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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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being a man means symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langitaza against prostatitis. and now footage from the presidential press service. thank you very much, hello, hello, christina, good afternoon, hello, hello, do you recognize me, yes, nice, listen, i really wanted to know how you relax, you like everything, this is exactly what you dreamed of, yes, i really like it, yeah, listen,
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i watched it, i, i really liked it, eh you, i really liked it too, yeah, and you also dived, sank to the bottom of lake baikal, well, virtually dived, yes, yes , you weren’t scared, no, you see how i also dived, but not virtually, on this bathyscaphe, the world is called, at almost 2000 m. what did you especially like about
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the museum? i liked looking under a microscope, yeah, that’s how it is, and you’re generally interested in medicine, biology, as far as i understand, right? yeah, yeah, great, do you play sports? yes, i do sports, but what kind? i did sports aerobics, great, and you were skiing on baikal, right now? you didn’t skate in the puddles today, no, no, you didn’t, yeah, aerobics is a very interesting sport, you already have a level, in my opinion, yes, yes, i want to wish you success in the new year, in sports, learning. with your studies, i know everything is fine,
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i’m very glad that everything you planned to see, everything you dreamed of, everything worked out, your mom, dad is far away, next to you, please give me a straw, hello , yes, good afternoon, this is mom, right? i understand, yes, yes, this is mom, how, how are you doing there, everything is fine, wonderful. we really liked everything, did you complete the entire program that you planned? yeah, yeah, any comments? no, we are very happy, do you have any other wishes while you are still there, maybe there is something else you would like to see? no, we are flying back home soon, we had a very busy program. the organizers
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are generally great, we liked it, yes, we really liked it, we managed to see a lot, uh, everything was wonderful, well, it’s great, it’s a very beautiful place, one of the best most beautiful places in the world, i was there with pleasure too, there too, anastasia kefanovna, and dad is nearby, yes nearby, give him a point too, please, hello, yes, roman sedovich , good afternoon, and i...
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so in general the dynamics are felt, yes , of course, yes, it is felt, well, thank god, this was also important, it was important for me to hear from you, too, from an adult.
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also came true, thank you very much, christina, and have a nice trip home, hugs to you, thank you, all the best, bye, these were shots from the presidential press service, we saw how vladimir putin talked with christina sin, whose new year's wish to visit baikal was fulfilled. also today, vladimir putin met with the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana rodionova. she reported on the work of the department and the current agenda, president. asked about the environmental situation in the baltic and caspian sea, where russian oil and gas companies operate? first of all, i would like to say thank you that ecology today has ceased to be so, you know, a weekend holiday, when it is a community cleanup day to plant a tree in your own yard. today, ecology in russia is not fashionable
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words, such as sg agendas or presentations, it is action and results. for 2 years, rosporod supervision examined eight largest water bodies: don, op, irtysh, angara, selinga. and there the same thing, all the objects that stand on the shelf today meet the highest world standards, all technologies are observed there, and we are very strict about this, the fines are 17, more than 17, we we collect fines, of course, providing support for businesses, we
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treat those who do not pay with the very words, you said in the message, the violator pays, everyone remembers this principle and we clearly implement it, but you flipped through the slide, everything is written there payments are more colorful. we collect, we are an environmental vector, so we are not very proud of fines; we still believe that prevention is much better than the fines themselves. the year of the family in russia will open with a family forum, which will be held at the russian exhibition at the dnh on january 19. about this today. on tatyana golikova said at an operational meeting between prime minister mikhail mishustin and deputy prime ministers. let me remind you that vladimir putin declared the current year 2024 the year of the family. the government, on behalf of the head of state , approved a plan of main activities for its implementation. as
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mikhail mishustin said at a meeting today, at the federal level it is planned to consolidate social guarantees for large families. on behalf of the president, it is also planned to extend the validity of the monetary one. payments at the birth of a third child are the same 450 thousand rubles that can be used to pay off a preferential mortgage, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova also recalled this. supporting citizens who are raising children, helping parents, and caring for the younger generation have always been and remain priorities for the government. the latest survey in tsiom showed that seven out of ten russians surveyed consider a strong family to be the most important. value, and this does not depend on education, age, or financial situation, but youth is important to us, guys aged 18-24 are important, because in the next 7 years they must become parents, and of course, their
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inner attitude towards family values ​​is important to us. golikova also stated that all subjects of the country must approve their regional ones. according to mikhail mishustin, it is also planned to develop a strategic document regarding demographic family policy until 2030. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, thousands of products with cashback up to 50%. new crossover. liven x6 pro - modern design, refined handling, functionality, all this is in liven x6
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pro, from 2,479,900 rubles. liven x6 pro, give a new start. maybe buter? new year's appetite. only dad will shorten it. the spa will help you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito support works 24x7, we are ready to resolve any questions regarding booking around the clock, avita everything will go as planned. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy household appliances with cashback of up to 50%. this is a corporate event, this is entermin!
