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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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a copy of the meeting of the academy of sciences, at which the development was presented for the first time in the world; also among the exhibits is a telephone receiver from the times of the professor. this sample was produced by the french company ducrete under the popovrete trademark, you can see the original nameplate on the receiver. the peculiarity of this receiver is that it was actually the prototype of a modern amplitude detector, a university where more than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students are engaged in research. the university occupies. leadership positions in technology development, in in the field of training specialists for radio-electronic, information and telecommunication control systems, as well as for artificial intelligence, bioengineering and environmental protection. all this thanks to a powerful scientific school, which is more than 135 years old with modern led instrumentation.
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loan discount, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, a great blow, i’ll post it now, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it’s a megaphone, everything flies with it. switch to megafon, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed coverage. cool video, it spread faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster, how are you there, take glycine renival, asparkam renival, we trust renival, we choose renival, it’s easy to imagine the ideal home, so just imagine, and the rest will make a house click, from a dream to a home... one
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house click, maybe a sandwich, new year's appetite, dad can, dad can, only dad will cut it down , new year's appetite, only dad will cut down the appetite, only a holiday, spa will help, how are you, i have a cold, i have an even nose, we can handle it together, but first and booklin . the two components reinforce each other, acting against cold symptoms. that's it, together we gave in strength. double strength. and booklin is double strength against cold symptoms. in tablet or powder format for a warm drink. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. will discount. buy sinergetic dishwasher tablets for only rub 799. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts. why is this possible? can!
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yota! connect for a maximum of 399 rubles. and get superboxes as a gift! can! iota! langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue. langidase against prostatitis. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners, a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback bonuses at pharmacies to take care. about yourself: discount on loan to buy something you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch, and receive special, favorable conditions. january 7, a memorable date in the military history of russia: january 7, 1878, the battle of the neck. one
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of the final battles of the russian-turkish war. in the battle from january 7 to 9, russian troops won a strategically important victory. she brought fame to the legendary general skobelev. the battle of prisheinov brought the liberation of bulgaria closer. the ottoman yoke at the end of the war of 1877-1878. the path to constantinople was open for us. about, colleagues will tell you in the final weather report how residents of the central regions endured the january frosts. watch it now. frosts have weakened their grip on the russian plain, but does this mean that the arctic service has come to an end? we'll talk about this in the next 20 minutes. what other topics will we touch on? invulnerable and deadly. the mobile group of the strategic missile forces was fully armed with yars, which is what the latest russian intercontinental ballistic missiles are capable of. the new tactics of our armed forces are bearing
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fruit. why do ukrainians themselves call their air defense full of holes in whether it is able to protect the military installations of the square at all. the olympics in paris are under threat, the seine river is teeming with dangerous infections, what does the weather have to do with it, and is it really possible to improve the quality of water before the start of the summer games in the french capital. you are watching the main weather program, i am vadim zavodchenkov, hello, the new year began with severe frosts, the cold is gradually receding, but very slowly, when the main focus is. the cold will leave the european part of the country, should we wait for a thaw? we’ll definitely tell you about it right after review of the main disasters of the week. greetings from the pole of cold of the moscow region, the klinsky district has warmed up to -28. let's celebrate
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with a challenge. so far this winter it has never been so cold in the moscow region. in the wedge the air cooled to -32, only 10 was not enough to reach the record in kolomna. in moscow itself. several dozen houses were left without heat, water and energy supply; the consequences of the emergency were eliminated within a day, but for some time the residents of three districts of the metropolis had to freeze. the temperature in the apartment is 15, that is, very freezing cold. in moscow there were no records, but in st. petersburg. statistics have been updated, judging by the video from the northern capital , double-glazed windows in houses were frozen, i like it’s just snow here, but now it’s not blowing , but on the streets those who like to slaughter felt great, there are a lot of such shots on the network now, a real paradise for
