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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 9, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm MSK

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generation, its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body, preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, a cheeseburger or chicken burger for only 45 rubles at a delicious point thousands of holiday discounts in the bellio oil magnet 699.99 i think my grandfather is hiding something vanity . fireworks, the new year's light turns on, lights the lights, a magic staff, grandfather, and we have at home something tasty, let's conjure something, no, conjure, snowman courier! it has been proven
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that my grandfather is santa claus, on new year 's eve everyone can create miracles, from the bottom of their hearts for those who are nearby, happy new year, wizards, rather than look at it 100 times, it is better to twirl and rotate once. twist only after confirming payment. before february 4 , order advice delivery from one ruble. check that the product suits you, and then confirm the payment. maria loves the sun very much. but life passes among the ice floes. sore throat - this is a minus. on the plus side, there is miramestin. miramestin - it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet.
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the choice of millions in russia. macron, the younger, is a specialist in arrogance. this is precisely the description that the french opposition greeted the country's new prime minister. the head of the government of the fifth republic was a former education minister from the team of president emmanuel macron. the elysee palace expects that the renewed cabinet will take up the revival of france. meanwhile, local energy workers are preparing for protests to rage. kholodov, and farmers decided to join general european strike, with details from our european correspondent anastasia popova. reshuffles in the french government were long overdue, but macron hesitated, selecting a suitable candidate. to replace elizabeth bourne, he needed a person capable of uniting the parliamentary majority, split after the scandalous migration law, as well as someone who could cope with the opposition, dissatisfied with the regular forceful pushing through of reforms without taking into account opinions. parliament, the choice fell
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on the minister of education: his 34, gabriel otal will become the youngest prime minister in the history of the fifth republic. dear gabriele otal, i know that i can rely on your energy and commitment to implement the re-armament renaissance project that i have announced. compared to other ministers, a fairly popular politician, mini macron, as he is called, a product of the parisian elite, studied at one of the most prestigious schools in paris. they have long-standing friendly ties with the current president. year before the presidential election, he joined macron’s party, after the victory he began rapid political rise. at the same time , ottal is the first openly gay man to become prime minister of france. journalists are already speculating about the presidential ambitions of the new head of government. 12 years ago, at the sian spaw institute of political studies , his classmates jokingly elected him head of state. experts believe that macron is preparing a successor. he is even photographed in the same presidential pose, which means that if someone
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is appointed to such a position at the end of the second five-year term, this automatically means that this person will participate in presidential elections, not necessarily as a candidate, but... as an important character. there are still 3 years until the presidential elections, but there are european elections ahead this year, where macron’s party risks being overtaken by the extreme right. at the top of the list, marine lepen put twenty-eight-year-old javier bardela, extremely popular and active on social networks. the media are predicting an interesting duel. by appointing gabriel athalie, emmanuel macron wants to maintain his popularity in matters of public opinion to ease the pain of the impending end of his reign. rather, he risks bringing down the short-lived minister of national education. the presidential majority generally approved the appointment, despite recent open conflicts with the minister of finance and the minister of internal affairs, but the opposition is preparing a cold reception for him.
