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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 8, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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sasha, get out, the witnesses of the icy ride rushed to help, fortunately, the car owner and his passenger were able to leave the foreign car in time, but the car itself could not be saved, it sank to the bottom. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels, the news, the duty department and honestly the detective, follow with us, that’s all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon, four people on the body, including a child, died today in a massive road accident near veliky novgorod. three victims have already been hospitalized, 14 more received outpatient care, the ministry of health reported. rescuers are working at the scene of the accident, and mobile heating centers have been deployed there. according to the ministry of emergency situations on the expressway.
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more than fifty cars, cars and trucks collided at once on the neva. after the accident, the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the article on the provision of services that do not meet life or health safety requirements. according to media reports, the traffic jam on the m11 highway has already reached 30 km. with details from the scene, maxim petrov. we are located at 525 km of the m11 neva federal highway, today here at 14:45. minutes there was a massive accident, at the moment it is known that about 50 cars were involved in it, according to preliminary information, four people were killed, including a small child who would have turned one year old in march, a passenger car hit a barrier fencing, after the passenger stepped onto the roadway provoked a massive traffic accident, employees of the state company, together with the ministry of emergency situations and the state traffic safety inspectorate, served...
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hot tea, as the rescuers say, hot meals were delivered and distributed, elimination of the consequences will take at least several hours; you should not wait for the resumption of traffic earlier than midnight. maxim petrov, alexander yushko, conduct the novgorod region. next, a short advertisement, after which the broadcast will continue with a documentary by andrei medvedev, territory, about how moscow utilities are being restored. donetsk and
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lugansk. it is profitable to retire in the new year with sberbank. for pensioners , a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often. cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care of yourself. discount on a loan to buy something you've been dreaming about for a long time. transfer your pension to sberbank , online or in a branch and get special, favorable conditions than looking at it 100 times, it’s better to turn, turn, turn once only after confirming payment, order savita by february 4 with delivery starting from one ruble, check that the product suits you , and then confirm the payment. being on my feet all day
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good afternoon, dear colleagues, on behalf of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimir putin, the city of moscow will provide humanitarian assistance, assist in the restoration of the social engineering infrastructure of two cities, this is lugansk. and tribute from here , this is a pleasant sound, don’t be scared, this is the most pleasant sound that could have been lately, for this we all said, the city
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is dead, nothing was done, absolutely, one, two, three, it was all just painful see, project solution 50 all point base insulation is here penoplex 50 i have plaster there is mesh mesh there is tursat mesh there is mesh there is today in the work of 15 heating supply facilities , 38 units of equipment and 114 working personnel are involved in this number of personnel we haven’t received such technology yet, our pace is tough. how everything works, look, tirelessly, we will do everything that depends on us, that’s why we came, somehow you don’t think about the danger, you need to help people, oh, i bow to muscovites in general
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, i’m baptizing them here and i bless you, because well, it’s simple, they work day and night, in the evening we go there already at eleven o’clock, they work constantly, they are holy people, god bless them. more to everyone who started and came up with all this, thank god, finally, of course i want it, well, somehow to see the city in a new form, we keep the average speed in the column, we do not exceed the permissible limit on the highway, we take care of the cars, we take care of the equipment, we take care of ourselves first of all. thank you, everyone in their cars, the entire economic group of the moscow government came under
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incessant shelling from the ukrainian punitive forces in our city, settled down, quartered, deployed equipment and immediately began to tackle the most pressing problems that were needed. you know, when i saw these first columns, i realized that now i can scold this with my hands, with us russia, put it on the side in the sense that since the fourteenth year there have been humanitarian cargoes. gone, but our efforts were aimed at maintaining it, when the moscow production group came in, i said with confidence, that’s it, now we are in the day of development, my mother said that they would come to us from russia, they would renovate the school for us, and there would be just a global renovation here, the scale of assistance is undeniable, it is simply gigantic, this is the amount of equipment that came to us, special... construction equipment, i don’t know, trucks, dump trucks, cranes, the number of people
