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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin today met with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova, she reported on the work of the department and the current agenda. the president inquired about the environmental situation in the baltic sea and caspian sea, where russian oil and gas companies operate. first of all, i would like to say thank you that ecology today has ceased to be such, you know, a weekend holiday, when it is just a cleanup day for planting a tree in your own yard. today ecology in russia is not a presentation, it is an action and a result.
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over the course of 2 years, rosporodnadzor examined eight largest water bodies. don, op, irtysh, angara, selinga and two coasts of the black sea and caspian sea. just like in the caspian sea , our oil and gas companies operate there. all our platforms that stand on the caspian sea have zero discharge, and we also have the same situation in the baltic. we can clearly record this. we collect fines and, of course, provide support for businesses, we... to those who do not pay,
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we accept the most verbal, you said in the message, the violator pays, this principle everyone remembered it, and we are clearly implementing it, but now you scrolled through the slide, it says, all payments are colored, every ruble collected for the environment goes towards the environment and goes back to the region, to the place where the damage was caused, at the moment this is it’s very important, this is probably a new milestone in the development of the environmental vector, that’s why we collect fines, we’re not very proud of it, we still believe... that prevention is much better than the fines themselves. vladimir putin took control of the heating situation in the moscow region and kherson region areas. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov reported to the head of state on the situation in areas where problems arose in providing residents not only with electricity, but with heat. and the head of the kherson region, vladimir salda, told the president over the phone. that
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the wires were broken due to a sharp change in temperature, and the positive indicators were replaced by frosts. based on the results of the reports , vladimir putin instructed the head of the ministry of emergency situations, alexander kurenkov, as well as the rosseti company, make every effort to resolve failures. and this is how presidential press secretary dmitry peskov commented on the situation. in all places where there were emergencies, all emergency services, all housing and communal services, municipal services. regional ones worked around the clock, but firstly, we are talking about abnormal frosts, and secondly, of course, despite all the titanic efforts to update all housing and communal services systems, naturally, a certain part of them still remains in a rather ramshackle state, these programs will continue, but not for 10, not it is impossible to update all pipes, all systems in 15 years, so of course these programs are extended over time, the maximum possible is applied.
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in the moscow region, at the regional level of response, a group of 496 people and 134 pieces of equipment is involved. now the central heating system has been restored in 116 apartment buildings. emergency restoration measures continue to connect another 57 high-rise buildings to heat. work in the moscow region is planned to be completed within 24 hours.
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regional. in the kherson region at 257 more than 29,500 subscribers were de-energized in populated areas. this was caused by a sharp temperature change; the consequences of the bad weather eliminated 262 people and 127 pieces of equipment. three operational groups of the ministry of emergency situations are monitoring the situation. to eliminate the consequences of the passage , a group of forces from 2622 was involved. technicians, interaction was organized in full, the group of forces was ready for its intended purpose, thank you, i am grateful to you, to all the personnel. the losses of the ukrainian army over
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the past year exceeded 215,000 people and 28,000 weapons. sergei shaigu stated this today at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces. groupings of russian troops are methodically reducing the combat potential of the ukrainian armed forces. over the past year, enemy losses exceeded 215,000 people and 28 thousand weapons. we maintain the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact. sergei shaigu also noted that at the expense of the lives of ukrainians in the united states they are trying to realize their ambitions, which only prolongs the conflict. despite the depletion of human resources of ukrainian formations and lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is cold-bloodedly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. at the instigation of western curators, the kiev regime continues
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to drive its soldiers to slaughter, looking for any opportunity to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation on the line. the commander-in-chief has set before us a number of priority systemic tasks. one of the key ones is maintaining the highest level of combat readiness of the nuclear triad, which provides strategic balance in the world. in addition, we will continue to equip the army and navy
