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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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it is engulfed in an armed rebellion, large-scale clashes between criminals and army police have occurred, and by this time diplomats have no information about the injured russians. in the lugansk people's republic, the fsb detained two people on suspicion of espionage; the intelligence services believe that they were obtaining important information for the kiev regime, including data on the deployment of units and military equipment. yakut schoolchildren stayed at home; due to extreme cold, classes are conducted remotely using thermometers. -50° the capital of the republic of yakutsk was covered with frosty fog, apparently dropped to almost zero. the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were detained in poland. the court deprived both defendants of their parliamentary mandates, and therefore their immunity; the former officials had previously been convicted in a case of abuse of power. the russian embassy in ecuador strongly recommends that you refrain from traveling to this latin american state, being in... is now mortally dangerous, local gangs
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have started a large-scale rebellion throughout the country, at least eight people have already died, this is only official data: criminals prisons and educational institutions are being captured, shootings are taking place right on the streets, more about what is happening in ecuador, svetlana chmykhala. journalists from an ecuadorian television station sob and pray after nearly dying at the hands of bandits. armed men in hoods. they broke into the studio during a live broadcast, threatened employees with grenades, and put a tratil bomb in the presenter’s pocket. police special forces were sent to storm the television studio and managed to neutralize and arrest 13 members of the group. but this is only a small victory against the backdrop of rampant banditry. shooting continues in the streets, including a few meters from the government building. even grenade launchers were noticed among cartel members.
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footage is circulating on social networks showing how a schoolgirl was wounded on the street; a policeman is trying to save the girl. at an ecuadorian university, according to unconfirmed reports , dozens of students were killed; others, along with teachers, barricaded themselves in classrooms. armed people attacked the city's high school. local residents are in panic, some are trying to take refuge in their homes, others are running to the next one. the peruvian authorities sent special police forces to the border, martial law was declared in ecuador itself, there was a riot in at least five prisons, prisoners were holding 125 security officers hostage, the president was being demanded to lift martial law and remove the army police from the streets. for the purpose of intimidation, they publish videos of demonstrative murders of security guards. chaos in the country began
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after the leader of the largest gang in ecuador , nicknamed fita, escaped from prison; as local media write, his group essentially controlled the prison. we they noticed that one of the prisoners was missing from the cell; the national police, together with the army, continue to investigate. the president of ecuador has already made it clear that he will not agree to negotiations. a state of emergency was declared in the country, the army was ordered to destroy all criminal groups. chemkhalo, olga punamaryova, news. fsb officers detained two residents of the lugansk republic for espionage. according to operational data, they worked for the ukrainian special services. one of the detainees collected information about the locations of units and military equipment, folk police and other security forces. another obtained information about law enforcement officers and transmitted it to the sbu via telegram. a case has been opened against both of them under the article of espionage.
