go to a safe place, we are ready to transfer you on the same day, we will resettle in comfortable rooms, warm, safe, free food, and you will stay there for as long as... necessary, there are not enough places in our temporary accommodation centers in the region, which means i will turn to my colleagues, the governor neighboring regions so that they can provide us with all possible assistance. the ukrainian armed forces are hitting peaceful cities, proving to the west that kiev is still ready for any crimes, as long as the allies continue to give money. according to the western press, by january 10, when the nato-ukraine council takes place, zelensky needs to show that he is still there. can harm russia,
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in addition, the kiev regime is in this way trying to lift the spirit of despondent nationalists, and yegor grigoriev is committing crimes. another strike by the ukrainian armed forces on mirny belgorod, 30 damaged vehicles, 90 apartments and newly wounded residents. in moscow , 74 people are already being treated, 20 in intensive care. the ukranazis do not hide that they want maximum casualties and destruction. a reserve colonel in the ukrainian armed forces predicts the trajectory in his video. will go mainly just to the north of belgorod , some will go astray, the city itself, belgorod, will fall, put an end to this city, it simply won’t exist, it’s better to leave immediately for the urals, because realistically in the next one and a half to two years we will have the task is to reach about 200 km, i think long-range means we will have defeats up to such a range, at least they have already been declared, in fact this is an open statement about an impending terrorist attack so that... a lie to make it even more gloomy,
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but multiple launch rocket systems are actively used against civilians while ukrainian armed forces soldiers are on the front line is trying to survive on a shell diet. spanish el paiz writes with reference to a sergeant of the forty-seventh separate mechanized brigade, they are fighting with remnants that are unsuitable for the purposes, but the goals of the military ukrainian leadership are now little interest. the office of the president and his advisors from nato obviously have a new plan: point one: to distract the population from the mobilization shock, those who want to get into the list of 500, they want to collect so many thousands, no, it’s not surprising if you listen to the ex-head of the ministry of internal affairs and the former prosecutor general of ukraine, yuriy lutsenko. it’s impossible, i need to say it honestly. we must honestly say that the 500 thousand that they are talking about now, if we divide it into months, 30 thousand a month, then we will approximately understand what is happening. at the front with killed and seriously
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wounded, and people need to tell the truth, i i am sure that ukrainians deserve this truth , they must find out how many died, then all discussions about whether mobilization is needed will be eliminated, according to the new law, even the third disability group will not save from mobilization , the politician of comedian zelensky brought a mask to a show on the streets, to escape from military commissars are offered with the help of a strak image for 13,600 hryvnia. kiev again wants to feed the sponsors loud headlines, attracting specialists who have been written off but understandable to the west, such as the ex-speaker of the armed forces of ukraine, the american transgender cirillo. in the summer of 2024 in crimea there will be explosive, the russians will explode. what do you have in mind? i don’t think that the kerch bridge will be standing in the summer of 2024. simultaneously with the terrorist revelations, ukraine received assurances from the europeans. partners, head of european diplomacy
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barel with the minister of foreign affairs of poland, discussed the supply of missiles to kiev, their range was prudently kept silent, condemnation of attacks on peaceful targets, bans on... this did not follow. egor grigoriev, news. serbia condemned the actions of the ukrainian armed forces and supported the residents of belgorod. at the match euroleague basketball, the serbs unfurled a poster in support of the russian city. fans raised a banner with the inscription “belgorod, we are with you” before the start of the meeting between the teams cervena zvezda and partizan. the audience greeted this with applause. over the course of a week, russia carried out 41 group strikes, one massed with high-precision weapons and drones, on decision-making centers at a military airfield, arsenals and bases, as well as on ukrainian military-industrial complex facilities and locations of kiev militants. all objects are hit. during this time
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, about 40 attacks were repulsed. formation of zelensky lost another 4,700 soldiers and mercenary officers. 14 tanks and 68 other armored vehicles, as well as 87 howitzers and missile systems, including american, polish and czech production, were destroyed. a downed su-27 fighter and a mi-8 helicopter, as well as 253 combat drones. the latest means of combating drones were demonstrated at the raevsky military training ground near novorossiysk. an off-site meeting of the innovation technopolis council was held there. these systems can protect against various types of drones and work even in poor conditions.