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with the most modern weapons, including those based on artificial intelligence technologies and new physical principles. belgorod and three districts of the region were shelled by ukrainian troops within 24 hours. three people were injured; they are in intensive care in serious condition. this was announced by the governor of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov. he also said that air defenses shot down more than a dozen air targets. in belgorod , three household buildings were damaged by shrapnel facility, gas pipeline and six cars. windows were broken in several apartments; a door-to-door inspection is currently being carried out. in order to record all the damage, the governor ordered to ensure access to shelters during shelling, including turning off intercoms in houses when there is a signal of a missile danger, so that any citizen could take refuge in the basements. in addition, belgorod children will be sent to country camps in
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other regions for safety reasons. already 2 days ago the governors decided to accept our children to lipetsk. in voronezh, yaroslavl, kaluga and tamborskaya regions, yesterday i spoke additionally with the governors of the lipetsk, tula and penetsk regions, of course , they responded instantly, we are now working, forming groups, if necessary, we will send our teachers, teachers who will accompany everyone during everything. the russian military will take all measures to stop the shelling of belgorod, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov promised; he stressed that the ssu is not targeting military targets in the center
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city, the kiev regime does not disdain shelling civilian targets , does not arm itself with the use of cluster munitions, shooting at... not at military targets, but at the city center, where there are no military facilities, on our territory, in the center of the city of belgorod, shelling is constantly carried out throughout the year. shells and missiles that were fired in germany, france, italy, the united states of america, and other countries, of course, our military will continue to do everything to first minimize this danger, and why avoid it completely get rid of it, a special military operation for this continues. for headaches. there is ascafen p at an affordable price and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches
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day. ismigen. quickly treat colds with water. to help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito support is available 24x7. emerging we are ready to resolve booking issues around the clock. avito everything will go as planned. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket. it will be a discount. thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet, drinks good 109.99. we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, what is a ballot? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the ballot, writing down the candidates, and not forgetting mom and dad. very cleverly applied many degrees of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks,
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let’s go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, your ballot won’t pass, because in russia ballots are marked better than money, it’s very carefully sewn up, they have the most powerful protection, your cunning won’t will play, people choose honestly, but my dad and i are very... that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient. aeroflot and aurora will transport train passengers. from the accident area in transbaikalia. let me remind you that on the night of tuesday , 14 people derailed on the aliura bushuli section. wagons in a freight train. the emergency led to a disruption in the train schedule. report by anastasia alferova. the eastern interregional transport investigation department of the ska of russia opened a criminal case into the derailment of wagons on
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the bushulei aliur section in the chernyshevsky district. the case was opened under the article of violation of traffic safety rules and railway operation. transport. the circumstances of the incident are being established. currently, investigators, researchers, criminologists, the investigative committee russia, a complex of investigative actions is being carried out aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. as a result of the car derailment , a freight train collided with a train standing on the adjacent track. as a result, five carriages overturned on their sides, nine were derailed, and two sections of the locomotive of one of the trains were tilted. work is underway on the stretch to eliminate the consequences of the incident; more than 300 railway workers are involved in the work. please note that due to the repair of tracks in both directions there are delays of four trains at once, number 2 moscow
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vladivostok, 392 chita blagoveshchensk, 9 vladivostok moscow and 10 moscow. vladivostok. according to information from zabrzhd , an additional train to chita has been assigned for passengers of trains number 2 and 392 heading east from the chernyshevsk-zabaikalsky station. from where they will be transported by plane to their destinations. 33 people eventually land in blagoveshchensky, another 100 in khabarovsk. a new chernyshevsk has been assigned to transport passengers on train number 9 vladivostok moscow moscow. anastasia alferova, vestita. the ministry of defense of ukraine purchased a large batch of women's ones. military uniforms had been purchased before, but there had never been such a mass purchase. 50,000 sets, apparently, this is how many women are planning to call up troops in the near future. let me remind you that at the end of last year , parliamentarians began to develop a new law on mobilization; the document, among other things, equalizes men and women as persons liable for military service. previously, ukrainian women with
