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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm MSK

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congratulated everyone on this holiday, secondly, secondly, i would like our meeting to be such a clear, understandable signal for all my colleagues throughout the vast territory of the russian federation, and at all levels, so that it would be a clear signal to always and everywhere , next to you were my colleagues, i repeat, of any level of power, management, so that... you would always feel next to you people who, if necessary, can support, help, come to the rescue if you need it, and life is difficult, diverse, always there are cases and they often arise when outside support is needed, i hope that this will be the case, after the christmas service in the house church on the territory of the novo ogorev residence, vladimir putin showed his guests, relatives...
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for alexey in moscow. evgenia petrokhina will tell you more. his holiness patriarch kirill this christmas at st. alexei hospital in moscow. and please bless me for recovery. well, i bless you , i help you, god, here’s an icon for you. maryana samotoenko asks for a blessing, she has cancer disease. maryana was transferred to st. alexei hospital in moscow as soon as she went to the mobile hospital of the church hospital in mariupol.
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thank you for your feat, as a result of which you were wounded, but in war there is no other way, god grant you the strength to endure this test, god grant you to calmly enter this new stage in your life, you are courageous people, you will succeed. ilya bystrov, an attack aircraft with the call sign pika, he liberated maryenka during the next when the group left for a combat mission, i saved a comrade who stepped on a petal mine. have already been operated on, he is waiting for prosthetics at a branch of the hospital in podmoskovny-zhukovsky, that’s how it happened, i’m carrying out a combat mission, 10-12 meters in front of the dugouts there were enemy enemies in zhukovsky, they will take what they will be getting prosthetics there, the fighting spirit, of course, is waiting prosthetics and alexey kuzichev from gorlovka, he says, literally defended his home, his homeland, there was a senior shooter, there was shelling, a mine flew into the trench. and
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two legs were cut, one, well, in the neck, one they didn’t amputate, but they already came here and saved the second one. all the ilyas in the branch of the church hospital in zhukovsky will make individual prosthetics, judging by these shots and the emotions of those who are now on their feet again, you can even mint a ball, it is comprehensive care for patients in need of prosthetics, there are few places like this, there there is a hospital, that is, the guys come, their rehabilitation begins, preparation for prosthetics, the blinds are removed, we have a workshop there, we assemble the prosthesis there, learn to walk, rehabilitation, they are leaving with a prosthesis, updates, preparations for the opening of a cardiology department with a modern cardiac intensive care unit,
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a hospital from the patriarch, equipment for diagnosing arrhythmia, but nowhere without the caring hands of nurses, would like to thank everyone who works here, doctors and ...administrative staff and, of course, nurses. the lord calls us not only to believe with our reason, with our feelings, but also to realize our faith in good deeds. in this place, this covenant, this commandment, to do good deeds, is being implemented in such a large-scale way and manner. donbass helps with personnel at the st. alexei hospital. this is how shifts to donetsk, lugansk, gorlovka and makeevka are seen off.
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in moscow, three regional branches send humanitarian aid to donbass. money for the purchase of medical equipment and drugs from philanthropists, the help that donbass is so waiting for. evgenia petrukhina, nikolay lomakin, sergey vanilovich. news. new year's discounts in a magnet. chocolate alyonka from 59-99. apartment in moscow count five. just five purchases from a thousand rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours, and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest, win with the best credit card in the country, one of my
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colds, in tablet or powder format for a warm drink. the legendary alfabank credit card, free forever. has become even more profitable, get a supercake every month for free, withdraw cash from any atms throughout the country, not just in... profitable alpha profitable new year's discounts in chernogolovka magnet 1999 just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts and what can you do you can connect yota for maximum 399 rubles get super boxes as a gift you can yota start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket there will be a discount on 1,000 products from cashback up to 50%. in january we are raffling off houses,
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cars, million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million. get your tickets soon. andras breevik, convicted of murdering 77 people , once again complained about quote: unbearable conditions of detention. in response, the colony administration posted video cameras, which shocked the public on social networks with rage. people call the terrorist the most arrogant person in the world. maria skorodilka will tell you why. its own library, gym, the latest playstation, several areas for privacy and even a room with parrots, but not so for brevik. a norwegian terrorist who killed almost a hundred people is threatening to sue.