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more than ever, what the people of france need is not a change of cast, but a break with current policies when you hear emmanuel macron explain that he is going to disrupt the continuity of power. due to heavy rains, and now it is freezing from cold weather, energy poverty, security, especially in the run-up to the olympic games, migration and food inflation, judging by surveys, these are the topics that concern people most now. at the same time, finance minister brunoul, who promised to crush the russian economy with sanctions,
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promises the french difficult times and forced spending cuts. french farmers protest in solidarity with german farmers. the dutch and austrians also joined them. germany wants to abolish diesel quotas and increase taxes on arable crops land. half of the funds should go to finance kiev. new protests in berlin. it is monstrous and dishonest that the german government is unilaterally raising taxes on the only industry that has almost no impact on the climate. farmers' protests at the brandenburg gate have continued for the third day, residents of the capital are bringing them food as a sign of support, a tractor blockade in dresdon, cars have blocked traffic, manure is being spread on the highways, protests in munich, on protesters' trucks there are posters with inscriptions on the ruling the coalition must go and germany needs new
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elections. on those posters that i saw, they are talking primarily about the ruling coalition, this is a classic criticism of the government, i saw. on television , the reasoning of some experts who say that the protests are fueled by russia or legal organizations, of course, all this is an attempt to somehow delegitimize these protests and this criticism of the government. even children join the demonstrations. 69% of residents understand and approve of the farmers’ indignation, even though vegetables and fruits began to disappear due to the blockade and logistics violations. farmers promise to continue their protests as long as their demands are met. will not be heard, while in lower saxony alone the police have already opened more than a hundred cases in connection with anti-government protests. anastasia popovia bernatsky european news bureau. water is dripping from the ceiling, but instead of the prompt actions of repair teams, you can only see
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plastic buckets placed under the leaking rags. photo fact from the kiev metro, where flooding of another station began. how ukrainian journalists report that the lobby of the akadem gorodov metro station was damaged. leaks in several places at once, so that the water has already ruined the interior decoration and plaster, taking into account the fact that six metro stations had already been closed in the ukrainian capital due to the flood, the next municipal emergency does not bode well, even the kiev deputies are not capable well, to somehow reassure passengers, on the contrary, they predict that other metro lines will soon be suitable only for water transport, and and on the surface the situation is no better, an entire area of ​​the city is flooded with its contents. sewers, how kiev residents, clearly tired of such independence, react to this will now be shown by evgenia petrukhina. the path to europe turns out to be not only thorny, but also reeks of stench. non-dairy rivers on the streets of kiev, so that the mood is not
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similar to what is happening, ukrainians compose memes. here klitschko is trying to resist the surf and not hit, as they say, in the very face. the photo shows a residential area. it was flooded with, excuse me, feces, and he just yelled at the whole street klitschko, this was all going viral primarily on ukrainian public pages, klitschko finished off kiev, he will soon really go underground, here’s another folk art klyuchko is going swimming, given the mayor’s height - it’s almost 2 m, the authors of this meme are probably hinting that the fecal rivers in kiev turned out to be quite deep and this is all the same barshchegovka, barshchegovka is, in fact, the birthplace of aircraft manufacturing...
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they prohibit the use of sewers and recommend digging cesspools in the courtyards. in general, the streets of kiev have become smelly stock, here’s what’s on the internet. the flooded, well-known street of the ukrainian capital in gamma, is already being compared to evening kiev with sweets, where it would seem more ironic, but even popular cocoa, and there fans of internet humor placed kiev in new realities on the packaging. in general, the ukrainians are trying.
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there is also a palace there, this is a man who is far from the city economy, probably
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like the earth is to mars, he doesn’t understand anything about it at all, he doesn’t do any of this, to say that he has no money, well, no, city ​​of kiev, rich city, 2 billion dollars, the city budget, the annual budget of the city of kiev, this budget flows straight into the sewers, through which , by the way, rats have already begun to crawl into the apartments of ukrainians, fleeing from the streets, or maybe zelensky has already escaped from the bank as if from a drowning man? ship, you haven’t seen zelensky for 1.0 years, like in the old days, walking along the streets of kiev, now somehow there is less and less of him there, then he goes to one city, then flies to one country, then somewhere something... he asks, he begs for something, but where is he actually located, well, obviously not in ukraine, just like his henchmen, because it’s scary, so non-dairy rivers on the streets of the ukrainian capital, quite a suitable setting for the kiev regime, there’s humor here, no humor, it looks disgusting, this is kiev... smelly. the american and european press today are vigorously discussing new court materials in