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walruses in thursday was also vologda, the cold here was also record-breaking, it is worth noting that frosts did not reign everywhere on the russian plain, the south was in the lower zones of the arctic invasion countries, in rostov-nadon, for example , during the day the air warmed up to +7°, however, in winter such weather is no better than cold weather, it is dangerous in its own way, the city was covered in dense fog, visibility at the weather station of the local airport was reduced to 300 m, due to new year's frosts , emergency crews had to work around the clock, from december 31 to january 2 , more than 50 outages occurred in the leningrad region, amid a sharp cold snap, no heating and hot water were left... more than 100 multi-storey buildings in voronezh, a pipeline was discovered leak, repairs lasted for several hours, an avalanche of cold weather occurred in the south of siberia, due to snowfall in the kemerovo region, visibility on the roads was at times reduced to a minimum, drivers lost control on snow-covered
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roads, cars flew into a ditch, traffic police inspectors helped to return them to the road . in the altai territory , more than ten cars collided during a snowstorm; the temperature here was very cold. in the regional capital , the temperature dropped by 20° in less than 24 hours. extreme cold hit this week most of the northern half of the russian plain, but the northwest region was at the epicenter of the cold. so in the south of karelia the air cooled down to almost -40 in the morning, and even the proximity to the warm baltic did not protect st. petersburg from record twenty-five degree frosts. an icy center of high pressure is living out its last days on the russian plain. on saturday , the atlantic made its first attempt to break through the frost block, but unfortunately, it was not very successful, because on sunday the anticyclone will intensify again, but with the beginning of the new week the northern ones will become more active
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cyclones, having circled scandinavia, these vortices will dive into southern latitudes, pumping rather warm air into european russia. therefore, from sunday, frosts will again intensify in moscow on the holiday night -21, and in the daytime -19, but starting from tuesday in central russia more is expected. steady warming, first the temperature regime will enter the climate framework in the afternoon to -7-9, by thursday the thermometers during the day will reach -2. after abnormal frosts in the first ten days of the month, in the following days on the european territory of russia more mild weather, so the average temperature in the west and south of the region will be 1-2° above normal, only in the north. the northeast will be slightly colder than usual, westerly currents carrying atlantic air masses
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will continue to warm siberia and the far east. here a cold temperature anomaly is predicted only in the baikal region and the kolyma region. in the subsequent days of the calendar winter, weather processes, for example, in central russia, will become unstable , so heat waves will be replaced by cold waves, and the most significant arctic... invasions are expected at the end of the second decade at the junction of january and february. the mobile group of strategic missile forces was completely converted from stopole to the latest yars intercontinental ballistic missiles. the russian ministry of defense announced this on january 2. as our president recently noted, the role of nuclear. has increased significantly in the current conditions,
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yevgeny teshkovets will talk about the capabilities of the russian icbm yars right now. evgeniy, what are the main advantages of yars? vadim, in short, this is mobility and colossal power, the yair missile system is capable of destroying a small city. so, at the start of the new year, the strategic missile forces completed the planned rearmament of the mobile group. the last connection that transferred from the topol complexes. which have a modern mobile ground-based missile system topol m with sufficient operational life, there are plans to begin rearmament of these regiments after 2025. most importantly, the modernization phase of our main component of intercontinental ballistic missiles has ended, which will make nuclear ones. russia is absolutely guaranteed. the rs-24 yars is
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a mobile and silo-based intercontinental ballistic missile. for obvious reasons, its exact combat characteristics are kept secret. however , it is known that in terms of throw weight this missile exceeds the poplar rs-12 m2 by more than 20%. yar will demolish not one, but 3-4 nuclear units. despite this, russian designers managed to maintain the strategic flight range. rockets 11-12,000 km away, and most importantly - new technological solutions guarantee yars high survivability. yard is invulnerable at all stages of the flight, from launch to hitting the target. the main feature is that this missile carries several warheads at once; during the flight, they are distributed by the missile’s combat stage. each for its own purpose, this type of missile equipment is called a multiple warhead with
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individual guidance units. most yars mobile systems are equipped with an autonomous launcher. this means that a strike can be launched from any point along the patrol route. this means that from three to six targets, independent targets, i emphasize, can be destroyed with one launch. this is a fundamental difference, because if... some object is attacked with six warheads, and not one, this means that all complexes located in this area are destroyed. strategic yars were specially made not only in a mine version, but also in a mobile version, so that the enemy would constantly puzzle over their location. to camouflage nato spies from satellites, they are used, among other things, special aerosol clouds that do. equipment that is practically invisible from the air; radio electronic warfare equipment operates in its locations.
