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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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teaming up with business to create drugs, this is a kind of apage when we try together to create truly original molecules, an original drug. gun, shot! ukrainian fighters, under the pressure of our artillery, are retreating from their occupied positions, leaving trenches and dugouts, throwing their wounded brothers-in-arms into them. meanwhile , the situation for the ukrainian armed forces may get even worse. the russian army is increasing production of all types of drones. sergei shaigu announced this today at a conference call. about the situation on the line of combat contact. report from our military officers. how do enterprises comply with
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environmental requirements? who monitors emissions near production companies? vladimir putin met with the head of rosprirodnadzor, we will tell you about the details of the dialogue. an unforgettable trip to frozen baikal. another dream of the wish-fulfillment has come true. a schoolgirl from yuzhsalinsk shared her impressions with our film crew. a four-day absence without notice to the employer. minister. us defense was hospitalized, and president biden didn't report whether lloyd austin's diagnosis would justify him? and new details in the case of secret orgies of western elites, participation in them, including former us president bill clinton , can be confirmed by video recordings, is this incriminating evidence really there? first, the latest reports from the special operation zone in the donetsk direction, the russian military is on trial. killed up to 240 ukrainian militants,
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the ministry of defense reported. with the support of aviation and artillery, fighters from the southern group of forces also destroyed enemy equipment. reports by stanislav nazarov and mikhail andronik about the situation on the front line in the rear, where our military personnel are training at training grounds. with the support of aerial reconnaissance, the artillery of the southern group of troops strikes the positions of ukrainian militants. at a gap of 100, here is 100 one fire, one fire, yes, a gun, a shot, drone operators detect the enemy group and give exact coordinates: posts our bird, arrival in the area of ​​the second house, 120 whether the gun is fired, our beha is working, artillery crews 132 brigade of the first donetsk army the corps have received target coordinates and are now preparing to work to strengthen the area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine. retreating. the militants leave their positions and abandon
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their wounded colleagues. so, they climbed out from above, one three hundredth, here is one still lying, they are all right at the exit from this, their dugout caught fire, the driver of the ambulance of the motorized rifle battalion of the forty-ninth army during the evacuation of the wounded, he himself received a shrapnel wound, but managed to take the group out rescue your comrades from the battlefield. the result was a stab wound in the leg, arm, stomach, as a result, not...
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on the object, with the help of, let's say, our bopla platoon, enemy positions were removed, completely discovered on a one-to-one scale, so that every serviceman at this place could evaluate them, know the enemy's firing points, practice tactics, first the deuce, for example, is walking, laying down with a voice, or with gestures conveyed that they need to go there or they need to help the guys send more people, moves, moves, no, sits, sits, not in the basement , yes. target coordinates are transmitted to artillery. stanislav nazarovali kadanovich, andrey rudenko, news: donbass.
