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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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the united states and its allies launched a missile strike on yemen. biden said the target was houthi rebel military installations. the us congress is unhappy that the president did not warn them about military action. russia requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday. the president named one of the key areas of the department’s work as ensuring russia’s interests in defense and security. in the white house
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of weapons and military equipment to the kiev regime. they officially announced the cessation of supplies the us doesn't have the money for this right now. previously allocated funds have run out and congressional approval is now required. almost 180 people remain hostage to bandits in ecuador. these are guards and prison staff. the leader of the country's second largest criminal gang said he was ready to surrender if he could be guaranteed safety. in response, the president offered to do this without any conditions. the us and britain launched a series of airstrikes in yemen last night. several cities were attacked at once, as reported by american television channels, cruise missiles were used tamahawk. according to yemeni media, sana'a international airport, the country's capital, came under fire. washington explains the massive attack by protecting ships in the red sea. the houthis are responding to the coalition's actions.
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the united states and britain launched a series of attacks on yemen, according to washington, the houthi military installations were attacked in order to maximally weaken their capabilities in the red sea, they hit warehouses with drones and missiles, as well as their launch sites, a fact attacks were confirmed by joe biden. today in my opinion instructions, us forces, along with and with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully struck a number of targets in yemen. the houthi rebels have used these targets as a threat to freedom and navigation on one of the world's most important waterways. the strikes are in response to unprecedented houthi attacks on shipping in the red sea. the strikes were carried out on the capital of the country, including, as skynews arabia tv channel reports at the international airport, a total of four provinces. the uk ministry of defense said london used four
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fighter jets and guided bombs in the attack, and the coalition carried out 23 airstrikes in total. in response , houthi officials stressed that the fire in the red sea will not stop. moreover, if the western bloc expands hostilities, yemen will be forced to attack us and british bases in the region. we will not hesitate to do everything in our power, american aggression will never go unanswered. the response to any american attack will be incommensurate with a recent operation. the real answer. will be much larger, we advise all asian and european countries to immediately refuse cooperation with the united states. in response to the bombing of yemen, the houthis fired their missiles. shortly after this , the israeli publication jerusalem post reported the shelling of the american embassy in baghdad. however, the pentagon clarifies that there were no precise hits on the building. in addition, yemeni sources claim that one of the american fighters was shot down over the capital. this has already caused discontent among american congressmen. one of the representatives of the democratic party said:
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biden did not warn anyone about the impending hostilities, despite the first article of the american constitution. in response, the head of the us state department, antony blinken, emphasized that the bombing of yemen is needed for defense, not for escalation. russia, for its part, has already requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. alek komarov, lead. the key area of ​​work of the prosecutor's office is to ensure russia's interests in defense and security, assistance in achieving svo goals.
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made a significant contribution to strengthening the rule of law. throughout their more than three-century history, prosecutors have convincingly confirmed their... significant, significant role, their special purpose in serving the law and the fatherland. and the modern prosecutor's office is one of the most important institutions of state power. all your activities are traditionally related to the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, ensuring supervision over compliance with federal and regional legislation. on behalf of the state you participate in legal proceedings processes, fight corruption. crime, contribute to the development of russia as a sovereign democratic state. the work of prosecutors is always noticeable. behind every decision, presentation or protest, warning or verification material, rights are restored and, what is extremely important,
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people’s faith in the triumph of law and justice. and this year our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you. as before, among the priority tasks are the identification and elimination of violations of social labor rights of citizens, control over strict compliance with legal rights, payments and benefits for participants in a special military operation and their families. and of course, i will note such a key area as ensuring the country’s interests in the field of defense and security, assistance in achieving the goals of a special military operation in the clear and timely execution of state defense order tasks, we should also increase efforts in the fight against crime and extremism, corruption and misappropriation of the budget. in the context of anti-russian sanctions, within the framework of anti-crisis measures, special attention is needed
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pay attention to supervision of compliance with legislation in the economic sphere. i would also like to draw your attention to such areas of your work as supervisory support for the implementation of national projects.