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who came to us, but we , of course, have never seen this in reality and, in general, we could only dream of such global assistance quite recently. i think that the plans that are outlined today for 5 years will give our city a serious impetus to its development. we can say that this is no longer... workers of various departments of the municipal economy complex of the city of moscow, about 500 units of equipment, we are starting the installation of a new asphalt concrete plant, a solution of concrete units, is underway the delivery of equipment and materials, so that concrete work has already begun. literally a month and a half ago there were potholes,
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shell fragments, shell craters here. today, as you can see, the plant is already operating, producing about 150 tons of asphalt per hour, today we are choosing somewhere around 500-600 tons and will increase the capacity to 1.0 tons per working day. everything that is done in lugansk is done according to moscow standards, including asphalt. is also produced according to moscow standards, yes, of course, this is the moscow standard, yes, that is, what we do in moscow is exactly the same and we do it here in the city of lugansk, they say thank you, they have never seen such roads, and equipment, they have never seen anything like this, moscow donated equipment, and equipment. for lugansk and equipment for donetsk
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, there are hundreds of them, and this equipment remains, for god’s sake, working, we did this on purpose, we built an asphalt plant, a concrete plant, all this remains on the territory, i think, all the equipment that is working today, will continue to work there, because the residents of these cities are already accustomed to seeing it, how can it be so different, of course, when we travel along to the city, we say, oh, we have a lot of roads to build. streets and there are just potholes , it’s impossible to drive there, in total , the road repair program in the city of lugansk for 2022 plans to replace 5,000 km of asphalt concrete surfaces, we’ll see how it will work, if we don’t have tanks driving here, i think everything will be fine apparatus on may 9, no you don’t need it there, the parade is a must. when i look at how not only the road services work, i look at how the builder
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repairs, what kind of repairs they do, how they put their hearts into it, especially when you see the eyes of children who appear in this or that children's institution, after it has been repaired, this must be done, it simply must be done, the first thing that was required was to restore the destroyed building, prepare it for the school year first of all these are schools, kindergartens and preparing for the winter heating season, this is the boiler house, utility networks, power plants and so on, but simply putting the transport network in order, at least to a first approximation, and the task orchid complex, because if you take the utility networks, they are in, well , a deplorable state, to say nothing, a really complex, neglected economy. we have a good example, this is the quarter of the fiftieth anniversary of october, that is, it was built by the year sixty-seven, and the people
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who live there say that those communications that were laid more than 50 years ago, they are still not there have never been replaced, only this, we ’ll throw it here now, little by little, that’s all, the most important thing that is striking about... the help of the russian federation is the scale, we see simply massive construction, when they stretch out for kilometers a corpse, go, go meters. “we don’t remember such global repairs, we see this, we see how all these difficult places are taken care of, often a pipe breaks, so they often block it, as if it were an eternal problem, it’s
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some kind of horror, especially when a small child and no water, a children's home, a hospital, all schools, all kindergartens remain without water, they came, tore up the hole, applied either a clamp or they hammered a hole there, it was all buried again , there was no opportunity, there was simply no opportunity, and now finally, thank you very much for coming, for helping us, thank you, the restoration of the territory is not interrupted for a minute, where it is possible they are working at three shifts, one watch with...
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everyone who is on our territory, they are truly heroes. alexander oreshkin, driving along the highway, saw that one tank was towing another, smoke was coming from the second tank. it turned out that the military had nothing to put out the fire, and the tank was fully loaded with ammunition. alexander i took a fire extinguisher and drinking water from my car and managed to put out the fire. mosgaz employee pavel chichikov discovered a hand-held flamethrower without a safety pin at an abandoned checkpoint. he immediately evacuated all the people and remained in place until the sappers arrived. alexander samsonov discovered a cache of ammunition at the site.
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he also immediately evacuated people and risked his life to remain in place. here no one looks back at what he has, he has one goal, to do, to accomplish, to complete on time, to carry out an honest job, we hope, that with the help of people who extended a hand, help, a shoulder, everything will be fine, everything will be great. in lugansk there is not a single boy who has not been introduced to football, well, i don’t know a single one, he is born, he already knows that the dawn is a champion, here is a young dawn, yes, they are children
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of the military generation who came to play football , when here we were rushing to...