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mortar bombers cover a dugout of ukrainian militants with shells, the explosion is so strong that for a second it illuminates all the surveillance devices directed towards the clock, sometimes up to eight shots can be fired safely, sometimes you can fire one back at once, sometimes it even happens that you reach the position already the bird works, the mortar men work day and night, at night they use these red flashlights, red flashlights, they are less visible at night. after work, the mortar is quickly camouflaged, the crew goes to a real bunker, deep underground, here firewood crackles in the bourgeoisie and cats purr. this is one of the training grounds of the lugansk people's republic, not far from the front line; those who entered the zone for the first time and
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soldiers who have already been fired upon train here during breaks between combat missions. now the stormtroopers of the southern group of forces are working off the money they received for their recoil. ready? yes, we are working, brothers! these are people who are ahead of the rest, that is, people who can get a one-way ticket, and this, as a rule, they are patriots, and there is no other motivation system for these people, not money, no benefits, no, only patriotism. calmly, over and over again , the military personnel of the assault unit practice the skills they have acquired, even those that it would seem they have mastered a long time ago. of course it’s necessary, but then you just develop reflexes that later help you and, of course, help your comrades who are next to you. in recent days, heavy combat work has been in full swing at the front, almost along the entire line. our troops are advancing after contact , and only occasionally do military personnel manage
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to take advantage of rare moments of rest. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, lead the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. improvement of work. communication systems, reconnaissance and target designation, as well as counter-battery warfare, the head of the department, sergei shaigu, spoke about the immediate plans of the russian ministry of defense. at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces, they also discussed the losses of the kiev regime over the year. the main statement of the minister of defense and the new atrocity of mobilization in ukraine in the material of denis alekseev. the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact remains with the russian troops; our groupings are methodically reduced. combat potential of ukrainian forces. well, take these numbers, announced by defense minister shaigu today. in 2023, the armed forces of ukraine ended with losses of 215,000 personnel and 28 thousand weapons. and, despite such discouraging results, kiev continues
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to diligently mobilize the country’s male population, sending soldiers essentially into one end. despite the depletion of the human resources of the ukrainian formations, and the lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is calmly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership, at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. at the instigation of western curators, the kiev regime continues to drive its soldiers to slaughter, looking for any opportunities to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation on the line of military contact, it will only prolong the military conflict, well, when the ukrainian men stop being missed. the army will begin to place its bets on women. now active preparations are underway for this. defense minister nezalezhny reported on the purchase of 5,000 sets of women's military uniforms. the picture that emerges is very consistent. at the end of last year , a bill that provided for the mobilization of women was loudly discussed in kiev. now
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the form for them is ready. and if you compare this with the colossal losses, everything comes together. acute shortage of personnel. and military commissars are scouring the country. they paint recruiting statistics with broad strokes, they don’t take according to alone, and with whole trolleybuses , as was the day before, or with a tram, they stopped halfway and began to transfer from public transport to government transport, on it without stops to certain places, they had already packed a full bus, they still want, well, time for training with the mobilized infantry no at all, they immediately throw them into the trenches, which they surrender at the first assault on our side, there is no hope, so they took the personnel. strong point in the forest belt by our motorized rifles, worked harmoniously, without losses, adjustment of actions was carried out from a drone, the soldiers threw down their weapons and fled, well, who had time, someone was captured, this is the picture now emerging of kiev’s losses in equipment during the entire period of the special operation
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: more than 10,000 drones, under 15,000 tanks and other armor, under 20,000 various special equipment, ukrainian command has already reached into all the reserves it can. it’s as if kiev’s partners are no longer eager to make up for what they have lost; they have grown cold. the russian army enters the new year with fairly clear plans to increase supplies of in-demand weapons samples. be used in the training and retraining of russian military personnel. denis alekseev,
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lead. 462. well, now urgent reports are coming from ecuador, where the country's president has ordered the army to neutralize criminal gangs that have taken hostages in different cities of the country. in our footage we can see how students are scattering in the area of ​​one of the universities in ecuador. daniel naboa, president. from ecuador, amid unrest, announced that the country is in a state of, quote, internal armed conflict classified criminal groups as terrorist organizations and belligerent non-state actors. it is also reported that one of the tv channels was seized ; in these footage we can see how masked people entered the tv channel’s studio, took the workers hostage, threatened them with weapons, and showed on camera, among other things... some apparently homemade explosive devices , in addition,
