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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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but respect, it only makes sense mutual, in my opinion, the time between chairs is over, this time is over, we need to decide, in this regard, i want to remember one wonderful quote from a very good writer,
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the question that worries them, really worries them, because living in the uncertainty of how to relate to something is very difficult, it’s a sincere desire to figure it out, but denunciation is completely different, and i’ll now give you an example of what denunciation is, there is such an actor, anatoly bely, he worked in the theater, was popular, starred in many tv series, the audience knew him, loved him, he very... condemned the military operation, he said that he was ashamed, he said that he despises all those who support what happened, and slamming the door, left our country , went to israel, this man committed, in my opinion, two betrayals, first, he betrayed his homeland, which gave him everything, education, profession, fame, money, perhaps.
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to exist comfortably, i realized that i don’t want to live here, i can’t live here, i won’t live here, the country is an aggressor, and a terrorist who, well really poses a threat to the world, i have a lucky opportunity, i repatriated to israel by blood and that’s it, if again, without absolutely pretentious shades, you ask where is your homeland or roofing felts, i will say bratslov, definitely, the human element in me was embedded there, no, unfortunately, russia really wants to do something in ukraine in the future, when it wins, and i feel absolutely like a person of the now open world, i see myself there as well. okay, let's say you don't accept what's happening, you despise what's being done, you are categorically against a military operation, you are sure that your country.
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tortured and so on, you didn’t see it, you earned money, played in the theater, you were in perfect order. the second betrayal , in my opinion, is a betrayal of its own kind, because in order, apparently , for mr. bely to achieve great results in our country, he abandoned his real surname, the surname of his relatives, parents, grandparents , grandmothers, great-grandmothers. surname weissman, he became
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white. so, just recently, on gostrol, to israel, was supposed to go to the lenkom theater, a wonderful performance staged back in eighty-nine by mark sakharov, a jew, by the way, according to the stories of the famous jewish writer sholomaleihom, tevye milkman, performance, memorial prayer, peltzer also played there, sasha also played there abdulov, and leonov the performance was restored, now the main role is played by a wonderful artist, with whom i really love and am happy to work, seryozha stepanchenko. this is a play about a jewish shtetl, about pogroms, about a very difficult fate, jewish family at a certain time. so, anatoly vaisman writes a denunciation, which sounds like this: they want to bring the lenkom theater on tour to play the play “memorial prayer.” read the speculation. on a jewish theme
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on the stage of the habima theater. blasphemy. dear israelis, with experience, can you explain to me what this is? why did he do everything to ensure that a wonderful performance, staged by a wonderful director, a jew, i repeat, based on the wonderful work of the great writer sholomaleichom, whose monument stands here on a bronze,
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why he didn’t want this play about the jewish people to be shown in israel, because he doesn’t care about these people. because he understands for sure that when this performance comes to israel and will enjoy a gigantic resounding success, the level of weissman himself will be lower than plinth, because what he abandoned, what he rejected from himself, will come to israel and prove that this great russian culture. the highest class, which is unworthy of a person who betrayed both his homeland and his family, instead of helping his people today for his compatriots
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to see high art, mr. vaisman does everything to prevent this from happening, because the greatest sin lives in him, for... and the fear that they will see who you really are, having lost everything in russia, mr. vaisman does not want, so that the israeli viewer can see what he really lost, isn’t weissman’s betrayal of his people similar to the betrayal of another person of his people who holds the post of president.
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i'm talking about something else, i'm talking about the ease with which people part with their conscience, with feelings gratitude, with a sense of duty , amazingly, the arrest of kolomoisky is a demonstration of the fight
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against corruption, despite the fact that attitudes towards this corruption are fantastically diverse, look, for example, at how he defines -
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this is a most charming thing, because this, in fact, is the essence of the ukrainian people , that is, the jews of kolomoisky are punishing the virtue of the ukrainian people. okay, and i want to ask a question, here, in connection with all this, with the lenkom theater, with the cancellation of the tour, with corruption, with the arrest of kolomoisky, with vaisman’s denunciation, the jewish the people experienced one of the most tragic stories of nations, oppressed, persecuted, the quintessence of what happened to the jewish people, this is the ghetto, this is fascism, this is the nazi, this is... bullying, executions, burning in ovens, pulling out gold teeth,
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living with lamp shades kosh jews, here you are, who survived all this, who after that found the strength to become a country, who found the strength to continue looking for those who are to blame for your torment, for what they did to you, no matter how they changed you passports, continents and... how can you communicate with people whose slogan is the words of tiknebok from their
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party declaration, remember? the damned jewish community does not pay attention to this, it is a zionist community and strives to ensure that the ukrainians disappear forever. ukraine has hostages, jews. if the globalization community is leading its troops, then... deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a wonderful performance based on
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the wonderful work of your wonderful writer shalom aleikhov. don't you see how two things come together when some are ashamed to be russian, while others are afraid to be jews, like both. are combined in one word, betrayal, and you look how one is replaced by another, look how unexpectedly corruption is called the best quality of the people, and a vile, vulgar denunciation turns into a sincere, very hard-won feeling of justice and the desire for this justice to triumph, you... .. how mischievous things are, how they
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turn upside down, listen to what my weakness says, this is the white-skinned witch, ursula fonderlein. listen to an excerpt from her speeches. you invited us to your homeland, to the city of jeroshima, the place where your roots are, a place that, in many ways, determined your entire life and career. many of your loved ones died on the day the atomic bomb leveled jeroshima. you grew up hearing the stories of survivors. and you wanted to share them with us, you wanted to open our eyes to the past in order to learn lessons for the future. this trip was a sobering start.
