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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin has taken control of the heating situation in the moscow region and the kherson region, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov announced. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov reported to the head of state on the situation in areas where problems arose in providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat. and the head of the kherson region, vladimir salda, told the president over the phone that a sharp change in temperature led to the wires breaking, followed by freezing temperatures. based on the results of both conversations vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, as well as the rosseti company, to make every effort to eliminate the failures.
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in the donbass, the consequences of heavy snowfall are being eliminated, huge snowdrifts have formed in a couple of hours, in some areas it is snowing now, utility services have brought out special equipment on the road, the streets are being swept away from snow, and are also being treated with de-icing compounds, in donetsk , enterprise workers have come to the aid of the services, in the city a storm warning was announced; wet snow was noticed sticking to the wires without several settlements have already lost electricity; in lugansk, a third of the monthly norm fell in one day. this is an atypical situation for the southern region; utility services have been switched to round-the-clock operation; by nightfall, according to forecasts , frosts may increase to -20°. in the rostov region, a huge traffic jam was eliminated on the don highway, heavy equipment cleared the highway all night, operational headquarters were deployed in the areas, kutra, the road was cleared of snowdrifts, cars started moving, however, in some areas , traffic is still difficult due to the accident and a large flow of cars, but... arose
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the day before due to heavy snowfall and stretched for 10 km. the cars could not move. drivers were running low on gas, water and food. heating points were set up along the route. in transbaikalia , the consequences of a major railway accident are being eliminated . two freight trains collided in the central part of the region. part of the locomotive and 14 wagons loaded with coal derailed. five of them tipped over on their sides. we have already managed to find out that the accident occurred when one train was passing by another. standing on the tracks nearby, that at that moment, some of the cars went off the rails and hit the neighboring ones. traffic along the section of the road was stopped in both directions; due to the accident , oncoming vladivostok-moscow trains were delayed and, as russian railways stated, some passengers will be transported on aurora airline flights. in norilsk , the circumstances of the emergency landing of a passenger boeing are being clarified. the plane rolled out of the runway several tens of meters. there were 176 passengers and members on board.
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there were no injuries to the crew, no evacuation was required, the airliner itself quickly towed to the parking lot. this was done without delaying other flights due to the pause between arriving and departing aircraft. three victims of the latest shelling of belgorod are in intensive care, in a stable and serious condition, governor vyacheslav glotkov announced this. the russian air defense system shot down 10 air targets on approach to the city, and fragments fell in three microdistricts. windows were broken in two multi-apartment high-rise buildings, a private house and several cars were damaged. a door-to-door inspection will be carried out in the near future. after after this, specialists will begin to eliminate the consequences of the ukrainian attack, in order to protect children from shelling, they are sent to other regions. already - 2 days ago , the governors decided to accept our children to lipets in the voronezh, yaroslavl, kaluga and tambov regions. yesterday i spoke
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additionally with the governors of the lipetsk, tula and penetsk regions, of course, they responded instantly, we are now working, forming groups, if necessary, we will send our teachers, the teachers who will accompany you will be present during the entire three weeks of the camp shift...
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while one battery of rocket artillery of the central military district is performing a combat mission, the other is moving to the firing line. this time, reconnaissance groups operating behind the line of contact discovered an enemy fortified area in the kremen forest near the tor ledge. several vehicles attack ukrainian military positions at once. there is no primary goal, everything is important for us, one sight is enough to hit the target, mortar crews , enemy strongholds, we practice, we help the boys from the infantry advance. the assault
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groups of the central military district operating in the krasnoliman direction are, of course, supported not only by rocket artillery. just a few kilometers from the front line, waiting for a combat mission, tankers are in full readiness; they are the ones working on the strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces after the attack was carried out by rocket artillery. this vehicle has completely used up its ammunition and is now heading to the place where it will be replenished. one of tank battalions of the central military district are working at a distance from the front line. will operate in open firing positions, the breakthrough has received a new combat mission, now direct fire to the front line, no more than 2 km from here. the closer to the line of combat
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contact, the more snow that has not yet melted, despite the above-zero temperature. maintain the line of combat contact in the lugansk people's republic krasnolimansk direction serebryansky forestry. russia
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will succeed in ukraine if western countries refuse to finance kiev. about ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba stated this in an interview with the spanish newspaper el paiz. according to him, if... we suspend aid, russia will be able to break through the front line. about the prospects for support for kiev and the mood of the ukrainian military, svetlana chmykhala. ukrainian troops are exhausted in defense at the gates of hell. this is the scary headline that came out in the new york times. ukrainian soldiers told reporters that russian attacks have become too intense and operating close to the front line has never been like this before. dangerous. deputy battalion commander of the ukrainian armed forces under the call sign. admitted yesterday that the military is physically exhausted, the one for whom they are fighting has completely died, died as a political figure, this opinion was expressed by the secretary of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, that i believe that now zelensky must
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understand for himself that he will never be president again, everything that he has now, people’s trust, ratings, he should not make decisions that will give him the opportunity to be re-elected... support his ratings, and those that make it possible to save the state, that is , zelensky, are already kicking even their own, and the main next elections, or which the sponsor will be, are not particularly encouraging. the us congress has not yet agreed on the white house's request for new assistance to kiev. and without the approval of legislators, they will not be able to send weapons to ukraine. the day before, leaders of both parties , concerned about the consequences of the shutdown , presented a spending plan, but it did not include assistance to kiev for 61.
