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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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the politicians were detained in a corruption case, despite the fact that president duda personally had previously issued a decree on their amnesty and even sheltered the convicted in his palace, but our correspondent in the region daria grigorova will tell you what consequences a new round of the polish political crisis could have. there are tens of thousands of people at the rally of supporters of the right to justice party, this is the largest protest since the party of kaczynski, morawiecki and duda lost control of parliament and government. main requirement protesters... while the protest is peaceful, after the end of the rally at the presidential palace, a march through the old city to the sejm building is planned. the parliamentary complex is already surrounded by metal barriers, the action was called a protest of free poles. supporters of law and justice came out to the rally after the detention of former head of the ministry of internal affairs mariusz kaminski and his deputy machiya wonzik.
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last month, a court sentenced them to two years in prison for abuse of power in 2007. before their arrest, they literally hid on territory of the presidential palace, whose owner is still their party comrade andrzej duda. we know that police forces are gathering in the vicinity of the president's office to detain us. but in the end, even the presidential palace did not save the two politicians from arrest. the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy were detained and taken to prison in tinted jeeps. president duda pardoned both kominsky and vonzik in 2015 . the president of poland still believes that his decree remains in force, although the day before the court decided otherwise. right in the party the justice of the verdict is called political. former prime minister matteuski criticized his replacement. for more than three decades , no one has been persecuted for their political views in our country, and until now there have been no political prisoners in the country. immediately after
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the arrest, supporters of the former ruling party began to gather for a protest. entering the presidential palace and imprisoning people pardoned by the president is a dictatorship and lawlessness. i don't want to live in a country where lawlessness reigns, that's why i here. both detained politicians went on a hunger strike in prison, and before the start of a large rally at the ministry of internal affairs, it was decided to transfer the detainees from the pre-trial detention center in warsaw to prisons in other cities. the current ruling coalition of poland in the resulting chaos -
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who believe in a fair and honest poland, i am deeply shocked by this situation, by the fact that they were put in prison. the scandal surrounding the arrest of the former head of the ministry of internal affairs and his deputy became a continuation of the conflict between the former ruling party justice and the current prime minister coalition. in early january, donald tusk, whom critics call a german spy and protégé of the european union, replaced the leadership of polish radio and television, but the old team refused to leave their jobs. and , apparently, the party...
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houthi provinces, he announced this on a local tv channel, stressed that the number of conscripts is in the thousands, and called on ansarallah supporters to continue combat training, demonstrations and marches. the houthis have repeatedly stated their readiness to join hostilities in the gaza strip on the hamas side. al-husiya also called on saudi arabia, which borders yemen, to ensure the passage of houthi ground units towards the palestinian enclave. failures in
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us foreign and domestic policy have brought biden's ratings to historic lows. recent polls show approval of his performance as president. only 39% of americans, the chances of staying in the white house are dwindling, so us citizens are now closely watching those who intend to replace the head of state, what the latest shows before the start of the price debate of republican candidates, whom the democrats from washington are preparing to release into the arena of the election battle, a report by our own correspondent dmitry melnikov. and yova, where the first republican primaries in the united states will be held on monday , was covered with snow and froze, moscow’s hand in this has not yet been seen, but it could not have happened without russia at the debates. two alternatives to trump, again without trump himself, he is here in iowa, having lost 10 kg, visiting the fox channel. a few hours before the start of the debate on
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the obvious outsider announced the end of his election campaign, republican chris christie, nicky haley and ron desantes are fighting for the vacant interest., there you can find out everything yourself. special attention is paid to the former us permanent representative to the un and the former governor of south carolina. haley is quickly gaining popularity, and not just among republicans. her company, as is assured, is also monitored by the white house. the hawkish position towards china and russia and, above all, support for financing kiev cannot but please the democrats. it's huge it is a misconception that we must make choices.