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the enemy is trying to seize the height from which it is possible to control the roads to the nearest populated areas. the movement of nationalists is monitored around the clock. war correspondent igor pikhanov talked with our soldiers. with the headlights off and in complete darkness, a military suv makes its way to the front line in the zaporozhye region. this is the only way relatively reach the front lines safely. batsy of the bars unit. military district delivers ammunition and food to colleagues, the front road, it is dangerous, it leads directly to the front line, including being visible by enemy means, so here you need to move quickly and carefully, the russian military also
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closely monitors the front line, any movement of enemy forces is recorded, kamik’s drones are immediately working on targets and secondly, our fortification, well, let’s say , trenches that were being prepared, well, more than one day, to the present, that is, everything is improving, being done, also our equipment , according to the russian military, the enemy has reduced the number of shells and professional attack aircraft, the number of attacks and shelling is decreasing, while there are still many combat drones, units are fighting them electronic warfare and air defense, the enemy has weakened, the enemy... clearly has a shortage of ammunition, most likely
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the enemy’s personnel has also lost somewhat in quality, perhaps as a result of our work, most likely as a result of our work, so the intensity on their part decreased sharply back in october, that is, there were mass arrivals, that is, when they snapped, snapped actively, aggressively, the bars unit defends... a strategic area that allows them to control the roads leading to front-line settlements, the militants are trying to occupy altitude, mass assaults were replaced by small sabotage groups, they are mainly activated in the dark, but the enemy’s attacks end in failure with heavy losses. at the moment, in front of us is the floodplain of the river, along it it is quite possible to pass through... there is a special area of ​​attention here, when it is dark, we sit on
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our ears, thermal imagers of course help, but not in all weather conditions, the service is very complicated in the sense that you need to look and listen, a rather dangerous place, let's say so. the militants are neutralized even as they approach their positions, the territory on the demarcation line is mined, all units of the ministry of defense work in close contact, artillery, tanks and tactical aircraft hit the enemy for almost professionalism and courage... all fighters on the front line have state and departmental awards. igor pikhanov, konstantin peonov, vesti, zaporozhye region. the united states has stopped supplying weapons and military equipment to ukraine. funds for these purposes have been exhausted. white house national security coordinator john kirby made the official announcement. he emphasized: kiev received the latest aid package. the statement followed a scandal involving the theft of 40,000 units of american military equipment intended for ukraine. olga panomareva has details. the pentagon was missing 40 thousand weapons
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equipment sent to kyiv. manpads, drones, and night vision devices evaporated before reaching the ukrainian army and could have been smuggled anywhere on the planet. that's exactly what the pentagon inspector's shocking report says. when he, as expected, began to run through the serial numbers of the equipment, it turned out that they were not listed in any database, that is, more than a billion.
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a journalistic investigation showed that an organized criminal group may exist in the us eu; it is involved in illegal arms trafficking and embezzlement of funds allocated to kiev for the military, as the publication writes, traces lead to the czech republic and slovakia, where ukrainian migrants are engaged in cutting trenches to the benefit of all parties; as prime minister, london insider cites a contract for the supply of 100. min to ukraine at 35%.
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this defendant spent the money on luxury hotels, drugs and escorts, the document says. under the new charges, hunter biden faces up to 17 years in prison. the defense calls the case against him politically motivated. the next hearing is scheduled for the end of march. in ecuador, bandits are holding there are 178 hostages, guards and administrative staff in the prisons. this is official data. the leader of the country's second largest gang announced his readiness to surrender after escaping from prison. subject to security guarantees, the head of state , in turn, invited him to do this without any conditions. let me remind you that on january 8, the president of ecuador declared a state of emergency in order to involve the armed forces in restoring control over the prisons, after which riots began in the country, bandits seized the local studio tv channel, university, school, 13 people died during the riots. now footage from the usa after
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the airstrikes. the houthis began mass protests near the white house on timees square , the protesters came out with palestinian flags, now they are on your screens with posters, they say: hands off yemen, freedom for palestine, on this poster, in particular , the demand to stop the bombing of yemen, people are demanding stop the bombing, finish the operation in the gas sector, there are a few more photos, there’s a rally just outside the white house. economic news, join me. masha, good morning, the ruble is strengthening, what is this primarily due to? good morning, roma, the impact was made by the announcement of the sale of currency and the details right now. the ruble is strengthening amid the announcement of currency sales by regulators. following the results of the previous trading session, the national currency strengthened against the dollar, euro and yuan. the american exchange rate dropped by 74 kopecks during the day. euro for 84, yuan for 9 kopecks. the need to sell
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currency arose due to the fact that russia's oil and gas revenues in december. almost 200 billion rur below forecast. according to the budget rule, the ministry of finance will sell currencies worth more than 69 billion rubles from january 15 to february 6. the daily volume will exceed 4 billion. the central bank will support the ministry of finance in the first half of the year, adding to its operations the sale of foreign currency for almost 12 billion rubles. trade turnover between russia and china in 2023 increased by more than a quarter and exceeded $240 billion. this is a new record. the statistics were published by the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china. exports to our country increased by almost one and a half times, imports from russia by more than 12.5%. in the twenty-first year, trade between the two countries increased by about a third to $147 billion. in 2022, the figure increased by almost 30% and amounted to 190 billion.
