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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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deputy head of the city administration chief. the boiler house and the director of the plant were detained in connection with a break in the heating main in podolsk; the president was informed about failures in the supply of heat to light in the moscow region and the kherson region. in the donbass , the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated. what is the situation in the regions now and what are the forecasts? about 60 cars collided with a massive accident with casualties in the novgorod region. there is a huge traffic jam in the rostov region, but they do not have time to clear the snow. the blow to
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the economy and the transport collapse in germany are trying to assess the damage from a large-scale farmers' strikes, railway workers will join them today. in podolsk, near moscow , the deputy head of the city administration and the general director of the klimovsky specialized cartridge plant, whose department runs the boiler house, were detained in connection with a breakthrough in a heating main. this was reported to the investigative committee. at the enterprise.
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administration of the city consequences, the deputy head of the official powers, who suffered serious crimes in the podolsk district, was detained. to date, searches have been carried out at the workplaces of the detainees. and seizures, interrogations continue. the accident in the boiler house occurred on january 4, when residents were below thirty degrees below zero. the districts were left without heating and hot water. in the apartments the temperature dropped to 10°. more than 170 apartment buildings, kindergartens, schools and hospitals were included in the shutdown zone. restoration work was complicated by cold weather, in some areas the heating main froze, it had to be re-laid. moscow region authorities plan today to return heat to apartments in the klimovsk microdistrict in podolsk in the evening, the private boiler house will soon be handed over to the municipality and repaired. vladimir putin took it. to control the
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heating situation in the moscow region and kherson region. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov reported to the head of state on the situation in areas where problems arose in providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat. and the head of the kherson region, vladimir salda, told the president by phone that a sharp drop in the wires led to the breakage the above-zero temperatures were replaced by frosts. based on the results of both conversations, vladimir putin instructed alexander to head the ministry of emergency situations. prinkov, as well as the rosseti company, make every effort to eliminate the failures. and in the donbass it is eliminating the consequences of heavy snowfall. in a couple of hours there were huge snowdrifts. it's snowing in some areas now. utility services brought special equipment to the road. the streets are cleared of snow and treated with de-icing compounds. in donetsk , enterprise workers came to the aid of the services. the city announced a storm warning. from the broom sticking. snow on the wires
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has already left several settlements without electricity, in lugansk a third of the monthly norm for the southern region of precipitation fell in one day, this is not a typical situation, utility services have been switched to round-the-clock operation, by night, according to forecasts, frosts may increase to -20°. traffic on the m11 highway in the novgorod region has been completely restored after a massive accident. there is only one damaged car left at the scene of the accident. out of 66 collided, four resulted in an accident people were killed, 16 more were injured, among the injured victims were children. maxim petrov visited the scene of the tragedy. by the time rescuers arrived, there were more than fifty cars in the accident. the bodies of four dead were found at the scene, including a mother and a one-year-old child. two helicopters are working at the scene of the accident, this is the air ambulance, as well as the aviation of the ministry of emergency situations, eight victims have already been sent to great hospitals. novgorod,
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evacuation continues, four are in serious condition and, accordingly, two are in moderate condition were. is their life in danger? well, so far, in principle, according to doctors, no, they will live. in total , 16 people received injuries of varying severity. vitaly vasyatkin was returning home to elektrostal from st. petersburg with his family. the driver shows the mangled car, tells how he lost consciousness after the accident and thanks fate that his wife and children were not injured. all the doors of the car were blocked, the blow hit my driver’s side and the eldest was sitting here, thank god. didn't hit them, from behind there was a blow.
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vital crashed into a fence, this is confirmed by eyewitnesses, the car in front turned around, they began to go around it, and naturally everyone began to slow down. participants in the accident also note that the road was very slippery and the weather left much to be desired. from the very morning , veliky novgorod and its surroundings were covered with heavy snowfall. the weather was very bad, it was just that when the accident had already happened, probably after about five or seven minutes the snow calmed down, you couldn’t see anything, there was actually ice on the street.