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police officers and prison guards in different regions can be seen in these frames, here it is stated that at the end of this video a certain punitive act is being committed, but what is happening in the picture is observed, the day before, after a series of riots in prisons, the escape of the leader of the largest gang, the president established a state of emergency in the country for 60 days... in order to use the armed forces in regaining control over the situation. the government's actions caused a wave of unrest in the cities of ecuador on tuesday night, criminals began to burn cars and buses. we will also continue to monitor the messages and return to this topic. clean air as a matter of national importance. rosprirodnadzor now checks even business projects for compliance with environmental requirements. during the year , 30 agreements on such inspections were signed with companies. vladimir discussed how they go. putin and head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova. we talked about how
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air quality is controlled near large factories, and how things stand with average emissions in the caspian and baltic fields. and also about what a bear patrol is. my colleague anastasia efimova will tell you everything in order. not just a weekend holiday with rare cleanup days and one-time tree planting, and not fashionable english-language terms, but above all action and result. this is exactly how he sees the main tasks. rosprirodnadzor, head of the department. as svetlana radionova recalled , at a meeting with the president, the country today is implementing a national ecology project, the largest in national history, and this is a clean country, within the framework of which landfills are eliminated and reclaimed, general cleaning created on the initiative of citizens and the improvement of water bodies, eight the largest, including the don, irtysh, and angara, have already been examined by specialists. what is our order there? our companies operate , oil and gas companies, our oil and gas companies meet high standards, we
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have no questions for them, not a single unauthorized discharge has been recorded, we look at this very strictly, and they provide us with access, even now during the moratorium period, we are calm in during preventive visits , we visit all facilities at their invitation, we have no restrictions; by and large, there is no conflict in this regard among all of our platforms that stand on the caspian sea have zero discharge. we also have the same situation in the baltic, yes , we can absolutely clearly record this all the time, we constantly monitor it in the baltic, which is the same thing , we have zero discharge, another federal clean air project, initially it included 12 large industrial centers - bratsk, narilsk, chelyabinsk, including, but since september last year there are already 43 of them, cities where emissions should be reduced by half, here is a project in twelve cities, it’s like clean air, the clean air project is one of the most... complex projects, it took a long time to prepare , the regulatory documents were not ready because it was never implemented, you know, the most
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offensive thing for us is when i come to one of these cities everyone says, now the merodeon podish has arrived, and indeed sometimes this is so, but now all enterprises have approved their programs, many are changing technological solutions, no one has stopped, replacing technical solutions does not affect, even if it exists, we have it for two objects, it is not affects the final result, now we are waiting for... environmentally friendly rosprirodnadzor - it has 3,500 employees, not a lot, especially taking into account the geography of the country and the scale of the tasks assigned to the department. now, on your instructions, we are probably implementing such a large-scale experiment as consulting, remember, business russia, alexey repik asked you to give the controller the opportunity to advise the business at an early stage, and you
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allowed this, they asked us, as the most, probably, can perhaps unpleasant controllers for them at that time. and we have concluded 30 agreements with companies, these are not just papers, we accompany projects , help shorten the investment cycle, find the best, cost-effective solution, when a company naturally wants to save money, but achieve results, fines are 17 with more than, we collect fines, of course, ensuring for business support, we accept those who do not pay in the villages, you said in the message, the violator pays, everyone remembers this principle and we clearly implement it, security. environment is becoming more and more technologically advanced, svetlana radionova, for example, reported to the president on the introduction of a plasma-chemical destruction method, thanks to which any waste, including hazardous to humans and animals, is literally decomposed into molecules, because their well-being is also within the competence of rosprirodnadzor. i see you opened the slide on bears, this is probably our most pleasant
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mission: we monitor the protection of animals listed in the red book, we save the wounded, confiscated, our largest, probably protected predator, the smartest animal in russia, these are polar bears, this our pride, arctic predator, we managed to save 17 bears over the past 4 years, four of them were placed in zoos because they could not be returned to the natural environment, and we try to leave the rest in nature as much as possible. of course, we understand that when developing the arctic we must very take care of this bear, you have a proposal, a project and a bear patrol for... by the way, rosprirodnadzor proposes to make the polar bear a kind of national symbol, with its help, by
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analogy with chinese pando-diplomacy, build friendly relations with foreigners. partners, by the way, despite global challenges, the country fulfills all its international obligations and preserving the environment is no exception. anastasia efimova, lead. well, eight-year-old kristina from yuzhno-sakhalinsk, a participant in the wish tree campaign, was personally convinced of the cleanliness of the air on lake baikal. make her long-time dream come true. the president helped me see the deepest lake on the planet with my own eyes. and this is already the third new year's eve children's party.
