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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] ukraine was also defeated, the enemy was already there, and there was a woman standing there, waving to you , smiling, then it opened, or rather, this woman suddenly disappeared somewhere, a window was broken , the enemy was already starting to fire at you from there, they were holding you hostage, yes, well then maybe a relative, well, you won’t ask much in combat, but it turns out... that they were hiding behind, so the residents of this house there of those houses said that they kept many in the basements, many were not allowed out in the apartments, how they really covered up how like a human shield, everything was burning, you see, everything is already it was restored, everything was restored , people are already living, the windows are all in place, these houses , it wasn’t, these are actually new houses that were built recently, they simply drove out infantry fighting vehicles, they hit residential buildings, they didn’t know where we just hit where we
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were. go home, russia, russia, russia , the goal of our rally, we have one goal - this is to stop the punitive actions of the kiev junta and the withdrawal of all nazis from the territory of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics, screw this bloody illegal coup, of course any patriot, but i myself i think a patriot, because i really love my land, my republic, at first i wanted
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all this, naturally, as they say, a rally. yes, who fought during this time , it turned out that i had to study and fight , learn from my mistakes, from other people ’s mistakes and from my own, correct my mistakes, it’s a great honor for me, yes, to serve with the guys who, yes, then it’s hard it was the fourteenth year, the fifteenth year, because food supply, but thank you there were people who helped us then in any way they could, so, but i’ll tell you,
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practically... about 80%, here i have a battalion, maybe 75-80, the only ones left are those guys who started serving in 1414, who went all over the world, and which one do you work for? i started from the city of donetsk , petrovsky district, i worked at a mine, trudovskaya, also in the petrovsky district, which was already bombed, it’s basically gone, well , the coal reserves were good, i could have worked for another 70 years... to provide coal, well i hope that if we drive it further, maybe they will restore the mines, maybe it will start working, maybe i’ll go to the mine, work, work, well, yes, i need my homeland to defend, in the fourteenth year it all started, i went to serve in the war, my grandfather, the kingdom of heaven, a miner, one the other, well, as one might say, he followed in his footsteps, he started
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, the airport was clearing a new terminal. not because there was a war, but simply because the communications were all broken, no one could see them, no one had repaired them, the city was gray, now construction is underway, broken houses are being restored, we have already liberated all these houses, well
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local ones. ..they warned us, they said that there are still sushniks on the honest ones here, they moved there, cleared them out, and burned them down. ntlb with zushka, since the fourteenth year, this is in donetsk, there was the dpr, this republic has already been founded, no matter how difficult it was, hard, people somehow tried to work somewhere, they understood what they were striving for, here as ukraine has been there since '91, and that's how it was until, let's say, '22. you see, yes, five-story buildings, people keep piglets, they keep chickens right there, because they need to eat, somehow they need to feed themselves, well,
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now you can even see damage to the houses, here is the new covering, here it is , this is what these houses were all on fire, so the direction of the arrivals was visible from there, that ’s where it is, then there was enemy artillery, we came from that side, accordingly, it was clear where, from where they were killed, the police, you stand there, now write down your names, sign me up, i’ll come to you without a message. you offer them to go to the west, why haven’t you opened a single criminal case in the west? where is this and we must remain silent? at the rally i came out already in office,
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i was first a master-survivor, then literally in may i already became deputy head of the mine transport section, in may i was already elected by the people's council, then it was called the supreme council. indeed, they went into assault, but they went into assault in such a way that i repeat once again, there are many residents of donetsk, plus those people who are children of 18-19 years old from other regions, they are not guilty of anything, they are also... here at home mom , dad, sisters, beloved girls, so our task was to take this part by storm, so that people would be alive, patriots would take up arms, this happened very quickly, decisively, but well, we then had guys who
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served in afghanistan, well, as we just say, afghans, well, who still went through the combat path, there were guys who served in special forces, they also have some kind of skill, they just, like they say
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, they started from scratch to... worked, we didn’t even have armored armor, helmets then in 1914, but we just armed ourselves normally, then they took the military unit from us and from there they gave us normal weapons, i say, well, in 1914 year my son graduated from school, this is just the beginning of this entire ato operation. somehow i didn’t consider myself in the role of a terrorist, but since the people there, well, western ukraine treats this, no, i don’t even know what to call it, well, a riot began from
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the side of the marenka, and our petrovsky district borders the marinsky district, that’s all there were arrivals at our house, the house was damaged , neighbors were killed, and the area is such that it is at a height, and the whole city... you can see them in the palm of your hand, well, we had to take this height, they set up a checkpoint between marenka and petrovka on the highway, blocked it . very well equipped, here
