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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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first, the latest reports from the special operation zone in the donetsk direction, the russian military killed up to 240 ukrainian militants per day, it was reported. with the support of aviation and artillery, fighters from the southern group of forces also destroyed enemy equipment. about the situation on the front line in the rear, where our military personnel are training at training grounds. reports by stanislav nazarov and mikhail andronik. with the support of aerial reconnaissance and artillery.
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preparing for work in the ukrep district of the armed forces of ukraine. retreating, the militants leave their positions and abandon their wounded soldiers. six people, so they crawled out from above the brusdver, one three-hundredth, here is one still lying, they are all right at the exit from this, their branding caught fire for this, the driver of a medical orderly of the motorized rifle battalion of the forty-ninth army during the evacuation of the wounded, he himself received shrapnel wounds, but managed to lead the group from the battlefield to save his comrades. i got a stab
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wound in the leg, in the arm, in the stomach, in the end we didn’t get confused, we quickly reloaded the wounded, took them to a safe distance, they helped me, my leg, they applied a tourniquet, well then they were taken to the hospital, at this training ground in the south donetsk direction, our attack aircraft of the 49th army practice their actions before carrying out combat missions, every turn in the trench, the distance between firing points...
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aerial reconnaissance, target coordinates are transmitted to the artillery. stanislav nazarov vitali kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, lead donbass. we are moving at night to the position of the eighty-fifth brigade, which, as part of the group of troops south , operates in the artyomovsky direction, our artillery is working on one side of the road, with the other is enemy artillery, but it is ready, mortars cover the dugout of ukrainian militants with shells, an explosion of such force that for a second it illuminates all the surveillance devices directed towards the clock, sometimes up to eight shots can be fired safely. sometimes there’s one deal, there’s a response
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right away, it even happens that when you reach a position the bird is already working, mortar men work day and night, at night they use red flashlights like these, red flashlights, they are less visible at night, after work the mortar is quickly camouflaged , the crew goes to a real bunker deep underground, here firewood crackles in a potbelly stove and cats purr, this is one of the training grounds of the lugansk people's republic, not far away. those who entered the zone for the first time and have already been under fire during the breaks between combat missions also train here at the front line. now the attack aircraft of the southern group of forces are working out their assigned task here. ready? yes, we are working, brothers! these are people who are ahead of the rest, that is, people who can get a one-way ticket, and this, as a rule, they are patriots, and there is no other motivation system for these people, not money.
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and there are no benefits, none, only patriotism. calmly, time after time , the military personnel of the assault unit practice the skills they have acquired, even those that it would seem that they mastered a long time ago. in fact, this entire complex of training, not everything is necessary, of course, but then reflexes are simply developed and which then help you in the future and, of course, help the comrades who are next to you. it's been boiling at the front for the last few days it’s hard combat work; our troops are advancing almost along the entire line of contact, and only occasionally do military personnel manage to take advantage of rare moments of rest. mikhail andronik, sergey eliseev, news of the lugansk and donetsk people's republics. improving the operation of communication systems, reconnaissance and target designation, as well as counter-battery warfare. the head of the department, sergei shaigu, spoke about the immediate plans of the russian ministry of defense. at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces, they also discussed the losses of the kiev regime over the years. main statement minister of defense and the new atrocities of mobilization
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in ukraine in the material of denis alekseev. the strategic initiative along the entire line of combat contact remains with the russian troops. our groups are methodically reducing the combat potential of ukrainian forces. well, take these numbers, announced by defense minister shaigu today. in 2023, vsushniki ended with losses of 215,000 personnel and 28 thousand weapons. and, despite such discouraging results, kiev continues to diligently mobilize the male population countries, sending soldiers, essentially one way. despite the exhaustion. human resources, ukrainian formations and lack of results on the battlefield, the united states of america is cold-bloodedly trying to realize its ambitions for world leadership at the expense of the lives of ukrainians. at the instigation of western curators, the kiev regime continues to recruit new soldiers, looking for any opportunities
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to replenish the ranks of the ukrainian army. of course, this will not change the situation on the line of combat contact, it will only prolong the military conflict, but. but when will it stop grab men, the ukrainian army will begin to rely on women. now active preparations are underway for this. the minister of defense of square reported on the purchase of 50,000 sets of women's military uniforms. the picture is very consistent; at the end of last year in kiev there was a loud discussion about a bill that would provide for the mobilization of women, and now the form for them is ready. and if you compare this with the colossal losses, everything comes together. acute shortage in person. composition, and military commissars scour the country, depicting conscription statistics as broad with smears, they take them not just one at a time, but in whole trolleybuses, as was the case the day before, or by tram, they stopped halfway and began to transfer from public transport to government-owned transport, on it without stops to
