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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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vladimir putin's election headquarters is gradually accepting signature sheets in support of the candidate. today, another 25 regions handed over the documents; the headquarters’ lawyers will check the papers before submitting them to the election center. the collection began on december 23 throughout the country, after the first week, the first part of the signatures was sent to the moscow region, and then to another 19 regions of the country. by law, a self-promoter must raise a minimum of 300,000. signatures, presidential elections
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will be held in mid-march. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it’s not difficult to understand them, it’s important, honest convenient, how to vote while traveling? 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5, we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote in the village, right... on the eve of the main orthodox the warmest family festival is taking place in the city of shuya, ivanovo region. russian
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christmas, visitors will enjoy a light show in the city park, master classes, a fair and performances. for those who are afraid of frost, heating points with hot tea and pies have been set up. our correspondent, evgeniy nipot he's already in the christmas spirit and is in direct contact with the studio. evgeniy, greetings, what interesting things did you see, as far as i understand, you are still traveling, where are you, what is happening? dash, hello , we are now on the way from ivanovo to shuya, on a retro train, it is driven by the lebedyansky locomotive, but the journey to the christmas festival, perhaps the most family-friendly of the festivals in our country, begins from the railway station of the city of ivanovo, according to one of the magazines, it is recognized as the most beautiful station countries, and a large , intensive exhibition is currently underway there. various artifacts
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from pre-revolutionary times, you can see theatrical performances, and also even guests, those who are going to travel from the ivanovo railway station to shuya, can even see toys from before the revolutionary years and, of course, postcards from before the times. and the 1900s are the time when special additional holiday trains were launched in ivanovo on the shusko-ivanovskaya railway, so they resemble exactly one of those trains we are on now we are, i repeat, he is led...
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there are many who want to visit this christmas fairy tale, but the organizers , of course, place great emphasis on the families of participants in the special military operation, as i... mentioned above, here yaroslava, hello, tell me , is this your first time traveling on a steam locomotive, the first time in general, we came specifically from vladimir to take advantage of such a unique opportunity to ride a retro train, and i think that we made the right choice to come here, because such costumes, such the organizers tell you so much new information that you won’t find either on the internet or in all books, they tell you very interestingly, and special thanks, of course, to the live musical accompaniment.
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yes, zhenya, thank you, we will be waiting for your next live broadcast, directly from the city of shue, where the russian christmas festival is taking place. evgeniy nipot was in touch with the studio. in 2023, rosatom achieved significant results in the construction of nuclear power plants abroad. in fact, an international conveyor belt of high technologies in nuclear energy was launched. about the general spoke about this, as well as other achievements and plans, in an interview with my colleague olga bashmarova. director of the state corporation alexey likhachev. we again have a record for revenue in general, a record for foreign revenue, for new products, there are serious achievements on the northern sea route, there is great progress, on russian construction projects on foreign ones, a nuclear power plant
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of generation 3+, the most modern, was commissioned to the belarusian customer nuclear power plant, well, all other areas also developed quite decently, despite the external pressure. watch the full version of the interview with alexey lekhachev, general director of the rusatom state corporation, on our channel after 21:00 moscow time. in the moscow region , the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation due to interruptions in the heat supply. technical problems left areas of solnechnogorsk without heating. city services are working in enhanced mode. heating in houses is promised to be fully restored in the coming hours, as explained by the mayor's office from the network. did not pass the frost test, you understand that thousands were left without heat residents of podolsk, according to the regional authorities, first leaks were discovered on the heating main, they were eliminated , the supply of coolant was restored, later it turned out that problems had arisen in the boiler house itself, one of
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the three boilers was already started, the first 20 houses received heat, the remaining fifteen hundred are promised to be started within 24 hours , field kitchens have been organized for residents. now. a short advertisement, then we will continue the release, stay tuned. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy clinic cosmetics with discounts up to 40%. you have a cough, take ambrocolal, bromhexine, we trust renival, we... well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need halva, take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, shop or
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get rid of debts on credit cards, easy with the cold, in the whirlwind of life, good luck, hope fills you with viklanch, in the rhythm of the worker there are many of your tasks. break fills the piclunch with sauce meat sytin hot meat with noodles fills the piclunch warm sunset over the roofs of the dachas with joy fills life with crying a ray of golden sunshine temporary musicians are already in the cinema than to watch 100 times, it’s better to turn once turn turn only after confirming payment, before february 4, order with avita delivery from one ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, my daughter sang the best again, this is five, the effect of oralsepto on pain and
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inflammation in the throat, at the zoo minus five, mom will say, this is five, the effect of oralsepto on a bacterial fungal infection, so as not to miss the spring, let’s shout together, this is five, five actions of aralcept for sore throat. for adults and children from 3 years old, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, but is that possible? iota connect for a maximum of 399 rubles, get superboxes as a gift, you can iota, maybe a sandwich new year's appetite, dad can dad can only cut down dads, new year's appetite, only puffy, new year's appetite, only puffy, a spa holiday will help, retire in... profitable with sberbank, free sbercard for pensioners, favorable
