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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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in zaporozhye and kharkov tractor plant. in 1937, the ukrainian ussr took second place in europe after germany in iron smelting, third in steel production, and fourth in the world in coal production. today, every sixth car in the country’s fields bears the famous brand of the kharkov tractor plant. this is one of the firstborns of the soviet co-author industry. these are dozens of the largest enterprises that gave. tens of hundreds
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of thousands of jobs gave a completely different quality of life to local people, my fellow countrymen; what had been built for decades came to decline, the left share of enterprises, they simply don’t exist, there aren’t even workshops, workers left to earn money, in general we were under conditions of economic and political blockade, enterprises in our region were focused specifically on the russian market, everyone knew that there were customers there, everyone knew that payment would come from there, there would be work and there would be... a normal decent standard of living, after the coup took place in kiev, contacts with russia, naturally, began to be interrupted, interrupted, this was by order, with deprivation the work of dozens thousands of people without the opportunity to get anything else in return, the european market could not offer us such a volume for the purchase of our products, the finns bought from us to sell in russia, what are we talking about?
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unreasonable cost, this is a long chain of logistics, enterprises , both ours and russian ones, suffered from this, all of europe wants to work with russia while they are talking about sanctions, europe does not build that much, russia today is building huge bridges, it is building huge facilities, we are not subsidized region. as ukraine stated, take absolutely all funds from here. donbass is, in addition to coal, also metallurgy and mechanical engineering. we have a very powerful nuclear power plant, the largest in europe, we have the port of berlyansky, a developed agricultural region. among the fraternal peoples of russia, we will take our place, a very worthy one, we will not be beggars. why is donbass not living in typical conditions now?
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the unit works not for 3 months for wear and tear, but for 18 months, this is the oil and gas industry for production, for pumping equipment, also metallurgy, agriculture, today there are customers in the russian federation, the first trial batches are underway.
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they demolish monuments and cite bandera, shukhevych and other fascist posts as examples, well, what is he talking about, well, let’s remember what they did. on principles on some ideals of fascism , which our fathers, our grandfathers fought against,
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what my grandfather died for on may 9 , 1945, now they know the biography of manstein, goderian and hoth in this territory perfectly, but they don’t know it at all. about the crowd, but not a single local student today when entering ours, i didn’t remember that frunze was an outstanding soviet military leader in general, his memory was erased, the monument was destroyed, the plaque was removed from the facade of the building, it was from melitopol that he won in rangel , the sailor zheleznyak came here, the baltic sailors came here, here the victorious red army arrived several times, driving the germans out of the zaporozhye bridgehead. this city, for which 76 heroes of the soviet union paid with their lives, they received this title posthumously. my father fought for me, liberated the city of melitopol, liberated kryb, finished captain, told me about the war, about the heroism of the soviet people. we will
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remember all this all our lives, what we owe to each other, we will take care of the graves. i don’t know, after the war, after the great patriotic war, we raised it in 15 years, we already flew into space, and ukraine, which was destroyed in chen, was completely destroyed, already had nuclear power plants after 25 years, had a developed infrastructure, we there were factories
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that produced airplanes, engines, tanks , the malyshevsky plant, we had ships, we built rockets, we built rockets in 25 years, this is with what we... did with those damned muscovites , it was moscow that helped us, it was russia that helped us, we all rose from our knees together, thanks to our unity, and our enemies understood this, who then in the future constantly drove a wedge between us, they did nothing they couldn’t do it with our unity, strength, they did it with cunning, the special police officers tried, the units, and he said, we stood there
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berkut, my friend, he was from capushka meat, next to his mother, neighbors, and the guy... worked here in birkuti and he was, they were forbidden to use weapons, nothing at all, they just stood there, these fire bottles were thrown at them, the guy caught fire, they began to crush them, with dosages, beat them with chains, and they also declared them enemies, loyal sons of soldiers. kiev city administration, when the internal troops of the national guard could , in principle, without the use of weapons, you could squeeze
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these so-called future maidan fighters out of the city administration, from the city hall. the entrances and exits to the meeting were blocked off, the surrounding areas were barricaded and it is believed that at the same time massiveness is under attack. i also believed at one time that everything would be new, everything would be so good, that we would become richer, that we would have everything that we didn’t have, and we all fell for this scam, the whole country people were amazed at the maidan, people thought that this was a revolution of wickedness, that is, honor and dignity, but it turned out... a revolution of wickedness on may 2 was
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a line through which there was no return. it was clear that no state of ukraine could exist anymore, for the simple reason that they came to power people who have built an entire system of relationships only on hatred, on dehumanization, what are you doing? now the militants know that they can do this. su-25 attack aircraft deliver a devastating blow to
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the terrorist positions at the donetsk airport. today ukraine can rejoice and be proud of its pilots, its, as they say, educated people who are engaged in such things. an army that shoots at its own people can shoot once, but the second time it shoots at someone else’s people. and they fly, and they fly, and they fly here.
