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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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by 51%. if we talk about the incidence of the new coronavirus infection, over the past 4 weeks we have also seen a decrease in the incidence; compared to the previous week, the incidence also decreased by 56%. according to experts, the decline in indicators is due to winter frosts and holidays. we will find out later whether the situation will change when everyone goes to work and schoolchildren return to their desks, but it is important to remember about prevention even in case of poor health. macron, the younger, is a specialist in arrogance, which is precisely the characteristic of the french the opposition met the country's new prime minister. the head of the government of the fifth republic was a former education minister from the team of president emmanuel macron. the elysee palace expects that the renewed cabinet will take up the revival of france. meanwhile, local energy workers are preparing for protests in the midst of cold weather, and farmers have decided to join the pan-european one.
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four gabriel hautal will become the youngest prime minister in the history of the fifth republic. dear gabriel otal. i know i can rely on your energy and commitment to implementation. the rearmament revival project that i announced. in comparison with other ministers, the rather popular politician mini macron, as he is called, a product of the parisian elite, studied at one of the most prestigious schools in paris. they have long-standing friendly ties with the current president. atal, back in the sixteenth year before the presidential elections, joined... journalists are already
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talking about the presidential ambitions of the new head of government. 12 years ago, at the sian spaw institute of political studies, his classmates jokingly elected him head states. experts believe that macron is preparing a successor; he is even photographed in the same presidential pose as his idol. if someone is appointed to such a position. the end of the second five-year term, this automatically means that this person will participate in presidential elections, not necessarily as a candidate, but as an important actor. there are still 3 years until the presidential elections, but there are european elections ahead this year, where macron’s party risks being overtaken by the far right. at the top of the list, marine lepen put twenty-eight-year-old javier bardel, extremely popular and active on social networks. the media are predicting an interesting duel. nominating gabriel.
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what needs to happen is not a change of cast, a break with current policies, when you hear emmanuel macron explain that he is going to disrupt the continuity of power, you understand that nothing will change unless things get worse, whoever monarch macron chooses, we for our part , we demand from parliamentary groups that the assembly express a vote of confidence in the candidate, as happens in all democratic countries of the world, and if there will be no such vote, we, for our part , will express no confidence in him in accordance with the constitution, however, he did not wait for approval from tal. after 2 hours of communication with
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the president, he immediately moved on to action. the first trip after my appointment today is to padekal, a region that went under water due to heavy rains and is now freezing from the cold. energy poverty, security, especially in the run-up to the olympic games, migration and food inflation. judging by surveys, these are the topics that concern people most now. at the same time the minister finance bruno mayor, who promised to crush the russian economy with sanctions, promises the french difficult times. and forced spending cuts, french farmers are protesting in solidarity with the germans, joined by the dutch, austrians and bulgarians. budget deficits due to sponsorship of the war in ukraine are forcing the authorities of european countries to reduce benefits. german authorities want to abolish quotas on diesel fuel and increase taxes on arable land. half of the funds should go to finance kiev. new protests in berlin. what's unfair is that the
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german government is unilaterally raising taxes on the only industry that has almost no impact on the climate. in berlin , farmers' protests at the brandenburg gate continue . third day, residents of the capital are bringing them food as a sign of support, there is a tractor blockade in dresdon, cars are blocked from traffic, they are being scattered on carts on the highways. protests in munich on protesters' trucks carry placards reading "the ruling coalition must leave." and germany needs new elections. on those posters that i saw, it is about the first turn about the ruling coalition. this is a classic criticism of government. i saw on television the arguments of some experts who say that there is a protest. fueled by russia or legal organizations, of course, all this is an attempt to somehow delegitimize these protests and this criticism of the government. even children are joining the demonstrations; 69% of residents understand and approve of the farmers’ indignation, even despite the fact that
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vegetables and fruits began to disappear from the shelves due to the blockade and logistics violations. farmers promise continue protesting until their demands are heard. moreover, only in the state of lower saxony the police already exist. opened more than a hundred cases in connection with anti-government protests. anastasia popova liabernadsky european news bureau. there is a new round of scandal in the united states with the disappearance of defense secretary lloyd austin. suddenly for 4 days. the medical center where austin was officially located suddenly told cnn that the pentagon chief was undergoing surgery for prostate cancer. and during the period of anesthesia, the powers of the head of the us defense passed to his deputy. how do americans regard these excuses?