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because he is supposedly in extreme isolation in prison, breivik is suing the norwegian state for violating his human rights. it’s unbearable for a terrorist, a cell with four rooms. for the sometimes cold coffee that is served to him late in the morning in such a humane colony, the administration is in shock, the terrorists call him ungrateful, they say that in the conditions in which brevik lives in prison, even ordinary norwegians at home do not live, the colony authorities allowed journalists to remove the camera; upon arriving at the prison, the reporters said, yes, this is a whole mansion, this is a personal kitchen, and this is a gym, a second room with a beautiful view and a tv, there is... everything for relaxation, and this third room is... this is a living corner, parrots live in it
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, you can sleep in the fourth room, there is a very comfortable bed, in addition, brevik has the opportunity to walk in his own courtyard, use the library, the shower room is also private, just for him. indignant and ordinary citizens provide the nationalist with a luxurious life on izha, tax, while sitting in prison, he not only did not repent, but also demands more and more. yes, he just wants to attract attention, but... his goal is to mock people and remind them of what he has done. any person who commits such a crime, or even a small part of what he has done, has no right to return to freedom, he must be deprived of everything, let him sit in a bare cell on water and bread, this is a beast. i work for days , i don’t see my family for years, i pay off loans, taxes, but i don’t live like that, and i won’t show it, i ’m not a murderer, after all, this is not brevik’s first complaint, but not a human one. in his opinion, the conditions in august last year he already filed a lawsuit against the state because of the loneliness
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that he experiences while sitting in a colony, with his claims breavi loudly referred to the european convention on human rights, the terrorist’s lawyers no longer hide, ideally their client at all would like to go home, receive guests , meet women, but norwegian lawyers say brevik is dangerous for society, prison, his house is chanting for a norwegian on social networks, andres brevik, convicted of terrorism, is dangerous to society, the courts declared nationalistic motives and bloodshed, with which the terrorist took the lives of 77 people and injured another 150, proves: “if he were free, he would continue to kill.” in addition, speaking in court, brevik admitted more than once that he dreamed of drowning norway in terrorist attacks, and if he had not been detained, he would have gone all the way. now sentenced to 21 years in prison, the highest sentence under norwegian law, buivik is being held under the strictest possible conditions in the country. control regimes in the ringereki colony. over the years i managed to write about ten. complaints at different levels, but the court did not satisfy any of them. they do not follow terrorists' lead,
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they emphasized in strasbourg. brevik is advised to take antidepressants and behave more modestly. marjarodilka, news. in klimovsk near moscow, governor andrei vorobyov held an operational headquarters. we discussed how to quickly connect freezing houses to heat supply. after the accident in the local boiler room, about 170 houses were left without heat. the day before, repair crews restored it. the first boiler, today the second, in the next few hours most residential buildings in the microdistrict will be connected to heat. the torment of these nearby ones. hours we are going to launch 44 houses that are located in this location, thus, taking into account the already launched houses, we will reach a supply percentage of 90% for the population that lives in the city of klimonski, it is important that in the future we write a road map, we do not have a breakdown, therefore, i really hope that we will continue to discuss the topic of operation accordingly
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boiler room to accompany the peace, today is fulfilled. another children's dream as part of the all-russian event tree of wishes. eight-year-old christina and her family visited lake baikal. vladimir putin removed her wish from the tree during a visit to the russia forum exhibition. ksenia kolchina will tell you how it all went. hello baikal. i'm happy. hooray. christina sin welcomes the lake as a good friend. she had heard so much about the crystal-transparent ice of lake baikal, but now she seemed to not believe her eyes and was careful. a frozen surface like glass, they say, baikal is beautiful at any time of the year, now it’s just a transition period, the great lake has not frozen yet, but along the shore it is already bristling with ice hummocks, this is also incredibly beautiful, baikal ice is transparent like glass, the ball with the wish of christina from yuzhno-sakhalinsk was taken from the tree by the president of russia.