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we see a pistol, a dekterev machine gun, and such weapons were not enough, that is , the fighters had to get these weapons in battle, but as it was, first you were at the checkpoints with sticks, and stood there, then somewhere... it turned out that some policemen there, someone else there surrendered, they already had some kind of weapon there to protect them, someone there with guns, someone with small things, i don’t know, the men looked like hunters , whatever happened, i worked at the skochinsky mine. thunderstorms of the fifth category when i started the ukrainian coup, we didn’t like it, that they started to restore their rules here, they stood up and started defending their side, but to me it’s more that i already went to do something specifically, to storm there and the like, to drive there from here, yes, or to defend, this is when the children of donbass began to die, i have children myself, well , i... wouldn’t want to, so they live under fire, yes, but i wouldn’t want them
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to see this further, it’s necessary so, they are not there, the enemy was here, there used to be a school, uh, tax office, college, station transfusions, it was here that there was a cluster, a kindergarten, a little lower there, in these buildings the enemy was located. here opposite there were two-story buildings in which snipers were sitting, in a couple of days, let’s say, practically , the enemy was knocked out of here, there was a school, of course, you know, how to let pigs into the garden, they also did the same inside with the school, even when we knocked them out, they just started firing artillery at the school for, well, an empty building, but even if you’re right in saying that no one gets it. you see, our task was to take
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so that the whole thing remains, but ukraine has such a thing, to break it up so that no one gets it, so the artillery simply worked on empty buildings, we weren’t at the school or at the tax office, so, but they decided to demolish the city, apparently, to zero, there was a post here. in this very house, there is a basement behind the house , too, when they started coming here, they ran away, found good documents on them, a tablet there with maps, saw this bridge, and right there there was a good view that this very thing goes there and technology from here to there, it turned out that it is the most important, because there is practically only one exit to carbon. there were a lot of carriages standing here, trains, everything was
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packed, it was practically invisible, now you can clearly see there, if someone appeared something, you can see, but before you had to fly under the carriages there under one train to see, is there anyone there or not, well, on the other hand , the enemy practically did not see us, when we entered, we suddenly ran into the enemy, here they had a fortification, behind this there were trenches dug by the fence, they had their tents, there were officers here, they saw them, they started throwing grenades there, they started shooting, they left here, i came with the army, after an emergency i went to the mine, and since childhood i dreamed of being a military man, only something like that... that i went to work in a mine, but because
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there was only corruption in this ukrainian army, when they served urgently, there was nothing to do there, that they walked around, only waved shovels, they began to come to us on lenin square, in these beads, with these bits, then there are they who have already come to disperse us, those who are protesting against their illegal actions, that is, they took, they wanted a revolution, yes, they overthrew the legitimate president , that’s it, we will lead you, why so in what? we have to put up with this, bankrupt ukraine wanted some kind of happy life for, well, i don’t know, that it was necessary to sell everyone a kidney in order to somehow restore the budget? donchamin was a miner all his life, his father was a miner, his uncles were miners, our people are not spoiled, if they said, we’ll bake potatoes in the fire, eat them, lie down sleep, no one was ever indignant, but when
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they began to storm the ukropov trenches , we looked at what they were eating there, i think it’s impossible with such a belly. to fight on february 24 , we were ahead of them, if we characterize the little one against the enemy, then what we happened to see were those prisoners that we had, who, well, these are drug addicts, who simply shot at people because, well, that’s what - then they have, like a safari, apparently for them, these are the same positions, and the same
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dugouts of theirs, everywhere... well, almost a year and a half has passed after they freed volnovakha, there are still pieces of iron sticking out, a funnel, still nature takes over, it’s all overgrown with grass, i can’t really say that it once happened, there was an arrival, even
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fragments remain here, one, here's another one. get over to this side of the railway tracks, along the way he scattered what he could, dragged, changed clothes, threw them, there are clothes, it’s clear that some kind of police officers fled, they dragged civilians with them , they took a person prisoner here, they wouldn’t have turned him like that attention, look, he's wearing sportswear suit, short sleeves, short pants, who are you, where are the documents, there’s nothing, they found a military id in the socks. on january 1 of this year, the roof was hit again; in 2014 , there were three artillery attacks, as a result of which half of the building was missing. the funds of the donetsk
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republican regional museum contain documents, awards, personal belongings of soldiers of the 383rd infantry mining division, well... we are proud of your courage, hero and wish you happiness in your work for the quick defeat of the german invaders. team group commanders yes, we give such interesting content, i often bring it with me from the children . one thing, just a second, here from the girl, dear soldier, thank you for your protection , for the fact that i go to school and can live in peace, come back soon with victory, alina 5 to the city of tula, thank you very much for your kind words and