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when i saw baikal, i just felt... my heart became very warm. koristina from yuzhno-sakhalinsk’s dream of lake baikal was fulfilled by vladimir putin as part of the all-russian charity event tree of wishes. for 3 days she was not separated from baikal, this remains in her memory for the rest of her life, especially when at the end of the trip the president of the country calls. christina, good afternoon. hello, hello, do you recognize me? yes, new words, nice. listen, i really wanted to find out somehow. you relax, you like everything, this is exactly what you dreamed of, yes, you really like it. christina, you were also in the museum, yes, in baikal museum, yes, i was, i was also in this museum, i looked, i really liked it, and you, i really liked it too, yeah, and you also dived, sank to the bottom of lake baikal, well, virtually dived, yes, yes ,
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you weren’t scared, no, i also dived, but not virtually. on such a bathyscaphe, the world is called, almost 2.0 m. eight-year-old christina has not yet taken geography at school, but the map of the irkutsk region has now come to life for her: irkutsk, listvyanka, slyudyanka, toltsy, kultuk, each name has bright colors associated with it impressions, the whole family is delighted with the new region for themselves, the president asked the girl’s father how it is now on sakhalin, he wanted to ask not even about the trip, but at your place of residence, something is happening there, apparently. changes lately, in recent years, our city is transforming, becoming better and better, recently they opened a new airport for us, wow, great, yes, we have been planning to do this for a long time, dynamics. i feel it, yes, of course, yes, i feel it, it was important for me to hear too from you, from an adult who lives there and watches all this every day.
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siberian landscapes sometimes remind them of their native island, for example, a ski slope. you can admire baikal right from the shore, or from a height of 900 m. this is the city of baikalsk, the eastern coast of the lake and here is a ski resort. the girl happily posed for the photo, fearlessly climbing higher. do you want to stand right there? wow, and you're not afraid? it seems that she is not afraid of anything, an excellent student, successful athlete, has a rank in sports aerobics, is now taking up acrobatics , all this despite the diagnosis, immune neutrapenia, blood must be tested every 2 days, immunity must be supported with drugs, so christina has another cherished, not even a dream, goal: i i want to become a doctor to help people, to do something good for the world, to achieve everything i dream of, girls in a telephone conversation on... i want to wish you the best in the new year, success in your studies, in sports, in your hobbies so that you enjoy
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from everything you do and achieved good results, i hug you, my dear, all the best to you, thank you, i want to say a huge thank you for making my dream come true, i also want to congratulate you on the new year merry christmas. happiness and may all your dreams also come true, thank you very much, christina, and have a nice trip home, hugs to you. today kristina is returning to sakhalin, but the girl did not say goodbye to baikal, because she is already planning a new trip to its shores, this time in the summer, in that it will happen, now there is no doubt. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, victor strotsky, irina kharlamova, anna kolk, magomed otsaev, news. unified legal status. for large families , the social guarantees they are entitled to will be accumulated at the federal level, mikhail mishustin announced this at an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers. let me remind you that 2024 has been declared
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by the president as the year of the family. on behalf of the head of state, the government approved a plan of main activities for its implementation. in addition, special attention at the meeting was paid to health issues for those planning to become parents. anna voronina will tell you more. 2024 has been declared the year of the family in russia. therefore, it is not surprising that discussions in the government house began with this issue. obviously, in our country family is the main value. and it is very important to do everything to ensure that as many children as possible are born, so that parents receive maximum support and assistance. we are systematically doing this. a lot has been done on the president’s instructions, including the social treasury system, when socially targeted assistance is provided to all families. as noted. year of the family, one of the main tasks is to revive respect for the large family. according to surveys, seven out of ten russians consider a strong family
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one of the most important values, but its creation requires encouragement and support. young people are important to us, guys aged 18-24 are important, because in the next 7 years they should become parents, and of course, their inner attitude is important to us. to family values, to parenthood, because this is a new social situation and a new responsibility towards the emerging future generation, in order to support citizens who want to become parents, the government intends to further work on the issues of preferential mortgage lending and extend payments of 450,000 rubles for the third child in the first quarter. in addition, employers will be actively included in support for families who decide to have children. reproductive health will be given special attention during medical examination. the president especially noted the importance disease prevention. and now
