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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 10, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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the volume of debt, its growth rate and budget revenues, it is mathematically impossible to pay off, analysts say. it is expected that in the future it will cost a trillion dollars a year to maintain it, and the printing press cannot be started again, because inflation will begin to accelerate. it was economic news, briefly. and now vladimir putin has arrived from chukotka on a working trip to the autonomous okrug today; the head of state is visiting the region for the first time in years. presidency in the region vladimir putin travels on an all-terrain vehicle, one of the president’s first stops was the private year-round greenhouse complex. a unique project for the district was implemented by one of chikotka’s families. vegetables are grown in a multi-story building; in a year, in permafrost conditions, it is possible to harvest almost 80 tons. this is ours, all the equipment is absolutely ours, so if we go through, i’ll show you our equipment on which. the administration
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helped us with the purchase of very convenient trolleys, they are fully functional, they walk on these rails, cucumbers are being processed very, very convenient, now let’s take a break for a couple of minutes, and then on our air is kirill vyshinsky’s program, typical novorossiya. this is the girl who ran into the restaurant , it was a great film, the film is very entertaining, i’m delighted, let’s re-educate this major, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​impressions, now i’ll show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, well, everyone heard it, the audience applauded very often. wash where you can in the river,
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cool, well, i watched it right in one breath, everything was there inside, that’s good, that’s great, it was interesting whether she would get better or not, i had a question about my social status, well, it’s just great, there’s still something in it, the first bug is my my the most favorite film, now there will be a new favorite film, kolop 2, we must be impeccable, the film is simply awesome, then we’ll have to do the techniques, serf.
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we will tell you everything about the elections in russia in detail, it is not difficult to understand them, it is important, it is honestly convenient, what is a ballot? my sister and i spent the whole day drawing the newsletter, wrote. candidates, they didn’t forget mom and dad
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, they very cleverly put in a lot of layers of protection, took colored markers, made watermarks , let’s go vote with him, choose mom and dad, but mom said, honey, your ballot is beautiful, only digital counting, the ballot is yours it won’t work, because in russia the ballots are marked better than money, they are very carefully secured, they have the most powerful protection, your trick won’t work, people. they choose honestly, but dad and i are very glad that we are your candidates, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, hello, kirill vyshinsky is with you, and this is the “typical novorossiya” program. our name says it all. we are talking about the territory that
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has returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the originality and... of its present day, to find typical features, recognizable signs of the past, that’s what we’ll talk about today. made in novorossiya, what the new regions of russia are proud of, what and how soon the new republics and regions can give the country, a conversation with a program expert. greater donetsk or donetsk-makeevka agglomeration? city, satellite of the capital. the russia exhibition, which continues its work at vdnkh, allows you not only to learn more about the country, how it is changing and developing, but
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to get closer to what its new regions can already give to russia. the republic of donbass is a region of mines and metallurgical plants. enterprises in the dpr, more than 70% of exports are coal, anthracide, coke, about twenty more rolled ferrous metals (cast iron), the most famous brands, donetsk and yanakievo metallurgical plants, komsomol mining administration. in the lpr, the main export flow is created by the alchevsk metallurgical coke and chemical plants, the ferroalloy plant, the krasnodon-ugol association and rovenki anthracite. in the republic. the food industry, production of dairy and meat products, and confectionery products is traditionally strong. kherson and zaporozhye regions are traditional agricultural regions, large expanses of arable land, and a mild, humid climate. according to the ministry of
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agriculture, this could give russia an annual increase in yield by at least 5 million tons of grain. kherson was still under soviet rule. arable land on which not only grains and sunflowers are grown, but heat-loving vegetables and fruits, including watermelons. now this garden is russian. there is a large livestock population. another 2 million hectares are the agricultural fund of zaporozhye. wheat, barley, peas, mustard, and rapeseed are grown here. people in the south are not the only ones who are proud. farming the kherson region is made up of limestones used in construction and metallurgy: sand, clay, and peat. in zaporozhye iron ore, manganese, and other minerals are mined. but the most important resource in varosia is people. highly educated
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, most with technical and engineering education, patriotic, hardworking and energetic. according to tax statistics in the republics. in two regions, since joining russia , more than 2 thousand new legal entities, enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership have been created. people trade, engage in transport, provide household services, work in agriculture, strive to establish as much peaceful life as possible in their territories. in total , there are more than 35,000 such enterprises in novorosiya. about what can proudly bear the name made in novorossiya in the story of anna efimova. store shelves are like rock abundance, baleik, servilad, salami, those who still have vivid memories of the