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certain places, they already packed a full bus, they want more, well the mobilized infantry have no time for training at all; they are immediately thrown into the trenches, which they surrender at the first assault from our side. there is no hope, here is the footage of the capture of a strong point in a forest belt by our motorized rifles worked harmoniously, without losses, adjustments to the actions were carried out from a drone, the military personnel abandoned their weapons and fled, well, who had time, someone was captured, this is the picture now emerging of kiev’s losses in equipment for the entire time of the special operation: more than 10,000 drones, under 15,000 tanks and other armor, under 20,000 different special equipment, ukrainian team? has already climbed into all the reserves that are possible, kiev’s partners seem to be no longer eager to make up for what was lost, they have cooled down, the russian army is entering the new year with fairly clear plans to increase supplies of in-demand weapons models, for example, to form a serial line of drones, from ultra-small
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to heavy strike, this was also emphasized today by sergei shaigu. our immediate plans are to improve the operation of the communication system and increase the efficiency of using modern means. and even business projects, in a year 30 agreements were signed with companies on such inspections, how they are carried out, were discussed by vladimir putin and the head of rosprirodnadzor svetlana radionova, the president asked how to control air quality near large factories, how the situation with harmful emissions in the caspian and baltic fields, and also
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asked what a bear patrol is, my colleague anastasia efimova will tell you about everything in order. not just a weekend holiday with occasional subbotniks. this is exactly how the head of the department sees the main tasks of rosprirodnadzor, as she recalled. at a meeting with the president, the country today is implementing a national ecology project, the largest in russian history, and this is a clean country, within which landfills are eliminated and reclaimed, created on the initiative of citizens general cleaning and improvement of water bodies; eight largest ones, including the don, irtysh, and angara, have already been examined by specialists. like ours in kas5, our oil and gas companies work there, our oil and gas companies. the company meets high standards , we have no questions for them, not a single unauthorized discharge has been recorded, we are very
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strict about this, and they provide us with access, even now during the moratorium period, we calmly attend even preventive visits at their invitation, all objects, we do not have any by and large, there is no conflict in this regard; all our platforms that have zero discharge in the caspian sea, we also have the same situation in the baltic.
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approved their programs, many people change sometimes this is so, but now all enterprises have technological solutions, no one has stopped, the replacement of technical solutions does not affect, even if it exists, we have it for two objects, it does not affect the final result, now we we are waiting for real results by the twenty-fifth year, all companies have taken not one has taken on obligations... one has not stopped, this is our task, and separately, this is motor transport, this task is being fully realized, motor transport is not only changing in twelve cities, but is becoming environmentally friendly everywhere. rosprirodnadzor has 3,500 employees, which is not a lot, especially considering the geography of the country and the scale of the tasks assigned to the department. now, on your instructions, we are implementing such a large-scale experiment, probably, as consulting , remember, business russia, alexey repek asked you to give the controller an opportunity. advise business at an early stage, and you allowed it, they asked us, as, probably, perhaps, the most unpleasant
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controllers for them at that time, and we concluded 30 agreements with companies, these are not just papers, we accompany projects, help shorten the investment cycle , find the best cost-effective solutions, when the company naturally wants to save money, but achieve results, fines 17 more than 17, we collect fines, of course, providing business support, we... to those who do not pay, we accept the most sormomye, you said in the message, the violator pays , everyone remembered this principle, and we are clearly implementing it, environmental protection is becoming more and more technologically advanced, svetlana radionova, for example, reported to the president on the introduction of the plasma-chemical destruction method, thanks to which any waste is literally decomposed into molecules, including those dangerous to humans and animals, because their well-being is also within the competence of rosprirodnadzor. i see you have opened the slide. on the bears - this is probably our most enjoyable mission: we monitor protection of red book animals, we rescue
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the wounded, house confiscated ones, our largest, probably protected predator, the smartest animal in russia, these are polar bears, this is our pride, an arctic predator, we managed to save 17 bears over the past 4 years, four of them are placed in the zoo, because they could no longer be returned to nature, we try as much as possible to leave the rest in nature, of course... to make it a kind of national symbol, with its help, by analogy with chinese