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the rules for conducting medical examinations are clearly regulated, the terms for those who have recovered from covid have been extended, and it can now be completed within a year after recovery. and directions for additional examination must be issued within 3 days. the program must be supplemented with a new look. specialization in reproductive health, which is very important for people who want to have a child. well, to ensure that the new generation grows up in a clean environment, the government has been continuing for the fourth year work within the framework of the federal project general cleaning. we are talking about the liquidation of the requested industrial enterprises that threaten the environment and human health. by the end of last year, 145 wells were abandoned and 770 objects of accumulated damage were examined. work continues to clean up the waters of the far eastern federal. districts. to date , 131 sunken ships have been eliminated. these ship graveyards interfere with shipping, fishing, damage the environment and
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reduce tourism potential. terrorist operation after armed groups seized prisons and other facilities in different regions of the country, let me remind you also about the seizure of the building of the tc television channel, the employees were taken hostage, such footage was distributed on social networks, the employees asked the president to release them, soon after this the special forces began assault and as reported by this minute according to official sources
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of ecuador, most of... the hostages have already been released, and also footage that is now being distributed on social networks, armed cartels began to massively blow up and shoot ecuadorian police officers throughout the country, there are also reports of the seizure of prison sites in shootings on the territory of the university, security operations are taking place in different cities, police and special forces are knocking out militants, we will monitor developments, wash your hands more often .
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runny nose, all this can be not only symptoms of the flu we are used to, but even a triple epidemic. tridemic is the name given to the combination of coronavirus, arvi and influenza. we are unlikely to get infected right away three, simultaneously infections, and get sick at the same time, that is, tridemia does not apply to a specific individual, a specific sick person. we are now in the epi season, yes, that is, the autumn, autumn-winter season, this is the season. when there is an increase in the incidence of all respiratory infections, one of the reasons for continuous infections is weakened immunity as a result of an existing disease, such as covid-19. even when a person suffers a mild coronavirus infection, the human body is still greatly weakened in terms of its own immunity, therefore conditionally pathogenic microorganisms that
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inhabit our body in large numbers constantly, as well as external pathogens, for them such a weakened organism is an easy victim. to protect against diseases, you need to understand what exactly the patient is suffering from. to do this , test systems are needed for each infection. if experts recommend getting vaccinated against covid-19 with an updated vaccine, then against urv and influenza , immediately take fat-lowering drugs and call a doctor at home. we need it right away. start treatment continuously anti-inflammatory drugs, like any other, analgin, aspirin, burofen, anything to prevent the temperature from rising. today , according to rospotrebnadzor, a decrease in the number of cases of the disease has been recorded in russia. in the first week of this year, we see a significant decrease in the incidence of arvi flu. compared to the previous week by 51%. if. talking about
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the incidence of new coronavirus infection, over the past 4 weeks we have also seen a decrease in incidence compared to the previous week, the incidence also decreased by 56%. according to experts, the decline in indicators is associated with winter frosts and holidays. we will find out later whether the situation will change when everyone goes to work and schoolchildren return to their desks. but it is important to remember about prevention and if you feel unwell, consult a doctor immediately. news. macron, the younger, is a specialist in arrogance. this is precisely the description that the french opposition greeted the country's new prime minister. the head of the government of the fifth republic was the former minister of education from the team of president emmanuel macron. the elysee palace expects that the renewed cabinet will take up the revival of france. meanwhile, local energy workers are preparing for protests at the height of the cold war, and farmers have decided to join the pan-european strike.


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