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ukraine’s main ally has switched to a strategy of ignoring: the white house is delaying the deadlines for previously approved deliveries; the nasams anti-aircraft missile system has not yet arrived in kiev; it was delivered to ukraine last year. canada promised, having previously agreed on production with the united states, but the white house said they didn’t remember and there were supposedly no agreements. journalists from the washington post, the mouthpiece of the american intelligence agency, also changed their shoes and said that if the states had not promptly reduced the scale of military aid supplies, russia would certainly have used nuclear weapons. in washington, fears about nuclear escalation reached a fever pitch at one point. according to american intelligence estimates, moscow was considering the possibility of launching a nuclear strike on. three scenarios that could be used in the event of defeat on the battlefield. this could not be allowed, so the decision to reduce military packages help was obvious. according to journalists, this is how the united states prevented the conflict from flaring up and allegedly led the armed forces of ukraine to imaginary stability. however, european experts
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refuted these theses. according to the former mi 6 intelligence officer, western propaganda is increasingly manipulating facts and is doing this only to enrich its own reputation. i really hope that in kiev they understand that the conflict is almost over, but judging by what i see, the ukrainians for some reason still believe in their victory, both those who believe and those who those who are fighting are different people, and for the former they are now very diligently creating narratives that the west has won again. this is done by substituting concepts. all the newspapers write: russia lost because it did not take kiev, but moscow never declared such goals, they simply do not need it. at the same time, the number of seriously wounded ukrainian armed forces soldiers has increased by 30% over the past few weeks. this was reported by abc with reference to the head of the doctor of the dnepropetrovsk hospital. the doctor claims that the exhausted hospital team has to perform about 100 surgical procedures every day. operations. there is an acute shortage of equipment and medicines, but
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kiev does not have the money to buy all this. the general director of the center for analysis of european policy in washington said that while the united states is dragging its feet with money, kiev is suffering defeat after defeat. alek komarov, news! now economic news, maria filippova joins me, mash, good morning, the russian economy will continue to grow, unlike the global one, the world bank has clarified its forecast. good morning, roma, yes, in russia gdp will increase by 1%3, but the world economy will indeed show weak growth. world the bank raised its forecast for russian economic growth in the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth years, in both cases by 10%. it is expected that this year gdp will grow by a third of a percent, next year by almost a percent.
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this will be the third year of slowdown in global growth, we will see a figure of around 2.4%. last year it was 2.6%. and the global economy still faces many risks. the us department of energy has revised upward its forecast for global oil demand. now this year growth is expected to be almost 1.5% or 1,400,000 barrels per day to 102.5 million. this is 12,000 more than in the previous forecast. it is worth noting. that the ministry usually tries to lower expectations for oil prices, but then, apparently, they remembered that american shale producers need to sell their goods, their production is growing, so financial times writes about the possibility of the brand rising to $100 per barrel this year. the analysts cited by the publication have an interesting hypothesis:
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such growth will supposedly be caused by the actions of russia, iran and china in cyberspace aimed at to disrupt the us presidential election. the world bank and morgan stanley are forecasting lower prices. $81.77, respectively. china has become the number one auto exporter in the world thanks to russia. the wall street journal and reiter pointed this out. over the past year, china supplied 3,830,000 passenger cars to foreign markets. japan fell behind by 330,000 and thus lost the championship. the main factor here, of course, is the russian market. if in the twenty-second we sold only 160,000 chinese cars, then in last year according to preliminary data. already about a million, that is, a six-fold increase , in terms of the most modern trends, china is also ahead of the entire planet in sales of electric vehicles, which are also taken into account in the statistics of passenger cars; the byd concern overtook the world leader tesla in the fourth quarter. as if on cue, intel announced
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the release of automotive chips with artificial intelligence. aqualcom and the bosh concern are going to develop a full-fledged automotive computer with information processing, entertainment, of course, from... artificial intelligence, this trend in the auto industry seems to have become one of the main topics at the annual industry exhibition in las vegas. experts do not rule out that the largest western it companies want to launch a stock exchange wave similar to the one that nvidia picked up last year, only the topic of consumer artificial intelligence, like “gpt” and others, has already been played out, which means we need to figure out what to do still attract everyone's attention. well, at the end of the exchange rate, the dollar today is 90 rubles. 40 kopecks, euro 98.98 kopecks. roman, mash, thank you, now to the latest message: two residents of the lugansk republic are accused of espionage, they were detained by the fsb. both worked for the ukrainian special services and were getting ready. information about law enforcement officers and the deployment of military equipment, they now face
