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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 7:00am-7:30am MSK

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the consequences of the new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces are being eliminated in belgorod; the air defense shot down 10 vampir missiles, three people were wounded by shrapnel, windows were broken in houses, and seven cars were damaged. mass protests by farmers in germany, people blocked roads and stopped the work of large enterprises, columns of tractors and other equipment lined the city streets. entrepreneurs oppose tax increases and the abolition of benefits. vladimir putin received reports on failures in the supply of light and heat in the regions. head of the kherson region vladimir salda told the president over the phone that a sharp temperature change had caused the wires to break. the positive indicators were replaced by frosts. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, in turn, reported on the situation in areas where problems arose in providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat. based on the results of these conversations, vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, as well.
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to quickly eliminate possible malfunctions when turning on the heat. private boiler house will be handed over in the near future to the municipality and will be repaired. let me remind you that residents of klimovsk in moroz were left without heating. the accident at the boiler house occurred on january 4. more than 170 apartment buildings, kindergartens, schools and hospitals were included in the shutdown zone. the work was complicated by the weather; in
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some areas the heating main froze, it had to be dismantled and re-laid, and a local state of emergency was declared in the city. the circumstances of the massive road accident in the novgorod region are being established by specialists from the investigative committee. the case was initiated under the article on the provision of non-compliant services safety requirements. let me remind you that the day before fifty cars collided on the neva highway. four people died, including a small child. even smaller. 16 people were injured, eight were taken by air ambulance helicopters to the veliky novgorod hospital. traffic towards moscow was blocked. according to inspectors, one of the cars crashed into a fence at high speed. drivers of other cars simply did not have time to brake. due to the snowfall , visibility was reduced and the road was very slippery. a in the stavropol region, the accident claimed the lives of seven people. four more are now in intensive care. in the area of ​​the village of pyatigorsky there is a minibus with passengers. crashed into a kamaz.
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bulat shakkiev found out the details of the fatal accident. the tragedy occurred at this intersection at approximately 2:00 pm. the driver of the minibus was turning left at the very entrance to the village of pyatigorsky and for some reason decided not to let us through. coming towards us is a kamaz. the heavy truck didn’t have time to react either. as a result of an accident. seven people died, the driver of the gazelle and six passengers. among them was a relative lyubov krylova. the news of grief found her at home. i'm going to sleep. there it lies on the asphalt , so we drove by, and when we found out, well, there’s a brother standing over there, they called him, they brought him a bag, they gave it to him, they said: here’s yours, i found out, i found out, that’s it. after the identification procedure , emercom psychologists work with the relatives of the victims. rescuers were the first to arrive at the scene of the accident. there was a threat of fire, the minibus was running on gas. the fire department personnel spilled a gas cylinder located in...
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a minibus, and also the release of the injured victims, the remaining services are working under the supervision of rescuers, employees of the traffic police, the ministry of internal affairs of the investigative committee, a criminal case has been opened for improper provision of services. this was carried out by the organization of the stavropol territory, kavkaz trans, which today will check all documentation, licenses and technical condition of the vehicle when technical inspections were carried out. to what extent was it already legal to fully carry out all these transportations? the authorities have questions investigations against the truck driver, now he and three other passengers are in the pyatigorsk clinical hospital, their condition causes serious concern among doctors. three are in intensive care, one is in the neurosurgery department, all necessary assistance is being provided to patients, all doctors are now on site. all operating theater teams are working,
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blood, everything that is needed, everything has been ordered, everything has been delivered, specialists have been sent from petigorsk to help the doctors. from the regional hospital, together they will decide how to save the lives of four victims in this terrible road accident. pochakiev, evgeny radaev, andrey chastyakov, news from the stavropol territory. in belgorod and its suburbs , the consequences of a new shelling by terrorists are being eliminated. the ministry of defense reports that on approach, the air defense shot down 10 vampire missiles. the regional authorities, in turn, said that three people were wounded by shrapnel. at the hospital they... urgently underwent surgery. all victims are now in intensive care with multiple injuries. doctors assess their condition as stable and serious and are doing everything for a speedy recovery. patients. in belgorod, windows were broken in three houses, two apartment buildings and one private house. seven cars were damaged, four of them