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christina sin, 8 years old, dreams of visiting. when i saw baikal, my heart just became very warm, and at christmas the girl no longer parts with her new favorite toy, a snow-white seal - this is one of the main baikal symbols, baikal the seals give a performance, and you can’t help but smile or applaud. christina is an excellent student, and she is interested in everything, big-eyed seals and those inhabitants of baikal that can only be seen through a microscope, she herself can talk about baikal endlessly. the depth of baikal is 1.637 m. quite unexpectedly, the split is right on the baikal ice. christina is seriously involved in sports aerobics. we have first places in all-russian competitions. to be a good athlete, what should you do? believe in yourself, try to work hard. and this, despite
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health features. the girl has immune neutropinia. blood on... she remembers how she found out that the president would fulfill her daughter’s wish, i couldn’t sleep until the morning, i was just waiting for my loved one, husband, daughter to wake up to tell them about it, she lost her gift. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, victor strotsky, of course i will believe in miracles for the rest of my life. magomed otsaev, maria slyaguzova, news. well
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, next, after a short advertisement, on our air is a christmas interview with the patriarch of moscow all russia, kirill. remember what you they said when you decided to open a business, but you’re a girl, this is not a woman’s business, but you didn’t listen, because you’re doing everything wrong, continue, alfabank has the best loyalty program. for business, we pay 3,000 rubles for opening an account and up to 10% cashback for expenses. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy electronics with cashback of up to 50%. when you cook with pleasure, it's just a song.
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your holiness, thank you very much for once again for this traditional opportunity to talk to you at christmas. values ​​at a time when many politicians were still wincing so demonstrably, to say what traditional values, if for the well-being of the people, for the well-being
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of the state, we have the institution of human rights, we have democracy, that ’s enough, you said already then, here in this year we can already say that traditional values ​​have become part of the institution of law, and yet you still continue to talk about traditional values, that is, you think what is this declaration for now... is it worth fighting for and in general how will you attach importance to this topic in your high priestly ministry? i would like to start a little with philology: tradition, what is it? tradition is transmission, literally, transmission, hence transfer, well, everything else. in other words, traditional values ​​are those values ​​that are transmitted from whom to whom. and what is the time period during which these values ​​are transferred? by answering these questions, we will immediately understand what we are talking about,
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we are talking about eternal values, about those values ​​that are inherent by god in the very nature of man, and the implementation of these values ​​enriches a person with what is archivally important, intransigent, in many ways... defining such an important concept as human happiness, therefore there is no archaic, and here is evidence of something that goes even beyond the boundaries of our experience, how can one imagine a value that has always existed, and which passed from generation to generation, from culture to culture, therefore the attitude towards traditional there should be values, but very carefully. and the most important thing is that traditional values ​​are not identified only with the past, and that young people understand this. traditional value is something that
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belonged to history. previously, it has now been installed on a historical site in st. petersburg, you have found the revered icon of the kazan and mother of god, now you can venerate it in the kazan cathedral, it seems to me that these are good signs, in your opinion, and is there any secret meaning in this ? well, these events are so significant that of course it's important to try understand, firstly, why this happened now, but why couldn’t it
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happen earlier? and i think how they learned to counterfeit antiquity, not realizing that this is the original, i take this icon in my hands, turn it, understand that this is an ancient icon and remember the story that testified that the moscow list of the kazan mother of god supposedly was kidnapped from a church on red square, and
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no one could... explain and really tell the story of how he was kidnapped, and that the thieves were not captured or there was a chase, who in general said he was kidnapped? i don’t have this information, then the thought comes to me, maybe no one kidnapped it, but they simply hid it, there was such a time, they hid the image, and the fact that it ended up in the patriarchal sacristy is also not accidental, but where can i bring this...
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.. i didn’t just stay in the place where the patriarch prays, because the opportunity arose to return him to the historical place where he was on red square, but these are clearly some kind of signs, or are we just so-so elites, yes this is a good question, for the church, for the people, for the state, this is very good question, there is such a text from the holy scripture: wisdom will not enter into an earful soul. and does not dwell in a body guilty of sin. what does this mean? this means that in order to accept the grace of god, in order to accept a miracle, you need to be ready for it. were we ready for this in soviet times? no, we were ready in the post-soviet era, when there were all these turbulences, our consciousness was switched to something completely different. now is a special time. i call this focus time. russia
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has really gained strength. open hearts to accept this grace, so everything is connected very closely, and the state of people, the level of their faith, spirituality, readiness to perceive the shrine.


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