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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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just before the middle of the hour, briefly: the united states, together with its allies, launched a series of missile attacks on yemen. biden said the target was military installations of the qussite rebels. the us congress is unhappy that the president did not warn them about military action. russia has requested an urgent meeting of the un security council. vladimir putin congratulated employees of the prosecutor's office on their professional holiday. the president named one of the key areas of the department’s work as ensuring russia’s interests in defense. security assistance in achieving the goals of the special operation. it's official in the white house announced the cessation of supplies of weapons and military equipment to the kiev regime. the us doesn't have the money for this right now. previously allocated funds have run out and congressional approval is now required. in ecuador, almost 180 people remain hostage to bandits. these are guards and prison staff. the leader of the second largest criminal group said that he was ready to surrender with security guarantees. in response, the president. offered to do this without
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any conditions. the development of tourism in irkutsk was discussed at a round table by representatives of regional authorities and activists of the people's front. the angara region is rich in interesting locations, but getting to many of them is a big problem. in addition, it is necessary to resolve issues of improvement of tourist places, especially the main attraction, lake baikal. babiy found out where they decided to start. year, this is 44% more than in 2022, because new destinations have appeared, and the frequency of existing flights has increased, there are not enough landings, which is very difficult, and of course the parking lot is very small, in december the president’s direct line received questions about the reconstruction of the airport, that's what it did.
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according to the head of the region, it may be possible to get away from the fact that planes land and take off through the city, the airport is within the boundaries of irkutsk, and the pre-project also provides for the construction of another terminal for arriving passengers, so it will be put into operation, it will separate the flows and relieve congestion at the existing airport. the working travel route for our colleague and popular front expert was listvyanka, the village closest to irkutsk on the shore of lake baikal. the head of the municipality, maxim maximov, said that landscaping here will begin from the shore strengthening the restoration of berths. this year we have a minimum task - to now conduct an inspection of the berth structures that are here, but to assess their condition, to understand after all what way to go, well, it will be as i already said, or it will be...
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design codes and color schemes have been developed for existing buildings and new objects; they plan to implement some ideas by the start of the current tourist season, build something, and get rid of what spoils the impression. the market in listvyanka is perhaps one of the most colorful objects. visitors are welcome here at any time of the year, despite the fact that we have to work from morning to evening in a refreshing -30, so we dress, boots, pants, jacket, well, that’s our job. what kind of fish do tourists most often charge for your fish? tourists take mostly baleen, pressed and cold-smoked, since it has a long shelf life, it can be transported far, they eat hot, as a rule, they ate everything here, but this one flies, floats, goes anywhere,
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and not only in russia, but abroad, by the way, the winter season on lake baikal begins at the end of february, when the ice thickness allows, the largest skating rink in the world will open here. natalya babi, evgeny shakhov, alexey bandaren. lead irkutsk. sharp cooling in european russia and siberia. the arctic invasion has already affected moscow; anna volkova will tell you how much the thermometer shows and how long the abnormal frosts will last. a classic of the russian winter, the snowstorms have passed, followed by frosts. the weekend in russia promises to be very cold, where temperatures will drop further in total, and how much will be on the thermometers in moscow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tsentraf tv channel. i'm anna volkova. hello. after a series of snowstorms, the country is hit by an arctic invasion. traffic jams on the streets and flights are delayed at airports. footage from moscow on thursday. alas, you won’t be able to admire the views of the megalopolis. this is the situation. here
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i always had a wonderful view of moscow, but now i don’t have it. here is the neighboring house, it is almost invisible. snowfall in the capital began on wednesday, but cleared up on thursday. visibility at certain moments dropped to several hundred. the ulyanovsk, astrakhan regions, and tatarstan had to introduce restrictions on highways, and a few hours before that a snow storm swept across siberia. residents
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of altai posted such photos online in the morning, with road signs broken by air currents. both the siberian region and the russian plain were hit by atlantic cyclones on thursday. fortunately, by today both are whirlwinds. weaken, one will go to the baikal region, the second will shift to the southern half of the european russia and truly heavy precipitation is localized in the southern urals and in the eastern black sea region, however, the weakening of snowstorms is only one of the consequences of a change in the atmospheric situation. in winter , a simple rule almost always works in our country: after heavy snowfalls, cold weather comes, because precipitation is most often brought by warm fronts of whirlwinds, but they are always followed by cold ones. and look, today the cold will intensify to the east and west of the urals, and the thaw will be pushed to the extreme south of russia. i note that the cooling is not everywhere will be long, the same cyclone that is circling over the volga region today, the weekend will go to siberia, this will intensify
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the arctic invasion on the russian plain, but will provoke a sharp warming in the upper reaches of the ob and yenissei. so, for example, in novosibirsk it will only be extremely cold today -19. but tomorrow it will snow again, the temperature will rise to -9, on sunday there will be a general thaw, however, with the beginning of the new week the cold will return , icy conditions may form on the roads, for the urals the forecast is exactly the opposite, in chelyabinsk today is relatively warm -7 - this is 3° above normal, and then frosts will hit, weekend -17-19, on monday tuesday -13-15°. in moscow. the temperature will drop today to -13, light snow will remain, on saturday and sunday the precipitation will stop and it will become a couple of degrees colder. the next cyclone will hit the russian plain at the beginning of next week, snowfalls will increase again, but the temperature will warm up to -2-4.
