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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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in the meantime, advertising.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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on air we continue to talk about the main news of this monday: a chess game with international grandmaster sergei koryakin, meeting your favorite cska team player, a visit to the aeroflot training center or a meeting with foreign minister sergei lavrov. all these are wishes made by children from different parts of our country. about how the wish tree campaign works, who can make them come true, this dream, and how to dream correctly in general? see about there is a solution to this in maria kudryavtseva’s program. you understand
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that for the sake of such guys you have to actually try, there is such a thing as you are wrong, this year teblos will bring coal to the khurigan instead of gifts, we know that, but what do you think? drove well, children , they are like, you can see everything in the eyes, they are real, then it all goes somewhere, people become serious and somehow control their emotions, you know, a feeling, probably, of the absence of loneliness, that when you are alone with your problems, and here is this miracle, it gives strength to continue living, makar, stromskaya region - village, nikola poloma, 6 years old,
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dreams of a children's railway station, makar, and the train is sure to make your wish come true. there is a solution, throughout 2023, we have uttered this phrase more than once in the studio. and they told real stories of entrepreneurs, how support measures, new convenient services and other solutions help transform business. but today we don’t need a special studio release yet. we are in the building.
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arseny, oh, dreams of a game of chess with sergei koryakin. we’ll also make a couple of moves today, let’s start, 10 minutes is normal or less, i haven’t played for a thousand years to my shame, international grandmaster sergei koryakin is playing black, a duel with him is a dream even for professionals. in the summer, at a tournament in domodedovo , arseny sukhoguzov was literally one step away from fighting his favorite chess player, but then the boy took second place, and only the winners were taken to the simultaneous game.
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this is just a tighter option, which is how champions usually play. are you a future champion? i will definitely be a champion. the cska ice arena is the same corridor through which the team exits before the game. we were also
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allowed to go out on the ice today and even got to meet the team’s mascot. but this is a minimum program, and today someone’s cherished dream has come true. a coward does not play hockey, and this is not a staged puck throw-in, a real start to a continental hockey league match, a great honor and an almost inexhaustible dream, but not for the wish tree; ten-year-old artyom odentsov was not told until recently that it was his ball that was removed from christmas trees, surprises began almost from the doorstep, because he was taken to the holy of holies, the judge's office, the premiere. here, in the hardware room , artyom helped display new year’s greetings on one of the screens. and vlozhe was able to touch the original gagarin cup, the main trophy.
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artyom knows everything about hockey, he goes with his father to matches from the age of 6, and he took us to watch the game for real in the stands. all together guys, sir. a puck, any dream, when it comes true, it’s cool and no matter what, and if we’re talking about a child’s dream, it’s doubly cool. it’s cool when you give a gift than when you receive it, i get more emotions when i see someone’s dreams come true, especially when it comes to children, did you have a dream related to hockey? yes , it was, we competed with another team in the city, there was a dream about playing this team, they were stronger, of course, how old were you then,
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how old were they that team, probably the same 10-12 years old, we beat once , this match also turned out to be emotional, the culmination of the evening... many saw how wishes were removed from the christmas tree or how they are then performed, where it all begins, how names and dreams get here, we will find out right now. when we started preparing for the filming of this program,
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some people said to me: well, this is an acquaintance, this is an acquaintance? i can say with complete confidence that the promotion is absolutely available to any child who fits into our category of participants. who can become a dreamer and send their wish? all seven categories , from 3 to 17 years old inclusive, are described in detail on the website.rf. on the list including children.
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and my mother also plays tennis now, well, i taught her, as if, it seems to me, he goes to school just to play tennis after class, today there were no shortages of partners, both the deputy prime minister and professional athletes who recently returned from competitions in china. even for the film crew , they managed to conduct a small master class, which hand, that one, your ball,
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it was such a trick, that’s great, everything works out like that, already for the master, but there is something where you take a desire, you know, what’s it called it’s difficult to do, one boy asked for a ride on the metro to the office, well, they did a whole excursion then, it was just interesting. yes, in the end we will have more of this, it’s always
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very nice, you look at their eyes when you make their dream come true, it directly motivates, how many wishes you have already fulfilled, this is the third time, and moreover, they still come every year, then there will be them this year too, yes, there is a girl and a boy, of course, this is a holiday that they were very worried that it would end, there are more of them, so here great, complete aerobatics. the power of the domestic ms-21 aircraft creates 95% flight realism. only a few of the airline's current pilots have been here so far, but today they were joined by participants in the wish tree campaign. hello, hello, what's your name? vladimir. vladimir, come in, take the pilot’s seat, and have a look. you’re the one in control, let’s make
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an emergency landing on the water, an emergency landing on the water, no need, there are life jackets, the basics of controlling different airliners, the young participants grab the christmas tree with their wishes literally on the fly, it all started modestly, eight-year-old volodya frolov dreamed of an electronic designer with microcircuits, we understood that our wish would not necessarily come true, that there were a lot of children, that the whole country was participating, we wrote to the child. they didn’t say anything yet, but in the end, after a 15-minute flight master class at the aeroflot training complex , vova frolov himself took the place of the aircraft commander. hurray, i got knocked up, wow, cool, those whose dreams were waiting in the wings on the christmas tree in 2021 are also learning a new profession here...