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caught fire. in the kherson region , marines received state awards for special distinctions in battles. the ceremony was held near the front line. there are many fighters on the account. repelled attacks by nationalists who are trying to cross the dnieper. our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, will tell you how a new crossing attempt was stopped. soldiers of the black sea marine corps unit the fleet lifts a reconnaissance drone into the sky. the operator’s task is to monitor the gray zone and identify ukrainian militants who are trying to penetrate the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. drones... well, generally constant, because it’s impossible to work without a drone now, and if there is no video recording of video control, well, you can simply
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lose the essence of what is happening, so constant monitoring even in bad weather at low altitudes, officers give the order to fight, artillerymen deploy camouflaged guns and... receive the coordinates of the target. on on the opposite bank of the river, scouts discovered militants who were preparing to cross the dnieper. ukrainian attack aircraft took refuge in an abandoned holiday village. high-explosive fragmentation shells rain down on the enemy. shot. several drones monitor the territory at once, and their operators adjust artillery fire. long-range howitzers hit the 122-mm target accurately. shells destroy observation posts in the ssu, an attempt to attack the marines ends in failure, the militants retreat with losses, i am the enemy i understand, i’m very depressed, very much so, because even their answers are not so effective, that is, they either overfly, underfly, just like that, that is, they don’t
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choose targets, they just lay down, let’s say, at random. according to the fighters, the enemy attacks in groups of 10-15 people, for secrecy , ukrainian attack aircraft use boats with silent engines. most often, the crossing occurs in the dark, but all attempts to break through are defeated by the defensive positions of the russian military, they are located along the entire front line, well protected camouflaged. despite the fact that the gun is well camouflaged in a dense forest, the fighters constantly watch the sky, because enemy birds fly here regularly. the fighters were given state and departmental awards for their courage and professionalism. the solemn ceremony took place not far from the front line, almost all naval ... black sea fleet have medals for work in the zone of a special military operation, they protected civilians of the donetsk people's republic, and are now repelling attacks of the ukrainian armed forces on the left bank of the dnieper. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov, kherson region. the ukrainian defense forces purchased a large batch of women's
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military uniforms; they had purchased them before, but such a mass purchase had never happened before. 50,000 sets, apparently, this is how many women are planning to call up troops in the near future. let me remind you that at the end of last year, parliamentarians began to develop a new law on mobilization; the document, among other things, equalizes men and women as persons liable for military service. previously , ukrainian women with medical education were required to register for military service. experts they expect a blow to the german economy due to a large-scale protest by farmers. maria filippova has details. mash, good morning, what consequences of the strikes are already being felt? roma, some of the supermarkets will soon be felt. shortage of goods and more on this later. the farmers' strike in germany is beginning to affect various areas of the country's economy. in particular, because of these protests, the volkswagen plant in lower saxony was restored. the company's employees were simply unable to get to work due to road closures. 200 supermarkets in brandenburg will not receive goods on time due to
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the indirect blockade of the logistics center. berlin decided to save over 900 million euros in fuel subsidies for agricultural machinery, which caused discontent among farmers. the fact that the german government is unilaterally raising taxes on the only climate-neutral industry, namely agriculture. the meeting of shareholders of tcs of the parent company of tenkov bank was postponed, interfax reports this with reference to the group’s notification. the event was supposed to take place the day before, but now it was decided to hold it next monday. what this is connected with is not specified. on the agenda of the meeting is the issue of changing jurisdiction from kip to russia. for this purpose the shareholder. must agree on changes to the charter. it is still unknown which district will become the new place of registration, kaliningrad or vladivostok.