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thus, the state of our nuclear triad allows us to guarantee strategic deterrence. massive russian missile attacks took out the nezalezhny air defense system. even before this it was not particularly effective, and now even the ukrainians themselves call it full of holes. what new tactics did the russian armed forces begin to use when preparing strikes on military targets of the ukrainian armed forces? tatiana belova will tell you. tanya, american patriots didn’t help? vadim, they didn’t help. russian missiles successfully overcome the ukrainian air defense system, including its nato component. the russian armed forces began to use new tactics of combined strikes. first, a pair of kamikaze drones, geranium-2, are lifted into the sky. they begin to move around areas of interest, forcing software calculations to reveal their positions. at the same time, attacks are carried out by cruise missiles and gliding
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bombs. the final part of the attack is the use of hypersonic daggers. this is not due to what daggers can do. intercept, no one can intercept them now, uh, these are missiles for which there is currently no antidote, no protection, with the fact that thanks to previous attacks, all priority air defense systems are identified that are subject to destruction, in fact, according to they already had daggers and worked on air defense systems, on warehouses - with ammunition for the air defense system on decision-making centers on buried command posts. as a result. during the last massive russian strike , the military-industrial complex of ukraine suffered significant losses. it is unknown that the malyshevo plant in kharkov was damaged, where they again tried to establish the production of drones and repaired armored vehicles. military enterprises in the sumy region and chernigov were also targeted. in addition, serious damage was caused to the ukraine pes system. there is evidence of the destruction of at least one
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patriot complex at a school airfield near odessa. well, in kiev it became one of the main goals. here lighthouse, even before the northern military district they produced firearms and mortars, and since last year they started producing ammunition, including for drones. there are also three protected bomb shelters on the territory of the enterprise, suitable for protecting various cargoes. footage of the burning lighthouse building clearly demonstrates the success of the russian attack. former deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, igor mesyachuk , spoke in his stream about the defeat of a number of defense industry enterprises in kiev. this is because. here is the lighthouse and artyom and a number of other enterprises, in fact the entire military-industrial complex of the ukrainian capital was destroyed, as a result of this strike , the remaining enterprises for the production of weapons, such as missiles, uavs, mainly artillery shells, were destroyed in kiev. the tactics of combined strikes are now
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being analyzed in detail by military experts in the west, even they are forced to admit that nato systems are anti-aircraft. defense is powerless against russian missile attacks, for example, on the air of the german tv channel weilt they admired the capabilities of the cruise missile h32. the h32 missile is equipped with modern systems, it flies at a very high speed, and it is equipped with electronic defense systems, so intercepting it is an extremely difficult task for ukrainian air defense. according to some reports, even the most modern western air defense systems have never been able to shoot down this type of missile. and here is the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. they shoot down their fantasies in batches of cruise missiles and hypersonic missiles, they manage to pass off even an obvious failure as a victory. for example, here is an interesting video from kiev, in the footage there is a certain rocket along a vertical trajectory falls into a pond, ukrainian propaganda immediately said that this was a russian dagger, although, judging by the plumage and shape, this object has nothing in common with a dagger.