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up to 20 years in prison. russians are advised not to travel to ecuador for now, our embassy issued a warning , there is a large-scale rebellion in the country, local gangs are seizing prisons, educational institutions and a television center, at least 10 people have already died. movement trains were closed after the accident, opened in both directions, the tracks were repaired, and the delayed trains were sent along the routes. let me remind you that the day before , 14 cars left the reals during the stretch. the world bank has improved its forecast for russia. the economy is expected to grow over the next 2 years, with global gdp growth rates in the first half of this decade expected to be the lowest in 30 years. today you can try pies with smoked bream, take a master class on icon painting and see the best fabrics at vdnkh. on exhibition forum of russia. ivanovo region, how industry is developing in the region and why tourism is gaining momentum, reporting by
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kristina lonenkova. ivanovo region is a textile region. we produce over 80% of the country's cotton and almost 75% of the country's knitted fabrics. high-tech production is developing. one of the companies creates fabrics with a membrane layer of its own design. now thanks. photoprint company has the ambition to become number one in the country in the production of membrane fabrics, for this we are with the company, we conclude a special investment contract with the ministry of industry of the russian federation. what will this allow? this will allow us to save some taxes and invest them in production and, i hope, become the number one company in the country for the production of membrane fabrics. this means that enterprises need young personnel, and the region can prepare them, starting from school. for the second year now, a solarium center for identifying and supporting gifted children has been operating in ivanovo. it was created following the example of the sochi sirius, here they teach advanced education programs,
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conduct scientific sessions and specialized shifts. children in solaris can not only get acquainted with the basics, but also study the subject in depth in individual disciplines, gain knowledge at the non-school, university level. medical facilities in the region are also being actively updated; they are being repaired under federal and regional programs. last year , a children's diagnostic center opened its doors in spacious rooms for young patients. one of the achievements of the ivanovo region is the complete elimination of transport isolation; now our region is connected with all other modes of transport, from ivanovo airport we fly to...
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more comfortable for life and tourism, because there is something to see, for example, gavrilov pasad, the palace factory complex, there are several thousand exhibits, five museum halls, and this is shuya, the capital of russian christmas, its indispensable attributes, travel on a retro train, an exhibition, light installations and a fair, here in small shaale houses guests can purchase handicrafts created by craftsmen from all over the region, as well as purchase farm products, event tourism has become one of the drivers of the entire tourism industry in the region thanks to the luchok festivals, russian venice - a holiday of russian traditions, the ivanovo region
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is known throughout the country. kristina lonenkova, armen markaryan, vesti ivanova. the krasnodar territory will become a pilot region for the creation of an electronic map of fertile soils for viticulture and winemaking. this industry is being especially developed there. the goal of producers is not to copy wine, but to create. so the real test for kids today is a conversation with a famous contemporary, president of the kurchatov institute mikhail kovalchuk. it’s no secret that before the sanctions we used, including more expensive foreign production, but there are still a lot of them in factories, so i think this is a priority task. well,
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well done, i invite you, you have good equipment, you have seen a lot of things, i invite you to the kurchatka institute so that you can take a look. defense also produces, so the krasnodar region will become a pilot region where they will create a virtual soil map, it is necessary to make a map of the kidneys, so we decided now we are agreeing to start with a pilot project specifically in the krasnodar territory, we have a database, we will add space images, drones and everything else to this and do a full analysis, a map of the distribution of microelements of one and two , that's it now... do it, do it in digital form, this digital map of kuban, then after this we can take the next steps, there is crimea, dagestan, a full study or survey of the soil of kuban in the whole region is fundamental for us it’s important, because what we’re talking about today is that today we already have 30,000 hectares of vineyards, and we’re saying that the limit of vineyard land is another 30.00 hectares, well
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, about a plus, but how much in reality, well, we must protect every hundred square meters.
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wine in russia is our wine, kuban, krasnodar, and we can do more , so that we fill the niche as much as possible with our wine, this is the economy for our region, and you , i am sure, will work in this industry in the nineteenth year on the initiative of the president , a law on viticulture and winemaking was adopted, its main position is that russian wine must be 100% produced from grapes grown on its territory, we are reviving our winemaking.