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the company announced plans to move back in november last year. this, in particular , will allow us to bypass western sanctions blocking tcs securities and resume dividend payments. washington has not yet made a decision on the confiscation of russian assets. the issue is still being worked out within the g7. us treasury secretary janet yelin stated this and quotes her words. lumberg, the former head of the federal reserve , is worried about the risks for the dollar in the event of the seizure of someone else's property and therefore calls for everything to be calculated very carefully. it is worth noting here that journalists actually asked elena about her personal attitude to the confiscation and transfer of funds to ukraine, but in her answer, she immediately referred to the seven. in other words, washington is preparing europeans in advance partners, japan and canada to collective responsibility in the event of an international financial crime. bitcoin briefly topped. mark of $47,000 for the first time since march of the year before. the fact is that the american
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securities and exchange commission may approve transactions related to bitcoin derivatives as early as tomorrow. the largest companies have begun dividing the new market in advance, attracting the attention of investors. in particular, a number of large players have already announced the size of the commission, which will average half a percent. this is about bitcoin and eetf. this is an exchange instrument that allows you to play on exchange rate fluctuations. while owning the digital currency itself. it’s interesting that the american regulator for a long time did not want to satisfy the requests of specialized players in the crypto market, but when they approached the black rock fund since 2008, which has been helping the us authorities sweep all crises under the carpet, they had to give in. well, at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 89 rubles 68 kopecks. euro 99 and 19 kopecks. roman, mash, thank you, now to the very last message. vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, as well as rosseti company, take measures to eliminate utility accidents. the president heard
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a report on problems with the supply of light and heat in the kherson region and the moscow region. extreme frosts in the magadan region. the thermometers dropped to -50°. and in rostov there is a severe snowstorm. the don highway was covered with snow. dozens of cars are stuck in a huge traffic jam. powerful explosion in an american state.
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returned, on a frosty morning they warmed up by the iron stoves, which they also brought with them, traffic on the highways was blocked, 16 capitals of federal states, all of them small major cities in germany are today caught in the grip of a farm strike. jens is from the village of prignets in brandenburg, he grows wheat and corn, and drove his tractor all the way to the brandenburg gate. many enterprises in our country are feeling tired, fertilizer prices have increased enormously as a result of sanctions against russia, there has been lightning speed.
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there will be no abolition of preferential taxation on agricultural machinery; it was decided to reduce subsidies for diesel fuel gradually until they are completely abolished in 2026, but this is clearly not enough to ensure that work on the land began to bring real profit, because these people... our politicians are complete zeros. mr. scholz and habik, i would ask them to resign at least for what they did with relations between russia and germany. politicians ruin everything, and we don’t want that. as for nord stream 2, it should be launched. we stand for, but unfortunately not our politicians. last year, the commodity energy crisis destroyed 50 large
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fertilizer plants in europe. farmers began to buy less because the price was not arranges. and therefore they also shrink and go bankrupt. from wednesday to friday , train services in germany are suspended, and teachers, doctors and retailers are preparing for strikes. the newspaper develt writes that farmers can become a mouthpiece that will wake up everyone who suffers from the economic policy of the traffic light, as the three-party government coalition is called in germany, consisting of the social democrats, their color is red, the free democrats are yellow, and
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the green ones. last week in different parts in germany, symbolic gallows with chatterers began to appear.
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such an action violates the rules of democratic interaction; with all the understanding of a living protest culture, one cannot remain indifferent to such an insult to political mores. people cross the democratic line where words are replaced by insults and arguments by violence. the funniest thing about this is that such things are written by people who at one time supported the coup in ukraine and sympathized with violence. which the kiev regime unleashed on the russian people in donbass, but the germans’ patience with the duplicity and cynicism of their politicians seems to be coming to an end, since it now concerns them themselves. there is a charitable organization in germany, tafel, on tuesdays in its branches they distribute expired but still usable food for free to those in need. there are so many people in need that even
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substandard goods are in short supply. previously, a pack of pasta cost 89 cents, now it’s 1ev69. the new year's package of military gifts to kiev included four arist air defense systems and one skynex, 800 anti-tank mines, 900 shells 155 caliber, 10 radar installations and two early warning radars. in 2024 berlin. plans to spend 8 billion euros on weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, and 6 billion on the maintenance of ukrainian refugees, and this despite the fact that germany itself still does not have a federal budget. all last year, scholz and habik celebrated the imaginary effectiveness of sanctions and germany’s pseudo-independence from russian gas and russian oil. in fact, they continue to buy both, just at three prices, which deprives the german
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economy of the basis for its development and prosperity. iron chancellor bismarck is often credited with various sayings. funds that were planned to be used to finance government programs, the german government is looking for money to make ends meet, the program of subsidies for the population to pay for housing and communal services is being phased out, from january 1.
