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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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chukotka found itself in the grip of a strong cyclone, it brought snowfalls and blizzards, the wind literally knocked down the snow, its gusts reached 24 m/ sec, plane departures from onadare airport were delayed. weather forecast in the report by anton kuchin. bad weather has come to haunt the region again; a cyclone coming from the pacific ocean is raging. a snowstorm reigns over the anadrye and onadr regions. center the cyclone is located in the east of the district. the influence of the rear part of the cyclone creates strong northwest winds in the vanadra region. there the maximum wind speed reaches 24 m/s. in the chukotka region , a southeast wind is observed, as a result of the influence of the front part of the cyclone. there the maximum wind speed reaches 22 m/s. in addition to strong winds, the cyclone brought heavy precipitation, snow drifts and large snowdrifts appear before our eyes. all municipal equipment has been working on the city streets since the very morning.
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for equipment of management companies that the local areas are cleaned, and the equipment of the city improvement service is used. according to experts, by tomorrow purgava nadre will stop, frosty weather will set in the district capital, and in other areas of the district where the cyclone will continue to rule, rescuers recommend that the population follow safety rules. to date , the regional ministry of emergency situations has not recorded any data on incidents. information about the negative consequences of the passage of the cyclone was not received by the headquarters. also,
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during the passage of a cyclone, the main control recommends not to leave children unattended, not to go outside unnecessarily, to go around weakly secured structures and not to travel outside populated areas. traditionally, during periods of unfavorable weather conditions , utility accidents of a local nature are possible, but for now it is not possible to assess the damage until the disaster stops. the first long truck this year has arrived in chukotka. in anadri these days the wind speed reaches 24 m/s. movement of not only pedestrians, but and drivers of motor vehicles, they are forced to observe a reduced speed limit and be especially vigilant at pedestrian crossings; in the next three days, unfavorable weather conditions will continue in the east of chukotka. anton kuchin, arseny guseev, hosted by chikotka. the weather is also deteriorating in the south of russia; cold snowfalls have broken through to crimea and kuban. we'll talk more about this with tatyana belova. tatyana, greetings, but will we really see snow on the black sea beaches? this
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cannot be ruled out, in coastal populated areas in crimea, the weather station is already recording the appearance of snow cover. residents of evpatoria congratulated each other on the first snow today; just the day before at noon the thermometers showed +11 and it was raining. today at 9:00 am in the city it was -5.6 and everything was covered with snow. it is interesting that feodosia kersche even formed a symbolic snow cover, but just a day ago, residents of the peninsula posted photos of blooming lilacs on social networks. it's snowy now in... kuban traffic police crew is on duty on the roads and informs about the weather and the condition of the roadway, as they say in online mode. the snowfall is intensifying; visibility, for example, in the tikhoretsky region does not exceed several hundred meters. volgograd found itself at the epicenter of the storm in the morning; snow in the city began the day before and has not stopped to this day. on the side of the road there was snow and icy conditions in some places. the roads were jammed with ten-point traffic jams. the journey to work for some volgograd residents took about 2 hours. public transport was also available.
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people preferred to travel on foot. it was in volgograd that the most significant growth was observed snow cover. the day before there was 1 cm of snow in the city, now there are twenty-centimeter snowdrifts. within 24 hours reigned in the donbass in the nezovye of the don, where the snow level will be from 7 to 15 cm. such a rapid development of weather processes is associated with the influence of cyclones; an active mediterranean cyclonic vortex passed from west to east from the black sea to the caspian sea. now its center is on the territory of kazakhstan, our south is in the rear of the whirlwind, in the path of cold air currents. gradually the frosty air is promoted, the intake of frosty air is not promoted only the cyclone itself, but also an icy one. a cyclone, during the day snowfalls will cover the entire stavropol region, advance to the caucasus, and after 8 pm snow will fall on the coast of the caspian sea, with the exception of the southern part of dagestan and on the shores of the black sea, with the exception of sochi. at the same time, the temperature will continue to drop; there is a real collapse of cold in stavropol; at 6
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am in the city it was +8. now the thermometers are about -4, by 15:00 the air will cool down to -7°. in the evening the frost will get stronger to -9. the arctic invasion will make its way further south as as you can see on the following map, by the middle of the day the entire crimea and almost the entire caucasus will be in the zone of negative temperatures with the exception of kabardino-balkaria, north ossetia, chechnya and dagestan. but by the end of the day the cold will penetrate there, which means that all the fallen moisture will freeze on the roads and mountain serpentines will be very slippery. in the daytime around +8 in tops there will be piercing north-easterly winds. the wind in the evening will increase to 17 m/s, and the temperature will drop to +1, while precipitation may sometimes turn into snow at night it is also windy, the thermometer will drop below zero. in such conditions it will seem that it is -7-8 outside. tomorrow the temperature will rise,
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but only slightly, without precipitation. on thursday the weather will begin to deteriorate again; by the end of the week, according to preliminary forecasts, there will be a new collapse of cold weather. well, that’s the forecast for this minute. thank you tatiana. spoke about bad weather in southern russia. the parliament of the republic of korea has passed a bill that prohibits the breeding of dogs for slaughter and the sale of their meat. the measures will come into force in 3 years, but for now restaurants and farms must report their business to authorities. the state promises to provide subsidies to close such enterprises. in the future, violation of the law will result in a fine or a prison sentence of up to 3 years. the committee will open a criminal case against a famous russian blogger, he posted a video on social networks in which he throws his two-month-old son into a snowdrift. subscribers did not appreciate this and called on the guardianship authorities to pay attention to the father’s behavior. how can a scandalous story turn out? is it possible that there will be real punishment for such actions?