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that's all for me, goodbye. now economic news, masha, trade turnover between russia and china has reached a new level. trade turnover russia and china in the twenty-third year grew by more than a quarter and exceeded $240 billion, this is a new record. the statistics were published by the main customs office. control of the people's republic of china. exports to our country increased by almost one and a half times, imports from russia by more than 12.5%. in 21, trade between the two countries grew by about a third to $147 billion. in the 22nd year, the figure increased by almost 30% and amounted to 190 billion. vladimir putin and chinese president xidin ping had previously set a goal of increasing it by 20 to 24 year, the volume of trade in goods and services reached $200 billion. attacks in... the red sea caused a decline in global trade , the german institute of world economics concluded. according to his calculations, in december volumes
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decreased by a third. the average daily number of containers transported was only 200,000, 2 and a half times less than in november. in the eu , exports fell by 2%, imports by three. in the us , trade flows fell by about 1.5%. alarming statistics were provided by the international monetary fund. late december, beginning january, the volume of traffic through the vanity canal in... tesla will almost completely shut down the plant near berlin from january 29 to february 11.
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spare parts for electric vehicles, which are now circumnavigating africa through the cape of good hope, simply do not have time to get to the vrg in time due to the situation in the red sea. according to experts, the inability to pass through the soet canal increases the delivery time to europe by an average of 2 weeks and now the hope for a quick stabilization of the situation is fading. the us and britain carried out so-called retaliation strikes against houthi targets in yemen itself. this is fraught. wider conflict. global sales of electric cars have increased by almost a third. in the twenty-third they exceeded 13.5 million. this was reported by reuters with reference to a british consulting company. sales in the usa and canada increased especially rapidly by 50%. in europe they increased by 27, in china by 15. at the same time, in the 22nd year, sales of electric vehicles increased by 60% year-on- year. but analysts had expected the numbers to slow. dollar
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today 88 rubles 78 kopecks, euro 97.54 kopecks. novel, maria, thank you, right after the commercial i’ll briefly talk about some of the central topics of the hour, as well as our instructions on how to send a parcel to a fighter in a special operation zone. thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet, drinks good 109.99. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy clinic cosmetics with discounts of up to 40%. we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans, but we got them quickly, we’re at sovcombank, we take out loans. up to 5 million,
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loans that everyone knows. prodexpo is the largest exhibition in russia for professionals food market. food , drinks for retail and horiki, we are waiting for you on february 5-9 at the expo center on krasnaya presnya. ticket on the website lif 52 cleanses, restores and protects the liver. lift-52 expert. cleansing and restoration of the liver, hello,
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my new invention for cleaning the toilet, there is an easier way with brf. bref colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with everyone. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, thousands of products with cashback up to 50%.
