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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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a new batch of signatures in support of presidential candidates vladimir putin arrived today at the central headquarters. volunteers delivered documents from 19 regions, reports the putin website. across russia , more than 1,300,000 people have already cast their votes in support of the current head of state. the counting is currently ongoing. and today the unified call center of the election headquarters started working. you see the multi-line phone number on your screens. with its help, russians can convey their proposals and orders to presidential candidate vladimir putin. calls on all sides , more than thirty volunteers from five regions work free of charge in the call center. the guys are very attentive to this work. that is, many of them already have work experience. and in their regions and in... similar areas,
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because different regions are represented, that is, here smolensk, and voronezh, and belgorod, and yarshkarola, and izhevsk, and the guys really in their regions take an active part in the activities of the people's front, that is, they understand the features, many of them traveled to new regions with humanitarian mission, that’s why here today they have such... responsible work, and today a public reception for presidential candidate vladimir putin opened in the center of moscow, its main goal is to communicate with residents. anyone can come and share their worries, desires , ideas. the reception staff are ready to listen and support all applicants; their opinions will be taken into account when resolving certain issues. we, as volunteers, ensure a comfortable stay for citizens. who fills out
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forms with wishes and suggestions to our to the candidate, then they are sent to the election headquarters, where they are accumulated, summarized and a proposal is put forward to our candidate. the central election commission has registered state duma deputy from the communist party of the russian federation nikolai kharitonov as a candidate for the post of president of russia. on january 3, the cec accepted his documents for registration. the documents were clearly presented, on time, carefully checked, everything is fine, and with your permission, i will leave it to a vote, who is for, who is against, who abstained, it was adopted unanimously, ella alexandrovna, we are recording time of adoption of the resolution to register the candidate for the position of president of the russian federation, nikolai mikhailovich khritonov january 9, 2024 11:03.
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investment rating, economics, through a specific story, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, a clear and clear signal is working in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? you need to mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, how can you achieve what you have achieved? you feel like you're on top peace, stood up, dusted himself off, is russia ready to change, is evolution taking place in any structure?
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the head of the russian ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, personally supervises emergency restoration work in the moscow and kherson regions. in the moscow region, at the regional level of response, a group of 496 people is involved. and 134 units of equipment. now the central heating system has been restored in 116 apartment buildings. emergency restoration measures continue to connect another 57 high-rise buildings to heat. work in the moscow region is planned to be completed in during the day. the current situation has been recognized
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as a municipal emergency, and an emergency regime has been introduced for the management bodies of the podolsk bridge link forces. the level of response was determined regionally, in the kherson region in 257 settlements more than 29,500 subscribers were de-energized, this was caused by a sharp temperature change, the consequences of bad weather were eliminated by 262 people and 127 pieces of equipment. three operational groups of the ministry of emergency situations are monitoring the situation. to remediate the consequences of the passage , a group of forces with 200 vehicles was deployed, interaction was fully organized , the force group is ready for strength, thank you, i am grateful to you, to all the personnel . belgorod and three districts of the region were
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shelled by ukrainian troops within 24 hours. three people were injured; they are in intensive care in serious condition. the governor of the belgorod region reported this. he also said that air defenses shot down more than a dozen air targets. in belgorod, three business facilities, a gas pipeline and six cars were damaged by shrapnel, and windows in several apartments were broken. a door-to-door inspection is currently underway, to record all damage. the governor instructed to ensure access to shelters during shelling, including turning off intercoms in houses when there is a signal of a missile danger, so that any citizen can take shelter. in the basements, in addition, for safety reasons, belogorod children will be sent to country camps in other regions; already 2 days ago the governors decided to accept our children in the voronezh,
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yaroslavl, kaluga and tamborsk regions. yesterday i spoke additionally with the governors of lipetsk, and tula and penetsk regions, of course they...