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pando-diplomacy, to build friendly relations with foreign partners. by the way, despite global challenges, the country fulfills all its international obligations, and environmental conservation is no exception. anastasia efimova, lead. well , a participant in the tree of wishes campaign, eight-year-old kristina from yuzhno-sakhalinsk, was personally convinced of the cleanliness of the water and air on lake baikal. the president helped fulfill his old dream of seeing the deepest lake on the planet with his own eyes, ksenia kolchina found out how the trip went, let’s jump! kristina sin and her dad say hello to their native sakhalin shores of lake baikal. the girl had previously seen the great lake only in pictures and videos, but now she happily glides across the impeccable baikal ice. and now he is building a tower from crystal-transparent pieces of ice. in the hands of a snow-white seal is a favorite toy that will remind you of your first meeting with baikal. when i saw baikal, my
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heart just felt very warm. kristina's dream from yuzhno-sakhalinsk obaykal. vladimir putin performed the wish tree for the all-russian charity event. she hasn't been here for 3 days was separated from baikal. this remains in the memory for a lifetime, especially when at the end of the trip the president of the country calls. christina, good afternoon. hello. hello, do you recognize me? yes. nice. listen, i really wanted to know how you relax, do you like everything? is this exactly what you dreamed of? yes, i like it very much. christina, you were also in the museum, right? yes, i was, i was also in this museum, i looked, i really liked it, and you, i really liked it too, yeah, and you also dived, dived into one lake baikal, well i dived virtually, yes , yes, you weren’t afraid, no, i also dived, but not virtually, on such a bathyscaphe, the world
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is called, almost 2.0 m, eight-year-old christina has not yet taken geography at school, but the map of irkutsk. the area has now come to life for her. irkutsk, listvyanka, slyudyanka, toltsy, kultuk. each name is associated with vivid impressions. the whole family is delighted with their new region. the president asked the girl’s father what it was like on sakhalin now. i wanted to ask not even about your trip, but about the location your residence in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. something is happening there, visible changes in recent years, in recent years. our city is transforming, becoming better and better. and recently they opened a new airport for us. yes. great, yes, we have been planning to do this for a long time, the dynamics are felt, yes, of course , yes, it is felt, it was important for me to hear from you, too, from an adult who lives there and watches all this every day. siberian landscapes sometimes remind them of their native island, for example, a ski slope. you can admire baikal right from the shore, or from a height of 900 m. this is the city of
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baikalsk. the eastern shore of the lake is where the ski resort is located. the girl happily posed for the photo fearlessly. it seems that she is not afraid of anything, an excellent student, a successful athlete, she has a level in sports aerobics, now she is moving into acrobatics, all this despite the diagnosis, immune neutropinea, blood needs to be tested every 2 days, immunity is supported with drugs, so christina has another one a cherished, not even a dream, goal. i want to become a doctor to help people and do something good for the world. in a telephone conversation, vladimir putin wished the girl to achieve everything she dreams of. i want to wish you the best in the new year, success in your studies, in sports, in your hobbies, so that you enjoy everything you do and achieve good results. i hug you, my dear, all the best to you. thank you, i want to say
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thank you so much for fulfilling my dream. i want to wish you a happy new year and a merry christmas, i want to wish you health, happiness and that all your dreams also come true. thank you very much, christina, and have a nice trip home, hugs to you. today kristina is returning to sakhalin, but the girl did not say goodbye to baikal, because she is already planning a new trip to its shores this time in the summer. and there is now no doubt that it will take place. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, viktor strotsky, irina kharlamova, anna kolk, magomed otsaev, news! to fighters who are recovering from vyacheslav volodin visited the military hospital in saratovo, state duma deputies are working in their constituencies these days. the speaker of the lower house spoke with doctors and military personnel, members of the military military district, and wished them a speedy recovery. how are things going with you? how is the treatment? great. god bless.
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maybe some requests have enough of everything. they also deal with electricity supply, heat supply, everything necessary to provide light and heat to the city,
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moscow, the mayor and his team helped us a lot, here they are fully involved in all areas, for which i am very grateful, as well as a large number of our construction companies, it took significant efforts to mobilize the ministry of emergency situations, which participated from the first... day of the law enforcement block, after a series of procedures, this boiler room is located today in our management, consider it already owned, this means that we can open an investment program for its modernization and adjustment of heating networks, at the same time, now out of 173 houses at the time of our interview, 122 houses are connected to heat, but not simply connected, and accordingly the heat came into the apartments. the international swimming federation recognized the world record of russian swimmer kliment kolesnikov, which he showed at the russian cup final in kazan last july.