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varvara nevskaya found out. he first warned his audience of seven million that he would soon make the most popular video, and then uploaded a video of himself throwing his two-month-old son into a snowdrift. the video really breaks records on extremist instagram: a baby flying into the snow against the backdrop of the french alps, the christmas hit was watched by more than 7 million people, although sergei ukasenko could not find approval from the public. in europe, this can result in deprivation of parental rights to pick up a child. but only an idiot would believe that this is a doll. when i realized that did it, and then you make excuses. well, wait for the guardianship application, it should be funny. it’s also really funny, at first he seemed to try to justify himself, saying that the snow was tested by him personally, then he hinted that it was not a child who flew into the snowdrift, but a doll, and later he began to openly mock, posting posts where he and his wife were jumping into the snowdrifts with signature, be careful, snow is very
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dangerous, and then the millionaire blogger even announced that he had launched a new trend and invited the audience to discuss it during the live broadcast, the audience, in turn, demands intervention by competent authorities. and deprivation of kosenko’s parental rights. such a reaction to a blogger is normal. and of course, someone was afraid for the child. someone is worried that with the help of such techniques, the blogger simply increases the number of subscribers and views, that is, in russian speaking, this is just real excitement and hype. therefore, here, of course, the investigative authorities must look into it, but even if the child was not physically harmed, this does not mean that this is an example. is positive, positive for everyone those around you. the internet community is convinced that cheating on sons is nothing more than an attempt to attract subscribers in advance of a new mentoring course that kasenko plans to launch in the near future. this video caused no less resonance in 2020, where muscovite igor krovtsov, relaxing in
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nature, shook his own one-and-a-half-month-old daughter by the leg, like a trippy doll. by a court decision, the baby was taken away from her parents and they were sentenced to a fine. in order to attract an audience. blogger maxim used his child fierce. a child, a man, who promoted a raw food diet and poured ice water on him , starved him for days. in march last year, the baby died of exhaustion. therefore, the proceedings. awaiting a court decision in custody, according to lawyers, kasenko can also be brought to criminal liability. this is article 156 of the criminal code, which provides for liability for failure to fulfill the duties of raising minors. what are the two mandatory signs? the first sign is that these must be people who break the law, those who entrusted with the supervision of the child, in this case it is. directly the father, and this act must be related to
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child abuse, accordingly, we also have this. if law enforcement officers begin an investigation and the case goes to court, in addition to a substantial fine, kosenko, who now calls himself nothing more than the parents of the year, may be imprisoned for up to 3 years. varvara nevskaya, anna pogonina, news. the american private lunar lander will be able to maintain the desired course for another 40 hours. then the device will finally lose energy it will be impossible to contact him, the ship's developers reported this, they emphasized that initially the problems arose as a result of a failure when starting the engines, because of this the module recorded a critical loss of fuel, now the ship is forced to use auxiliary installations, let me remind you that this is the first mission in almost half a century usa to send a lander to the moon. the appearance of conventional tvs can change radically. manufacturers of such equipment have proposed making them transparent, will this become a trend, the presenter will tell
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vestinet programs, philip trofemov. today, the world's largest consumer electronics exhibition cs opens in las vegas, it is also the first of the year and, most importantly, not specialized, unlike most rather industry forums, that is, there you can find anything from smart home appliances, wearable devices to solutions in the field transport, sometimes even quantum computers. in general, it is believed that this is where the directions of electronics development for the coming year are highlighted. the formal exhibition has not yet opened, but the first large traditionally, presentations have already taken place on the so- called zero day. this year, a series of announcements was opened by nvidia, the largest manufacturer of video accelerators, which now so actively uses artificial intelligence systems to train, but within the framework of cs nvidia focused more on its original market and introduced a new line of video cards for fans of computer games and those who work with various . visual content, or rather, it is an addition to the existing line. three accelerators of the artx 40 super series,
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are expected to be attractive in terms of cost and performance. this means that nvidia, although it occupies almost 80% of this market, last year lost a couple of percent to mmd. on the other hand, not ordinary users, but rather customers from large corporations and the global boom in neural network technologies. provided nvidi with incredible growth; over the past year , the company's value tripled, it became the first processor manufacturer with a capitalization of more than a trillion dollars and the sixth largest company value in the world. however, nvidia may not have such successful times ahead. last year, against the backdrop of the same artificial intelligence race, the united states began to introduce restrictions on the export of relevant technologies to china, and not only specialized ones were subject to the ban. like quite everyday video cards for home server solutions, but even top versions