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50,000 sets, apparently, that’s how many women they plan to draft into the troops in the near future. let me remind you that at the end of last year , parliamentarians began to develop a new law on mobilization. the document, among other things, equalizes men and women as persons liable for military service. previously, ukrainian women with
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medical education were required to register for military service. about 2 thousand trucks are queuing at the polish-ukrainian border, three remain blocked. checkpoint. let me remind you that the polish protests carriers have been continuing since november last year. they oppose benefits for ukrainian drivers. the situation in the border areas is difficult. almost 400 trucks are stuck there. now it's time for economic news. exporters will more often apply for concessions on the sale of foreign currency. after the amendments made to the presidential decree, there were more reasons for this. deputy minister of finance alexey moiseev stated this in an interview with interfax. according to vedomosti, the new version of the decree introduces relief for companies that receive more than half of the revenue is in foreign currency. in addition, the government commission can help companies that have switched to making payments in rubles. allow a reduction in the volume of sales proceeds and the amount of payments on foreign currency debts. kamaz returned from the new
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year holidays and plans to produce 3,300 trucks by the end of january, its press service reported. the company plans to produce 45,000 cars by 2024. also this year , they will continue to modernize production, develop the k5 line of trucks and the range of passenger transport. let me remind you, kamaz the largest truck manufacturer in russia. ukraine's population doubled its net purchase of foreign currency in december. the amount minus the sale exceeded a billion dollars. this is an eleven-year record, reports the national bank of ukraine. experts explain the increased interest of the population in foreign currency by fears of devaluation of the hryvnia. and the drop in traffic through the swedish canal has become the largest since the evergreen incident. houthi attacks on merchant ships have disrupted 20% of global maritime trade and affected interests.
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breeding and slaughtering dogs for food, they say that the initiator of this, well , at least the speedy adoption of this law , was the first lady, the wife of the current president of south korea, who herself is a big lover of dogs, but not in this sense, they themselves four dogs, in my opinion, even a cat, in december she visited holland, where... she also talked with an animal protection organization, and as a result , a bill was developed that did not meet with any objection from any of the political parties. the law will come into force after 3 years, within 3 years the industry is given time to curtail this business, a tradition, this tradition goes back several centuries, they say that... that the koreans themselves claimed that eating dogs is especially good in the summer,
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sorry, because that their meat is rich in protein, and supposedly this allows you to better withstand the summer heat, but in recent decades south korea has been criticized by environmental organizations, from animal welfare organizations, the authorities probably considered that this was harmful to the image country, but in addition, the tastes of south koreans themselves have changed. statistics show that since 2015, the number of people who share this tradition of eating dog meat has decreased from 27 to 8%, the number of restaurants has also decreased by 40% due to a drop in demand, but nevertheless this the law caused quite serious protests from farmers, at the moment there are about 1,100 farms in the country, which employ as many as... allegedly about a million people, when this law was developed, in front of the building
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parliament, there were quite noisy protests, but i suggest listening to the opinions of the farmers themselves, i think that korean society is going the wrong way, why are dog rights being put above human rights, this is breaking the hearts of korean citizens, if the culture of eating dogs is truly wrong, the government must provide us other ways to survive, but... well , it is stated that some kind of subsidies will be paid to the violator of this law, faces up to 3 years in prison and a fine of up to twenty, up to 23x.
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and farmers took to the streets the day before, and this this is just the beginning, actions of varying degrees of grandeur are planned for the coming week, they will end on monday, a general protest in berlin. the day before , according to police estimates, 130 thousand people took to the streets of the country, while about 100,000 tractors took part in these demonstrations, 24,000 tractors drove in bavaria alone,
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more than 1,900 in the northern rhinevest falls, more than in baden-wurtenberg... the results are, of course, traffic jams and traffic problems , despite the fact that the court had previously prohibited blocking the a7 highway in the northern west faly, tractors were still able to block the border crossings with the czech republic and france, in thuringia and the lessons of sixteen schools were completely transferred online in brandenburg, due to the blocking of an important logistics center, about 200 stores did not receive products. the traffic light government, which is where most of the anger is directed. representatives of the agricultural industry, in an attempt to stop this protest, on thursday announced that they would still abandon the plan for a one-time abolition of subsidies for diesel fuel for tractors, subsidies for agricultural and forestry is in favor of abandoning these expenses gradually until 2026, but on monday the head of the german farmers' association called this death in
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installments, no other measures other than a complete abandonment of these plans of farmers ... they are building they are ready to rise as much, as much as needed. he also writes that the criticism was very harsh; on the banners with which farmers came to their protests, one could even see a call for the murder of the german minister of agriculture, cem osdemir. didn't stay unnoticed by journalists and the fact that representatives of other professions also joined these protests, for example, truck drivers, representatives of craft professions were on duty at the brondenburg gate and
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january, apparently, germany will be completely paralyzed in transport, because trains will run with serious interruptions, on the side of farmers and many politicians, for example, socialists spoke out.