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but it very much resembles the rocket of the german iriste complex. apparently, the ammunition could not be intercepted. target, and after the fuel ran out, the free fall simply began. for some reason the self-destructor did not work. it’s good that the rocket crashed into the water, but others are falling on residential buildings. it has long been clear that western countries are recycling old, subject to decommissioning of weapons. these are the allies of the kiev regime. dirty, dangerous and smelly. french journalists do not skimp on non-face. pleasant epithets in relation to the main water artery of paris, the quality of the water in the hay is catastrophic, it is full of bacteria, sewage floats in it. an unprecedented level of river pollution threatens the holding of water competitions as part of the olympics, which is to be held in the french capital this summer. details in the plot?
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the 2024 summer olympics are in jeopardy, at least the sports competitions... including leptospirosis, a disease that is transmitted through the urine of the carcasses of gruss, often found in the sewers of paris. pesticides, nitrates, and waste dumped into the river turn it into a breeding ground. bacteria. swimming in the seine has been officially prohibited since 1923 . in 1988, jacques chirac, then mayor of paris, came up with the idea of ​​cleaning up the river. he even
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promised to swim in it after 3 years in front of witnesses to prove that the hay had become clean again. from 1991 to 2001, the state and private investors invested 10 billion euros in construction of infrastructure, including 500 wastewater treatment plants. nothing helped. hay is still considered the dirtiest. river of europe. and experts very much doubt that the french authorities will be able to fix anything at the paris city hall in six months. it is no coincidence that france, for such a long period of time, has not been able to solve the problem of water pollution in the hay. this is connected not so much with the hay itself, as with , say, a reservoir, and so on. this is due to the specifics of the administrative management resource of france itself, its let's just say the traditional one is ineffective. france very often, let’s say, exhibits specific administrative impotence, and there is no escape from this, that is, it can want anything, but with
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a high degree of probability it can provide what it wants, to the extent that it wants, she won't be able to. at the same time, the interdepartmental association for disinfection of the paris agglomeration claims that over the past 40 years it has been possible, quote, to significantly reduce the percentage of fecal bacteria in hay, and the paris 20. 24 organizing committee assures that by at the beginning of the games, the water in the river will meet sanitary standards, however , the weather still needs to improve; the sewer systems of paris periodically fail, and if there are heavy rains during the olympics, wastewater from the overflowing sewer will again flow into the seine. and at the end of the issue , we’ll talk about humanity’s continued efforts to curb the rise in temperature on the planet. recent research results have shown that a key threshold for global warming will inevitably be exceeded in the coming years. an international team of scientists published
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the following data: it is estimated that in 2023, humanity will emit more than 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. this figure was even higher than a year earlier. researchers are indignant.
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signed an updated climate doctrine . let us recall that last fall, the president of russia, one of its most important goals is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060. our country is actively developing a greenhouse gas monitoring system. in particular , an observation network in the arctic was recently launched. seas the observation site on the severnaya zemlya archipelago has been modernized;
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a module tracking greenhouse gas flows has been installed at the drifting polar station north pole 41. in the arctic, the climate is changing two to three times faster than anywhere else on the planet. that is why our scientists pay such close attention to this region. that 's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it may be. goodbye, who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader, a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible trumpeter, this is mine band, hello my fans, here. where were you before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love. there's no way around it, i'm behind you.
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dog, cat, cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too, bremen musicians,
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let's look before everyone else, let's meet, veronika pavlovna, vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always on one step ahead, four, let's sign up, look, i'll shave your head to intimidate her, i'll horse you i tore it, you have to try really hard, i ’ll burn it. let's say i really went back in time, then why the hell am i here? golot two. dear soldier, thank you for protecting me, for allowing me to enter school and be able to live in peace. that very famous indian tea with an elephant in the soviet union, which everyone drank, but
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about which... little was known, the restored holiday gospel is a symbol of the inextricable ties between russia and the holy land. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all russia before your eyes.
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today is one of the main church holidays - christmas. on christmas eve , vladimir putin met with the relatives of military personnel who died during a special military operation. the conversation took place in an informal setting in novogorev. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys, warriors of russia, even now defend their interests with weapons in their hands on this holiday.


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