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spain, portugal, algeria, which disappear, they make wine from it, bodyazhes bring it here, to... the european figure skating championship starts in latvia, representatives of the russian team are not allowed to compete, but there will be a lot of russians there. yes, roman, 27
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russian-born skaters will compete at these competitions for 15 others. national teams, there are many russians among the coaches who traditionally highly rated among specialists in this sport. on january 26, the kast court of arbitration for sport will consider the appeal of the russian olympic committee on the suspension of membership in the international olympic committee. the fact is that on october 12, mok temporarily suspended the roc from membership in the organization due to the fact that he included the representation of the dpr, lpr, kherson, and zaporozhye regions in its composition. disengagement assumes that the ocd can no longer handle it. as the national olympic committee and receive funding from the olympic movement, could say that the admission of russian athletes to the next olympic games in paris and milan and the conditions for this admission are in no way behind the times. does not depend, however, if the decision to punish our national olympic committee for new territories is considered illegal, this will call into question the adequacy of other sanctions against our country. the international
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swimming federation world aquatics recognized the world record of russian swimmer kliment kolesnikov, which he showed in the final russian cup. on july 27, kolesnikov set a world record in the 50m backstroke, completing it in 23.55 seconds. the previous achievement belonged to an american. hunter armstrong, and on november 22, 2022, kolesnikov set a world record at a similar short course distance (22 seconds, wort aquatics ratified this achievement on july 6, 2023). last year, russian swimmers were allowed to participate in international competitions in a neutral status, but the country’s leading athletes refused to participate in competitions at the proposed conditions that most likely will not allow them to compete at the 24 olympics in paris. in hockey, cska returns to the top of the standings after a severe decline, the champion was destroyed by igor lorionov’s torpedoes, the army team scored seven goals, the goal of the nizhny novgorod team. plotnikov has a hattrick.
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the beginning of 2024 turned out to be difficult for torpedo; in a match with kuneluniy , one of the most important players, the team’s forward vasily atanasov, suffered a serious injury, after which a decline began and a visit to moscow to the current winner of the gagarin cup turned out to be bad for nizhny novgorod disaster, the score is 2:7. the advantage of the army team was overwhelming. torpedo's circling attacks did not work at all in this match. the teams frankly played out the third period, exchanging goals; it seems that torpedo is starting to have serious problems; the application of the team's goalkeeper coach nikolai khabibulin as a player no longer looks like something funny. moscow sports lost away to dynamo minsk 1:3, suffering their fourth defeat in a row. alexander volkov scored two goals for the belarusian club, sam scored an assist annas and taner frieds. spartak, having scored 67 points, dropped to third place. in the western conference standings. in the vtb united league. lokomotiv-kuban beat saratov avtodor away. 98-88 for the club from krasnodar, this is the sixth victory in a row. the match
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was an even fight until the final quarter, where avtodor came away with a three-point advantage. the final twenty minutes began with a powerful breakthrough by lokomotiv, the score was 15:2. the hosts made an attempt to win back, but were able to reduce the gap in the score to a maximum of -5. the kubans quickly restored comfort. they kept the distance until the end of the meeting, and the locomotive repeated its best result of the season in terms of points scored, failing to score its first hundred in the current regular season. now to football, zenit krasnodar have reached an agreement on the transfer of russian national team midfielder ilza takhmetov. the contract with the twenty-six-year-old player runs until the end of the twenty- fifth-twenty-sixth season and has been extended for another year. krasnodar reported that the midfielder activated the option in the contract and terminated agreements with the club. vyki will receive financial support. compensation in the amount of about 100 million rubles. zhakhmetov’s agent called the deal a transfer of the player to a top club. the footballer became zenit's fourth newcomer in the winter transfer window, along with the brazilians arthur, nino and pedro.
