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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

3:30 am
they called themselves the bremen town musicians, and i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians! let's look before everyone else, let's meet veronika pavlovna vasnetsova, your new boss, and this is a female corpse with a blunt trauma to the skull, vasnetsova, always one step ahead, four, let's sign up, let's see, i'll see you.
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i’ll shave my head to intimidate her , i wouldn’t have torn you apart, you need to try very hard, i got off, let’s say i really ended up in the past, but why the hell come here, holob two, there i think that it’s not coming like that, but there , and there -
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of the united states in the security council, she had a piece of paper there, the geo-technical apparatus wrote everything, she spoke on this piece of paper, it is no coincidence that an alternative to trump is now being promoted among republicans; nbc news interviewed three republican candidates earlier this year.
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on march 4, trump has his first hearing, and on march 20, he has his second hearing, and may 25, his third, that is, to put it mildly , against the candidate of the leading candidate.
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presidents now have a bunch of criminal cases, there is a criminal case, this is concrete democracy in action, so the fact that trump, the arrival trump in any way. case, will cause enormous chaos within the united states, just like not a parish , just like not a parish, yes, like not a parish, any election, a democrat, a republic, you know , in fact, because from the other side an empty seat is elected, that is, well, if you put it like that, take it, but i thought we wouldn’t say anything about rishunak today, but no, they said it anyway, i wanted to say that even if the issue is being discussed now, when did we even talk about empty space? , when biden, no, well, it’s not in my diocese, here... as for kamala, this is an empty place that can be replaced, that is, from the side, from the democrats, but the fact is that from the republican side, if you remove trump, and what is casey do santis , i said correctly,
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casey was always behind the ron, she leads him, this is his wife, he began his speeches like this in the twelfth year, that as my wife casey said and so on, what is ramaswami, what is it, what is it? europe is also having a pretty serious year, why did macron say about june, to be honest, why a hint at the elections to the european parliament on the ninth, or something, on june 6-9 they are holding elections to the european parliament, where, in fact, the main task of the current ones, who is now in power, is not to let those people through, that
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right wave, which is also doesn’t like us, but they don’t like americans either, and they don’t like eurocrats either, you say, that ’s fine zimmerman,
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how many have been delivered there: 500 united states nato spacecraft, more than 70 military reconnaissance, 2000 terminals of this starlink, everything else, that’s it that’s all, if we expect that he believes
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that elon musk is our great friend, so that there are no illusions, so that there are no illusions, that this mess will not lead to a reduction in aid to ukraine, it will not lead, because that february 1st. there will be an eu summit, and i am sure that they will first approve this package, somehow they will find perhaps an opportunity to bypass the veto in hungary, then they will divide, and where they are going to gather, in brussels, in my opinion, well, it’s clear, since that’s it, then they will divide ours, our reserves, and again this is wine, the blame will be it is not the states that will bear the blame, the europeans will bear the blame, where the bulk and concentration of our prizes are concentrated. is, unless one of our liberals tries to say, no, well, it’s also impossible, so our main task this year is probably to finally put an end to it, this is what vladimir vladimirovich putin said on december 19, that in fact saying , you have to take yours, that’s where yours
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ends, yours ends , for example, in italy i have a lot of my own, i offered you another option, i mean where our people live, that’s... our people, so you knew, he lives everywhere, in public french toilets there are inscriptions in russian, as vladimir semyonovichi drank, i think we will not stoop to public toilets, but what are you suggesting using the forest, no, if we take cities, then use public toilets , stop, andrey, let’s still take this seriously in a systematic way, but if we’re not joking there, but talking about something serious in a systematic way, of course, a very important statement has now been made.
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we do not understand very well, or rather not all of we are very well understood here are the nuances of these formulations, but if i understand, then for the chairmen of xi there is a very specific, very clear installation, alexey, please clarify for us, yes, this is the new year’s speech of chairman xi, it is, oddly enough, that frightened the americans, this is no different from the standard formulations that china repeats year after year, why was this even said in the new year’s address, in order to show it perfectly. in all languages ​​that china did not withdraw the thesis and did not reduce this thesis about the reunification of taiwan
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or taiwan with the people's republic of china, and here you have to understand that this is still aimed at the domestic public , but leave it at that, i just, as they say, have fresh memories of china, literally a few hours ago he arrived here straight off the plane, and there are observations that i envy , i haven’t done this in my life yet. consumption has decreased, this is true in china, secondly, in the largest cities of china
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, the price of real estate has fallen sharply, by the way, the price of real estate, minus 20-25% for real estate in shanghai, beijing - this is not a very healthy situation, but to say that china is in shock , scared that there is some there is panic, no, this is not necessary, on the contrary, somehow someone is playing up, down, because in china it’s really the last time. year, the profitability of ordinary people, and probably also of large companies, fell sharply, so it is important for the chinese leadership to explain to the population, which has been growing rich for 40 years, what is happening, how we will live further, maybe we made a mistake somewhere with taiwan, because when sidinpin came to the leadership of the prc in 2013, because the situation was very good, friendship with the united states, huge trade with taiwan...