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our beloved friends from russia, the sensations at the very beginning were so terrifying, uh, but the task was set, to fulfill, it is necessary to do, the first rumors about... were checked in general in may, and already in june active work began , first inspectors came and checked, and then work began, the repairs all ended in the nineties, when
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the union collapsed, no one else has done anything here for 30 years, some kind of restoration work has just begun for the entire history of ukraine, basically everything was just falling apart, they didn’t do anything, since 1914, of course, it was hard for us to do this, of course we... in some sectors we are trying to restore the city, but it’s hard, because all the same, during these years, eight, various sabotage events are taking place, well, naturally, there are not so many people now , i mean, for the hard work of men , because many of our men are now defending at the front, so thanks to our brothers, they help when you go to school, study or even in kindergarten kindergarten
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, even in kindergarten, she is in the second grade, i am in the third, in the third grade, i too will go to this school in general, yes, but now it is such that you can’t go in, we will do the repairs now i... i remember the moment very well 2014 , when i watched with my family tv and saw how happy the children were going to school on september 1, and i was sitting at home from time to time going down to the basement, this was not a feeling of inferiority, this was a feeling of great pain and injustice, that is, it was really, well , it was a little hard at first, everyone had some problems, we have children whose parents died, their fathers died, and their mothers died, well... it’s a difficult time for us , for everyone, now at school it’s much easier, at first the task was to repair,
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correct, - to restore, but when they began, so to speak, clearing the dismantling work, when it happened in skryz, i realized that it was completely necessary to change all the engineering here, that is... to replace the electricity supply, heating, completely change the radiators, because they were clogged, also replace the pipes, completely changed the faience, these are the sinks and very there was a lot missing, there was no sink anymore, there were no faucets, and if you put a toilet, put the toilet like this, that is , like this for everyone, yes, yes, just like that , we move the aisle narrower, i want it again, i don’t want it cut through. it’s failing, that’s it, when we realized that
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we had to start with the roof, we climbed onto the membrane, when you step on it, it ’s on the fourth floor, we saw that all the offices were completely covered in fungus, wet, the paint was all peeling off, they did it in a month, in a month and a half completely everything, and this is a little... not enough 1500 square meters, there were weeks of rain, the director walks and says, it can’t be, well , let’s go, we walked, we walked, we walked, thank god, it’s not leaking, i say, the school territory is okay now expand, well, there’s nothing you can do on this patch, bring in a park order, so that there is a sports ground, and we can refurbish it here. so that on the first of september the children come to a normal , at least prepared school, so that their legs don’t break, when such
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changes have now taken place in our lives, people feel protected, feel cared for, and of course this makes people feel a certain gratitude, but you are looking after us no, i know everyone, we know everyone, we are all in the know. no, but you may have your own, we do it not for ourselves, but for you, we have a sidewalk along which we walk from school with daughter, well, home, and there they immediately made this asphalt, they immediately piled up on these scooters, jumping, spinning, i’m going to myself, i think, god, well, the children are happy about the asphalt, that’s real, that’s what it’s like for them megahappiness. apart from gratitude, we don’t hear from people, everyone is happy and joyful. they say that for more than 30 years
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nothing was done in the houses, now we are doing a complete reconstruction of the houses, trees are being cut down, the trees of the houses are shaped like trees so that it’s as if shevchenko was in the deep taiga, house 64 is opposite you, here comes 100% roof replacement, facade repair, painting, washing, repair of balcony slabs and balconies.
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war everywhere, there is no money , this is restoration, and money for the population, if not russia, these ruins would remain here for many years, it was irreparable to climb alone, andryukha, you are the top, top, top, put the second one here, here, yes, let's do it again, here. a fairly large amount of work has been announced for today, the most important thing is entering the heating season of 22-23, we must replace what has suffered within the framework of today’s realities, has already either reached such serious wear and tear, here we see gas equipment, similar equipment will be installed there,
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less. power, because there are completely different consumption figures, but absolutely similar in terms of functionality. the municipal services complex of the city of moscow has set the task of replacing cabinet gas-ablation stations ; accordingly, the scope of work includes dismantling old cabinets in their place, installing new ones completely with the supply of new pipes, and, accordingly. fittings, and what’s the weather like, it’s hot, it’s hard in suits, oh , i couldn’t look at the bench press, i felt sorry for them, well , they did a good job, good, well done, and quickly , clearly, harmoniously, such cultured guys, well, i immediately saw that these were muscovites, the task was set to replace 100 cabinets, accordingly, this is necessary for uninterrupted gas supply to the city of donetsk, we will be in time for the heating
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season, and now we have. gave them first aid, loaded them into his car, took them to the hospital, the lives of ten people were saved. our people highly appreciate the work of these people because it the first people who, in joint teams , come in to eliminate the damage that ukraine is causing today to the elderly population, to social infrastructure facilities, to infrastructure facilities that ensure
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the life of the city. in principle, a person can get used to anything but the cold, this was said by the norwegian researcher of arctite and the northern city, raoul amotsen, one of the main objects - preparation for the earth - is the lugansk tes. luganskaya tes is a unique object for the republic, it is the only source of generation and the only source of heat supply to the city of happiness. on february 25 , all personnel from the stations were evacuated due to hostilities. was inoperative until may 3, there were low temperatures in february, it turned out that the equipment was damaged, pumps, valves and main equipment were also damaged. luganskaya tes in the city of shchastya was launched in may 2022. that's it, the power unit is online, you can load the power unit. i'm starting to load the power unit. just yesterday we met with denis.


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