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entermin is a new generation entersorbent. his the mineral matrix removes toxins from the body while preserving nutrients. a smart solution against poisoning. in the moscow region , emergency services are eliminating the consequences of a utility accident on heating networks. almost five thousand people are involved in the work, how the liquidation is going now and what measures have been taken, my colleague varvara nevskaya discusses this topic in more detail with the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov. barbarian, welcome, we are waiting for details about the situation, what is happening now in the capital region? colleagues, greetings, right now we are in the control center of the very boiler room of the klimovsky specialized cartridge plant, where. on january 4, there was a breakthrough in the heating main ; let me remind you, residents of 176 houses
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in the klimovsk microdistrict, podolsk near moscow, were left without heating. as you correctly noted, right now i am next to the governor of the moscow region. andrey yuryevich, hello, hello, the situation is difficult, i know that you are constantly in touch with the residents, you meet twice a day, morning and evening, i know that yesterday the president i heard your report on this situation , tell me about... accordingly it is closed , access here is prohibited, but in the center of this
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enterprise there is a boiler house that supplies heat to 22,000 people, this enterprise is private, but there are no owners, unfortunately it happened, but with this is already being looked into by the investigative authorities, here the management was, so to speak, not at the proper level, the accident that happened is about it for a long time... so the first big work was on the main heating networks
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in order to close the leaks, at that time the worst thing happened, the boiler stopped , and 22 thousand people, 173 houses, in fact, were not just left without heating, but the water and pipes that are located throughout the city were not drained, they froze, accordingly, after that i sent... myself my vice-governor had already worked here, before that, i coordinated the actions, i came here, our task was to start the boilers and organize emergency assistance. people, for this we meet every day at 10 and 18 o’clock, you know that there were very low temperatures, somewhere it reached -31°, below 20° for a long time time, and naturally, all this required maximum mobilization, now there are more than 500 brigades working in the city, a brigade is three
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people who deal with both electricity and heat supply with everything necessary to provide light and heat to the city, moscow, the mayor and his team here is fully involved in all areas, for this i am very grateful, as well as a large number of our construction companies and companies that are very well known, but asked not to be named, because that’s why we got...
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connected to the house, having heat in the apartment - these are two different things, because when the mains, networks defrost, heat comes into the house, but this does not make the apartment warmer, because the risers, radiators, which are airy, this a huge amount of work in every apartment, in the basement, in the attic, which today is being carried out around the clock for many days, today
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it very much looks like we have a turning point, and accordingly... we see that in most apartments, and we now travel around the city every day , we not only meet, but also travel, every place has its own moments, they are related to the fact that somewhere people suffered damage, flooded the ceiling or some other changes occurred in the apartment, we certainly take all this into account. as for payment, this is always very sensitive for every resident, then for january we reset the heating payment. and accordingly, for electricity, now the consumption of electricity is increased, we will charge according to the bills of december, that is , no higher, moreover, there is a point of food, assistance, we sent the children to our best camp, those who wanted, why, because schools, these are about 12 objects, they have not yet been launched,
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our main concentration is on housing in houses... separate accommodation for children, it was provided, there are mothers, of whom there are three, four children, they are in a situation, but here they are very reluctant to leave their houses , the residents love the city very much, and we literally persuaded them to go to a hotel or comfortable accommodation for a certain number of days, we persuaded someone,
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helped someone, the task is for everyone to enter the house as much as possible. which a normal person cannot see with his eyes, but we saw this with our own eyes and today we are coping with this task, people are in trouble, we are the government from...