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just past new year's feasts can take note of these products for the future. lugansk sausages are selling like hot cakes. bring our products to rostov. donbass, beyond the conventional administrative boundaries of four new regions is a rarity, and it’s not just a matter of logistics, but the transition to new standards, including electronic veterinary certification. this plant is located right in the front-line zone and despite all the attendant difficulties, not only shelling, but also interruptions in electricity and water supply. work at full capacity, more than 150 types of products are produced here, those who believe that , as a rule, there is no smell of meat in sausages, should look at this process production. all products have a minimum shelf life and are made only from refrigerated raw materials. new technologies,
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of course, make it possible to take advantage of the fact that the sausage is stored longer, the intermediary, i mean now the retail outlet, is interested in taking it, it is easier to sell. but we are trying to follow the path of maintaining quality. in a way , a large-scale exhibition forum at vdnkh, in which all regions of the country take part, became a window to russia for new regions of their products. forum, of course is more of a presentational nature, but the producers of novorussia have great claims to their share in the russian market. here everyone demonstrates their brands and their potential. at the dpr stand, of course, they simply could not do without the black gold of donbass. we brought this coal literally the day before the opening of the exhibition, it is real coal, grade t coal, anthracite, anthracite in general, well , our property is the most energy-intensive type of coal, we are very proud of it. this fifty-kilogram piece was brought to moscow directly from the komsomolets mine in donbass,
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flagships of the dpr coal industry. this is one of the deepest mines in the region. in the summer , a new longwall was put into operation here. now the mine produces about 5-6 tons of coal per day. we generally use the jackhammer as end operations where combine harvesters cannot go. select coal completely. mining equipment is something that donbass can really be proud of. mash did not stop its production even in the most difficult times, but if in 2014-2015 the plant mainly repaired military technology, today they are increasing production and expanding sales markets. among the main customers of the siberian coal energy company, the products are in demand abroad. soon, the enterprise, along with several other largest factories in the region, may become part of a machine-building concern, the creation of which is currently being discussed in the republic. there are a huge number of machine-building enterprises here, i say this with
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pride, first of all, because - well , no other region has such a machine-building base, so our task is to preserve, this is the basis, in principle, for the development of any subsequent industry, in coal, and , accordingly, metallurgical, chemical, at the donetsk refrigerator plant they previously only assembled these units, and now they have begun to prepare them. them independently. refrigerator donbass. in the early sixties, it was the subject of dreams of thousands of soviet housewives. it turned out to be so reliable that some lucky buyers still have it in working order. however, the plant itself is still there in donetsk. of course, it changed its name, acquired a new modern equipment and now produces more than thirty types of refrigeration chambers for every taste, color and wallet, which are sold not only within the region, but in the largest retail chains throughout russia. the holding’s immediate plans include a new line of refrigerators and commercial freezers, which are very much
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needed in the region, because here in the donbass, they also produce the most delicious ice cream, the ice cream must be good, properly cooked, and high-quality raw materials, well, the soul is human, chestnut, squirrel and of course, everyone’s favorite chocolate ice cream in waffle cup, there are more than a hundred types of delicacy in total, lined rows of ice cream pass by on a conveyor line and... if the production process is more or less clear, then the exact recipe is a trade secret. however, the main components are obviously a good mood and local lugansk milk. with the inclusion of our territories into the russian federation, already last season we supplied products to the rostov region, the voronezh region, the republic of crimea, and even partly a small volume of products there left for moscow. the company will soon begin operating a new, improved line of conveyors. which will expand the already significant range. here we are sure that modernization is always needed, because those
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who stand still are actually taking a step back. many enterprises received the opportunity to update equipment by becoming participants in the free economic zone. this status significantly reduced, and in some cases completely relieved, factories of the tax burden. the freed up money is now working for enterprise development. lugansk plant lugamash is one of the oldest. the largest construction machine giants of donbass. since 1956, the plant produced 44,000 locomotives, which were used by countries throughout the socialist camp, but independent ukraine did not need its own locomotives. the plant did not collapse only because russian investors decided to invest in it in 2000. after 2014, the enterprise was seriously damaged due to shelling, but did not stop work, but refocused on producing spare parts. it is for electric locomotive, further along the span there are
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diesel locomotive bogies, now the plant has four workshops: mechanical assembly, gearbox, blanking and welding and a workshop for modernization and repair of diesel locomotives. lugamash produces bogie frames, diesel frames, mufflers, and track clearers for leading factories throughout russia. kolomensky, ubyansky, novocherkassky, and the recent creation of a single federal enterprise of the novorussia railway opens. repair of the existing locomotive fleet, which we have, let’s say, in separate depots, at today this is, of course, a very difficult task, but after this the development of our enterprise will begin, as first there may be a locomotive repair plant, and then, well, we must hope for a good, maybe locomotive-building plant. donbass can be called the heart of the real economy of russia;
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this region has always been in soviet times, and after the collapse of the union, during the years of independence in ukraine. was self-sufficient , which is probably why after the maidan he was able to survive many years of actual economic blockade, remaining not only afloat, but also competitive. anna efimova, valery sovelev, anastasia popova, typical novorossiya , we will talk to our team about what novorossiya can be proud of and which of its signature brands can become famous in greater russia.