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as important as our german contribution was, it alone will not be enough to guarantee ukraine’s security in the long term. i therefore call on our allies in the european union to step up their efforts as well. efforts to support ukraine. in any case, the arms supplies planned for today by most eu member countries for ukraine are too small. meanwhile, kiev, apparently, was planning to send women to the front en masse. for the first time, the ministry of defense of ukraine purchased 50,000 sets of women's military uniforms. this is such a bitter irony of fate in relation to ukrainian women who went to the maidan because they wanted lace underwear. svetlana chamahala, news! at the zoo minus 5, mom
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grandfather is father frost. on new year's eve , everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts , for those around them. again. year wizards , how are you there, take glycine rennival, asparkam renival, we trust renival, we choose renival, a new batch of signatures in support of presidential candidate vladimir putin arrived today at the central headquarters, volunteers delivered documents from 19 regions, all over russia in support . more than 1,3000 people have already cast their votes for the current head of state, the counting is now ongoing and
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today the unified call center of the election headquarters went into operation. you can see the multi-channel phone number on your screens; calls from all over the country are free ; more than thirty volunteers from five regions work in the call center. the guys are very attentive to this work, that is, many of them already have experience. work in their regions and in similar areas, because different regions are represented, that is , here smolensk, and voronezh, and belgorod, and erzhkorola, and izhevsk, and the guys really take an active part in their regions activities of the popular front, that is, they understand the specifics, many of them traveled to new regions on a humanitarian mission, which is why today there is such important responsible work for them, and today
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a public reception room has opened almost in the very center of moscow on pokrovka. european media are discussing the farmers' strike in germany, but observers for the publication focus note that the mass demonstrations indicate a political crisis within the country. our european correspondent regina sevastyanova has details. today early in the morning in suhl, farmers threatened meter- high mountains of manure in front of the headquarters of the parties
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that make up the traffic light government. in this way they expressed their attitude and their main thing. bilt writes that germany has not seen such mass protests against the policies pursued by the german government for a long time, tens of thousands of tractors and farmers took to the streets the day before, and this is just the beginning, actions of varying degrees of grandeur are planned for the coming week, they will end on monday , a general protest in berlin, the day before according to estimates police, 130 thousand people took to the streets of the country, with about 100,000 tractors. in these demonstrations , 24,000 tractors drove in bavaria alone, more than 19,000 in the northern rhinevest falls, and more than 25,000 in baden-wurtenberg. the results are, of course, traffic jams and problems with traffic, despite the fact that the court previously prohibited blocking the a7 highway in the northern part of the tractor, they were still
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able to block the border crossings with the czech republic and france. the lessons of the sixteen schools were completely transferred to thuringia. in online in brandenburg, due to the blockage of an important logistics center , about 200 stores did not receive products. the traffic light government , at which much of the agricultural industry's anger is directed, in an attempt to stop the protest on thursday announced that it would still abandon its plan to one-time eliminate subsidies for diesel fuel for tractors, subsidies for agriculture and forestry in favor of abandoning these spending gradually until... 2026, but on monday the head of the german farmers' association called it death in installments, no other measures other than a complete rejection of these plans will suit the farmers; they are ready to go on strike as long as necessary. tagasal writes that the criticism was very harsh; on the banners with which farmers came to their protests, one could even see a call for
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the murder of the german minister of agriculture, cem osdemir, which did not go unnoticed by the journalist. has the fact that representatives of other professions also joined these protests, for example, they were on duty at the brandenburg gate truck drivers, representatives of craft professions, and talked about the need to show solidarity today. everything the government does is wrong, they don't listen to their citizens, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. i'm here as an employee representative, supporting farmers. the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country, and this cannot continue. so, let the traffic lights go away. more than 60% of radio gesan listeners who spoke out corresponding survey, declared their solidarity with the farmers' protests. even the bavarian police say that they understand the motives of the protesters, but urge them
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to remain within the limits of what is permitted. train drivers announced their own protest from january 10 to 12. apparently, germany will be completely paralyzed in transport, because trains will run with serious interruptions. many politicians are also on the side of farmers, for example, social democrat dietmar woike spoke out in the podsdy, who called plans to abolish subsidies for agriculture initially incorrect, demanded that they be abandoned. he was supported by the heads of the states of lower saxony, macklenburg- vorpommern, and saar-northern rhinevest falia. the leader of the cdu, friedrich merz, at a corresponding meeting the day before, demanded to put it down. generally passed without any violations, with the exception of two dangerous incidents, in
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oldenburg the police are investigating an attempted murder, where a forty-five-year-old driver, in an attempt to avoid a demonstration, ended up ramming a twenty-five-year-old protest participant, in the district of eicksfeld the motorist dragged the demonstrator on the outside mirror for several meters; the farmers even had to pull away. the elimination of subsidies will not work, as for federal chancellor olaf scholz, the day before he addressed his colleagues in the european union, saying that
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the alliance countries should invest more in ukraine, since the efforts of germany alone will not be enough, he said, but commenting on the protests in own country, he said that the government fully supports budget savings plans and the corresponding changes will be carried out. israeli authorities. want to include the return of palestinians to the gaza strip in the hostage deal, eksh reports, citing sources. according to their information, this decision should become part of new agreements on the exchange of prisoners. the press service of the israeli army, meanwhile , announced the liquidation of one of the leaders of hamas in syria. the military also reported the killing of three armed palestinian radicals who were suspected of terrorism in the west bank. to we also know about the airstrike on the shelter of employees of the organization doctors without.
