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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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the airing of our tv channel will continue with the next film of the documentary series from arkady mamontov’s studio and there was an incident during the war. today is a story about the feat of one of the first heroes of a special military operation, commander of the 239th guards tank-orenburg cossack regiment of the 90th tank division, ivan alexandrov.
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he is short, thin, all wiry, but he is a bundle of energy. these guys are very dangerous in a fight, they can kill you. any big guy, taller and heavier than it
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can be twice, with one precisely verified blow. this is how ivan aleksandrovich shits appeared before us, a colonel of the russian army, a tank driver, a man who loves military affairs, for him this is the meaning of life. about a real colonel for our film. from the series and there was an incident during the war. after the fourth injury, the restless colonel was sent to the hospital for rehabilitation. and he finally had time for us. infantry is infantry, it's just running into the field. but a tank is a tank, it’s power and
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most importantly the heart beats when the tank starts up, when the tanks drive, well, imagine, when there is a tank regiment, 90 tanks, the earth is shaking, the earth is shaking, there is a heart beating, when this armada starts up, it begins to move, before we tell you about an incident in the war that happened to our hero, let's get to know him family, we will understand: where do people like ivan aleksandrovich shits come from in russia? siberia, omsk region, pushkin village. during the soviet union, the middle of the last century , a lot of films were made about the war. one
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of the most insightful, truthful and honest works there was a film trilogy called “the living and the dead” based on the story by konstantin simonov. there they talked about the first days of the great patriotic war, about the tragic summer of forty-one. the main character of this film, kambrik serpilin, retreated with his unit from the border. and so... during one of the stops, tankers came to their location , among them there was such a strong, brave, tough warrior named ivanov, he lays down his heads, but what is your last name, captain, last name , you want to complain, in vain, about my last name is all russia is holding on, ivanov, write it down, or so remember, i will remember. not the article, of course, but
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the character. modern ivan knows and loves military affairs, it’s not for nothing that his colleagues call him a fencer. not only does he masterfully wield this multi-ton machine, but he also knows how to organize a fight. okay, great , that’s it, i can make money there with these installations , it all started in early childhood, he was always a leader, he just told his parents his choice, i want to be a military man, get a higher education, i’m not interested in just sitting, sitting somewhere sign papers, it's not interesting to do it all your life.
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there was interest, but for us it was work, when it’s thirty-degree heat , you’re rolling iron on the roof, you get burned, somehow it ’s not very pleasant, and i wondered why someone signs papers, someone washes their elbows from morning to evening , i wanted to get a higher education, well , that’s my father’s only phrase, then i’ll definitely remember, he says: son, how can you be like the military, well, there’s no one, i say, dad, well , i want
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the right to serve on the border, in 2 year i returned, in ninety-nine i was at the beginning of summer returned from the islands, the next day i returned, i took everything from my father, well, it was like an old truck went to my brother ’s tank institute, i arrived stunned, he was
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in his first year, i go to the checkpoint, and there are guys standing there, they’ve been on duty since the fifth course, well, i came up, introduced myself, guys, so and so, i have a brother , i say, i’ve returned from the islands, my brother is studying here with you, he’s already in his first year, that is, he had such a position, relationship with people, that they treated him, that is, not like some kind of young person there, as, say, a scoop or as in different cities the troops are called, we called them with the spirits, that is, as if on the islands of the young, i was bursting with pride that my brother was already in his first year , that is, as if fifth-year students were good to him. in russia, people have always been born who were destined by fate from birth to be soldiers; apparently, the genes of warriors pass from generation to generation, so that one day they wake up to take over the entire being of a person, creating the ideal
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soldier. by the way, the surname comes from the german shooter.