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equipment cleared the highway all night, operational headquarters were deployed in the areas, by the morning the road was cleared of snowdrifts, the cars started moving, however, in some areas traffic is still difficult due to the accident of a large flow of cars, traffic jams arose the day before and due to heavy snowfall it stretched for 10 km, cars could not move, drivers were running out of gasoline, water and food, heating points were set up along the highway. in norilsk, the circumstances of the emergency landing are being clarified. passenger boeing, the plane rolled out of the runway for several tens of meters, there were 176 passengers and crew members on board , there were no injuries, evacuation was not required, the airline itself was quickly towed to the parking lot, this was done without delaying other flights due to the pause between arriving and departing
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by plane. a new batch of signatures in support of presidential candidate vladimir putin arrived at the central headquarters today. volunteers delivered documents from nineteen regions. across russia , more than 1,3000 people have already cast their votes in support of the current head of state, the counting is currently ongoing, today a single call center of the election headquarters has launched , you can see the multi-line phone number on your screens, calls from all over the country are free, the call center employs more than thirty volunteers from five regions. guys, be very careful relevant to this work, that is. that is, many of them already have experience working in their regions and in similar areas , because different regions are represented, that is, here smolensk and voronesh, and belgorod, and ershkakorola, and izhevsk, and the guys
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really host in their regions active participation in the activities of the popular front, that is, they understand the peculiarities, and many of them traveled to new regions on a humanitarian mission, so today there is such an important responsible work for them, now a short advertisement, we will continue later, do not switch, vascular disorders, blood clots, varicose veins, the causes of these health problems can be bad blood vessels, the drug helps improve... microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet. cool shot, now it's better.
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damn, wrong file, how to cancel? no way, artyom. this is a megaphone, everything flies with it. go to megaphone. mobile operator number one in terms of coverage speed, cool video, it took off faster than i thought, because with 5g it’s even faster, this has never happened before. russian cold: 150 g of unprecedented, rich taste in one glass. try it, real ice cream, russian cold, great, incredible taste. i think my grandfather is hiding something. bustle. fireworks, turning on the new year's light. lights the lights. magic staff, grandpa, and we have
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something tasty at home, we can conjure something, he knows how to do magic, snowman courier, it’s proven, my grandfather, santa claus! on new year's eve , everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts , for those around them. happy new year, wizards. so, so what, now we have one benefit in mind. vvidio and eldorado, discounts up to 30% and fair installments for 24 months. 0 rub. down payment, 0% overpayments. select video and eldorado. with the russian lotto, the holidays continue, in january we are raffling off houses,
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cars, and also million-dollar prizes and a jackpot of 800 million, it’s just some kind of holiday, buy tickets in branded stores on the website stoloto.ruto thousands of holiday discounts in a magnet, chocolate fork from 749, what are men silent about, that life is out of control, fears? stop being a man - these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts? why is this possible? can. yota. connect for a maximum of 399 rubles. and receive super boxes as a gift. can. iota start the year with great deals on megamarket, there will be a discount, buy
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filipporio olive oil for only 899 rubles. three victims of the latest shelling of belgorod are in intensive care in a stable and serious condition, governor vyacheslav glodkov announced this. the russian air defense system with... after this, specialists will begin to eliminate the consequences of the ukrainian attack, in order to protect children from shelling, they are sent to other regions, already 2 days ago the governors decided to accept our children to lipetsk in voronesh. yaroslavl, kaluga and tambov regions, yesterday i also spoke with the governors
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of the lipetsk - tula and penetsk regions, of course they immediately responded immediately, we are now working, forming groups, if necessary, we will send our teachers, teachers who will accompany them during the entire three weeks. camp shift. permanent recording, video monitoring. russian marine units are clearly monitoring the situation on the opposite bank of the dnieper. advanced reconnaissance drones are beyond the reach of ukrainian rap. combat copter they patrol the gray zone around the clock, adjust artillery fire and cross all lines of ukrainian armed forces militants. our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation in the kherson direction of the front. soldiers of the unit. marine corps of the black sea fleet lifts a reconnaissance drone into the sky. the operator’s task is to monitor
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the gray zone and identify ukrainian militants who are trying to penetrate the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. drones are in the air around the clock, and in order for the enemy electronic service the fight did not damage the copters; the equipment is undergoing a special re-flashing. the control is constant, well, generally constant, because it’s impossible to work now without a drone, and if there is no... video recording of video control, well , you can simply lose the essence of what is happening, so constant control even in bad weather, at low altitudes, officers give orders to battle, the artillerymen are deploying. camouflaged guns receive target coordinates. on the opposite bank of the river, scouts discovered militants who were preparing to cross the dnieper. ukrainian attack aircraft have taken refuge in an abandoned holiday village, high-explosive fragmentation shells are raining down on the enemy. shot.