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the press service of the association reported this today. kolesnikov, let me remind you, became first in the 50m backstroke. he completed it in 23.55 seconds. and he surpassed the achievement of american hunter armstrong, set a year earlier. in december , twenty-three-year-old kolesnikov announced that he refused to compete at the olympics. certain categories of citizens have the right to receive a state housing certificate, that is, a subsidy for the purchase of housing, who they are,
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how much they can expect under what conditions, we will tell you in 5 minutes in the program instructions. let's start with what is a state housing certificate? this is a personal certificate that entitles you to a subsidy for the purchase of housing. the certificate cannot be given as a gift, inherited, cashed or used... it can only be received once in a lifetime by whoever has it right , do they look at income when the issue of issuing a housing certificate is decided , the level of income is not taken into account, because there are categories of citizens to whom the federal government has obligations to provide housing, these are migrants from the far north, these are baikanur veterans, these are combat veterans , dismissed from military service and... the ministry of internal affairs are former residents of zato and several other categories of citizens, for them certain
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criteria are established by law, since they are a preferential category of citizens, but for the improvement of housing conditions for obtaining a state housing certificate, they must meet several requirements established primarily by the housing code, but without taking into account income. so, ghs is readily available. this is the first category, the second - those who are in dire need of improving their living conditions, these are those who do not have their own housing at all, citizens and families whose area is less than the established standards can also qualify for a subsidy, as well as residents of dilapidated buildings. if there are two families in the apartment and in one of them someone is sick with a dangerous chronic disease, this is also a reason to apply for ghs. how to improve your living conditions with the help of a certificate? the subsidy can be spent. for an individual
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residential building with courtyard buildings, including in rural areas. how much money will be allocated for this? the housing certificate does not have any initial fixed amount. the payment depends on the specific federal or regional program. at the same time , municipalities are based on the standard cost of one square meter. it is allowed to pay the difference, it is possible done, for example, at the expense of maternity capital, but if the price of the property is less than the face value of the civil partnership, its owner
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will not receive the remainder of the subsidy. the money arrives in a bank account, the owner of the certificate has 3 months to open it, the countdown starts from the date of issue, within 7 months it is necessary to spend the subsidy, that is, to buy housing. if the period expires, the transaction will not be completed, the certificate will be canceled and the account will be closed. we set the cost of gas filling stations relative to the price set by the ministry of construction once a quarter and once every six months for each region, and so that money does not depreciate. that is, it is necessary to essentially purchase goods as quickly as possible, so let’s call it a state housing certificate, this contributes to a greater, more efficient use of the federation’s budget funds. real estate can be purchased both on the primary and secondary markets in any region of russia, the main thing is that it is purchased in its entirety, and the seller is not a close relative of the owner of the civil housing estate, the exception is when, after the purchase
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of the share, the premises are completely... transferred to the owner of the certificate and his family. subsidy those who have taken out a mortgage and shareholders can use it; assignment of rights of claim under an agreement for participation in shared construction is allowed, but the certificate cannot be used to pay off fines, late fees and pay commissions, so you can resort to the services of a realtor, notary or lawyer to register ownership rights, public housing construction will help, it is only necessary that this be stipulated in the purchase agreement... how to obtain a certificate? to do this, you need to join the state program to provide affordable and comfortable housing and utilities. citizens of the russian federation. this can be done directly at the municipality or through the mfc. there you can find out what documents you will need. as soon as you have received notification of recognition as a participant in the program, you need to submit an application to the regional government authority in order to be included in the list on the state housing development association. it's
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necessary. from january 1 to july 1, certificates are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. let us repeat the most important thing: beneficiaries and those in need of housing can receive a subsidy for its purchase from the state. a housing certificate allows purchase real estate on the primary or secondary market. the amount depends on the program and the standard cost of one square meter, which is established by the ministry of construction. housing may be more expensive, but funds may be added. a deal is necessary. teach no later than 7 months from the date of issue of the certificate. if you have any questions, if you want to know what other ways there are to improve your living conditions, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, and we will consult with experts and be sure to tell you about it in one of next releases of instructions.
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they re-educated one, say goodbye, be on your way, don’t go to hell, let’s get the next one, but what kind of hole are you really going to be mean to me?


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