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of gaming computers, nvidia several times adjusted to the requirements of export rules and released accelerators that were not formally subject to restrictions, but according to wall street journal, interest in such simplified slow-motion versions within china is decreasing, and this also applies, as they say, to the not yet released nvid49 video cards. 900d, which is designed specifically for china and for the chinese market according to the wall street journal analyst, firstly, cut-down versions of nvidi chips are obtained by weak manufacturers of their own chinese solutions for tata centers, and secondly, cloud giants aliba group tenset byydu owner of tiktok byydance they expect a new tightening of restrictions, they are increasingly looking at locals microelectronics suppliers. well, from technology closer to ordinary consumers at the exhibition. now they have already managed to show a couple of new screens, two traditional competitors, the two largest
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developers and manufacturers of displays , korean samsung and lg, almost at the same time announced the first two transparent tvs, samsung has the first transparent microle display, lg the first transparent wireless oled display, that’s right transparent monitors are not new, but they are still not very actively used, including including because the image on them looks faded, in the lg oled version, it is already quite... fishy, ​​however, the device also has a black opaque curtain that rises behind the screen, then all this turns into a regular oled tv with all its advantages, but without amazing transparency. samsung went a little further, their microold display feels a little brighter, but there are no curtains in it
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, that is, it exists only in a transparent version, and the completely frameless display is nothing but... this just a sheet of glass about a centimeter thick, on the other hand, if this tv looks like at least a pre-production version with clear positioning, then the miracle display from samsung is more like a prototype, a demonstration of capabilities, because firstly, there are no indications of its mass production , and secondly, as the exhibition participants have already noticed, even just a microlet samsung tv is opaque, it costs like an airplane in the literal sense of these words, how much would a transparent one cost, even... imagine yourself scary. the pain can vary. there is only one mechanism for the development of pain. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if you have pentalgin. a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it
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is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin. let's do without pain. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy household appliances with cashback up to 50%. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy a hairdryer for 1% of the cost, apply sbert thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, manage to buy perfume for 1% of the cost, apply bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, rotate it, twist it only after confirming the payment, order before february 4 with avito delivery from 1 ruble, check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. start the year with profitable purchases at
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the megamarket, manage to buy cosmetics for 1% of the cost, apply thank you bonuses and get a discount. up to 99%. whoever takes the trophy will rule in both worlds, real and digital. games of the future. subscribe and watch the broadcast on social networks. win when you bring joy to your loved ones. order from the izbermarket scooter at the megamarket and win 10 million rubles. start the year off with a bang. shopping at the megamarket will be discounted, buy electronics with cashback up to 50%. sportmaster, prices are half, but global and sports brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts! buy tablets for sinergetic dishwashers for only 799 rubles. if they ask me to go to
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the store, i turn from my beloved dasha and turn into daria bigailova, well, unlike mine. he loves this business. megamarket, new year's sale. oh, peas for olivier, i ordered them. winter freshness or double strength? squirrel or crocodile? and dad is often profitable. apply bonus select thank you, pay benefit up to 95%. here's what you need. and after that he is loved again for a long time, until he gets hungry again. couscous. megamarket. it pays to be happy in the new year. smoking is expensive. tabacquette for relief. for smoking tobacco, start a new life without cigarettes. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. shop men's clothing, shoes and accessories with
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discounts of up to 70%. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. there will be a discount: thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discount! buy a tool set of 152 items for only rub 1,399. everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich. this is working with the subconscious, i am a billionaire, you are a billionaire, just trust as much as possible, dance, there are dances, hugs, and they push you straight.