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fsb officers detained a man involved in an attempted sabotage at a ministry of defense facility in the chelyabinsk region. this was reported by the department's public relations center. he was recruited using social networks. he is also involved in arson at communications and railway facilities in dagestan in
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november last december. communication equipment and electronic media containing photo reports and correspondence with ukrainian curators were confiscated from the detainee. the suspect and the collected materials were transferred to the investigative committee. the moscow region prosecutor's office is conducting inspection after interruptions in the provision of utility services. emergency restoration work on the heating main in podolsk has been completed. the reserve boiler has been started and work is currently underway on the main boiler. heat is already supplied to houses in the klimovsk microdistrict. this was announced by the head of the city district, grigory artamonov. the temperature in the houses of solnechnogorsk will be raised to optimal by the morning. this was reported. minister of energy of the region, we have now carefully examined the measures that need to be taken in order to increase the temperature of the coolant in order to comply with sanitary standards in apartments, today one additional boiler has already been launched so that by morning
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all apartments are fully warmed up, fire. and in the northeast of moscow they have completely restored. supply to houses, which was disrupted as a result of an accident at a substation, the mayor of the capital reported. sergei sabenin noted that all houses are powered on a permanent basis, but 20 teams remain on duty to quickly respond to possible complaints. on thursday morning there was a fire at a substation in the beskudnikovo area, the fire was quickly extinguished, but some houses had to transfer to a backup circuit. europe is freezing at the same time. and drowns. hundreds of houses in britain, including in london, have been evacuated due to floods; in finland , electricity bills have risen sharply due to frost. about weather disasters - ekaterina radaeva. in finland, water freezes mid-flight. in lopland -44°, a record for
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half a century. such frosts are too costly for the finns. electricity bills are huge. it is with its help that many buildings are heated here. business moves were recommended to send, if possible employees are working remotely, and sweden is covered in snow, there are kilometer-long traffic jams on the roads, thousands of cars in the snow...
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it’s terrible, what else can i say, i ’ve never seen anything like this in my long life, it’s a nightmare, now my life has turned into a nightmare, that’s it , what did i gain, it all drowned , what am i even doing here, i don’t understand, i have no words, there are simply no words, here was my motorcycle, can you see it somewhere, a nightmare, a nightmare, utter horror, waters we're up to our waists. in the united states, a scandal involving
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the names of possible high-ranking clients is gaining momentum. pedophile jeffrey epstein. he forced teenagers to have sex with powerful people. some court documents have been posted online. maria has all the details right away. publication of classified documents on the financier's case. can ruin the careers of those who claim to be the pride of the nation. this is fox news, we're starting our episode, jeffrey opstein's new list has been published. a new sensational document on the epstein sex trafficking case is ready. the court, which decided to make the documents public, said that epstein’s inclusion on the list is so far only a reason to figure out who
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how involved he was in his affairs. a very important point, the people whose names are on this list are not accused of anything, neither of criminal activity, nor of anything bad, these lists just talk about epstein’s social connections, the investigation will look into it later. former us president bill clinton actively used epstein's services several dozen times. flew to orgy on lolita, express, pimp's plane. i flew on this plane, the first time i was on it, it was a business trip, it was amazing. epstein told many people that clinton liked very young girls. he once said that clinton loved young people, meaning girls, this was reported by witnesses. the adventures of the british prince andrew were reported earlier,
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billionaire tom pritzker also seduced minors under the supervision of epstein , they were previously drugged, this family brought barack obama to power, financed joe biden’s campaign, and now has access to billions of dollars under the economic recovery program ukraine. the list includes senators and governors, the founders of google, and the former head of micros. bill gates had fun at epstein's penthouse and flew with girls on his plane. part of the money earned. epstein, in order to improve his image, donated to charities, including harvard. now they refuse to return these funds. it is obvious that these documents will now affect the image of many people whose names were included there, and the sword hangs precisely over the us democrats. witnesses said during interrogations that epstein’s connection with the us elite was literally intimate.