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niche of elite consumption, and please, you can raise prices for it, it will be there like kiran, chinese, whatever, but then it will compete with them, then it must be supplied all year round, which means that this is difficult, but if you want just make money on the shaft, then prices should be lower, but they should be oriented to the average buyer, who will happily come and buy these cherries, then, for example,
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kherson watermelons have always competed with starkhan watermelons, but until now they had two... something else, but they will still have to compete, because that the market won’t clear things up for navrosia, they won’t kick everyone out of it. donbass coal and metal have been known for a long time and widely. what else can donbass surprise or
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offer donbass with big russia? because now the metallurgical industry. is experiencing certain problems in throughout the world, due to, say, cheap chinese metallurgy, due to the fact that it is difficult to enter the market outside one’s own state, then i think that if heavy industry is revived in the donbass, yes, then i would rely not only on mining and not even so much for mining and primary metallurgy, yes, but rather for metalworking for production, that is, and for mechanical engineering, especially since there are examples there, that is, we have them there now. they say that donbass is a metallurgical heart, yes, but there is enough the number of manufacturing enterprises , starting from lugansk, a diesel locomotive, by the way , the lugansk cartridge plant and so on , well, that is, there is something to be compared to, something to start with, so if we talk specifically about industrial brands, then i would develop there the production of products with high
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added value cost, but i would try to target these products immediately for production, not only for the domestic, but also for the foreign market. in order to compete not only and not so much with existing russian products on the domestic market, but in order to enter foreign markets and compete with the products of other countries , by the way , this is a great benefit for russia and the region, if we talk about other industries, we have already said many times that agriculture and tourism, yes - this is a klondike, this is not a plowed field , that means, where if we approach... the rehabilitation of german pilots in crimea, because from the point of view of german doctors, it was the best recreational area in europe, where they could take them, so wounded key pilots
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were treated there, and the azov coast, by the way too very much so, the azov coast is a long -known children's recreational area, here and there it is a sea for the children of pensioners, as it was called at one time, yes, that is, this is a really interesting region, there it has quite a large number of different opportunities, in the most again...