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where flight attendants are trained, in general, in 3 years the children learned how to make a news broadcast, and cook pizza, and you, yes, i cooked pizza, it turned out well, it was tasty, not very good, but... for the first time it was normal, but you were preparing for the first time then yes pizza, that’s how i flew the plane, by the way, i just now realized that i forgot to remove the landing gear, wow, tell me, this is the same gift that the minister gave you, a vaccination company in a medical organization, it’s already working, what’s that this
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is a radio, it took about 10 minutes to assemble radio and not... by chance and choose one of the wishes right on this tree, new details have appeared, investigations into explosions on the nord streams, it turned out that poland tried to impede the investigation of sabotage, the wall street journal writes about this, citing its european, its european
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sources of heirs. according to the data, officials of the former polish government did not respond to requests and even misrepresented them. information, in particular, warsaw hid data on the movements of the suspects. the investigation hopes that the new polish the government that took power in december will help shed light on the circumstances of the bombings. european researchers have long believed that the attack originated from ukraine via poland. according to them, due to warsaw's reluctance to cooperate, it is difficult to establish whether it happened with the knowledge of the former polish government or not. in the zaporozhye direction of the special operation, attacks by ukrainian attack aircraft are now being repelled by motorized rifles from the southern military district. our soldiers work there around the clock, rocket launchers camouflaged in the forests and ready to strike the enemy at any moment. they are supported from the air by drones and aircraft. a report from our military commander igor
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pikhanov from the front line. in the zone of special military operation zaporozhye. the direction of the front is one of the hottest, the mstab artillery gun hits enemy infantry with fragmentation shells. ukrainian militants attempted to break through our defense line. specialists from motorized rifle units of the southern military district neutralize attack aircraft in the ukrainian armed forces. in this galabitsa combat crew there are fighters from donetsk, rostov, on the don and leningrad region, career military personnel and volunteers. work along the front line, in dugouts, work in krasnopol. high-precision ammunition, this is, as a rule, counter-battery combat, this is the defeat of artillery pieces of the enemy. work on the front line of the front goes on around the clock, assault operations in the ssu end in failure, so militants from artillery attack populated areas in the region. the russian military is using kamikaze drones and tactical aircraft to destroy enemy forces.
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equipment, the crew of the city are hunting for ukrainian artillerymen. the work is carried out in close conjunction with reconnaissance officers, rocket launchers... 40 122 mm shells, at the forefront of the front, soldiers are on duty in well-fortified positions, dugouts are protected from shelling and missile attacks, enemy military equipment cannot come here ...
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with their families and cadets military school, where they were trained after mobilization. well, i think this is to support morale as such, at least to see your relatives that everything is fine with them, that they will see that everything is fine with you and the fighters, so they can say hello there. the soldiers also support their home with the help of mail; letters and parcels arrive even to the most remote points of the region; children's drawings of happy new year greetings decorate the military dugouts. igor pikhanov, konstantin peunov, news! zaporozhye region. you are watching
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the news. now we are transported again to vdnh, at the exhibition forum russia today is sevastopol day. and i give the floor to my colleague konstantin churikuv. yes, ekaterina, thank you, indeed, today is the day of sevastopol. despite the last day off, there are many guests, and the main guest on this day, of course, is the governor of sevastopol, mikhail. razvazhaev in our studio, hello, mikhail vladimirovich, good afternoon, there is a festive atmosphere here, but we understand how difficult it is in sevastopol itself, in connection with this, the question is what is happening now with the city’s economy, you know, i want to say that it’s really the latter, especially, probably, the second half of twenty-three and even the beginning of twenty-four it turned out to be quite alarming, unfortunately, the enemy constantly tries to show his aggression, so to speak. malice, is trying to use long-distance delivery means to strike at the hero city, but the air raid alarm sounds quite often, but
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nevertheless, of course, this does not, let’s say, in any way stop the city from developing, we are not for a minute in sevastopol, we have no doubt about our victory, that the time we have now, yes, despite the fact that a special military operation is underway, is huge the number of people in sevastopol today is focused precisely on helping...