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the case of jeffrey epstein’s secret orgies. now it has turned out that in addition to oral testimony, it seems that there are also videos that could confirm the participation in pedophile gatherings, for example, of former us president bill clinton or someone else of western entrepreneurs from the top lines of the forbes rating. our correspondent found out who specifically reported the presence of such evidence and what the possible consequences were. states dmitry melnikov. the publication of new materials on the epstein case adds details to the lifestyle of the so-called global elite. presidents, tycoons and members of the british royal family may appear in videos secretly filmed by a network organizer while they were having fun with underage girls. all this became known from the testimony of epstein's victim sarah ransom. she claims that there is a video of former president beat. clinton, prince andrew and media mogul richard branson, all of whom can be easily identified in the recordings. according to her, she made copies
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of the video materials and distributed them to different european countries to protect herself. other girls who took part in these meetings also spoke about the fact that the pleasures of the guests of the caribbean island and epstein’s mansion in new york were recorded on video. and judging by the published testimony of sarah rensom, these recordings may still exist. when my friend had sex with clinton, prince andrew. every time jeffrey filmed it, thank god, she managed to get several videos in which the faces of clinton, prince andrew and branson are clearly visible. back in 2019, she stated that she invented the story about videotapes in which epstein’s friends spend time with underage girls to protect herself and her family. the defense of epstein’s friend, socialite ghislaine maxwell, who was the only one convicted of long-term molestation of teenage girls, insisted on this, but ransom later said she was willing to testify under oath to the existence
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of incriminating videos. the new batch of open documents includes these never-before-published ones. photographs of young girls on willie epstein, including a photo of sarah renson herself, as well as a previously unknown joint photograph taken on the island of epstein and peter mendelsohn, at that time the european commissioner for trade and the right hand of former prime minister tony blair. in his testimony, ransom assures that during sexual donald trump also entered into relationships with many of the girls supplied by epstein. the documents vividly describe the details of the former president's intimate preferences. which cannot be aired, trump’s representatives urgently had to issue a refutation. these baseless accusations have been completely refuted as they are simply false and have no basis whatsoever. the press service of the owner of the vergen company, billionaire richard branson, also denies new dirty details. didn't know about the crimes epstein and clinton, his office assures, although
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they found epstein during the search this portrait of the former president in a woman’s dress and shoes. big names: bill clinton, algor, donald trump, david copperfield, jackson, leonardo de caprio, cate blanchett, why? because if this name came out of his mouth, it means that this person was in the photo on the plane, at a party, or somewhere worse. we are talking about child abuse. were you part of it, did you know about it, were you involved in it? that's the only thing has the meaning. after another wave of publications, the brother of king charles ii is one of the main characters. scandal, prince andrew spent several days at home and only today left his estate for the first time, as the british press assures, the king is going to deprive his brother of his maintenance, in particular 3 million pounds a year to pay for security, and evict the lover of young girls, the duke of york, from the thirty-room mansion he occupies. but if the scandalous videos of
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epstein’s friends really exist and the actual persons depicted in them, then the second question after 10:00 these tapes should be why they decided to publish this flow of information precisely when the election campaign in the united states entered its critical phase. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. the imitation escalated into detention. the puppies did not allow the lead singer of the group to fly out of pulkovo. how much will it cost a musician to play with a sock without it? at a concert, retiring in the new year is profitable with sberbank, free sbercard for pensioners, profitable deposit rate to please yourself more often, cashback bonuses in pharmacies to take care
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just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts you can connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and a superbox as a gift you can yota start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket there will be a discount buy women's. clothes, shoes and accessories with discounts up to 70%. first , they unfurl the ukrainian flag while jumping up and down, but after a short period of rejoicing, they immediately face sanctions from the security. video filmed in during the concert of the ddt group in sofia. apparently, the spectators from among the so-called good russians tried to support yuri shevchuk, who was fined for discrediting, with a yellow and blue banner. russian military, but bulgarian security quickly escorted the company with the flag out of the hall, since any symbols are prohibited at the concert venue. now the characters are making a scandal instead
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of the press, considering themselves violated in some kind of rights, but were rather offended by the sharp gesture of one of the guards, who made it clear exactly what he was thinking about the ukrainian rag. well, and also about the consequences of thoughtless actionism with a claim to originality, only now an example from russia. today, the soloists of the group considered the case in the st. petersburg court. maxim moiseev's puppies received 10 days of arrest for hooliganism at his own concert, at which he decided to stand out with an unusual costume, or already banal, choosing only a sock as such. what is this naked and unfunny imitation for, anastasia ivanova was looking into it. he got rid of the sock and may be free from future concerts. the organizers of the upcoming performances of the puppies group are already warning the audience that there may be some changes, they...