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several drones monitor the territory at once. their operators adjust artillery fire. long-range howitzers hit like sheep. 122mm shells destroy observation posts in the ssu. an attempt to attack the marines ends in failure. the militants retreat with losses. the enemy, as i understand it, is very depressed. this is very strong, because even the answers are not so effective for them, that is, they then overflights, underflights, just like that, that is, they don’t choose targets, they just lay, let’s say, at random. according to the fighters, the enemy is attacking in groups of 10-15 people. ukrainian attack aircraft are used for stealth. with silent engines , most often the crossing occurs in the dark, but all attempts to break through are broken up by the defensive positions of the russian military, they are located along the entire front line, well protected and camouflaged, despite the fact that the guns are well camouflaged in a dense forest, the soldiers are constantly watching behind the sky, because that enemy birds fly here regularly.
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the fighters were given state and departmental awards for their courage and professionalism. the ceremony took place not far from the front line. almost all marines of the black sea fleet have medals for work in the zone of a special military operation; they protected civilians of the donetsk people's republic, and are now repelling attacks in the ssu on the left bank of the dnieper. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov, conduct the kherson region. the ministry of defense of ukraine purchased a large batch of women's military uniform. it had been purchased before, but there had never been such a massive purchase of 50,000 sets. apparently, so many women are planning to call up the troops in the near future. and i remember that at the end of last year, parliamentarians began to develop a new law on mobilization. in the document, among other things, men and women are equal in terms of military service. previously , ukrainian women with medical education were required to register for military service. russia will succeed in ukraine if western countries refuse to finance kiev. about
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ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba stated this in an interview with the spanish newspaper el paiz. according to him, if aid is suspended, russia will be able to break through the front line. about the prospects of support for kiev and the mood of the ukrainian military svetlana chmykhala. ukrainian troops are exhausted in defense at the gates of hell. this is the scary headline that came out in the new york times. ukrainian soldiers told reporters that russian attacks have become too intense and operating close to the front line has never been more dangerous. deputy battalion commander in the sssu under call sign shira admitted that the military was physically exhausted. but the one for whom they are fighting has completely died, died as a political figure. this opinion was expressed by the secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence. i believe that now zelensky must understand for himself that he will never be president again. all that he has now is the trust of people, ratings, he should
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not make decisions that will give him the opportunity to be re-elected in the next elections, or that will support his ratings. and those who make it possible to preserve the state, that is, zelensky, are already kicking even their own, and the main sponsor is not particularly encouraging. the us congress has not yet agreed on the white house's request for new assistance to kiev; without the approval of legislators, weapons will not be sent to ukraine. the day before, leaders of both parties, concerned about the consequences of the shutdown, presented a spending plan, but it does not include the $61 billion in aid to kiev that the head of the white house is seeking.
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the irony of fate in relation to the ukrainian women who went to the maidan because they wanted lace underwear. svetlana chamakhala, lead. european media are discussing the strike. farmers in germany, observers of the publication focus notes that mass demonstrations indicate a political crisis within the country. details from our european correspondent regina sevastyanova.
