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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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lord, lord, we know, the city will be, we know, it’s crazy when there are such people in the country, uganda, call the russian orthodox church simply mononational, it’s impossible, but this is a global church. there have been many schisms in the history of the church; in addition to ideological reasons, there is also a national, political reason; this is due to different understandings of how the church should develop in each state. and this has always been so, just since the creature and the church, there has been politics in it, and this is inevitable, and the church will influence the state. and the state will
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influence the church too. the church is one of the pillars of the identity of any people and state. for example, in ukraine in the early nineties, the political reason was the first, the first such impulse, then they began to overlap - different nationalist moments, cultural ones, then different understandings of identity, and so on. in the early nineties, ukrainian bishops had the idea to create their own national church, separate from the russian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate and become autonomous autocephalous church. accordingly, in ukraine, in the early nineties, there remained a church that was connected with moscow and a church that declared its independence. but already to the highest
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level, what is called, because it declared itself the kiev patriarchate, accordingly, at least two churches arose: this is where the personality of the former metropolitan of kiev filoret denisenko enters the arena. proterei igor yakimchuk is not just a priest, he is one of the five main ones in the ovc, this is the church meeting, the department for external church connections. i have been involved in relations with ukraine for a long time. the ovc is one of the most closed and important synodal departments in the moscow patriarchate, especially now. father igor is generally specifically responsible for ukrainian issues. however, let’s return to his story, then still metropolitan of kiev filoret, denisenko. he was a very famous and influential hierarch of the russian church, to the point that when patriarch pimen died in 1990, metropolitan. filoret was
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the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, that is, the first candidate for the patriarchal throne, moscow all russia. the logic of belief will be active. holy russia cordially welcomed dear guests from different countries of the world, the patriarchal archarch of ukraine, metropolitan of kiev and galicia philoret spoke. a thousand years are in your sight, o lord, like yesterday, says the psalmist. the baptism of russia is the day of spiritual birth. orthodox russian people. the baptism of russia is the day of the historical birth of the russian orthodox church. the baptism of russia is the beginning of the history of holy russia. and he had no doubt that he would be the patriarch of moscow and all of rus'. the atmosphere of perestroika had
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already penetrated the church. and the elections were free, completely democratic, if that word can be used. the time has come for the cathedral to show evidence of the conciliar ministry in it , to know the will of god about the name of the primate of the russian church. lord, the heart of all, through the action of the holy spirit, show us the one whom you choose to accept the lot. what was the shock for the filorets? he never came to terms with this and still can’t come to terms with it. he believed that
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this was someone’s machinations, that this was a provocation, and since it happened, he will still be the patriarch, if not... in moscow, then in kiev, then he promised that he would do it. the local council elected alexei, metropolitan of leningrad and novgorod, as his holiness the patriarch of moscow and all russia, thereby entrusting him with the duties of the primate of the russian orthodox church.
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2008, his holiness returned from kiev, where he gave us his last interview in his life, this is his...
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and the region and the hierarchy and the parish, because everyone has their own responsibility before god, before history, before the people, one more, another has less, but this responsibility must be felt, and a person must feel the responsibility with which... rests on him for the future of the church, for the future of parishes, for the future of the country. the collapse of the soviet union began, the ukrainian orthodox church was created, to which patriarch alexy granted the rights of broad autonomy
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, very broad, which is broader than many independent churches, it has its own synod, its own, which... elects its own bishops without the consent of moscow , creates its own dioceses according to at his own discretion, however, to the metropolitan. having voted for 160 of them, against - although, in this manner, the patriarch of kiev and all russia of ukraine, his beatitude philaret, metropolitan of kiev, of the kiev patriarchal throne. i accept this and
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don’t say anything super, i convey how difficult things will come after these days, and i firmly... will honor the church, which will be a valuable
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spiritual foundation, i hand over to you this patriarchal doll, as i have already said to the outside world ku patriarchal dignity of this crown of thorns, and when you receive it, remember that you... this service has been entrusted to the orthodox flock of ukraine, to serve self-imposedly and faithfully, as long as you live. when the kiev patriarchate was formed, these several jurisdictions that compete with each other in ukraine, this happened. in case of violation of kabakanons and in case of violation of the cross of the cross
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of kissing. the kissing cross is an oath that felaret denisenko took at a local council in moscow. we still must not forget about our word said in the gospel, let you have yes, yes. "no, no, everything beyond this is from the evil one, if i said that i will do it, then i will do it, i will submit a petition to the bishops' council, to the ukrainian orthodox church that i ask to take these from me.'