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vladimir putin called the key direction the work of the prosecutor's office to ensure russia's interests in the field of defense, assistance in achieving the goals of the svo. the president congratulated the department's employees on their professional holiday. the united states and britain launched strikes on yemen, using tamahawk cruise missiles, according to american television channels. the politician's publication, citing a source in the pentagon, reports that the strikes are carried out by planes, ships and submarines. washington explains the massive attack by protecting the ships. in the red sea. vaes struck donetsk with twenty jets shells. at least six people were wounded as a result of the shelling. two of them are in serious condition, apartment buildings and a gas pipeline were damaged. fires broke out in the city. hunter biden made his first appearance in federal court in los angeles. he faces up to 17 years in prison. the indictment
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alleges that biden jr. failed to pay $1.5 billion in taxes. son of the us president. does not admit guilt. irina will tell you how to send a parcel to a fighter in a special operation zone, what rules apply in this regard at russian post offices matyushenko has instructions in the program. how to send a parcel to a military personnel in a special military operation zone. what are the rules for what can be sent and how to track receipts? we will tell you the instructions in this issue in 5 minutes. first of all, it's free. how. for the sender, and naturally for the recipient, here the parcels are received by russian post, and there they are delivered further through the veltjeger postal network of the russian ministry of defense, in other words, military postal services. parcels to military personnel are accepted at all branches russian post. relatives and friends of military personnel taking part in a special military operation, by writing a letter and registering a parcel, can send them through
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the nearest post office, joint stock company, russian post. moscow 400, military unit, military unit number, or military unit, field post office, military unit number, surname, first name, patronymic of the serviceman, if you do not know the unit number, it must be reported to you as soon as possible at the military registration and enlistment office at the addressee's place of conscription, all parcels are sorted in the capital by forces of the ministry of defense they are then sent to the area where the military training is taking place. every soldier can donate for free. written response via felt jager. soldiers in units are provided with papers, envelopes and writing materials. the number of parcels that can be processed by one sender is not limited, and the weight of each parcel should not exceed 10 kg. the contents should not move inside the package; for this, it is better to fill the free space in the box with paper. the parcel
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must be handed over to the postal operator strictly in an open form, so that he can make sure that there is nothing prohibited. here. let 's take a closer look at what cannot be sent: firstly, these are weapons, firearms, signal, pneumatic, gas, ammunition, cold weapons, including throwing weapons, stun guns, sparks, arresters, main parts of firearms. the second group is dangerous substances, narcotic, psychotropic, potent, radioactive, explosive, caustic, flammable and others. you won’t be able to send money either, neither rubles nor foreign currency. perishable foods are prohibited, and, of course, alcohol. and finally, you will not accept items that, by their nature or packaging, may pose a risk for postal workers to stain or damage other items and equipment. acceptance of parcels is strictly at the discretion of the postman and controversial issues may arise here. for example, detergents and
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cleaners, and insect dust from gruzuns can also be interpreted as caustic substances and poisons. better. before sending , please consult your post office branch or call the toll-free number: 8 800 1 6 0. this is the russian post support service. what exactly can you send? clothing, including winter clothing, shoes, sweets, pasta, buckwheat, other dry food, canned food with a long shelf life, books and magazines, as well as cigarettes. of course, there are more complex packages than buckwheat, but very necessary ones that you can’t send by mail. to resolve such issues, you can contact the volunteer movement, we are together, it also delivers goods to the northern military district zone. phone number on your screens 8 800 20034/11. on today, sending parcels to
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the zone of a special military operation is carried out in several ways: this is through volunteer organizations, through the points where military units are stationed, where , in the event of military service, military service is carried out, as well as through the post office, russian post, i want to note that it is possible to track specifically the postal the shipment can only be sent... but how do you know if the package has been delivered? if it was sent through the russian post office, information can be obtained by calling the monitoring group helpline the central hub of the feltjeger postal service, here is the number 8495 693 7431. let us repeat the most important thing, a parcel can be sent to a military personnel in a special military operation zone for free, it is accepted. her mail to russia is delivered by the feltjeger field service of the ministry of defense. parcels have a number of requirements regarding weight, packaging and contents.