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deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. this is a corporate event. this is entermin! entermin is a new generation entersorbent. its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while retaining nutrients . a smart solution against poisoning. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn, turn, twist once. and only then confirm the payment. order sovito delivery before february 4th. ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. in the us, the district court of new york
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has published the third part of documents from the scandalous department of billionaire jeffrey epstein. according to investigators, in the mid -2000s he provided sexual services to minors for politicians, businessmen and show business stars. the case was dropped. after epstein committed suicide in prison in 2019. testimony transcripts, emails and legal opinions were made public this week. a total of almost 3,000 pages. the published documents were studied by maria skorodilka. the publication of previously classified documents in the case of the pedophile financier jeffrey hepstein caused a hit with these documents that fell almost immediately and could not withstand the influx of curious elites. infuriated, ordinary americans are in shock. the pimp's black book can ruin the careers of those who claim to be
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the pride of the nation. this is fox news. let's start the release, a new list of jeffrey epstein has been published. a new sensational document on the epstein sex trafficking case is ready. court, who decided on the same family documents , said that being included in epstein’s lists is so far only a reason to figure out who was there.
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they were drugged, this family brought barack obama to power, financed joe biden's campaign, and now has access to billions of dollars in the economic recovery program for ukraine. the list includes senators and governors, the founders of google, and the former head of microsoft. bill gates had fun at epstein's penthouse and flew with girls on his plane. part of the money earned from sex slavery of teenagers, epstein, in order to improve his image, donated charities, including to harvard. now they refuse.
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all these accusations require proof. epstein was my partner, all these horrors from his life that they tell me about do not concern me. the washington post published a chart of those who communicated with epstein in one way or another. the former prime minister of israel is also listed. hui barak, who held this post from 91 to 2001. he met with epstein no less than thirty-six times. former israeli spies even reported
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that epstein's international sex trafficking was an operation to obtain valuable incriminating evidence to blackmail the world. elites, says global village. the black book of an american billionaire is capable of destroying careers and sowing chaos, newspapers write. commenting on the us presidential race. epstein himself said more than once: “if i say what i know about the candidates, they will have to cancel the election.” now american journalists believe that joe biden also has something to fear. otherwise, why did the white house administration make great efforts for several years to block epstein's lists. in the coming weeks , several hundred more documents related to the essence should appear in the public domain.
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now there is advertising, and after that our broadcast will continue with a special report by natalya pantaleva about the combat work of russian tank crews at one of the sites of the special operation. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts! buy dishwasher tablets, sinergetic! for 799 rub. cherkizova presents a fresh solution, we cut it, bake it right in the package until it has a delicious juicy crust made from our own meat farms remember what they told you when you decided to open a business. yes, you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you
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’re doing everything wrong. alfabank has the best loyalty program for business, we pay 3.0 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. vascular disorders, blood clots, valicosis, the cause of these health problems can be poor blood vessels. the drug angionorm helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. this
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our first family freckle on our nose and great-great. grandmothers, you can’t immediately understand its value, but everything changes when love gets involved, a freckle conquered a rebellious heart and fled, went its separate ways, became the most precious value, a family value, some try to disguise it, some wear it as decoration, keep it and pass it on to others generations, national project demography, in life’s whirlwind of successes and failures, hope fills you with vikla. there are many tasks in the rhythm of the worker, your break is filled with lunch, meat sauce, sytin is hot, the luncheon is filled with delicious meat , the warm sunset over the roofs of the dachas, the piclunch fills life with joy, my new invention for cleaning the toilet, with bref there is an easier way, bref is colored water for a clean
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, fresh toilet with every flush. brev number one in russia for maintaining cleanliness and freshness. toilet. and what do you think? like in paradise? now i will show you real paradise. holob 2, and this is taking away. already at the cinema. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy household appliances with cashback up to 50%. my daughter sang the best again. it's five. the effect of orals on pain and inflammation in the throat. it's minus five at the zoo. mom will tell you. these are the five actions of orals for bacterial and fungal infections, so as not to miss out in the spring, let’s shout together, these are five, five actions of orals for a sore throat for adults and children from 3 years old. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever, has become even more profitable. receive a supercake every month. indian pava-pava from
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the ecologically clean region of russia is recommended for children. attention to all personnel, attention to all personnel, let's start moving, let's start moving. the task is to deliver equipment , personnel to the contact line, it depends on what kind of cargo is there, here, oh, immediately the sight appeared, the guys who are the crew are anti-terrorist, it turns out that they will complete the task here, then they go to bam, from bam accordingly again the rotation is constant, they walk in circles, the machine gunner, because he is the healthiest, well , it happened from the very first day, suspicious activity, artek give a tip on the use of artillery weapons upon arrival at the place destruction report the results.