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by the way, if we go back to macroeconomic parameters, i’ll borrow just a minute more of your time, it turns out that despite all the difficulties of the last two years, we mean the difficulties before just logistics, investor interest in sevastopol is not cooling down, everyone understands that there will be a post-war boom when prices in sevastopol will rise significantly, so today the most competent investors continue to invest process, this year we probably broke a kind of record, we have 90 billion... in the third year of investments, of which, of course, half is public, but the second half is private investment, including such things as a large tourist cluster on the northern side , winemaker and so on and so forth.
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an important component for the city, shipbuilding and ship repair, how are these areas developing now, are there enough orders? you said that the construction of ships and vessels will resume in the fall of this coming year, grain carriers will be first on this list, is that true? yes, such plans were combined.
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a certain independent policy in this direction, of course, we would dream that such an enterprise as the atlantic in sevastopol would be revived, and this means large ships, refrigerators, marine factories, this is connected with the receipt, again, of these atlantic quotas, the possibility of a complete restoration of the fishing industry industries of sevastopol, yeah, and also about construction, now a lot of things are being built in the city, that means two large hospitals under construction, opera and ballet theater, russian
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art. what else are in your plans for this year? well, you have now listed projects that are being built directly under the patronage of the president, this is a cultural cluster at the regional level, you know that in our four regions a decision was made as part of strategic objectives to build cultural clusters - these are kaliningrad, vladivostok, kemerovo and sevastopol . here in sevastopol - these are the facilities of the bolshoi opera and ballet theater, not a branch of any of the existing theaters in russia. this is a separate new institution, now we are discussing what to call this theater, yes, we have a big one, there is a mariinsky, but there is an idea to call it crystal on the cape, it will be the crystal theater of opera and ballet in sevastopol, no, yes, well, at least for now to all colleagues who the customer, well, that is, who will manage the theater, the ministry of culture likes this name and sevastopol will get a new brand of its own, then there on the capes rostalin actually ends with a choreographic
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academy, sergei polunin is a world star. ballet director of this academy, as well as director of the theater, and he, of course, says that the academy was built like one that does not exist in the world, he says, he has been to all the ballet schools in the world, the one that is being built in sevastopol with 16 halls, the possibility of permanent residence for children, students, with a fully organized educational process, its own swimming pool, a sports core, there is no such choreographic and ballet school anywhere in the world, this will be the first in sevastopol, the third is a russian art gallery, also absolutely. for the new federal museum that is being planned on the scale of the federal museum, this is also not a branch office, not a russian museum , this is a separate new federal institution, it is already working, funds are already being formed, future programs are already being developed, and the building itself, as it were, is already at a high degree of readiness for monolithic work, approximately 40%. this is a project of a cultural cluster on cape crystal, here are the three main objects i have just listed, and there is a separate
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park. this is another project that is designed, well, let’s say, to emphasize sevastopol as a homeland, and christianity in general in russia, because once in ancient korsun, prince vladimir and his squad were baptized, and from there orthodoxy itself came, at first to kievan rus, then to the whole of greater russia, which means moscow rus and russia, the russian empire, which means, respectively, to khersanese has the vladimir cathedral, as if according to legend the baptism of the prince took place there. vladimir, and nearby military units, and so, according to the decision , there was a huge space where the presidents had previously been, military units were redeployed there, a large-scale campaign was carried out from the times of the soviet union, an archaeological expedition, the so-called excavations of the southern suburb of khersanes, and after that the construction of a large-scale park began, there will be a museum of christianity, which will reflect all the eras of the development of christianity in russia, and we still have a lot of
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interesting periods in sevastopol. .. the reunification of sevastopol with russia, as i understand it, this is not the only milestone, you know, our main task is not to slow down the pace of development, that is, this year we need to make the most of those objects that we we planned that the construction would all proceed rhythmically, so that people would feel exactly the change in the quality of life, we still don’t have enough sports facilities there, although last year we also finally completed the construction of a huge swimming pool on our juice for the bicentennial of sevastopol and we made another
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swimming pool. germany and so on, but there is more here.


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