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letters inspire, raise morale. on august 9, my house was destroyed, my grandmother died, the house is not fit for purpose, it’s an old stalinist, two-story building, there’s practically nothing left of the house, a neighbor’s girl also died, i think she was four years old, my grandmother was 72 years old, you couldn’t tell she was still young, she was running around, grandma, i lived there, that is , there was nowhere else to go, that’s it, there was no home, when was there what? well, it will recover, now this is the situation, everyone understands everything, so there is nowhere to go back to if they feel bad and hard. they will never show the view, that’s practically all, there was no such case that someone there, i don’t know, did not allow nudes there or was stung there, complained to me or i would
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listen from the side, here we climbed this slope , just arrived, enemy i started working from that café building there. they lay down here, began to shoot back, the enemy began to send a bekha from there, the rpg officer began to shoot at her, the beha turned around, retreated back, well, as a result , they then smashed her there , left the machine gun below, worked on the retreating enemy with this same thing, and then they went, we immediately went down this very thing on the asphalt, our guys there also ran and were mortally wounded. we had this whole procedure going on for about 7.5 hours, after
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volnovakha had already been liberated, that was it, well we thought literally right away, without even leaving here , we wanted to erect a monument, we thought, thought, decided on a vocational school, we took it, there were military operations there too, all this was there, especially since there was a park there, local people came who were there when we ... they passed, well, they freed them, they started carrying quotes, cleanliness, order, i mowed down all this stuff, thank you very much, father, thank you, when you benefit from the sulidar, everything has its time, everything has its time, father, we’ll kick you out, where? let's get away, our land is also coal, so everything has its own, thank you for looking after, so, my name is nikolai nikolaevich, i’m here, so to speak, well, deputy director. by
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design, i understand, i understand, i always wanted to be like my uh uncles, my uncle is kolya baybalin on my mother’s side, he worked at the mine all his life. on my father’s side, viktor vladimirovich kuzmin, fate itself , as they say, brought lini on my father’s side, but my father is an agronomist, yes, and if you take his brothers, even his sister, even his mother and his, my grandmother, were all connected at one time with mining profession, just like that on the maternal side, that’s my uncle, yes, he worked in a mine, his father, uh, grandfather ivan, he went through the entire great patriotic war. his last was the war with the japanese , and he returned to donetsk, he came on his own, although he was originally from volgograd, from the voronezh region,
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well, he came then to raise the donbass, to work in the mine , he also worked almost his entire life in the mine, and he reached berlin, from berlin he was already transferred to the far east with the japanese, then he took part in demining the territory in 1948, he came to me. grandfather's my mother died in the great patriotic war , my grandfather reached victory, was wounded several times, my father is also from donetsk, he worked in the mines in donetsk, even once vladimir vladimirovich putin said, donbass does not drive empty, we are all with character, all miners
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work here , until you go down, you won’t understand. oh, i want to see the nice petrovsky district, the roads are smooth, the houses are no longer there, the houses with holes are being restored, so that there are russian flags everywhere, take a walk around donetsk in a calm way, just go out and take a walk, our children don’t see anything they don’t see. the fact that they constantly sit in basements, in apartments , don’t really go out on the street, then the petals, then these cassette tapes are gone now, the children don’t see,
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it’s scary to let them go anywhere, you don’t know where it’s coming from, they have children. .. there is no prosperous childhood, so that people don’t come out looking gray, as they do now, because they are constantly shooting, but so that people walk around, enjoy life, i want to finish the renovation of the house , i got up in the fourteenth year, that’s all, i laid half a bath of tiles, that’s it how long already it’s been 9 years, but no, without war, that’s how it used to be, only as part of russia everything is already normal, which... not with ukraine for
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24 proud hours. one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked to steal a cannon from the regiment for fun , and with her own hands shot at a peasant’s hut, boom! miraculously, no one was killed to death, what’s the difficulty? her mother is an important person at court, everything is fine with my daughter, she’s a normal girl, just like everyone else, and she’s a girl, she repents, it’s like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but
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according to the law, siberia is supposed to be, siberia, siberia, “yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll cut it off, so i’d tear you apart with my lashes , where are you going, drown yourself, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, installing, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons , educational programs and documentaries, free without registration, watch,
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watch in the application or on the website.
9:00 pm
orthodox christians celebrate the nativity of christ, the main service. egor, greetings, that's how many believers are waiting for a holiday service? yes, hello, yuri, a lot of people are now gathering at the main church, at the cathedral of christ the savior, we managed to get inside the church before the patriarchal service and are walking here. final preparations, i will especially note that for all orthodox believers this year christmas is special, especially for those who come here, they put up here an icon, the trinity of andrei rublev all christmas holidays, it will be here, every believer will be able to venerate it, and for a long time last year it was under restoration and now


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