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the voices of protesters were heard, they demanded a ceasefire in the gas sector. as a result, the activist was taken out of the hall, and biden had to justify himself; the head of the white house said that he was now working to resolve the situation in the middle east, but was forced to do it secretly. us defense secretary loyda austan has been transferred from the intensive care unit, but remains in the hospital, the pentagon reported. according to information, the department is testing discomfort, but doctors characterize his condition. stable. the exact date of the minister’s discharge from the hospital is still unknown. let me remind you that earlier lloyd austin was hospitalized for a medical operation, as the american media noted, the pentagon chief
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did not inform the us administration, including president biden, about this for several days. details of the pedophile scandal involving representatives of the western elite in the villa of the late financier jeffrey epstein are on the front pages of american newspapers today. press in full detail. describes how it was the billionaire’s guests who preferred to spend time with underage girls. it turned out that epstein was recording, and in the video you can easily recognize bill clinton and the brother of the british king , prince andrew. report by dmitry melnikov. the latest publication on the case of, if not the largest, then the highest-ranking pedophile lodge in the world, adds details to the lifestyle of the so-called global elite: presidents, tycoons, show business stars and members of the royal family. may appear in video recordings that are believed to be was done by network organizer jeffrey epstein. all this became known from the testimony of
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epstein’s victim sarah rensom. she claims that there is a video of former president bill clinton, prince andrew and tycoon richard branson, who can be easily identified in the recordings. according to her, she made copies of the video materials and scattered them to different corners of europe for her safety. the fact that the pleasures of the guests of the caribbean island and epstein's mansion in new york were recorded on video was also reported by other girls who took part in these meetings. and judging according to the published testimony of sarah rensom, these recordings may still exist. when my friend had sex with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, jeffrey made sex tapes every time. thank god, she managed to get hold of several videos that clearly show the faces of clinton, prince andrew and branson. having sexual contact with her. in 2019 , ransom truthfully stated that she made up the story about the tapes to protect herself and her family. the defense of
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epstein's girlfriend insisted on this. teenagers, but later ransom stated that she was ready to testify under oath to the existence of incriminating video recordings. i can personally confirm that i have seen with my own eyes evidence of these sexual acts that clearly identifies bill clinton, prince andrew, richard branson engaging in sexual acts with my friend. in the new batch of open documents there are these that have never been published. as well as a previously unknown photograph taken on the island of epstein and peter mendelsohn, at that time the european commissioner for trade and right hands of former prime minister tony blair. in his testimony, renson assures that donald trump also had sexual relationships with many of the girls supplied by epstein. the documents describe details of
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the former president's intimate preferences. that's the only thing that matters. following this latest wave of publications, it is reported that the brother of king charles ii. and one of the main characters in the pedophile scandal, prince andrew, locked himself in a room and refuses to comment. but if the scandalous videos of epstein's friends really exist? if they really are the same people captured on them, then the second main question, after who now has these films, will be why this flurry of information began
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to be published after the previous one. now let’s take a break for a couple of minutes, then we’ll continue, don’t switch gears, one young lady got drunk on wine with the hussars, asked for fun to steal a cannon from the regiment and shot at the peasant’s with her own hands. sbu, god,
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miraculously she didn’t kill anyone to death, what’s the difficulty, her mother is an important person at her court, everything is fine with my daughter, she a normal girl, just like everyone else, and the girl repents, like, let’s go to paris, we’ll eat an oyster, we could forgive her, but according to the law, siberia is supposed to be siberia. yes, i’ll cut out your tongue now , we won’t hang you, we’ll sew it up, i’d tear you apart with horses , where are you going, drown yourself, got used to watching videos online, stopped working, install , open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational
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