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there were only potatoes planted in the garden and they dug it up by hand, they planted it, because they moved here by hand, they built a house , there’s also a cow, rams, piglets, let’s say sashka the eldest, he’s in the garden in the barn, so that the cattle is fed,
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the manure is cleared, that’s all, that was his order, vanka was at home , to wash the dishes, to wash the floor, that’s all around the house, homework , no one ever forced him to learn anything, he did it, he did all his homework, i even remember, and his mother didn’t touch him, let’s say, sashka forced genka jr. to do something, so he could teach him lessons, so and this one is somehow the goal itself. i set it for myself, so that’s how everything will be, i say , we don’t have an officer in our family, there’s no one who would see a german in the russian army as an officer, very rarely, ivanshits entered the omsk tank school on the first try, although also not without difficulties , the problem turned out to be not in knowledge, but in the fact that applicant ivan shits turned out to be too miniature for a future tanker, he passed the documents, that’s all. they accepted, well then there were a lot of people, six or how many there were for the place,
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there was a very big competition, well, there was a month there, all this then the last one calls , there are only a few exams left , the medical commission is again, they keep calling, crying, they killed me, they killed me like hell, so he says, i ’m growing, i don’t have weight, they diagnose dystrophy, the woman is a doctor, she says she passed the commission, it was because of something that his sinuses were apparently dilated there or something, so she says, we made an appointment with the general, she said, i sent him, the next day we went to the general for an appointment, he talked to him about other things, that’s all, he says, okay, you’ll hand over, there are bones, the meat will grow, that’s all, he handed over everything, great, they ran to physical education, everyone who was fatter, everyone got in, it was hot, everything, but the skinny ones, in the lungs, that’s all, waited, and got admitted. “service, army, routine, training
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, everything went on as usual, but then the twenty-second year came, combat work began, wow, it was in bogdanovka, in the kiev region, march 2022, i entered a populated area , the task was set, it was thought out, my first battalion stood on one outskirts of the settlement, my second battalion rushed through the entire city, blocked the road, kiev-chernigov, this highway i was stationed there in a populated area, and i, with the remnants of the reserve forces , had a third tank battalion, but it was not at full strength, here was part of the reconnaissance, one infantry squad, i went into the center of the city.
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already, in order to choose a place for the ppu , there was no data, first there was artillery shelling, then there was a direct shooting battle, during the artillery shelling , four scouts were killed right before my eyes, as soon as the column stood up, the guys dismounted the mtlbv, the shooting gun was working from the control house, so the platoon commander went to one control house, only they didn’t move away from mtbv. and half a package of hail arrived, 12 cutlets arrived and they just brought four boys to me at once , the nearest house was a two-story cottage, we went into it, there was a local resident there, respected please, i need your basement, let's go. the boys were dragged in, the doctors who were able to help, bandaged
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them, there were no doctors as such, because the rear all remained there, with me there were two paramedics, two proniks, so the boys bandaged the boys, and i carried out this task together with the fifteenth brigade, i while the connection was established, while the coordinates were being transmitted, where the artillery was working on me from, the shooting battle died down, they were just moving the building, he says, that’s it, he says, they escaped from here, they all left, well , four boys... i lost then, whoever was wounded, the doctors provided assistance, three of me were caught by shrapnel and one had a field wound at the end of the flight, a bullet went into the leg, so the doctors treated everything and settled down. all security was set up, so the next day it started in the morning, good morning country, 7:30 to 8:30 from three directions, mines, artillery, hail, at lunchtime and in the evening , this is how this thing continued, well, a day, in principle, night and day were already enough guys,
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then from settlement to settlement, as they moved, the guys already had experience, that’s what the equipment it is most difficult to hide, says ivan aleksandrovich, when it is not the technology, not the situation, when people fail, war, it is not for everyone, and no one is obliged to be a hero, i always use this example now, especially when mobilized volunteers appeared, he lowers his eyes, the first one i saw such a conversation once. communicated when i had 20 people from the regiment say, we won’t go to carry out the assigned task, shouting, shouting, i ’ll say, calmly from the opposite sides, i say, guys, let’s be honest, are you ten commanders, in what sense are you a commander? i say, well , you live from the tenth to the tenth, you are an officer, there were two soldier officers and contract sergeants, i say you are an officer, you
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wear a green uniform, you chose this profession, you chose this job, let's talk about simple things. a miner going down into a mine ensures that he will come up with let's break it down, the other side of the coin, a truck driver, getting on a food truck, he guarantees that he will return, the law of the road, not you, so it is for you, there are different situations , let's take it even further, doctor, white coat, room, knows, that he will operate on a hiv -infected person, he gives a guarantee that he will not catch himself with a scalpel and will not become infected or get sick
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, it’s just to deliver one 300 from point a to point b, because he thought about something holy, oh something is not what we need, got distracted, flew into it, you’d better be someone who doesn’t are ready to go to something in the populated area right now, you better come into my eyes, tell me, ivan aleksandrovich shirts, three times holder of the order of courage, received his title of hero of russia for holding the position of his tank regiment for almost 2 weeks. at the same time, he himself was seriously wounded, but for several days he did not leave his command vehicle and continued to fight. by the way, our colonel is good at this method of conducting tank combat, like a tank carousel. when i was wounded, it wounded me the next day it arrived, i got there, the doctor treated me once
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a soldier, here he treated my arm, my face, my eye, pulled out the fragment, and sewed up my leg. that's it, i understand, in the morning they call two cars, so in one, on top of one car they loaded 200 casualties, they loaded the wounded inside, that's it, commander , go, i say, i won't go, i'm normal , no matter what, they didn't do an eye patch, the first mop i had was that my leg was limping, there was a cracked bone, and after that, that’s how long we stood in bogdanovka for 2 weeks, already when the rear began to approach, when the road direction was cleared more or less, so...