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early this morning in suhl, farmers threatened metre- high mountains of manure in front of the headquarters of the parties that make up the traffic light government. in this way they expressed their attitude and their main goal. bilt writes that germany has not seen such massive massacres for a long time. protests against politics. carried out by the german government, tens of thousands of tractors and farmers took to the streets yesterday, and this is just the beginning. actions of varying degrees of grandeur are planned for the coming week, they will end on monday with a general protest in berlin. yesterday , according to police estimates, 130,000 people took to the streets of the country, while about 100,000 tractors took part in these demonstrations; in bavaria alone, 24,000 tractors drove in... the results are, of course, traffic jams and problems with traffic, despite the fact that
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the court had previously forbidden the blocking of the a7 highway in northern phalia. tractors were still able to block the border crossings with the czech republic and france. in thuringia, the lessons of sixteen schools were moved entirely online in brandenburg due to the blocking of an important logistics center, the products were not received for about. the traffic light government, which has been the target of much of the agriculture industry's ire, said in an attempt to stop the protest on thursday that it would abandon its plan to remove diesel subsidies for tractors at once. subsidies for agriculture and forestry in favor of gradually abandoning these expenses until 2026, but on monday the head of the german farmers' association called this death to the point... farmers will not be satisfied with any other measures other than a complete rejection of these plans; they are ready to go on strike as much as needed. thus, he writes
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that the criticism was very harsh; on the banners with which farmers came to their protests one could even see a call for the murder of the german minister of agriculture, cem osdamir. didn't stay unnoticed by journalists was the fact that representatives of other professions also joined these protests, for example at brond. understands the motives of the protesters, but calls on them
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to remain within the limits of what is permitted. drivers even the bavarian police say that they have announced their own protest action from january 10 to 12, apparently, germany will be completely paralyzed in transport, because the trains will run seriously. interruptions on the side of farmers and many politicians, for example, in potsdam spoke out social democrat dietmar woike, who called the plans to abolish agricultural subsidies initially incorrect, demanded that they be abandoned; he was supported by the heads of the states of lower saxony, macklenburg- vorpommern, saar north rhine west phalia, the leader of the cdu, friedrich merz, at a corresponding meeting the day before, demanded to put the end of the unilateral decriminalization of german agriculture. farmers should still have benefits, such as fuel subsidies and tax exemption on agricultural machinery. the cdu faction supports farmers from saxony
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in their demands on the federal government. monday's protests generally proceeded without any disturbances, with the exception of two dangerous incidents. in oldenburg, police are investigating an attempted murder where a forty-five-year-old driver, in an attempt to avoid a demonstration, ended up ramming a twenty-five-year-old protester in the area. a motorist dragged a demonstrator on his outside mirror for several meters; farmers even had to distance themselves from accusations of extremism. we are not far-right extremists, although the media they try to present us like this, we are realists. we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, we cannot do our business. well, german chancellor and economy minister robert ha spoke to farmers via video message.
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the day before, he addressed his colleagues in the european union, saying that the countries of the alliance should invest more in ukraine, since the efforts of germany alone will not be enough, he said, and commenting on the protests in his own country, he said that the government fully supports plans for budget savings, and appropriate changes will be made. now it's time for economic news. bitcoin rose above $47 for the first time in a year and a half. the cryptocurrency gained 6.5% in price over the past day. the jump is associated with expectations of the launch of the first bitcoin etfs in the united states; they will allow direct trading of shares backed by this cryptocurrency. let me remind you that bitcoin now accounts for more than half the market value of all existing cryptocurrencies. this market is estimated at trillion 700 billion dollars. a possible conflict over taiwan will cost the global economy at 10% of gdp. in money terms, it's about
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ten. trillions of dollars, bloomberg estimates. compared to this amount, the consequences of the situation in ukraine, the covid pandemic and the global financial crisis will seem insignificant. the fact is that taiwan occupies a leading position in the production of semiconductors. in addition, the taiwan strait is one of the world's most important trade routes. the drop in traffic through the swedish canal has become the largest since the evergreen incident. houthi attacks on merchant ships disrupted 20% of the world's traffic. transportation affected the interests of more than 40 countries, stated us secretary of state antony blinken. half of the container ships avoiding the red sea route after attacks. the shortest route around the cape of good hope in southern africa. it takes 25% longer. and the top 20 highest-grossing films of the twenty-third year brought almost 21 billion rubles to the russian box office. the total collections reached 40 billion, which is almost
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twice as much. results of the twenty-second year, rbc writes about this. the highest-grossing film not only in twenty-three, but of all russian film distribution was cheburashka, it earned 6.700 million rubles. the second third place also belongs to domestic films. it was economic news, briefly. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient. how to vote while traveling? 3 4 5 we are going to the village to rest, but our grandfather thinks that rest can wait, because he wants to vote these days, but his mother told him, vote directly in the village, be a mobile voter, dad, mom, supported, i’m already by the way, i wrote this statement, the whole family is going to the village, animals, adults and children, to relax in nature and choose mobile,
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choose in the country freely, important, honestly convenient.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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