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crews of the grad multiple launch rocket system of the vostok group are working in the southern donetsk direction. they hit enemy artillery with a stronghold of armored vehicles and manpower. about how often you have to join. eduard ponegov will tell you in battle. the main advantage of this multiple launch rocket system is mobility. the hail team is on duty along the entire front line in the southern donetsk direction. an unpretentious, reliable installation can fire from any position. now the crew is at the border of the dpr and zaporozhye, near the village of urozhaynaya. these are fighters of the thirty-sixth army of the vostok group. they accounted for dozens of those shot down. tanks , armored vehicles, as well as several strong points. in winter , it is much more difficult for our crews to work, the hail is of course all-wheel drive, but in such off-road conditions
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it is much more difficult to move, the most important thing is that the speed of movement decreases and the vehicle becomes more vulnerable to possible enemy counterattacks. the driver of the grad with the call sign tunka came here from buryat, he has been at the front for more than a year, during which time his crew has visited the most hot spots on the front, but fortunately remained unharmed. there would be different goals. priority targets, because the installation is capable of covering a huge area at once at a distance of up to 20 km, how effective is this machine, how does it perform in combat, well, in combat
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it performs excellently, despite its age, it has not failed, the tasks are completed, the enemy has become more active or vice versa is blown away, the enemy is blown away, i am second in target, ready, on the front lines in winter it really has become a little easier than six months ago, but hail crews are on duty on the combat line contacts in the past. both day and night, helping the infantry move forward. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. and now our broadcast will continue with yuri starikov’s documentary, world war ii, stalingrad. on february 18, 1943 , nazi propaganda minister
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joseph goebels spoke at the berlin sports palace. he called on the german people for total war to the bitter end. his speech lasted more than two hours. the whole of germany listened to it live on the radio. goebbels left the podium having lost 3 kg. his the desperate appeal to the nation was a consequence of the heavy defeat of the german army at stalingrad. for the first time we felt a mortal threat to our existence. this was the first defeat of the germans. everyone generally understood that the war was lost. germany. the battle of stalingrad became the bloodiest battle in human history. among the endless steppes, along a narrow strip of the volga coast , 2 million people fought in mortal combat. it is quite possible to consider the battle of stalingrad as the main key
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battle. which really changed the course second world war. why did hitler need stalingrad? why the germans and their allies were defeated, how the battle of stalingrad influenced the outcome of the second world war.
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on the morning of january 31, 1943, in the basement of the central department store in stalingrad , soviet soldiers captured the commander of the wehrmacht's sixth army, general peldmarshal friedrich paulus. they laid down their weapons with him. 22 german generals. this footage was taken several hours later. paulus was taken to the headquarters of the don front in his own car. capturing one of the most famous german commanders became a world sensation. photos of his interrogation spread across the editorial pages of all the world's newspapers. it
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was, perhaps, probably himself. a large military prize for the entire war, which the soviet army received for the first time when the group was surrounded in germany, they realized that this could end in military collapse, shortly before the surrender a message was broadcast on the radio that paulus was being promoted to general film director, this was not done by chance, this was such a symbolic act, because it was believed that never in history had the german field marshal did not capitulate, did not give up. therefore, here it was as if he was given a task: either you die or you win. he didn't even have time to change his shoulder straps. if you and i look at this famous photograph of the film, marshal paulus, so tall and thin, surrenders along with his headquarters, he has the shoulder straps of a colonel general, that is, he did not even have time to replace them with field marshal’s batons in the heat of battle. during these same days, captured soldiers and officers of the sixth army of the wehrmacht walked
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