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what is a housing certificate, what amount does the state provide for the purchase of housing , who is entitled to it, irina matyushenko will tell you in the instructions in the program. they have the right to receive a state housing certificate, that is, a subsidy for the purchase of housing. separate category. citizens, who they are, how much money they can count on under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with what is a state housing certificate? this is
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a personal certificate that entitles you to a subsidy for the purchase of housing. the certificate cannot be given as a gift, inherited, cashed out or used for other purposes. you can only get it once in your life. and who has the right to it, do they look at income when the issue is being decided. with the issuance of a housing certificate, income level is not is taken into account because there are categories of citizens to whom the federal government has obligations to provide housing, these are migrants from the far north, these are baikanur veterans, these are combat veterans dismissed from military service and the ministry of internal affairs, these are former residents of zato and several other categories of citizens , under them...
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citizens and families whose area is less than the established standards can also qualify for a subsidy, as well as residents of dilapidated buildings. if there are two families in the apartment and in one of them someone is sick with a dangerous chronic illness, this is also a reason to apply for ghs. how to improve your living conditions with the help of a certificate? the subsidy can be used to purchase an apartment in an apartment building. isolated rooms with a separate passage, living quarters in a townhouse of three or more. for an individual residential building with courtyard buildings, including in rural areas. how much money will be allocated for this? the housing certificate does not have any
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initial fixed amount; the payment depends on the specific federal or regional program. wherein municipalities are based on the standard cost of one square meter of residential space, which is in effect on the date of issuance of the civil housing permit, and on the composition of the family. a single person is entitled to 33. a family of two people is entitled to 42, of three or more people 18 square meters each, that is, a minimum of 54 square meters. in some regions , increasing coefficients are applied to the standard cost per square meter, from one to 1.2, respectively, the subsidy will be greater. housing can be purchased at a higher price; you are allowed to pay the difference. it can be done, for example, at the expense of maternity capital, but if the price of the property is less than... its owner will not receive the rest of the subsidy. the money arrives in a bank account. the owner of the certificate has 3 months to open it.
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the countdown will begin from the date of issue; within 7 months you must spend the subsidy, that is, buy housing. if the period expires, the transaction will not be completed, the certificate will be canceled and the account will be closed. we set the cost of gjs relative to the price set by the ministry of construction, razkvar , etc. six months for each region, and in order to in order for money not to depreciate, it is necessary to purchase as quickly as possible, let’s call it a state housing certificate, this contributes to a greater, more efficient use of the federation’s budget funds. real estate can be purchased both on the primary and secondary markets, in any region of russia, the main thing is that it is purchased in its entirety, and the seller is not a close relative of the owner of the property. an exception is when, after the purchase of the share, the premises are completely transferred to the owner of the certificate and his family. those who have taken out a mortgage and shareholders are allowed to take advantage of the subsidy.
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assignment of rights of claim under an agreement for participation in shared construction, but the certificate cannot be used to pay off fines, late fees must be paid by commission, so resort to the services of a realtor, notary or lawyer to register ownership, the civil housing authority will help, it is only necessary that this is provided for in the purchase agreement -sales or participation in shared construction. how to get a certificate? to do this you need to join the state program providing accessible and comfortable. housing and utilities for citizens of the russian federation. this can be done directly at the municipality or through the mfc. there you can find out what documents you will need. as soon as you have received notification of recognition as a participant in the program, you need to submit an application to the regional government authority in order to be included in the list on the state housing development association. this must be done from january 1 to july 1. certificates are issued on a first-come, first-served basis.
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let's repeat the most important things. beneficiaries. and those in need of housing can receive a subsidy for its purchase from the state. a housing certificate allows you to purchase real estate on the primary or secondary market. the amount depends on the program and the standard cost of one square meter, which is established by the ministry of construction. housing may be more expensive, but funds may be added. the transaction must be concluded no later than 7 months from the date of issue of the certificate. there are still questions, you want to know what others exist.
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this is the work of a designer from china, then there are collections from india, brazil, south africa, serbia, a total of 130 brands from twenty countries presented their collections in this showroom. i do everything by hand, it is similar to working on persian carpets. every opportunity to express yourself is a good opportunity. moscow is an amazing city. i came to moscow to present my winter collection. the women here are very fashionable. the russian market is very large, i think. now is the time to go out to him, call the cent, temporary musicians.
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now footage from the kremlin. so, please, i’m listening to you, dear vladimir vladimirovich, allow me to report on the activities of the service, for this is a great honor for us, just recently , those who do not deal with us believed that rosparatnadzor are the people who fine poachers, hunters and fishermen, this is not at all the case, we ensure that the balance is maintained between the conservation of the natural resources of our country , developed industry ensuring a decent life for every person in our country, a decent environment and...


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