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he was defrocked, that is, he was defrocked by the russian orthodox church, that is, he is not a priest or a bishop or anyone from the point of view. the russian orthodox church, accordingly, those ordinations of priests and deacons that it made after the bishops, they turned out to be invalid. alexander drobinko, metropolitan of peryaslovsky and vishnevsky, orthodox church of ukraine, a citizen of the state of ukraine, who is integral and independent. i also found the beginning of the nineties. today he is a prominent and prominent face of the new orthodox church of ukraine, the ocu. before that
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i was in moscow. then alexander still had an a, graduated from the moscow theological academy. since ninety-eight, assistant, and then personal secretary of metropolitan of kiev and ivsia of ukraine vladimir. in the eighteenth year he began a new life as a sub-mafor of constantinople, becoming alexander in the oo. when did the split begin, in fact, in its active phase when it was prohibited.
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in a distant city, here was her opinion, the opinion of the people, if the active parishioners, they understood, as it were, the difference between the kiev and moscow patriarchates, then the majority of the orthodox, in the countryside, and in the cities, actually, but they did not understand the difference between the kiev patriarchate and the moscow patriarchate, if you look at it from the point of view of modernity, then this is the space. as it were, western ukraine, what is now western ukraine and little russia, it is, in general, always in one or the other to a different extent, it was an arena for russia’s struggle with the west, but for now, at some point, no matter how russia stabilized this territory, well, this was in the russian empire, then within
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the framework of the soviet union, respectively, when russia actually left. then a very large imbalance arose, which, in general, led to the emergence of a new conflict between russia and the west and to church schisms, which became a consequence of this growing political conflict. well, let's look at the map of the ecumenical schism. in 154 he divided christian world into eastern western, catholics and orthodox. let's rewind time a little . in 988, when the once scattered and pagan lands of the future russia were baptized. recognition of russian autocephaly took place in 1589. all eastern patriarchs, together with granting the russian church the status of a patriarchate. in the nineties , after the emergence of independent
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ukraine, the russian orthodox church granted complete independence to the orthodox of ukraine. and independence, however , the spiritual and canonical unity. in ninety-five , metropolitan philorett of kiev received the kukul of the kiev patriarch, the patriarchate he created. in 2018, patriarch bartholomew of constantinople issued a tomos to another church in ukraine - the ocu. we began to study this topic, perhaps, back in 1999. there was no crimea, there was no war in donbass yet.
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ukrainian, but still in the eyes of nationalists, greek catholics and autocephalians, father alexey is a stranger, a muscovite, only because he did not betray the canonical church. father is still ready to defend his temple today, but fears for the lives of children. he sends his eldest daughter and our film crew to lvov, although it’s hard to figure out where it’s calmer now. glory to the nation, built by orthodox believers on the outskirts of lviv , the st. vladimir church has long been captured by schismatics with the participation of u naunso militants. now into it.
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at the same time, we agreed that we would create, well, our own church, well, i’m a parishioner of this church, well, i’ll come here too.
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with the help of the paramilitary organization unso, when orthodox forces were expelled from their churches, when clergy were beaten, when orthodox shrines were desecrated, one could imagine this even in the wild middle ages, but when this happens in the 20th century,
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patriarch alexy suffered many experiences and health. glory to ukraine. well, in the end , he used this argument in order to resolve the fact that the moscow patriarchate was never able, as they say in ukrainian, to resolve this issue. we are served a new, some new orthodoxy, well, which we consume, when we need, as much as we need, in a package that is larger for us like.
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ukrainian society.
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we lived with this event for 8 years exactly, i , as a soviet officer, lived with this event for 30 years , we traveled through several countries of the continent to meet people far from politics, the ball game, they have polin - a national game, like hockey trove, already the most chukotka ball. january 7: a memorable date in the military history of russia. january 7, 1878, the battle of prisheinov, one of the final battles
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of the russian-turkish war. in the battle from january 7 to 9 , russian troops won a strategically important victory. she brought fame to the legendary general skobelev. the battle of prisheinov brought the liberation of bulgaria from the ottoman yoke closer to the end of the war of 1877-1878 . the path to constantinople was open for us. who are you? traveling musicians? we don't have a bright leader. a legendary musical quartet and an irresistible troubodour. this is my group. hello monats. where? was before, why have i never seen you? i fell in love with the princess, but the king interferes with our love, i didn’t forget that there’s no way around it, i’m more tempting with you than palaces
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s... let's look before everyone else, let's meet veronikatsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, always four steps ahead, we sign up, look, to intimidate her, i would tear them apart, we need to try very hard, we will we'll burn it, i really went back in time, but why the hell come here, holob 2,
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