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continues to be in the walter reed military hospital, where he was first admitted on december 22 for planned procedures, and after january 1 in the ambulance with severe pain, since then the four-star general has not left the walls of the hospital , he even visited the intensive care ward, the diagnosis is unknown to the general public . this was covertly intentional, everyone around the minister had the opportunity to think about who they should notify, but they didn't tell anyone. about the fact that there is something wrong with the head of the pentagon not in order, neither secretary of state blinken, nor biden’s national security adviser salevan, nor congressmen and senators were aware. we have many questions, did the head of the pentagon leave his home in an ambulance, did he undergo surgery, was he under
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anesthesia? there is also information that similar things have happened to him before. i think members of congress would be interested to hear about these cases. ok. republicans are confident that this is a direct violation of the oath of office. in response to the squall , i also didn’t immediately find out that all was not well with the boss. party criticism from both sides, some democrats also joined from the head of the pentagon only a repentant press release. i
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understand the concerns of journalists and recognize that i could have done more to ensure that the public was properly informed. their leading candidate has joined the republican chorus. he demanded that austin be kicked out. donald trump? secretary of defense lloyd austin should be fired immediately for professional misconduct and dereliction of duty. he went missing for a week and no one, including his boss, the crooked joe biden, had any idea where he was. biden did not know where austin had been for four whole days, although they had known each other for many years. loyd served with biden's son beau, back in iraq, then worked for the raysion military corporation, which produces stingers and jevilins. and patriot complexes in the ukrainian conflict, raceon made several billion dollars, in general, the white house is clearly not ready to throw away such personnel. the president hopes that the secretary of defense will return to the pentagon as soon as possible
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quicker. we will consider this issue and try to draw conclusions. in principle, you can report on the results of a thirty-day audit today, without wasting your own or anyone else’s time. public money, because the head of the pentagon is being checked by his own subordinates, is this a presidential candidate or is she sure that the fish rots from the head? can i tell who noticed this? putin and xi. it turned out awkward, because we know that they
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are monitoring every step of biden and his team. however, the steps of the biden team are monitored even more closely by the team members themselves. biden. crises are multiplying, relationships are straining, and the time to look for those to blame is approaching. hospital is a proven way in hardware games to get yourself out of harm's way. moreover, the head of the pentagon. is clearly on the list of those who in america are about to be asked for afghanistan, for the middle east, for ukraine, that is, new suicide bombings are not far off. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and evgeny samsonov, news from new york. the american and european press today are vigorously discussing new court materials in the case of jeffrey epstein’s secret orgs. now it has turned out that in addition to oral testimony, it seems that there are also videos from...
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the united states, dmitry melnikov. the publication of new materials on the epstein case adds details to the lifestyle of the so -called global elite, presidents, tycoons and members of the british royal family. all this became known from the testimony of epstein's victim sarah rensom. she claims there is video of former president bill clinton, prince andrew and media mogul richard branson, all of whom can be easily identified in the recordings. according to her, she made copies video materials and distributed them to different european countries to protect themselves. about the pleasures of guests of the caribbean island. and aipstein's mansion in new york were recorded on video, other girls who took part in these meetings spoke, and judging
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by the published testimony of sarah rensom, these recordings may still exist. when my friend had sex with clinton, prince andrew and richard branson, jeffrey filmed it every time . thank god, she managed to get hold of several videos that clearly the faces of clinton, prince andrew and branson are visible. back in 2019, renson stated that she made up the videotapes of epstein’s friends spending time with underage girls to protect herself and her family. the defense of epstein’s friend, socialite ghislaine maxwell, the only one convicted of perennial plant growth on teenage girls, insisted on this, but ransom later stated that she was ready to testify under oath to the existence of incriminating videos. the new batch of open documents contains these never published photographs. young girls on willie epstein, including a photo of sarah renson herself, as well as a previously unknown
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photograph taken on the island of epstein and peter mendelsohn, at that time the european commissioner for trade and the right hand of former prime minister tony blair. in his testimony, ransom assures that donald trump also had sexual relations with many of the girls supplied by epstein. the documents vividly describe details of the former president's intimate preferences that cannot be cited. big names: bill clinton, algor, donald trump, david copperfield, michael jackson,
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leonardo decaprio, cate blanchett. why? because if this name came out of his mouth, it means that this person was in a photograph, on a plane, at a party, or somewhere worse. we are talking about child abuse. you were part of this, did you know about it? have you done this? that's the only thing that matters. after another wave of publications, the brother of king charles ii is one of the main characters in the pedophile scandal. prince andrew spent several days at home and only today i left my estate for the first time. as the british press assures, the king is going to deprive his brother of his maintenance, in particular 3 million pounds a year to... pay for security, and evict the duke of york, who loves young girls, from the thirty-room mansion he occupies. but if the scandalous videotapes of epstein’s friends really exist and the people actually mentioned are captured on them, then the second question after where these tapes are now should be why they decided to publish this flow of information at that time. when the us election campaign entered
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its critical phase. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, news from washington. south korea, at the legislative level , has abandoned the consumption and sale of dog meat ; this decision was made by the country’s parliament, and although it will come into force only in a few years, the resonance is already huge, and if for animal rights activists the news is definitely positive, then for those who from generation to generation have been breeding dogs for slaughter, this is essentially a harbinger of a grandiose crisis, since hundreds of thousands of jobs will simply cease to exist, our report
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has six dogs and eight cats at home, yun sokol took the last dog from a shelter for former service dogs after winning the presidential election, banning eating dog meat became one of his election promises, now the wife of the head of state is mainly involved in raising and caring for numerous pets. when i saw the retired dogs, they looked sad and lonely, so i said to myself: if i am elected president and i live in residence, i can greet you. farmers claim that with their law, the authorities are depriving about a million koreans who work in this industry of a piece of bread, and depriving ordinary citizens of one of their fundamental rights. depriving people of their right to food is a crime of violence, so we will fight to protect their rights and ensure the survival of