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medical education were required to register for military service. there are about 2 thousand trucks in line at the polish-ukrainian border, three checkpoints remain blocked. let me remind you that protests by polish carriers have been ongoing since november. they oppose benefits for ukrainian drivers. the situation is difficult in the border areas of slovakia, almost 400 trucks are stuck there. constant recording and video monitoring, russian marine units are clearly tracking. the situation on the opposite bank of the dnieper. advanced reconnaissance drones are beyond the reach of ukrainian rap. combat copters patrol the gray zone around the clock, correct artillery fire and stop all attacks by ukrainian armed forces militants. our war correspondent, igor pikhanov, is monitoring the situation in the kherson direction of the front. soldiers
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of the marine corps unit of the black sea fleet take to the skies. surveillance drone. the operator’s task is to monitor the gray zone and identify ukrainian militants who are trying to penetrate the left bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the drones are in the air 24/7 to ensure that the enemy's electronic warfare service does not damage the copters. the technique passes special flashing. the control is constant, well, generally constant, because now it’s impossible to work without a drone, and if there is no video recording of video control, well, you can simply lose how. as if the essence of what is happening, therefore constant monitoring even in bad weather at low altitudes. officers give the order to fight, artillerymen deploy camouflaged guns and receive the coordinates of the target. on the opposite bank of the river, scouts discovered militants who were preparing to cross the dnieper. ukrainian attack aircraft took refuge in an abandoned dacha village, high-explosive fragmentation shells
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rain down on the enemy. shot! several drones monitor the territory at once, their operators adjust artillery fire, long-range howitzers hit the target, 122-mm shells destroy observation posts in the ssu, an attempt to attack the marines ends in failure, the militants retreat with losses, the enemy, as i understand it, is greatly suppressed , that ’s very strong, because even their responses are not so effective, that is, they either overfly, underfly, just like that, that is, they don't choose targets. they don’t just put it down, let’s say, at random. according to the fighters, the enemy is attacking in groups of 10-15 people. for secrecy , ukrainian attack aircraft use boats with silent engines, most often for ferrying. occurs in the dark, but all attempts to break through are defeated by the defensive positions of the russian military, they are located along the entire front line, well protected and camouflaged. despite the fact that the gun
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is well camouflaged in a dense forest, the fighters constantly watch the sky, because enemy birds fly here regularly. behind the fighters were presented with state and departmental awards for their courage and professionalism. the solemn ceremony took place not far from the front line, almost all the marines of the black sea fleet. has medals for work in the zone of a special military operation, they protected civilians of the donetsk people's republic, and are now repelling attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on the left bank of the dnieper. igor pikhanov, konstantin piunov, conduct the kherson region. hungary will lift the veto on the allocation of money to ukraine from the eu, subject to annual review financing kyiv. as the political publication writes, budapest is in this way trying to achieve economic concessions from the outside.
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the biden administration does not provide americans with an understanding of what exactly washington is seeking in relation to the ukrainian conflict. amid a discussion of the white house's request for a new package of military assistance to kiev, former us permanent representative to the un and presidential candidate republican nicky haley called on the head of state to tell him exactly what they should pay for.
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it will not be enough to guarantee the security of ukraine in the long term perspective. i therefore call on our allies in the european union to also step up their efforts in support of ukraine. in any case, the arms supplies planned for today by most eu member countries for ukraine are too small. even if the eu countries respond to the call of the german chancellor, the balance of power in the confrontation between kiev and moscow will not change. so says the vice-marshal of the british air force. retired sean bell. russia has an impressive defense-industrial base, which has been converted to a war footing and is financed by huge oil revenues. russia
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is rearming, and quickly. the ukrainian industrial base is not so deep, it is extremely vulnerable to russian missiles. it takes months to create production capacity and one russian strike to destroy it. new york times columnists also write that the armed forces of ukraine are on the verge of collapse. the basis of the article. a story by ukrainian military personnel about the real situation at the front. one of the officers admitted that the armed forces are physically exhausted and cannot act effectively on amid intense russian attacks. artyom krosulin, svetlana chmykhala, lead. the ukrainian economy is in a pre-default state. without western funding, the banking sector is on the verge of collapse. the minister of economy of ukraine warned that soon there will be no money to pay pensions. nika yankovaya will continue, nik, greetings, how are things going in general with the state budget in kiev? alexander, greetings, well, for this year there is a deficit of 41 billion dollars, but it