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the washington post published a chart of those who in one way or another communicated with epstein. the former prime minister of israel is also listed. dick barak, who held this post from 91 to 2001. he met with epstein for at least thirty years. former israeli spies even reported that epstein's international sex trade was an operation to obtain valuable dirt to blackmail the global elite, global village claims. the black book of an american billionaire is capable of destroying careers and sowing chaos, newspapers write. commenting us presidential race. epstein himself said more than once that if i say what i know about the candidates, they will have to cancel the elections. now
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american journalists believe that joe biden also has something to fear, otherwise why has the white house administration been taking several years? took great pains to block epstein's lists. several hundred more documents related to pimps should appear in the public domain in the coming weeks, unless, of course, someone suddenly dies, as happened to opstein himself, in a heavily guarded prison. maryalka, news. in germany, farmers blocked the ferry with economy minister robert habik, are outraged by the reforms, and believe that habik is deliberately finishing off german agriculture. what did all this lead to? anton dadykin will tell you. the farmers arrived at the port in advance, because the deputy prime minister and minister of economic affairs for climate protection of germany, robert habeck, was returning from the christmas holidays on a picturesque island in the north sea. the police did not allow the tractors of those meeting them to drive up to the pier. then the farmers tried to break through to the target along the shore. by the time of arrival more than 100
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people gathered at the pier with the deputy prime minister. german media reported that habeck suggested that the demonstrators send several representatives on board for negotiations. the farmers responded by calling on the minister to come ashore. abek did not risk speaking in men's terms. when the stranded deputy prime minister began to move away from the pier, the protesters rushed to storm. it was not possible to detain the ship. then some participants of the action remained on the shore, waiting for khabik on the next flight. they celebrated the success of the blockade with fireworks and the ferry set sail with habik, there were no negotiations with us, although we are all peaceful here, we just want to talk to him, to say that the government crossed the line, as the bild newspaper claims, habaek was finally able to go ashore only around 2:00 a.m., after that as
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the farmers dispersed. the blockade of the arrival of federal minister habiq at the ferry pier is a shameful violation of the rules of democracy. coexistence, with all the understanding of the characteristics of a living protest culture, such a radical expression of political mores should not leave indifferent. the blockade of vacationer habik took place despite the fact that the ruling german coalition had announced concessions for farmers the day before. agricultural machinery will continue to be exempt from transport tax. subsidies for diesel fuel will be reduced, but gradually over 3 years. this year they will decrease only by... 40%. the government's generosity has not delighted either farmers or the opposition, whose representatives govern parts of germany's federal states. it's distracting coalition maneuver traffic light. it turns out that now farmers should be grateful that there will be no transport tax, but subsidies for diesel fuel will be reduced gradually. do you really think that farmers are dumber than you, this is a mistake, your hands will see
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diesel subsidies. the german farmers' union has already announced plans for monday. a nationwide protest will take place despite government concessions. we will continue our protests, we demand that the government completely abandon the abolition of subsidies. get into the farmers' pockets the government decided after the verdict of the german constitutional court. on november 15 last year, he prohibited berlin from using 60 billion euros from the fund intended to combat the pandemic for the transition to green energy. opportunities for the cabinet of ministers to make new ones. borrowings are blocked, like a hub on a porch. all that can be done is to find new revenues, which is difficult to do in an economy that is suffering from rising energy prices as a result of anti-russian sanctions. the total rating of the three parties of the ruling coalition is 32%, this anti-record a traitor to the people, a criminal. and this is how olaf scholz was greeted in the federal
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state of saxony anhald. the chancellor flew in to inspect the flood zone. reputation. the politician himself is undermined not only by the budget crisis and reckless support for ukraine, but also by a corruption scandal. at the end of december, the german media found out that in 2016, scholz, then the burgomaster of hamburg, probably helped a banker he knew write off his tax debt. the chancellor's rating, according to a survey by spiegel magazine, has dropped to 30%. this is also an anti-record. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead the way. the trinity icon by andrei rublev was delivered from the russian restoration center named after grobar to the cathedral of christ the savior, where it will remain on christmas day. patriarch kirill will perform festive services there. the image of the holy trinity is placed in a special one. check, this is reported on the website of the russian orthodox church. and the moscow philharmonic has opened a series of concerts, music from your favorite movies, an event for the centenary
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of mosfilm, the anniversary is being celebrated this year. in the mimeni tchaikovsky concert hall the music from the film in the studio, written by famous composers, including dunoevsky, sviridov, schnittki, glotkov zatsey. in moscow, cska beat spartak in a continental match. hockey league with a score of 3:1. stas redikoltsev watched the game. on a chilly evening, moscow is in a hurry to watch hockey. the army arena's faye is filled with people not only wearing club paraphernalia, but also new year's paraphernalia. the new year's derby cska spartak opens the 2024 hockey year. these matches are always important, but this game stands apart. for the first time in many years. raid red and white come out against the defending champion as the leader of the continental hockey league. the bitkom stadium with a capacity of twelve thousand is waiting for a festive concert performed by hockey players . ilya kovalchuk, who missed two games due to microtrauma, returned from spartak, and
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ivan fedotov again took his place in the cska goal. holiday fans came full of stands, everyone was, so to speak, in a festive mood with excitement, especially since the derby is certainly pleasant, pleasant to play, driving and additionally stimulating, everyone knew that this match would be important. caution, red and white they look a little persistent in front of someone else’s goal, but by half-time the scoreboard is showing zeros. the first period turned out to be quite cautious , i would say, in principle, spartak also didn’t seem to have many chances, but again vanya played well, again, games with spartak are always very important, regardless of the tournament position, again in front of their home stands i could feel the support of the fans, the derby with spartak after the new year's break, a test for the champion, out of the last six matches of last year, the army team... lost five for spartak this also a challenge, last season the team didn’t even make it to the playoffs, here they are the leader of the regular season. every game is a test for us
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, first of all, when there is a strong opponent, it is still more interesting to play matches like today, for example, because pilaf is approaching, we need to check some nuances, how the game develops, there are a lot of little things like that, that’s why i think these games they'll show you. what we are capable of and of course we need to start the next games like this, probably maybe more seriously. at the beginning of the second period, mikhail grigorenko puts cska ahead, after the army team spartak was forgiven twice and missed. pavel poryadin dealt with the goalkeeper perfectly, the red and blue didn’t even notice the injection. just before the break , vladislav kamenev deftly corrected the puck on the spot. at the beginning of the third period, kamenev scores a double 3:1. the new year's miracle did not happen. spartak could not win back. cska wins its third victory in four regular season matches over the red and white. and with teams like cska it is necessary to win the fight. and
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it’s clear that their team is probably larger in size than ours, but that’s why there's no escape. therefore, yes, there are a lot of nuances, i know, but in general i say that i have no complaints about the players, everyone fought to the end, that is, yes, there are some nuances in our game, but this is kind of ours. internal kitchen. the defeat from the army team deprived spartak of first place in the standings. it won't be any easier in the upcoming matches. the opponents are all contenders for the playoffs, which are only 2 months away. stas ridikultsev, viktor barmin, alexander zarubov and umar tuskaev, lead. india is a country of colors and smells. when people talk about india, one of the the first thing that comes to mind is indian cuisine. each crew names their car as it suits them.