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the dog meat industry and its workers. however, the taste habits of koreans are changing, many believe that this... due to a drop in demand , more than 40% of restaurants have closed, the vast majority of the population supports the law, the authorities give farmers 3 years to close down their business and promise financial support; after this period , violators will be punished with fines of up to 25 thousand dollars and imprisoned for up to 3 years. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to
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the international exhibition forum. russia: certain categories of citizens are entitled to receive a state housing certificate, that is, a subsidy for the purchase of housing. who are they on we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions how much they can count on under what conditions. let's start with what is a state housing certificate? this is a personal certificate that entitles you to a subsidy for the purchase of housing. the certificate cannot be given, transferred later, cashed out or used for other purposes, it can only be received once in a lifetime, who has the right to it, do they look at income when the issue of issuing housing is decided... income level is not is taken into account because there are categories of citizens in front of with whom the federal government has an obligation to provide housing , these are migrants from the far north, these are veterans
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of baikanur, these are combat veterans discharged from military service and the ministry of internal affairs, these are former residents of zato and several other categories of citizens established for them by law. certain criteria, since they are a preferential category of citizens, but in order to improve the living conditions of obtaining a state housing certificate, they must meet several requirements established in the first place housing code, but without taking into account income. so, housing and communal services are available to beneficiaries - this is the first category, the second - those who are in dire need of improving their living conditions, these are those who do not have their own housing at all, citizens and families who... have an area less than the established standards can also apply subsidy, as well as residents of dilapidated buildings. if there are two families in the apartment and in one of them someone is sick with a dangerous chronic disease, this is
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also a reason to apply for ghs. how to improve your living conditions with the help of a certificate. the subsidy can be used to purchase an apartment in an apartment building. isolated room with a separate passage. residential premises in a townhouse of three or more blocks. per individual. residential building with courtyard buildings, including in rural areas. how much money will be allocated for this? the housing certificate does not have any initial fixed amount. the payment depends on the specific federal or regional program. at the same time , municipalities are based on the standard cost of one square meter of residential space, which is valid on the date issuance of gjs, and on family composition. a single person is entitled to 33 m. a family from. 42 people, of three or more people, 18 square meters each, that is, 54 square meters minimum. in some regions , increasing
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coefficients are applied to the standard cost per square meter, from one to 1.2, respectively, the subsidy will be greater. housing can be purchased at a higher price; you are allowed to pay the difference. this can be done, for example, at the expense of maternity capital, but if the price of real estate is less than the nominal value of civil housing, and... the subsidy balance, its owner will not will receive. the money arrives in a bank account. the owner of the certificate has 3 months to open it. the countdown will begin from the date of issue; within 7 months you must spend the subsidy, that is, buy housing. if the period expires, the transaction will not be completed, the certificate will be canceled and the account will be closed. we set the cost of ghs relative to the price set by the ministry of construction once every quarter and once every six months. for everyone. region, and in order for money not to depreciate, it is necessary to buy goods as quickly as possible, so let’s call it state housing certificate, this contributes
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to a greater, more efficient use of the federation’s budget funds. real estate can be purchased both on the primary and secondary markets, in any region of russia, the main thing is that it is purchased in its entirety, and the seller is not a close relative of the owner of the property. an exception is... when , after the purchase of the share, the premises are completely transferred to the owner of the certificate and his family. the subsidy can be used by those who have taken out a mortgage and shareholders. it is permitted to assign rights of claims under an agreement on participation in an equity construction. but the certificate cannot be used to pay off fines, late fees and commissions. but if you use the services of a realtor, notary or lawyer to register ownership, ghs will help. it is only necessary that... this was provided for in the purchase and sale agreement or participation in shared construction. how to get a certificate? to do this, you need to join the state program to provide affordable and comfortable housing and
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utilities to citizens of the russian federation. you can do this directly in municipality or contact the mfc. there you can also clarify what documents will be needed; as soon as you have received notifications of recognition as a participant in the program, you need to submit an application to the regional government authority in order to get on... the list on the state housing development committee. this must be done from january 1 to july 1. certificates are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. let's repeat the most important things. beneficiaries and those in need of housing can receive a subsidy for its purchase from the state. a housing certificate allows you to purchase real estate on the primary or secondary market. sum depends on the program and the standard cost of one square meter, which is established by the ministry of construction. housing may be more expensive, permits. the transaction must be concluded no later than 7 months from the date of issue of the certificate. do you have any questions, do you want to know what other ways
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to improve your housing? subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will consult with experts and will definitely tell you about this in one of the next issues of the manual.
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dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original program besagon tv, i hope you... and you will remember and enjoy.
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let's start with the situation in ecuador, where, after armed groups seized objects in cities across the country, a large-scale anti-terrorist operation is now taking place. the police reported that they had taken control of a television studio seized by criminals, all hostages, channel employees were freed, and 13 suspects were arrested. previously, bandits captured journalists live in the studio and broadcast all this is live. they had
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explosive devices in their hands. besides. doctors began to be taken prisoner.


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