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cannot boast of such a turnout, because there is no trust there, but here people believed in the future, and it was our freedom, it was our choice. in an effort to create a people's, legal, democratic, sovereign state,
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the lugansk people's republic proclaims the creation of a sovereign state. creation of a sovereign state, dunetsk people's republic. there was such an uplifting feeling, we really, really hoped that everything would be the way we wanted, well, something went wrong, well, what can we do, with which i, as president , will come to you in the very near future, with peace, it turns out, be you a prota!
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with a project of decentralization of power, with a guarantee of free use of the russian language in your region. glory to ukraine, with the firm intention not to divide ukrainians into right and wrong, with respect for the specifics of the regions, the right of local communities to their own nuances in matters of historical memory, the pantheon of heroes. obsessed, abnormal with russia, nothing good will happen, russia will abandon you, with the draft program for the economic reconstruction of donbass, these are the main the details of my peace plan for donbass, when i saw it on tv, this
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chaos that’s going on, when it started creeping up, that ’s all, the whole infection is in our direction.
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a boy about whom she knew everything, from birth until the day when he left along this road to the front. i am proud, proud that my son went and was mobilized, because before his eyes my father, when we had mobilization, there was not even a question about
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not going there or avoiding it, and of course, the first month... it was very difficult , there was practically no communication, i got the first news, you know how the commander received it, he ended up in the hospital, his soldiers wrote it down in his notebook, all these little words to their mothers, to their wives, and this news arrived to me, he ’s alive and well, wait with victory. this is the grace of actually fighting for your land, this is the privilege of living on your own land, speaking your own language, and not being afraid and not
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looking back at anyone, this is happiness. and tagil, who provide unprecedented support both in word and deed, to all mothers, sisters, wives, girls, to all those who are worried and waiting for their men, yours
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support is our everything, to our battle brothers, the servicemen of the national guard, with whom we shoulder to shoulder carried out, are carrying out and will successfully carry out the combat missions assigned to service units at any time and under any conditions of the situation, i am proud to be part of... . legendary unit of the order of kutuzov, red banner 604 special purpose center vityaz. it doesn’t matter to us who is against it, it is important who is nearby. we are all united by a common goal, so work, brothers, because our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours, eternal memory to the heroes who accepted mortal combat, to be a warrior, to live forever. glory to special forces, death to terrorism.
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10:54 pm
i saw a sign in the heavens, in the harsh winter, after great celebrations, something will appear that has never happened. the world and the world of dreams will melt away, a great competition will begin, big and small, people and robots, clever eyes will come together precise hands, but who will take the heavenly trophies and rule in both worlds, real and digital, unknown to anyone? watch the games of the future, kazan february 21, the legend begins! start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy women's clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. pairs scandinavian burger
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scandinavian chicken burger at a great price, only at a delicious point. there are all kinds of dragons. strong, cute, bully and all are good, but still ours are most dear to us. beline appreciates her clients and gives away 100 gb. in year of the dragon. belaine is on your side. it is profitable to retire in the new year with a savings bank. for pensioners - a free savings card, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback, bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. discount on a loan - to buy what you have long dreamed of. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and receive it.
10:56 pm
the ball game, polin, is a national game, like field hockey, the same thing, chukotka ball. this year we decided to still get to the main natural shrine of japan. transport arteries connect all of russia. increasing mobility of citizens, impetus for urban development.
10:57 pm
with you, the tempting vaults of the palaces will never replace them with freedom, it’s gone, call your son, accepted, grab them, the fairy tale that they were waiting for, asel i, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves temporary musicians, i actually sing too. the bremen town musicians!
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let's get to know each other first, veronika pavlovna vosentsova, your new boss, and this is a corpse, female, blunt trauma to the skull vosnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let’s sign up, look, i’ll cut you off to intimidate her, i wouldn’t break your streak, it’s necessary. try really hard, we ’ll burn it, let’s say i really went back in time, why the hell come here, hole two.
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will support everyone who defends our homeland and their families with arms in hand. vladimir putin emphasized this at a meeting with relatives of the fallen heroes. the president invited them to novogorev’s residence to talk about the problems of celebrating together one of the main orthodox holidays, the nativity of christ. many of our men.


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