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it requires a special approach in any region and it is clear that we are trying to modernize our infrastructure. in the moscow region during these frosts there were various blackouts, i must admit this, we have a large modernization program with gazprom, gazprom helps us a lot, because the concessions that we are doing involve attracting a huge amount of billions, we have 80 billion until the twenty-sixth year gazprom invests in heat supply. as for the private boiler house and the municipal one, you also asked this question, you know, not every private owner is bad, in no case do we have the right to throw stones at conscientious operating
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organizations, but here in the moscow region it often happens that the boiler room becomes a place of profit, i’m telling you how it is in orekhovaza, in elektrostal, we managed to get property. boiler houses only through criminal cases, because people suffered, we have to justify ourselves to the residents, because again, no one cares who owns a boiler room, is interested in whether the house is warm or not, that’s what we were doing here, i want to thank everyone again, everyone rallied here and despite all the complexity, it’s hard to imagine, but no one abandoned us the scanner. you said that work will begin tomorrow to connect social facilities of schools and kindergartens, do i understand correctly that this means that heat supply will return to all
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residential buildings today? residential buildings, at the time of our conversation, there were about 125-130 houses, apartments, which are already heated, accordingly, judging by the fact that you know mathematics, there are only 176. about forty remain, this is the most complex remote section, which today, accordingly, engineering services dismantle, heat, weld, this is always a process, again, if the technology is interesting, but here it is impossible go overboard with the pressure, here various impulses are very evident during operation, every resident of klimovsk already knows all these details, so yes we...
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this is really a huge work that is in full swing, and here we are in koteln no longer first hour, and we really saw such a headquarters deployed here, where
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some kind of negotiations are constantly going on, work is going on, but can we now, based on this enormous work that is being carried out in klimovsk, talk about when they will be completely liquidated all the consequences of the emergency , we have a certain time period, the consequences of the emergency can probably be considered lipid when the children come to... so we are doing everything to make it as quickly as possible, but the children are learning, we have met with school directors, with teachers we met, talked, we have experience
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with covid... now in this case we must bring everything to fruition, this will require significant funds from us, these are billions of rubles that we must invest here in order to stabilize the situation here. today, in your telegram channel, following a regular meeting with local residents, you wrote that by decision of the president , a mechanism was launched for the return of state property, the very plant to which we belong, this is the boiler room where we
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are now located.
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food, but they often offered to go to a hotel somewhere to stay, but given the hotel , no one, strictly speaking, wanted to leave even their cold apartment, well , that’s how it works - that’s how people work, our task was to put a heater, bring a blanket, well, actually, all i can say is probably the last thing i would like to discuss,
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andrey yuryevich, thank you very much for what you do for the interview with our tv channel. i would like to remind you that i just spoke with the governor of the moscow region, andrei vorobyov. we continue to be here in klimovsk, where around the clock emergency crews and specialists are working to eliminate breaks in heating mains and are also engaged in restoring heat supply to residential buildings. studio.
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sensitive topic, varvar, thank you, thank you, maybe a sandwich, new year's appetite, dad can, dad can, only dad will steal, dad can, dad can, new year's appetite, only dad will steal, new year's appetite, yes, dad will steal, holiday. the spa will help, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet, cool shot , i’ll post it now, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel it, artyom, it ’s a megaphone, everything flies with it, go to the megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of speed coverage, cool video,
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it spread faster than i thought . because with 5g it’s even faster.


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