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elections in taiwan are already this weekend and the united states has announced that it will send a certain delegation to the island after the voting ; for some reason, they are urgently importing huge quantities of fuel to their neighboring military base in the philippines; the more alarming are the words of support for taiwan, which at a meeting with a representative of taipei said by speaker of the lower house mike johnson. of course we want to help, protecting taiwan is very important to us. beijing reacted sharply to these statements, calling. adherence to the one china principle. elections for washington takes a more responsible approach to taiwan, treats china's internal affairs and does not tolerate any external interference. the united states has openly made irresponsible remarks regarding the island's elections, which
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china has strongly rejected and has expressed extreme dissatisfaction with. in the united states itself , the problems are more serious. the liberal agenda has reached the point where it is being discussed in all seriousness at the republican debates. freedom for children to choose which toilet gender to use in schools. boys must go to toilets for boys, girls should go to girls' toilets. we should not allow the possibility of gender changes before the age of 18. days before the iowa vote, trump is asserting his former president's immunity in the supreme court. his participation in primaris in several states at once depends on the decision. the main intrigue is who trump will choose as his vice president in the event. victory, he assures that he has already decided, but does not name him, but promises with an iron hand to stop the bedlam into which, according to him , america has turned under the leadership biden. look at the bedlam that joe biden has caused, he can't govern, he can't even find his way off stage after
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a two minute speech. the largest deportation of illegal immigrants in history and the withdrawal of troops from countries whose names most americans have never even heard of. trump promises to fix everything, including the fraud case in ukraine. a lot of evidence has been collected, otherwise how to explain the statement of former verkhovna rada deputy, andrei derkach, who said that in 2022 , us secretary of state antony blinken demanded that zelensky organize his physical removal after the next publication
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of documents compromising the bidens. derkach announced illegal financial flows between the kiev authorities and washington curators. on april 21, 22, the ukrainian court transferred these 6 million cash cash, in agreement with representatives of burizma, to the disposal of the military unit of the main intelligence agency. department of ukraine, here is the number of this part, this is a secret solution, no one has seen it yet, after a period of time the northern streams begin to explode, there is an attempt on the life of dugin, prelepin, tatarsky, the leaders of the ukrainian special services do not hide the fact that they are carrying out political assassinations, terrorist attacks for extra-budgetary cash, that is, once again biden’s partners. corrupt business in ukraine finances terrorist acts,
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thus avoiding responsibility for corruption in ukraine. almost equal in ratings, the gap between trump and biden is 1%, both have every chance of not making it to the elections, the former president could face criminal charges cases and charges of sedition, the current president's general physical condition, and the election landscape in the united states may yet change radically. if trump. will still be removed from the election, then nicky haley will be the likely candidate from the republicans, but the democrats are also preparing their plan b, and this is not biden; if the party still decides that the current president is not worth running for a second term, he may appear in the arena another woman, it is no coincidence that the name of the former first lady, michelle obama, is increasingly heard here. dmitry melnikov and nikolai kotskin, news from washington. russian embassy in ecuador today. confirmed the information that there were no compatriots injured from the unrest in quito, in addition,
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russian diplomats working in the latin american country are safe, the head of the diplomatic mission, vladimir sprinchan, told our channel. at the same time , the ecuadorian authorities are still unable to completely stabilize the situation, so they will most likely have to ask for help from the united states. read more in artyom's material krosulina. ecuador is in a state of war against terrorism. plans to obtain from the usa. according to him , the country will exchange old russian and ukrainian weapons for modern american
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models. scrap metal, as naboa himself called the equipment at the army’s disposal, washington will most likely send to the ecu. now the ecuadorian army has 11 mi-17, 18 rszzo-grad helicopters, about 10 btr-60, dozens of air defense systems and manpads, soviet and russian production, and most importantly, thousands of ammunition spare parts for this equipment. however, american assistance, as experts believe, will not be enough. they point to the enormous influence of the drug cartels, which have sufficient resources to effectively confront the armed forces of ecuador. the main criminal groups spread their influence from prisons, and their main platform of activity is the ports, through which they transport cocaine from peru and colombia to the markets of europe and north america. it was control over these ports that turned ecuador into one of... the situation in the neighboring
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the state is being closely monitored by colombia and peru, which are strengthening control at the border, foreign embassies are warning their citizens against visiting ecuador, as stated by our country’s ambassador vladimir sprinchan, there are no casualties among the russians. we are in contact not only with the official authorities to understand the situation, but with our compatriots, with whom we have their connection, there is a connection in many cities. ecuador, there are about 500 of them throughout the country, we, of course, cannot reach everyone, but through the contacts that we have available through the employees of the honorary consulate in the second most important city of guayaquel, we are trying to monitor this situation , and we know for sure that at least today we have information about victims, or god forbid, there are no deaths. as of tuesday, ecuador is officially in a state of armed conflict.
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on january 7, after the escape from prison of the leader of the los zhenes gang, nicknamed. tournament, which of the olympic champions came to
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the village of mirny, how the starting day of the competition went, alexander abramov will tell you. kazan. usually these are hockey akbars, basketball unix and football rubin, water sports and gymnastics. now kazan is also a city of cross-country skiing. the mirny ski and biathlon complex was opened last year, but only now is the first major official race here: the fifth stage of the russian cup. in march of this year, we already held competitions here, olympic hopes , but these competitions were more like a show race, and today we have an official competition, a very important responsible start for us and we did everything.
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probably tyumen and kazan will be two of the world's real ski resorts. on the first day of the fifth stage of the russian cup , freestyle racing with a time trial. season leader veronika stepanova confidently won the 10 km race. this is two laps around the stadium. the distance was completed in 25 minutes and 18 seconds. no chance for rivals. 39 seconds of advantage over the closest competitor. for stepanova , this is already the eighth victory of the season at the russian cup. great. in total , 81 of the country’s best skiers took to the start line for the girls, including two olympic champions. in addition to veronica stepanova, this is tatyana sorina. we didn’t prepare for this start, i’ve been on skis for literally 10 days and fully prepared , and the main start will probably be in february, and the russian championships at the end of march, so we’ll prepare systematically. i was pleasantly
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surprised that such a complex had appeared , i was very glad that there would be one more place where the main event would be held. we would probably like to see the russian championships moved here more often; we would, of course, like to try running here in the summer, because the complex is really good, the track is very working. in the men's competition , 111 people took to the start, there were no surprises, alexander bolshunov won with a 47-second advantage over the closest pursuer artem maltsev. three-time olympic champion bolshunov is on a unique winning streak. it was the thirteenth victory in thirteen races.