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manchester city striker earlene holland will leave the english club at the end of the season. the twenty-three-year-old norwegian forward will move to barcelona in the summer. it is noted that holland’s transfer to the catalan club has long been agreed upon; the blue garnet will pay 100 million euros for the player’s transfer. moved to manchester city from borussia dortmund in the summer of twenty-two, this season the twenty-three-year-old norwegian player played 15 matches in the premier league, scored 14 goals and made four assists. the transfermarkt portal estimates the football player's market value at 180 million euros. it was sports news, roman. ilya, thank you, we continue. the number of requests from russian exporters for relaxations in the sale of foreign currency earnings may. to grow, the amendments made to the presidential decree, the deputy head of the ministry of finance, give more reasons alexey mayseev spoke about this in an interview with interfax.
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maria slobodyanskaya looked into who the changes might affect. changes in the decree on the sale of foreign currency earnings by exporters and the resumption of foreign exchange transactions by the central bank will support the trend towards a strengthening of the ruble, experts say. starting today, the bank of russia has resumed operations with funds from the national welfare fund. the amount was announced back in december in the first one. in the first half of 2024, the volume of foreign currency sales on the market will be 11.8 billion rubles daily, but the figure may additionally adjusted depending on the oil and gas revenues of munfin, it will both sell and buy currency, and it will buy currency within the framework of the budget rule when the oil price is above $60 per eurols mark, that is, it will actually buy yuan from the market and will sell currency for ...
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government regulations appeared back in october, the rules were introduced for six months until april 30, 2024 and apply to 43 groups of companies. details of the decree were not published, but it is known that these are representatives fuel and energy complex, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical forest industry and grain farming. these changes, among other things, lead to the fact that the ruble will most likely be in the range from 80 to 90 rubles per dollar. if you give complete freedom to exporters, then most likely, due to different interests and different parties, they will not so actively exchange this currency for rubles, but for the state this is important, yes, because after all, there is no dependence yet and ran out of currencies, including unfriendly countries, according to the established procedure, companies included in the list must credit at least 80% of the currency to their accounts in russian banks
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within... 60 days from the date of receipt of funds, and within another two weeks they are required to sell at least 90% of the currency on the domestic market this amount. now, for some companies on the list, clarifications are being introduced, for example, they apply to those who have already switched to payments in rubles, although the contracts still stipulate otherwise. the changes will help avoid double conversion, while income accounts in russian banks must still be credited. another relaxation allows companies to reduce the amount of foreign earnings sold and the amount on foreign currency debts. some companies, exporters , also have foreign currency obligations, and must pay their external obligations in foreign currency so that double conversion does not occur, that is, the exporter receives foreign currency earnings, converts them into rubles, and then these same rubles are converted into currency in order to to pay their external debts, these companies for this amount -
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freed from the need for this double conversion, as vedomosti write, also one of the changes in the decree is granting the ministry of finance the right to give official explanations to companies on the rules for selling currency. the government commission for monitoring foreign investment is analyzing specific cases. until recently, it received two applications from exporters with a request to exclude them from the provisions of the decree. however, after all the clarifications are made to government regulations, there may be more of them. number appeals and forters to the government commission for control of foreign investment with a request for an exception from the norms of presidential decree no. 771 on mandatory repatriation and sale of foreign currency earnings may increase after changes made to it at the end of the twenty-third year. the main task of the rules introduced for exporters is to reduce fluctuations in the ruble. over the past couple of months, the russian currency has strengthened by more than 10% against the dollar, and although
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other factors influence its stability, the extensions of both experts believe it will depend on the general situation on the foreign exchange market, this is the same person who ran into the restaurant, it turned out to be an excellent film, the film is very entertaining. i’m delighted, let’s re-educate this major, it was so beautiful , it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​impressions, now i’ll show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, well, everyone heard it, the hall very often applauded, everyone in the audience laughed, wash where you can in the river, cool, well, i looked right
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in one breath, i was all there. so this is ok, that’s great, it was interesting whether it would get better or not, i had a question about my social status, well, it’s just great, there’s still something in it, serf first is my favorite movie, now there’s going to be a new one favorite movie, slave 2, we must be impeccable, simply awesome, then we need to do the techniques, slave 2.


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