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is also an important question. by the way, the support for russia at the level of the average person in china is colossal. this can be seen not only from conversations, how they like to force us, one taxi driver said: “no, this is published on blogs all the time, it’s true. but the main point is that sizinpin, if you watch this whole speech in general, we just watched a piece of it , he says that the world is expecting enormous changes, we need to prepare for this. and some things remain unchanged. taiwan, yes, it will be separated with kener." but nowhere did he say that he would be reunited by military means, here it is very interesting, look at how
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the situation around china has been unfolding in the last few weeks, when they are starting to say that there is terrible corruption in china, that the minister of defense has been removed in china or shanfu for corruption, it was known , china did not hide it to itself, that to the point that all the strategic defense forces, the missile forces, they were so corrupt that the missiles could not take off, this... this affects the public, i'm mad at the western public, i i see that russian bloggers are repeating this , not understanding that in fact the campaign of attacking china with negative information continues, if there is, of course, corruption in china, for which the former minister of foreign affairs was thrown out, for not very good tricks there since, as it seemed now not just one, but
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two journalists, one was in hong kong, the second in the usa, both chinese, at least the last one, he loves journalists. corps - in general it turned out to be a normal man, leshanfu was also a normal man, but it turned out that the entire leadership there, including e the general staff and the strategic force , they were mired in corruption, and not the kind of corruption that the united states, the americans, accuse, there is a different story, this is a completely different question, but the most important thing is to show that china is a corrupt country, how we should communicate with it, that's the essence of the matter.
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economy, it’s just that you can see it better from the inside than from the outside, so you need to approach it very carefully, but there is another question that struck me, i literally held negotiations there a few days ago, we are talking about, we are not hiding this, about interaction russia and china are in the field of high technology, and a large russian company is offering in china, we have developments, we need
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to produce these microchips in china, the chinese are looking... "guys, what you are offering is the most advanced solutions that exists in the world, we don’t have this , the americans don’t, and the main question they ask is why do you need us, ours, which means our company explains, well, you know, we just can’t do it in russia, we don’t have the appropriate equipment , he says, listen, it’s not about the equipment, you have these brains, why are you looking for someone else, in the process of conversation it turns out that even ours?
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right now the restructuring of the economy is no worse than the chinese one, it is lagging behind, it’s true, it is seriously lagging behind, our main problem is that psychologically , we believe that someone solves problems better, this is not true, the second very big problem is that many in russia, including the scientific intelligentsia, the technical intelligentsia, have shown that as a result of all these companies, we are returning by... the past we are establishing the soviet union, and this is scary, because we have to think about the future. china is great not because it has a big economy and there are a lot of people there, that goes without saying, it is great because it is always a very traditional side.
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clearly, including in the face of china, understand that china thinks only about itself, and the problems of russian chinese, they are largely related to the development of the chinese economy, and not the russian economy, the fact that we have increased today russian-chinese trade has seriously increased, but investments from china they didn’t really flow into russia, and this is a big problem and they won’t flow in my opinion, so we need to clearly understand that in the future we will have to rely...
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america couldn’t build it up, europe couldn’t change it, we have an artillery system there, a rocket fire system . about which they spoke a lot in different ways, but now this is heaven and earth, that is, there is something to be proud of, it is necessary, that is, of course, there are also many areas that need to be improved, no doubt, but
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the momentum they have gained, by the way, i want them to appear separate rewards for heroes labor front, yes, because yes, there are civilian awards there, but for the military-industrial complex, in my opinion, it is necessary to introduce separate state awards, but this would be fair, just as we have military awards, so here, but here’s why..
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we need to enter the war, there are proxies, through them, but the situation is increasingly indicating that sooner or later he will be involved in this war. the international exhibition of equipment, raw materials and technologies for pharmaceutical production has been held for the 25th time, for the first time almost 500 companies from 15 countries. russian producers have become very active, which is great. people realized that this is the time when they can make a statement. i think that china can replace all western manufacturers; we now produce world-class bioreactors,
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traditionally. it is believed that if this is a domestic product, it is probably somewhere below the class, you know, i assure you, this is not so, research and development centers are uniting together with business to create drugs, this is some kind of apex when we try together we can create truly original molecules, original drugs.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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we are now at the costume design department at kasygin university. costume design is an art, art is always appreciated. this subject is called costume architectonics. a very wild pace, i would say, but extremely interesting. this is the work of a designer from china, then there are collections from india, brazil, south africa, serbia, a total of 130 brands from twenty countries presented their collections in this showroom. i do everything by hand, it’s similar to working on peresid carpets. every opportunity to express yourself is a good opportunity. moscow is an amazing city. i came to moscow to present my winter collection. the women here are very fashionable.
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the russian market is very large. i think now is the time to go out to him, that's what you said. a terrorist attack in the port, well , finally a symbolic terrorist attack - this is, of course , on the fourth anniversary of the commemoration of mourning for the death of qassem suleymaniyah, who it was trump who had a hand, he even criticized netanyahu for refusing to participate at the last moment, so on, yes, because now even with this terrorist attack on the commemoration of qassem sulaymaniyah, they still cannot come to a conclusion about who it was holding back.


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