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the soldiers saw against no one could in a word, nothing to say why they gave the heroes the settlement of the estuary, when they took it, when the interaction took place, well, they studied the estuary , somewhere the locals came out, they took information from them that minefields were being made there, this was being done there. somewhere we lifted drones and miviks to a range of 3 to 5 km, i studied this settlement extensively, when we received the task, interaction took place, artillery shelling, it was hidden under a bomb, the idea
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of ​​​​deception was that what was going on here i divided the assault group into two parts, it goes straight in a lop, that's how it turns out, the second one at that moment is accelerated from behind and shoots this populated area so that there is no cross-day, of the two streets i... began to fulfill my task, in 40 minutes i completed the task, it was great savagery when from the side, from the side, just unexpectedly, i was thinking, the neighbor on the left, the neighboring unit completed the same task , a ukrainian tank appears, a special forces soldier fired from it with an rp, the system was hit by the system, he entered the hangar, the point of this hangar was directly a mortar, i worked there, there is video footage of the mercenaries the way he throws helmet, he says, as soon as the artillery stopped working, here the tanks are already
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hammering at us and the tanks are already in the city, they did not expect that we would already be in the city center, they began to flee to the outskirts of the city, they took a mortar crew, a mortar. when the task of the polyman had already been completed, local, local, i was amazed at the attitude of the place, there was a mortar shelling, a tank was walking down the street , a woman came out , the tank was pressed against a tree on the right, well, disguise yourself, of course the crew climbs out, looking for somewhere to hide tank, either under a tree or in some kind of garage, or drive into some house, well, which is no longer alive, you can see old houses like this, in order to disguise it. all the civilians are coming out, peaceful shelling, son , here, here, here, here it is, the house is empty, that’s it, no one lives here, it’s in ruins, bring it here, boys, here ’s water, here’s something to eat, here’s the house with a basement, here
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hide here, i was shocked by this, how they waited for us, they waited, they waited, they waited, their life, ivan cannot imagine without the army, without his tanks, without his fellow soldiers, because here is his second family, the army, so what are you fighting for, ivanov? for our idea , for our idea, this cannot happen, we went through the great patriotic war, how they are now trying to rewrite history, all the settlements of the village, monuments of the great patriotic war, you talk to civilians, but my grandfather fought with his grandfather, how could it be possible to zombify the younger generation, all the elderly, all adults, they are all for russia, it’s all young people, and the youth are simply zombified.
12:54 pm
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everything about the elections in russia, we will tell you in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important to be honest and convenient, where to find out everything about the elections, the situation has become tense, grandfather cannot find the leaflet, they brought it yesterday, answer, child, this is the work of your hands. open laptop, i’ll tell you a secret , there are resources about elections on the internet , i opened the site immediately in the know, data about candidates, elections, places and dates, voting results of election campaigns, wow, how technologically advanced everything is, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the portal cycle, choose in the country, free, important, honestly convenient, the international exhibition of equipment
12:59 pm
for raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production is being held for the twenty-fifth time, for the first time almost 500 companies from 15 countries take part in it. very animated russian manufacturers, this is wonderful. people realized that this is the time when they can make themselves known. i think china can replace all western manufacturers. we are currently producing bioreactors. centers are united together with businesses to create drugs, this is a kind of apage when we try together to create truly original molecules, original drugs.
1:00 pm
an air raid alert has been declared again in four regions of ukraine. in the morning, the alarm was announced throughout ukraine. it lasted 2 hours. ukrainian media reported explosions in kharkov, krivoy rog, khmelnitsky, dnepropetrovsk, odessa region, zaporozhye and kherson. in a number of regions, authorities reported damage to industrial enterprises and infrastructure. the russian ministry of defense has not yet commented on the situation. about three hundred belgorod residents who decided to move from the city were sent to temporary accommodation centers in staraya skol, gubkin and karachansky district. governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. he also said that about 1,300 children from belgorod will be sent on holiday to country camps in other regions. the children will spend school holidays there, which in the capital of the region, as well as in several districts of the region, have been extended until january 19.


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