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is planned to cover it with financial support from the west. forced blocking withdrawal and transfer of money from accounts in ukrainian banks. citizens of the country faced this problem. the heads of the largest credit institutions in ukraine took such measures because of the massive withdrawal of money from the accounts of lucky people. panic. the strengthening was caused by the bill on mobilization in ukraine, it was introduced at the end of december; among other things, it provides for the blocking of bank accounts for draft dodgers. immediately after this, local banks lost almost $1 billion in just 2 days. according to ukrainian resources, private banks for last week of twenty-four, approximately 24% of clients withdrew all their savings from their accounts. clients of monobank, one of the largest financial institutions in ukraine, are complaining about a large-scale failure of the application. restricting the withdrawal of funds or generally blocking accounts , of course, this is not a legal action and
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a violation of the rights... of citizens of ukraine, it simply takes on, in fact, a massive nature, it is not very clear at all - so to speak, the stated purpose of these blockings, is it real or no, the point is that in general the ukrainian economy is in a very difficult situation, it is possible that these blockages, they simply have a purpose, to hide the really very serious problems of the ukrainian economy, that is, not paying out funds, yes, this is actually nationalization. one might say , citizens’ funds , the national bank of ukraine decided to intervene in the situation, according to the head of the regulator andrey pyshny, the nbu is ready to join in the discussion of the bill on mobilization in the country, according to the rules of the ukrainian national bank, a person can withdraw 100,000 per day hryvnia, this is about 2,500 dollars or the equivalent, if we are talking about a foreign currency investment. the average contribution to an individual account ranges from 200 to 300,000 hryvnia, that is, 5-8 thousand
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dollars. moreover, in december, the population of ukraine bought a record amount of foreign currency for 11 years, more than $1 billion, most of this amount was in cash. on december 27-28, the net purchase of foreign currency on the cash market exceeded $54 million daily, while on the remaining days of the month it was rarely above 40 million. business refused to support a new law on the mobilization project in ukraine, since the document contains norms that could lead to an increase in the number of... payments in envelopes and worsening conditions for entrepreneurs, the ukrainian european business association said. we have taken note of this bill, and i think that during its discussion in parliament we should have an exchange of views. you need to understand that the issue of mobilization is not within the competence of the national bank; this is a problem for the ministry of defense, the government, and the general staff. if it will be necessity, we will take part in the discussion,
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it will lead us to the optimal one. wording. things are no better in the state budget of ukraine. according to the financial times , there is a deficit of $41 billion for the twenty-fourth year. it is planned to cover it with financial support from the west. kiev expects to receive 18 billion from the eu, 8 billion from the usa, almost 5.5 from the imf, but the remaining amount from the uk and development banks. compared to the pre-svo indicator , the public debt has almost doubled. the structure itself has also changed financing of ukraine, if in the twenty -second year grants and loans were approximately in the ratio of 50x50, and a grant is non-repayable financing, that is, it is purely monetary assistance, which, unlike a loan , does not need to be repaid, then at the end of last year the share of grants decreased to 25% , accordingly
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, everything else is loans, and they will need to be repaid, where the long time will increase. without western assistance, the country will not have enough funds for pension salaries, said the minister of economy of ukraine yulia sveredenko. kyiv may be forced to postpone salary payments for 500 thousand civil servants, almost one and a half million teachers, as well as payments for 10 million pensioners. the data is confirmed by the rada budget committee. in january, the country's budget deficit was estimated at almost 20 billion hryvnia. the lack of external support will push the ukrainian economy back into survival mode, after achieving recovery in 2023. the support of partners is extremely important, we need it immediately. ukraine will prioritize defense spending and debt servicing. this will mean that there is a huge risk of underfunding of a number of social sectors. ukraine’s western partners, meanwhile, are in no hurry to provide new financial assistance. hungary may lift its veto
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of the plan. euro in the next 4 years only subject to an annual review of funding, this will give budapest the opportunity to block the allocation of the tranche every year and seek concessions from the eu, the political publication writes. thank you nika, nika yankova spoke about the problems of the ukrainian economy. and important international news, the french minister of education, gabriel ottal. took the post of prime minister, becoming the youngest head of the cabinet in the history of the country, he is 34 years old, who are you, wandering musicians, we don’t have a bright leader?


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