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vladimir putin and chairman of the kenr sidinpen previously set the task of increasing the volume of trade in goods and services by the twenty-fourth year. let me remind you that on january 1, russia became the chairman of brix for the coming year, which began with the accession of five new states to the association: saudi arabia, the united arab emirates,
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egypt, iran and ethiopia. thus, in brix now includes 10 countries. car sharing service dilimobil brought to the board of directors the issue of applying to the stock exchange for a listing. the company reported this on its corporate disclosure website. in addition, the agenda of the meeting includes dividend policy and the formation of a number of committees. their purposes and functions have not yet been specified. earlier, the reuter, citing sources in the financial market, reported that delimobil could become the first company to hold an ipo in russia in the new year. the day before the company began operating as a public joint-stock company. the transition to this status is just one of the steps towards the initial public offering of shares. well, in conclusion, the exchange rate for the dollar today is 88 rubles 78 kopecks, the euro is 97.54 kopecks. raman. maria, thank you, automobile construction, nuclear medicine and its raw materials, which the kaluga region is proud of, today is its day at vdnkh, more on that in just a moment. we don't
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know what exercises will get you into new year's eve shape. but we know which bank will make the whole year profitable. bank ural sib. ensuring russia's interests in the field security and assistance in achieving the goals of the special operation are the key tasks in the work of the prosecutor’s office, which vladimir putin outlined. the president congratulated the department's employees on their professional holiday. yemen came under attack from the us and uk. airstrikes were carried out on several cities, including the capital. washington explains this by protecting ships in
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the red sea. the kussites are threatening retaliatory strikes on the military bases of american allies in the region. at least six residents of donetsk were wounded during shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the militants hit the city with twenty rockets. apartment buildings were damaged and gas fumes flared up. fires, the day before militants attacked gorlovka. today, at the exhibition at the russia forum, day of the kaluga region, vdnkh visitors will be able to take part in master classes, watch a gastronomic show and even ride a troika of horses. the region is ready to show all its achievements from locally produced waste to nuclear medicine, the scientific and technological development of the region and more. report by anna fondikova. if koluga is the cradle of astronautics, then this is its heart. since 1967. the first museum of the history of astronautics in the ussr operates here. sergei
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korolev proposed to build it where tsolkovsky lived and worked. the museum today is a combination of history and modernity. the exhibition has long gone beyond the walls of the old and new buildings. and the surrounding area today is an open space, decorated in a futuristic style. there is also an observatory for observing the sun, moon and... other celestial bodies. the coluga region is still one of the scientific and technological leaders of the country. the automotive cluster did not break under the pressure of sanctions. factories are resuming work one after another, only now domestic cars are being produced here. the kaluzhsky automotive cluster is not only three large companies that everyone has always talked about. these are 30 companies that produce components, half of them did not stop their work. bright spots on the snow-covered landscape of the country also come from kaluga, in any region of russia. you can see harvesting machines from the mercator plant. this year began work in kaluga the first federal technology park for vocational education. on an area of ​​28
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thousand square meters there are 30 laboratories for eight sectors of the regional economic sector. up to 10,000 specialists will be trained here annually. the region's tourism potential is growing every year. artpark nikola leninivets, an open-air museum covering an area of ​​650 hectares, has become a place of pilgrimage for artists and architects. it is here that the sculpture “universal mind” stands, which became the prototype for the stand of the kaluga region at the russia exhibition. the flat terrain does not interfere with the development of alpine skiing. trails of varying difficulty levels and convenient infrastructure of the kwan complex attract athletes and amateurs from all over the country to the region. on the territory of the voenfilm cinema complex , large-scale military decorations have been built for creating films of any complexity; there is also the largest museum of military equipment, from mortars to airplanes. episodes