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nuclear weapons, bitch, there is no other word, this little word alone makes it possible again... russia, soviet union. and not a word about the united states. and not a word about the pilot paul tibets, who
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on august 6, 1945, unfastened the atomic bomb, the baby from. not a word from his plane, this is what our president today calls an empire of lies, global lies, and this lie works from the most naive to the most sinister level, i’ll give you an example of such a harmless , harmless one, for now let’s see, we know that this is some kind of action . where connoisseurs gather, smart people who very carefully watch how fashion develops, they see those suits and those clothes that no one will ever see either in the subway, or in a trolleybus, or even in a taxi, they evaluate it, they talk, everyone has their own opinion, it is scientific in nature, they don’t even
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understand that being here in this state of self-awareness, actually means... and it turned out that the only expert in all of this, in all of fashion, is a security guard who realized that this was crap, just jumped out onto this podium and tied up this poor guy, and if it only concerned fashion , but this applies to all aspects of our life, just life, this applies to war, peace, natural
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disasters, famine, revolution and so on and so on. our sworn friend , the brilliant churchi, once said that the difference between a statesman and a politician is that a politician is focused on the next elections, and a statesman is focused on the next generation, and this is a problem, it confuses people, zelensky is declared the man of the year, the most influential politician in the world, his photographs are printed on the covers of the most famous and...
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guys with him, a grenade exploded , well, he survived, but his legs were badly injured, there was only one tourniquet with which he was able to bandage himself, he lost consciousness and... he was found by a guy from a neighboring unit, he dragged him for almost 5 km to the hospital asked him only one thing, that he should speak, that
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he should not fall asleep, that he should not lose consciousness, alexei spoke, he read his poems, our soldiers cannot be broken or hit, autumn, summer, spring, the successful one will show, cut , where our eagle is, there is our nut, where your money is, there our exploits, victories, billions will not help you bring the status of a legend, you cannot buy history and world recognition , the yellow-blue rag, the russian red flag will not replace , we take ourselves, our country, everything is going great, and the yellow-blue color will always i prefer red, we raise our banner higher and higher to see our victory, there is no need to rise on the roof, we are warriors of god, we simply fight for god, and no matter what happens, we always win, we will not die, because we never die, if something goes wrong, if it hurts us, because it runs in our veins blood is red, our creed is unconditional, always victory, no one has yet been able to outwit a bullet brother, but this does not mean
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that we cannot, because you and i are together, we are warriors of fortune, we destroy, we destroy all enemies forward for hundreds of years, because neither who does not have victories like ours, he read his poems to stay alive, and he survived thanks to the truth. the truth of how his comrade acted, the truth of those poems that he wrote, i realized that for some it is as indifferent as eight years of bombing of donbass, but the truth will force oneself to convert attention, and before mishman krivorochka arrives, i want to remember one wonderful episode from boris barnet’s wonderful picture of the feat. scout, where the scout was played by the amazing pavel kadochnikov, let's remember this episode, for the victory,
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for our victory. and while the military operation is going on, until midshipman krivorochka arrives, i want to repeat the words of pavel petrovich kadochnikov and invite you to drink to the victory, to our victory.
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we watch to know everything about russia. the best historical series. we look, we look, in the application or on the website.
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why are you looking at her all the time? what, didn’t you hear? the ministry of emergency situations says not to leave the garland unattended. we came to see you... the music makes its way, you want to sing , dance, it charges you with emotions, you sing along with the whole audience, nothing, there is nothing better than making friends in the world, very kind, good film, the film is amazing, here are the dances, stunts , all the songs were similar, yes...
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the sun will set, i also liked the song, tomorrow night will pass, robbers are just something, oh-la-la, oh-la-la, temporary musicians.
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investment rating, economics. through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, in russia there is a clear and clear signal, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers, it is necessary to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe, in general, here’s how to achieve this, what have you achieved, do you think that you are on top of the world, you got up, shook yourself off, and went, is russia ready to change, does
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evolution occur in any structure?
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"belgorod region" came under fire and shibekina city. a man received a shrapnel wound and was taken to the hospital. power lines were damaged and several streets were left without power. belgorod and five other districts are also under fire. air defense systems intercepted 10 missiles, but shrapnel shattered windows in houses and damaged cars. two people were injured. the authorities said that for security reasons they are ready to remove everyone from belgorod to
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the nearest cities. the situation in belgorod.


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