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us secretary of defense lloyd osten has been transferred from the intensive care unit but remains hospitalized. this was reported in pentagon. according to the department. feels discomfort, but doctors characterize his condition as stable. the exact date of the minister’s discharge from the hospital is still unknown. let me remind you that loyd osin was previously
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hospitalized for medical surgery. as the american media noted, the pentagon chief did not inform the us administration, including president biden, about this for several days. details of the pedophile scandal involving representatives of the western elite on...
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all this became known from the testimony of epstein's victim, sari rensom, she claims that there is a video of former president clinton, prince andrew. and media mogul richard branson, who can be easily identified in the recordings. according to her, she made copies of the video materials and scattered them to different corners of europe for her safety. the fact that the pleasures of the guests of the caribbean island and epstein's mansion in new york were recorded on video was also reported by other girls who took part in these meetings. and, judging by the published testimony of sarah rensom, these recordings may still exist. when my friend. had sex with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, each time jeffrey made sex films. thank god, she managed to get hold of several videos that clearly show the faces of clinton, prince andrew and
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branson having sexual intercourse with her. in 2019, ransom truthfully stated that she made up the story about the tapes to protect herself and her family. the defense of epstein’s friend, socialite gisley maxwell, who was the only one convicted in the long-term investigation, insisted on this. i personally can confirm that i have seen with my own eyes evidence of these sexual acts that clearly identify bill clinton, prince andrew, richard branson engaging in sexual acts with my friend. a new batch of public documents contains these never-before -seen photographs of young girls on epstein's vile, including photos of s. herself.
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big names: bill clinton, al gore, donald trump, david copperfield, michael jackson, leonardo de caprio, cate blanchett, why? because if this name came from his mouth, then it was in a photograph on an airplane, at a party, or somewhere worse. we are talking about dispersing children. were you part of it, did you know about it, did you do it? that's the only thing that matters.
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indeed there are indeed those same people captured on them, then the second main question, after who now has these films, will be why this flurry of information began to be published after the election campaign in the united states entered its critical phase. dmitry melnikov and nikolay koskin, news from washington. the lead singer of the puppies group, maxim moiseev, who came out on stage during the concert in one sock, was detained at the pulka airport. an administrative case has been initiated against him under the article of hooliganism. the musician tried to leave russia and fly to kazakhstan. the prosecutor general's office intends to check the artist for lgbt propaganda. aeroflot and aurora will transport train passengers from the accident area to transbaikalia. let me remind you that on tuesday night , 14
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freight cars derailed on the aleur bushulei section. the emergency led to a failure in the train schedule, report by anastasia alferova. the eastern interregional transport investigation department of the investigative committee of russia opened a criminal case into the derailment of wagons on the bushulei aliur section in the chernyshevsky district. the case was opened under the article of violation of traffic safety rules and operation of railway transport. the circumstances of the incident are being established. currently, investigators, detectives, criminologists. the investigative committee of russia is conducting a set of investigative actions aimed at establishing all the circumstances, everything happened. as a result of the car derailment , a freight train collided with a train standing on the adjacent track. as a result, five carriages overturned on their sides, nine were derailed , and two sections of the locomotive of one of the trains were tilted. traffic on the stretch has been stopped in both directions. russian railways has an operational headquarters under
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the leadership of the head of the company, oleg valentin. work is underway on the stretch to eliminate the consequences of the incident; more than 300 railway workers are involved in the work. note that due to the repair of tracks in both directions, there are delays of four trains at once, number 2 moscow vladivostok, 392 chita blagoveshchensk, 9 vladivostok moscow and 10 moscow vladivostok. according to information from zabrzhd for passengers of trains number 2 and 392 heading east from chernyshevsko station. baikalsky has been assigned an additional train to chita, from where they will be transported by plane to their destinations. 33 people eventually land in blagoveshchensky, another 100 in khabarovsk. to transport passengers on train number 9 vladivostok moscow is assigned to the new chernyshevsk moscow. anastasia alferova, vesti chita.
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today i met with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova, she reported on the work of the department and the current agenda: the president inquired about the environmental situation in the baltic sea and the caspian sea, where russian oil and gas companies operate. first of all, i would like to say thank you that ecology today has ceased to be such, you know, a weekend holiday, when it is so much a subbotnik planting a tree in your own yard, today ecology in russia is -


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