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enterprises, business is simply mowed down, but expenses on ukraine are inviolable. last week , foreign minister zelensky sentenced the most distinguished members of the bundestag to the order of jaroslav mundro. chancellor, who does not give kyiv long-range taurus missiles have so far passed, however, he already has enough. go home, traitor. on thursday, scholz traveled to the saxony region of anhalt, which was hit by floods. the point of his appearance there was to show off to the public himself in rubber boots. he was already heavily criticized after he appeared in ordinary shoes in december in lower saxony, which was also hit by the elements. local authorities also made sure that... the picture worked for the chancellor. what volunteers on site say sounds like a political show: 2 hours to scholz's arrival. here, in the village of berga, where
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sandbags are filled, there is silence so that the chancellor can calmly arrange his pr performance. some of the volunteers, who have been swinging shovels day and night for two weeks now, were replaced by firefighters, because the firefighters’ uniform looks better on camera. everything would have been fine, perhaps, if there had been a social burden for the firefighters, their red cars, and the boots of the chancellor... it’s time for schultz and khabik to generate less tax revenue and do more sketches for their memoirs with the conventional title of how they will ruin the fourth in 2 years world economy. 3/4 of germany are dissatisfied with the actions of the chancellor. this is the worst result in history, numbers that have been making people nervous for some time.
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even more in eastern germany up to a third of the total number of voters, farmers, the majority, if not all. certainly. we support farmers in their protests, we are the alternative for germany party, we express our protest in the bundestag and state parliaments on issues such as high energy prices and the refusal of subsidies. in the fall, elections will take place in three federal states at once. east, in brandenburg, saxony and thuringia, which could lead to the emergence of a kind of parallel, alternative germany, strictly opposed to the federal center. if this happens, the depth of the country's split cannot be predicted.
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faster than scholz lost her. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, vesti berlin, germany. sports news. in the studio alexander abramov. good morning.
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another brazilian newcomer to zenit, tell us about the new striker. roman, good morning, zenit has already signed since the beginning of the year third brazilian newcomer. the squad was replenished by the three-time champion of brazil in polmer, striker arthur. i will return to this topic later. world football. suffered a huge loss, franz bickenbauer died in germany. the great german football player, nicknamed kaiser, was 78 years old. world and european champion franz bickenbauer, the only defender in the history of football who twice received the golden ball as the best player in the world. this was in seventy-two and seventy-six. also to the multiple german champion with bayern and hamburg, franz bickenbauer achieved a unique achievement. he won the world cup both as a footballer and as a coach. such.
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april, with the winner islam makhachev will enter the octagon next summer. this will be islam's third title defense. makhachev has owned the ufc lightweight champion belt since october 2022. the continental hockey league hosted two regular season matches the day before. in one of them the vladivostok admiral received the omsk avant-garde. the teams set an unusual record. this is the ninth match in a row between these teams ended outside regular time. this time, after three periods there was a 1:1 draw. in overtime, avangard, according to tradition, removed the goalkeeper and, playing in the 4.3 format, rit boucher brought amecha victory. the american forward of avangard is the best sniper in the league this season. reed boucher already has 34 goals. the hockey player still has some left in stock.
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mira andreeva moved up the wta ranking from 58th to forty-seventh place. last week in brisbane, australia, the tennis player reached the quarterfinals of the tournament for the first time in her career. under the auspices of the wta. the first racket of russia remains lyudmila samsonova, she is the fourteenth racket in the world. daria kosatkina is on the fifteenth line. and another brazilian addition to the st. petersburg zenith. the russian champions announced the transfer of striker arthur from palmeires. contract glasses with zenith are designed until the twenty-seventh year. arthur is 25 years old; last december, as part of palmeires , the football player became a three-time champion of brazil. it is reported that arthur is an attacking player who most often appears on the wings of the attack, but can also play in midfield in the center of attack. zenit paid 15 million euros for the transfer of the striker. taking into account zenit's newcomers in the current transfer window, arthur became the ninth brazilian in the st. petersburg team. that
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's all about sports for now, see you next hour, who are you, wandering musicians, we don't have a bright leader, people.
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chica accepted, grab them, the tale you've been waiting for. donkey, what, a dog, a cat, a cockerel, they called themselves a temporary musician, i actually sing too, the bremen town musicians.


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