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it is prohibited to send certain items and products. if the parcel is sent through russian post, you can track its receipt through the monitoring group of the central node of the feltjeger postal service of the armed forces. there are still questions subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will contact a specialist and be sure to tell you everything. one of the next releases of the instructions. next on the air is a selection of the most important and interesting events of this day in different years and eras. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on january 12 , 1816, the french government issued a decree banning the family of former emperor napoleon bonaparte from the country forever. he himself was already in exile on the island of st. helena in the atlantic, but in paris. they were still afraid that he might come back. by that time , almost none of napoleon’s relatives were left in france. after his defeat, the former emperor's mother maria and
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her brother fled to rome. the elder brother joseph, the former king of spain, went to north america; two more brothers lived in exile for a long time and had no intention of returning. the second wife, maria louise of austria, lived in her homeland in austria since the abdication of napoleon ; only the middle sister, pauline, remained. after the january decree, she too. went to italy, but the family ban did not last long he held out, after 32 years, to power in france, thanks to a series of intrigues and conspiracies, but still, through democratic elections , louis napoleon bonaparte, napoleon's nephew, came. he ruled for more than 20 years, first as president of the republic and then as emperor napoleon ii. on january 12, 1848 , an uprising occurred in palermo, which became the beginning of the sicilian revolution. italy... was then a backward, fragmented country, most of it was under the rule of austria. poverty and crop failures fueled revolutionary sentiment in sicily. the rebels were even able
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declare their independence, but the uprising was briefly suppressed. however, this inspired many, people were tired of enduring and revolutions swept across europe. during 1848 and 49, uprisings took place in many countries, including france, where another monarchy fell. german. states, austria and england. in history these events were called the “spring of nations”. but nicholas i was so afraid of the revolution in russia that he toughened the punishment for freethinking, immediately introduced strict censorship, limited the import of foreign books, and most sadly, he completely abandoned the idea of ​​liberating the peasants. his son, alexander i, had to undertake reforms to save the country from economic collapse, but in the 20th century their descendants still paid for such fears. and shortsightedness. on january 12, 1954 , us secretary of state john dalis, speaking in new york at a meeting of the council on
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foreign relations, formulated the doctrine of frightening massive retaliation. it was directed against the ussr and its allies, including china, and was based on the nuclear superiority of the united states. the americans there were more delivery vehicle warheads, they wanted to take advantage of this. could be the reason. any, even minor conflict or random incident. in essence, the united states was the first to use nuclear weapons. president dwight esenhower also spoke openly on this issue. by the way, a few days before dalis’s speech. quote: if we can simultaneously carry out an atomic attack on all forward communist bases, the enemy will be bled dry from the very beginning of hostilities . this is our plan for europe. only in sixties after achieving nuclear. parity between the ussr and the usa, washington had to reconsider this strategy. on january 12 , 1989, a
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population census was held in the soviet union. the last one. before its collapse. citizens were interviewed and recorded data only from words, without supporting documents. the census results showed that the population of the ussr was then almost 287 million people. at that time, the population of the soviet union exceeded the united states and canada combined. the largest families lived in tajikistan. average the figure is six people. and the smallest ones in latvia and estonia average three people. censuses in the ussr were carried out on average. they constantly improved every 10 years; all countries of the former ussr base their statistics on the size and composition of the population from the data of that all-union census of 1989. on january 12, 1991 , the us congress authorized president george w. bush to use force to stop iraqi aggression in kuwait. 4 months earlier, iraq invaded kuwait on the pretext that it allegedly steals iraqi oil and participates in
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international. anti-iraq conspiracy. the world community condemned this invasion. sanctions were imposed on iraq. the un security council demanded that baghdad release kuwait. but this cancer received a categorical refusal. result, operation desert storm. international forces led by the united states began massive bombing of iraq. a month later, desert saber, a ground operation, began. in 5 days, kuwait was liberated, but nature and people paid for it. while retreating, the iraqi military set fire to the kuwaiti one. oil fields and dumped it into the persian gulf, black rains began in many countries, and it took decades to restore the ecology in the region. this is what this day in history was like. where we are, ruslan, in aleksandrovka, the enemy is far away, in marinka
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there is nothing reinforced concrete anymore. we kicked everyone out of here, kicked them out, what kind of car do you have? 90, handsome, azim 30-39, shot! well, if you compare the army in the beginning and the army now, at the very beginning we were all theoreticians, now at the moment we have already become practitioners, all this radio-controlled cart, yes it is when there is shelling and it is necessary to supply ammunition, yes, yes. here is the person we have who hung the flag, that is, a miracle hero - is that you? yes, i, there was about 100 meters of open field, probably even 150, they ran there, it turns out that three of them entered, and how did your boys run them over? yes, look at how very safely they stored the drugs, there is no doubt that they conducted clinical trials on
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unsuspecting people. african swine fever is back in sumy. hallera in ukrainian nikolaev. new cases of batulism. there are biological research facilities in ukraine. people began to realize how insincere and deceitful the us government was. with the support of washington, a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilis. the laboratory workers who lived here, four of them fell ill, two died.
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in the united states attacked yemen at night with tamogawk cruise missiles from submarines and ships, they say this is revenge for the attack in the red sea, a special role in serving the fatherland vladimir putin congratulated the employees of the prosecutor's office, what tasks are facing the department? there is no more money, the united states has officially announced a cessation of arms supplies to ukraine, it is also unclear where the large shipment worth a billion dollars went, the largest dairy farm, the grandiose project of the volgograd region, what will be the milk yield and how much milk is being given now, the construction of automobiles, nuclear medicine of our own vdnk's own cheeses...


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