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if you have accumulated loans and cannot pay them off, you can get out of the debt hole through the bankruptcy procedure, since november 2023 it has become more accessible. in this release, instructions for we’ll take 5 minutes to tell you what exactly has changed and remind you how this mechanism works. what
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is bankruptcy? this is a complete or partial write-off of debts from a person. he is officially recognized. unable to fulfill financial obligations and settle payments with creditors. after a citizen is declared bankrupt, neither banks nor collectors have the right to demand debts from him. the extrajudicial bankruptcy procedure through the mfc has been in effect for several years, but not all debtors can take advantage of it. there are a number of requirements. let's see what has changed here. before in total, the debt limit has expanded. previously, it was from 50 to 500,000 rubles. now, on the 25th , the enforcement proceedings were completed because the debtor does not have property to collect and others have not been initiated. now you can become bankrupt without court if you have a basic income, a pension
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or a monthly allowance in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child. you can submit an application one year after the presentation of the writ of execution, even if the enforcement proceedings have not been completed. in this case, there should not be property that can be turned against collection. in addition, the right to simplified bankruptcy has appeared for... those whose debts the bailiffs have been collecting for 7 years, but the debt has not been repaid or has been partially repaid. these amendments are designed to help socially vulnerable groups, these are pensioners, and these are people who receive benefits, well, in particular, as a striking example, these are young mothers who receive benefits for the birth of a child. previously, the law had only one norm, now there are... four such bases for norms. and one more important innovation. deadline after which it is possible repeated out-of-court bankruptcy was halved. now it's not 10, just 5 years. now
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about how everything happens. an application must be submitted to the mfc in writing. attach to it a list of all known debtor-creditors in the prescribed form. it must be filled out carefully. if you miss any of the creditors or any of the obligations, the procedure will not affect them. as for the list of creditors, the citizen himself can contact the credit history bureau, or through the state services portal and receive a full an extract, and of course, it’s not that they owe him an extract from the mfc, but he can apply and they will also provide him with this complete list. the mfc will check the applicant’s compliance with the established criteria and, within three working days , will include him in the unified federal register of bankruptcy information. from this moment the procedure itself begins, which lasts 6 months. during this period , property penalties are suspended, and the accrual of interest and fines stops. bailiffs
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cannot sell property to pay off debts, banks cannot write off money from accounts. the citizen, in turn, cannot take out new loans or issue guarantees. but there remain demands that the debtor will still have to satisfy. even during an out-of-court bankruptcy procedure, he must pay compensation. harm to life and health, pay compensation for moral damages, and if the person is an employer, it is necessary to fulfill obligations to employees. he is obliged to close all salary obligations, under contractual relations with the employees he employs, until this is done, more moreover, he can be brought to justice, and as a court judge in labor cases, moreover, he himself... these employees who will not receive their salaries, their profits, they can also apply to come out with their own initiative and also become included in the register
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of creditors . and remember the main thing, bankruptcy is a last resort; it has a number of serious consequences. for 5 years, when applying for a loan, you will have to warn the banks that you were bankrupt, and of course, this will reduce your chances of receiving funds. 3 years you haven't you will be able to work in the management bodies of legal entities. 5 years in insurance companies, investment funds and microfinance organizations, for a whole 10 years you can forget about the position of a top manager in a bank, so lawyers advise: plan your finances for several years in advance, you cannot collect loans without looking, it is important to understand what kind of debt you can pull the load in time to stop, it is obvious that if a person cannot cope with the financial, debt load, it exceeds... about 60-70% exceeds his income, but this is still a situation acceptable, unacceptable and simply
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a signal to action when a citizen has arrears on his obligations, that is, he cannot pay for housing and communal services, he is in arrears on consumer loans, for example , a car loan or the same mortgage. let us repeat, the most important thing is that out-of-court bankruptcy has become more accessible and the range has expanded. amount of debt, now it ranges from 25 thousand to a million rubles, new grounds have been added , you can submit an application if the main income, pension or monthly benefit in connection with birth and raising a child subject to a number of conditions, and you can also apply for bankruptcy through the mfc if the debts have not been repaid for 7 years or more. and finally, it became possible to undergo the procedure again after 5 years, but do not forget about the negative consequences, it is better to do it right. your financial capabilities and not bring the situation to bankruptcy. if you have any questions, if you want to know how to find a way out of a difficult financial situation, subscribe to our telegram
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channel, ask, and we... we’ll trouble the experts and be sure to tell you about it in one of the next releases of the instructions.
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dear friends, i suggest you watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
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protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, a special purpose in serving the law of the fatherland. vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday. it is celebrated on january 12th. i have outlined the main, key tasks for the coming year. our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you. still among priority tasks - identifying and eliminating violations of social and labor rights.


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