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a long-term savings program has begun to operate in russia; it helps to accumulate a significant increase in pension. how exactly everything works, what kind of money we are talking about and how to join the program, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of instructions. the point of a long-term savings program is... savings and income. what is the long-term savings program or lsp as we call it. this is a new savings product aimed at long-term term. its essence is that with the stimulating support of the state, citizens will be able to generate additional financial resources, which will subsequently be directed towards... the implementation of long-term goals . housing, payment for children’s education, and of course
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additional pension income and... here what is also important to note: the formed long-term savings are insured by the state in the amount of 2.8 million rubles, which, taking into account the long term of such savings, is twice as much exceeds the maximum insurance amount for bank deposits. how much can you get from the state? the maximum amount of co-financing per year is rub 36.00. the state will support program participants only for the first 3 years. this means everything can be added to yours. investments 108,000. let's look at co-financing formulas. there are three of them in total. the first is one to one. this is when for every ruble of savings invested, another ruble is received from the state. a person’s income should not exceed 80,000 rubles. per month. the maximum additional payment of 36,000 per year can be obtained if you invest the same amount, that is, 3,000 rubles each. per month. the second formula is 1:2. they will give you an investment for a ruble. on top 50
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kopecks. it will be applied to people with incomes from 80 to 150,000 rubles. to get the maximum from the state, they will have to invest at least 6,000 rubles. per month. and the third formula is 1 to four. this is 25 kopecks. from the state for every ruble from a program participant. it will co-finance the savings of citizens who receive more than 150,000 per month. to receive 36,000 from the state, they will be required. rubles per month. in addition to incentive support from the state in the annual amount of 36,000 rubles. and every citizen will also have access to a tax deduction in the amount of 52 thousand rubles per year. to do this, you need to contribute at least 400 thousand rubles per year to the long-term savings program, so it turns out that by sending 4,000 rubles per year in the form of contributions to the program,
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how... you will receive monthly payments 15 years from the date of conclusion of the contract, or if suitable age 55 years for women and 60 for men, withdrawal of savings along with investment income ahead of schedule is allowed only in an emergency. citizens can pick it up. their accumulated savings in full upon the occurrence of special situations, these include the need to pay for expensive treatment, and the list of types of such treatment has already been approved by the government, and also a special life situation includes the loss of a program participant who is the breadwinner, in this case the following applies the same order, as for specifically... procedures, that's how
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if it will be necessary to submit documents and receive payment, then this procedure will be approved next year by a separate government act. how to join the long-term savings program? this can be done through the bank's application on the website of the non-state pension fund or by coming there in person. each npf makes its own decision to participate in the program. at the moment there is no formed list, but all are valid. expressed a desire to participate in the program, i would like to remind you that there are 37 npfs in total, therefore, in order for each client to find out whether the npf has already joined the program or not, it is necessary to clarify this information either on the official website or by contact numbers. you can transfer your pension savings to the long-term savings program, if you have them in the same npf, just submit an application for transferring funds from your pension account through your personal account on
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the fund’s website. in his department or at government services. the money will be transferred to the program the following year after submitting the application. if the accumulation is in another npf or in the sfr, first transfer them to a fund with which you have entered into a long-term savings agreement. an application to change the fund can be submitted through government services, a website or a social fund branch. please note that once you transfer your savings to a long-term savings program, they cannot simply be transferred back to your retirement account. at all. of course , if you wish, you can leave the pds without good reason , but not without losses, it will be income, and also incentives, money invested by the state will not be returned, and you will not be able to get a tax deduction, well, traditionally, as in the situation, for example, with bank deposits, in case of early withdrawal of funds, penalties and fines are provided. so, the long-term savings program allows you to create savings in non-state pension funds and receive income from them. state adding.


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