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moiseev’s naked number, despite all his so-called impromptu, was already 7 years ago. subscribers of ekaterina mizulina reported this, and at the same time drew the attention of the police to the dancing of beshtans. not only a violation of the law on order and holding public events, but also outright hooliganism. for me personally, they are no different from men in the gateway who open their cloak to show certain... body parts for young children , the task of the police is to maintain public order and suppress this kind of action. it doesn't matter who puppy solis was trying to imitate,
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or whether it was a reference. ivleeva’s party, or the chilly peppers concert, which they partied virtually naked in the nineties. now such concerts in russia evoke certain emotions in most people. i spoke with officers from vityaz, alpha, and vimpel. you know, they are outraged. we are fighting, we are defending our homeland. and here are some scoundrels, which means they are having these most obscene orgies in the nude, they are outraged. if this had happened 15 years ago, even 5 years ago. ago, no one would most likely have even paid attention to this, and not to take this into account now, when our country is in fact opposed to the collective west, well , this is simply inadequate, to put it mildly, in fact, with such actions, well, in my opinion, this is what is being promoted this is the western way of life, will the puppies have enough of one apology for a naked concert to organize the next one, because a week and a half of administrative arrest will pass, and
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the public’s emotions will go so quickly. may not subside. first, the latest reports from the special operation zone in the donetsk direction, the russian military killed up to 240 ukrainian militants per day. this was reported to the ministry of defense. with the support of aviation and artillery, fighters from the southern group of forces also destroyed enemy equipment. about the situation on the front line in the rear, where our military personnel are.
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sts our bird, arrival in the area of ​​the second house, 120 or stem, our bekha is working, artillery crews of the 132nd brigade of the first donetsk army corps received the coordinates of the targets and are now preparing for work on strengthened the area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. retreating, the militants leave their positions and abandon their wounded colleagues. six people, so they crawled out from above the doorway, one three hundredth one is still lying there, they are all right at the exit from this, they are on fire for this. the driver of the motorized rifle battalion of the forty-ninth army , during the evacuation of the wounded, himself received shrapnel wounds, but managed to lead the group from the battlefield to save his comrades. i received a shrapnel wound in the leg, arm, and stomach, but in the end they didn’t lose their heads, they quickly reloaded the wounded and took them to a safe distance, they helped my leg, applied a tourniquet, and then took me to the hospital. at this training ground
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in the south donetsk direction, our attack aircraft of the 49th army practice their actions before performing combat missions, every turn in the trench, the distance between enemy firing points, interaction is honed to the point of automatism. at this site, with the help of, let’s say, our bopla platoon, enemy positions were removed, completely revealed on a one-to-one scale, so that every serviceman at this place could evaluate and know them. firing points enemy, we are practicing tactics , the first two, for example, are walking, they lay down with their voices, or with gestures they conveyed that they need to either help the guys there, send more people, moves, moves, no, sits, sits, where in the basement, sitting, in this house, they’re approaching him directly, in these frames, the positions of ukrainian militants in the area, after detecting the enemy, are being practiced by our kamikaze drones, the locations of the ukrainian armed forces infantry,
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circle. aerial reconnaissance patrols around the clock, and the coordinates of targets are transmitted to artillery. stanislav nazarov, vitali kidanovich, andrey rudenko, vesti, donbass. we are moving at night to the position of the eighty-fifth brigade, which, as part of the group of troops south, operates in the artyomovsk direction. on one side of the road our artillery is working, on the other there is enemy artillery. aveden is ready. the mortars are covering. a dugout of ukrainian militants with shells, an explosion of such force that for a second it illuminates all the surveillance devices aimed in the direction of the yar clock, sometimes up to eight shots can be fired safely, sometimes one shot is immediately answered immediately, sometimes it even happens that you go to the bird is already working on the position, mortar men are working day and night, at night they are using these...


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