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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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for the lavra, to support our church, the same ones in the ssu write letters, speak out in support of the lavra, but the program has been set completely different, because they have forgotten what we are dealing with now, the pro-american pro-european position has set a different task for the destruction of our church, for the desecration of shrines , to close monasteries. good afternoon, i am the son of czechoslovakia, born in bratislava, last days.
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i hope you will not insert comments that you wanted to teach.
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question: watch more russian television, i don’t have a tv at home, i don’t i want, i don’t watch these programs either, but this is propaganda. in the first three episodes of this film, the son of the russian orthodox church, who has now sworn allegiance, however , to the ocu, agreed to present to us the position of the orthodox church of ukraine. metropolitan of perislavsky and vishnevsky, alexander drobinka.
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participate in other initiatives, for example, to spread a feeling of genuine joy in connection with the forced transfer of the church calendar of ukraine to a new style common with the west, which is according to state policy in ukrainian will help to finally break with the russian world and join the coveted
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european world. violence in a purely bolshevik spirit, the soviet background makes itself felt, and if you dig in search of historical parallels...
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the cops of ukraine, in conflict with their secular patrons and lay brotherhoods, wanted to receive the same power and guarantees as the catholic church in the polish-lithuanian commonwealth , on october 9, 1596, at one council in brest , the union with the vatican was confirmed, at another
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pan-orthodox, there in brest, it was the rejection of uniatism was announced, but the polish royal side came out on the side of the uniates... the government began an era of cruel repressions against the orthodox, in the govan declaration of the sixteenth year it was specifically stated that uniatism is now not a way of missionary activity for the vatican, but it seems to me that a great victory for the moscow patriarchate, the fact that this was included in this govan declaration at all, and of course, this aroused the anger of the greek catholic church in ukraine, they complained to the pope, complained about the pope, there was a barrage of criticism against pope francis in the ukrainian media, but also in the western media in general, but the fact remains: uniateism is losing its influence, becoming a very narrow
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regional church, we have always been schismatics in the eyes of the west, and the fact that we adopted christianity greek rite, this was always perceived as an extremely negative act, because in the eyes of the western church we committed precisely the crime of schism, and this is precisely where all subsequent attempts stemmed. to persuade orthodox russia, the orthodox to accept union. christians, we must tell you that spizmat khmelnitsky fled to be flogged.
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and the so-called khmelnytskyy, the khmelnytsky uprising in 1648, of course, went under the slogan of the fight against the roman catholic church, including for the freedom of the orthodox church. play for battle! the transition to uniatism seemed to change the whole picture of a person’s world and his citizenship; accordingly, uniatism was a way of expansion not only religious, but also political in order to tear away the honor of the population by changing the religious culture. traditions, and of course the language, language also played a fairly large role
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; it plays a fairly large role now, don’t forget, naturally, what is happening in ukraine is, so to speak, a gift from above for the uniates. this schismatic, uniad church, it will still come and destroy ukrainian
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orthodoxy entirely, this was their original task, as they were formed at the union of bresse-lithuania, this is what they live for, and this is what they will continue to live for. the greek catholic church is considered to be the greatest bearer of the ideology of ukrainian nationalism, in general, it has always been a refuge for a...
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different kind of roses, like rozmova’s sack and the shoot of the harmonium, make noise from us in the forest , calling to our hearts, stand up , calling to our hearts, take it to our hands and rub away the fear, we want to roll over, that tomorrow there is no chinese, no neger, no jew, no muscovite, i will not come to choose, my god, these words came from the mouth of a priest of the greek catholic church several years before the maidan, in 2010. father mikhail arsenievich addressed members of the upa unso organization in front of the monument to stepan bandera. 3 years later, his native kolomyia-chernovydsky diocese of the ukrainian greek catholic church condemned arsenich, saying that his speech contradicted
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the mission of the priest. after another 4 years , greek catholics, among whom he was noticed. the most familiar to us, arsenyich , forcibly expelled the community of the canonical ukrainian orthodox church from the annunciation cathedral in kalymai. 2023 greek catholics svyatoslav shevchuk continues to use military rhetoric in his sermons. today we ask, god, listen to our prayers. by your power, our poverty.
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knocks and what is needed, the time was very surprised, we know this well from internal documentation, when the embassy of two bishops of ipatipote, kiril cherletsky, bishop of lutsk and bishop of vladimir, arrived there, there was even the pope’s secretary, when they appeared in front of the pope and began to say: here we are they sent you the terms of the union, and the pope looked, we have these correspondences, the pope looked towards his secretary, it seems antonione whispered to him, antonioni what are we talking about, and your holiness also whispered to him, i don’t know,
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it was thought at the beginning, that is, from the catholic side and from the tuff itself, instead of the union, which is even more from the orthodox side, as a reconciliation of two churches and overcoming.
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yes, people lived in parishes, and, accordingly, everything related to religion was central to their life, and accordingly, when such a prospect arises of how to move from one jurisdiction to another jurisdiction, this is not a question of power, but this is a question of what will be the next worldview, so to speak orientation. glory to ukraine, glory to ukraine, comradeship, i encourage you to start our march until stepan bonder’s birthday with prayers in the name of the father and sin and the holy spirit. our father, who art in heaven, let thy name be hallowed, let thy kingdom come, let thy will be done. there is
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a statement by one of the leaders of ukrainian nationalists, the famous dmitro karchinsky, who even then in the nineties boasted, almost as a joke. he jokingly said with boastfulness that the fact that the kiev pechersk lavra had not yet been captured was just a matter of time, we were not in the mood, if we and my colleagues want, we we’ll seize it at any moment, come to the church, come to the church, you hear moscow speech there, that’s it, you can set it on fire, do it calmly, by the way, fire in these matters is normal , destruction is bad.
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the very history of the church of the 20th century, the lives of the new martyrs and confessors of the russian church , they inspire us to go to the end, everyone looks back at history, they see how it happened in those years, the victory was ours, for the canonical church, this inspires and strengthens them.
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we don’t yet know how the story will end kiev-pechersk lavra among the brethren, we don’t know how the history of the entire clergy in ukraine, our canonical church, will end, what they will have to endure, whether it will be repressions, whether it will be executions, whether it will be torture, which was in the twenties, in the thirties years , whether it will be exile, prison for, we don’t know, god alone knows, maybe i’ll even turn around, another year will pass, i’ll look back, i had the easiest test than... i would like to hope
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that the schism will continue will not follow either in life or in the following episodes. the international exhibition of equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production is being held for the twenty-fifth time, for the first time almost 500 companies from 15 countries take part in it, russian manufacturers have become very animated, this is great, people have realized
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that this is the time when they... for original molecules , original drug.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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one of the main church holidays is christmas. on christmas eve, vladimir putin met with the relatives of soldiers who died during a special military operation. conversation in in an informal setting, it took place at the residence in novo agorevo. many of our men, our courageous, heroic guys, warriors of russia, and now on holiday, with weapons in their hands , defend the interests of our country.


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