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to work out all the options for supporting the region, direct budget support, tax support, and customs support and so on, since all this is included in the concept of a special or free economic zone, thank you very much, it was. donbass did novorasia was at one time one of the most urbanized regions of europe. the absolute majority of its population became residents of large and small cities, factory settlements, back in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. today in the donetsk people's republic, where, according to various estimates, about 2,200 people live, only... 5% are villagers. donbass is famous for its urban agglomerations, a cluster of small towns and villages around larger ones, such as donetsk or lugansk,
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where the boundaries between settlements can be not to be. the buildings there are so dense. large urban agglomerations are one of the features of novorossiya. the oldest of them, odessa, arose in the south of the russian empire at the end of the 19th century, after the turbulent ones. development of the local port and commercial enterprises. in soviet times, the stimulus for urbanization and the emergence of a large number of cities in the region was mass industrialization. in the ossr, the donetsk agglomeration was the third largest after kiev and kharkov, and the donetsk-lugansk cluster of cities and the high density of their population, together more than 4.5 million, often compared to the ruhr, the industrial center of germany. which has turned into almost a huge metropolis with 5 million inhabitants. today, most of the donetsk agglomeration is located in the people's republic;
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avdievka and krasnohorivka remain under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. greater donetsk is often called the donetsk-makeevka agglomeration, mentioning the city of sputnik. in makeevka, the history of the city and today in the story of olga mokhova. the year 1690 is indicated on the makeevka coat of arms, the date of the first mention of the cossack settlement, however, back in the time of ivan the terrible for protection russian borders from the raids of the crimean tatars, guard posts were established here. at first , the settlers were engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding; they used combustible stone as fuel, as the peasants called coal, which was mined in the local steppes in the most primitive way. we have a model on display here. in such a peasant mine, that is, a hole or vertical well in the ground, where one or two people went down, manually chopped this coal, then
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with buckets of it, like in a well, water was released to the surface, since the middle of the 19th century this territory of the region of the don army, the government allocates large tracts of land to the local nobility for the so-called rank dachas, for faithful service, the family of isaul ivan ilovaisky owns 60,000 acres and he... organizes the first industrial coal mining here. the ilovaisky mine unites several mines, to which he gives the names of his children. ilovaisky is building the first in the donbass, generally an access railway, from the khartsiskaya station to his own - these coal mines of the makeevsky mine. this gives him it is now possible to export coal in large volumes to the russian domestic and foreign market. previously, this was coal removal. was carried out by chumatsky carts. ivan ilovaisky transports his enterprise for the repair of locomotives to makeevka; in 1885
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, the makeevka truboletet began operating at his base. plant later in 1898 his son dmitry founded the joint stock company union plant with the involvement of foreign capital. already at the very beginning of the 20th century, this was an enterprise with a full metallurgical cycle. donbass experienced such a metallurgical boom for a period of time. a huge number of metallurgical plants appeared. in total, around the seventeenth year, 18 metallurgical plants operated here. it was such a huge one.
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city, into city districts, it turned out that there were a lot of streets with the same name, in the city there were about ten lenin streets, the same number of pushkin streets, and so on. makeyevka, as an industrial region developed since the end of the 19th century, was known for many achievements in the russian empire, and then in the soviet union. in 1933 , the country's first blooming rolling mill opened here. large sizes. and in the forties, its metallurgists smelted twice as much iron as all metallurgical plants in poland. in 1907 , the first mountain rescue station, created by the decision of the congress of miners of the south of russia, appeared in the russian empire. in order to protect the working conditions of miners in the mines of donbass. just 4 years later , an original respirator was invented at the station; it was named
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makeevka. later , a research institute for safety in the mining industry was created here. the developments of his scientists were used not only in all soviet mines, but abroad. all sorts of non-spark starters then appeared, special lamps that did not give a spark when turned on. these are all makniy developments. a terrible page in the history of the city, the period of german occupation is reminded of it by the only monument to child donors in the countries of the former soviet union. in 1942, by decree of the commandant of makeyevka , the so-called kinderheim contempt children's shelter was created. over the course of 2 years, the nazis brought almost 600 orphans and street children here from two to 12 years. terrible things happened to the children there. firstly, they were poorly fed with various garbage, they were not looked after, and secondly, their blood was taken to be transfused to german
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wounded soldiers in the hospital. after the war , makiyivka enterprises, completely destroyed by the germans during the retreat, were restored rapidly; already in the fifties , the metallurgical plant reached the pre-war level; subsequently it produced a tenth of the rolled metal in the ussr, a third of the pipes of all the cast iron of the union, however, in independent ukraine, the city’s industry began to grow into desolation. a big blow to the coal industry was the closure of almost half of the coal mines during the ukrainian period. of the more than thirty mines that were part of the makel state enterprise, two remain today. mines, as well as metallurgical plants and two chemical plants, still make up the city’s economy. more than 12,000 people work here, however, these enterprises are only half full. but with integration into
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the russian... industry, they had prospects, but nine of our large enterprises entered and became participants free economic zone, for them it opens up new horizons, creates new jobs, expands the sales market , expands the range of products, new longwalls are launched in mines, modern technologies are being mastered by food and processing industry enterprises, a city with such a solid history simply cannot help but to be the future. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery sovelev. typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon. vladimir putin today on a working trip to chukotka. one of the president's first stops was a complex of year-round greenhouses. there are armed gangs in ecuador.


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