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of films called cranes under were filmed on the site. in china he paid more than 350,000 euros. tae led the chinese national team from from january 20 to december 21 , the national team played 10 matches under the leadership. on the first day of the fifth stage of the russian ski cup, freestyle races with time trials took place. the leader of the season, veronika stepanova, confidently won the 10 km distance, which is two laps around the stadium. stepanova did not pass the route, she flew in 25 minutes and 18 seconds, without any chance for
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her rivals. 9 seconds predominantly over the closest competitor, this is stepanov’s eighth victory in this russian cup; in total , 81 skiers took to the start for the girls, including including two olympic champions, besides stepanov, tatyana sorina. in the men's competition, 111 people took to the start, there were no surprises, with a huge advantage of 47 seconds over the closest pursuers, alexander bulshinov won. the three-time olympic champion produces unique results; this is his thirteenth victory in thirteen races of the current season. in the russian cup. there was a sensation at the russian biathlon championships: an athlete on whom no one was betting on won the super sprint. alexander bektuganov overtook everyone leaders of the national team. the perm region, where the first part of the russian championship is being held, was covered in severe frosts; there were even fears that the races would have to be cancelled. in such conditions, the leaders of the final were constantly changing, and after the final shooting , alexander bektuganov unexpectedly ended up in first. peathletes from the yamalo-german
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autonomous okrug made a mistake in firing. ran away twice, but managed to work well on the ski track. bektuganov defended his slight advantage to the end and sensationally came first, bringing the spectators into ecstasy. qualification completed women's australian open. according to its results , three russians qualified for the main draw of the tournament - maria timofeeva, anastasia zakharova and sixteen-year-old alina korneeva. at the wta 500 tournament in adelaide, two russian women reached the semi-final stage. ekaterina alexandrova beat the representative from kazakhstan elena rybakina. the russian was able to break rybakin’s six-match winning streak and now meet american jessica pigula in the semifinals. daria kosatkina also passed the next stage of the tournament, she was luckier, the opponent withdrew due to injury. in the semi-finals , kosatkina will meet with the representative of latvia, elena ostapenko. in the continental hockey league, lokomotiv beat lada 3:2 in shootouts. the victory allowed yaroslavets to score their seventieth point and maintain first place in the west.
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moscow got 70 points. dynamo beloluby beat cska 4:2. already in the first period, dynamo were able to secure a comfortable advantage of two goals. in the second twenty minutes the teams exchanged goals, at the end of the match andrey nikonov got wet in an empty goal, and slepshev's goal seemed to revive the intrigue in the game. but after 30 seconds, cedric paquette hit the empty goal of the army team and established the final score. dynamo wins for the fourth time in a row and breaks cska's winning streak, which also lasted four matches. to basketball in the form of the vtb league, zenit crushed minsk on their home floor 96:69. the victory allowed the st. petersburg team to catch up with lokomotiv kuban in the standings. the teams now share third and fourth places. zenit started the game with rfk 11:2 in 2s2 minutes and held this rhythm throughout the entire first half of the meeting. the main characters were the representatives of the back line, tren fraser and kael kuric. the st. petersburg team made +15 at the end of the opening quarter, and in the second they won back by adding
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seven more points. 52:30 to the big break, after changing sides, havir puskal's team continued to control the match and brought the matter to victory. players of the gambia national team boycotted the national team's training sessions a few days before the start of the african cup of nations. an ultimatum, they will not train until the local football federation will not pay them a bonus of half a million dollars for the entire team for reaching the final stage of the tournament. this is the second scandal surrounding the gambian national team within 24 hours. several players are employees of this team. football team lost consciousness during flights to participate in the african cup. according to the source , the national team players lost consciousness on board due to a lack of oxygen, which was caused by the small size of the aircraft. after the incident, the team returned back to gambia, and later they were provided with a new plane. this pain sports news, see you after 7 am.


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