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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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[000:02:08;00] residents of belgorod who were taken to moscow for treatment after an attack by the armed forces of ukraine are gradually recovering, some, as noted by the ministry of health, are already preparing for discharge, at the same time, eight people, including children , are still in serious condition; the governor of belgorod came to visit the wounded region vyacheslav glotkov. maria valieva for more details. well, how are you, we are being treated, it’s hard, of course, but it’s being treated. eight-month-old lisa was taken to the russian children's clinical hospital in moscow in serious condition as a result of shelling. belgorod armed forces of ukraine on december 30, a girl lost part of her leg, shrapnel got into her thigh and now doctors have to solve the most difficult problem of how to save the child’s knee so that she can later be fitted with a prosthesis. we have
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such a global problem with this, doctors now. this means that the decision is correct, there are many lines that can be followed, but we need to do the one that will be least painless for the child, that is, the priority is to leave the knee intact. along with lisa, there are other children from belgorod in the hospital, all of them are under observation highly qualified doctors and psychologists , emphasized the commissioner for children's rights, maria lvova belova, now we will deal with the psychological state, well, for example , there is one girl who... lost her leg at the age of 17, and is still in a very difficult psychological state, and there is a constant hysterics, it is important for us now to show her that life does not end, yes, to help her, to find some kind of landmark in life, where to move next, every affected family is provided with comprehensive assistance, belgorod governor vyacheslav glodkov personally monitors whether payments are received on time, he came to the capital to visit all the victims being treated there, the mother
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of four-year-old... gleb, who had just begun to come to his senses after a serious operation at the neurosurgery center named after academician burdenko, suggested after discharge, move to another region for a while, the children need rehabilitation, we can send you a little further, for example, altai, we can, now i’ll say, well, you know, there, to be honest, there’s a change of scenery very important, well, just yes, they have this air defense , it is now shying away, as soon as you make a decision, please, if you want. positive dynamics are observed among patients of the priorov national medical center for traumatology and orthopedics, where two women from belgorod are currently undergoing treatment. the condition was serious, but the transportation, the team itself that brought them, worked fantastically, and those doctors who provided first aid in belgorod also worked perfectly, which allowed us to immediately take one almost on the same day
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from patients. perform surgical treatment, create conditions for comfortable and proper healing of wounds; belgorod was subjected to massive shelling by the armed forces of ukraine at the end of december; they immediately flew there. specialists from the russian ministry of health, headed by minister of health mikhail murashko. more than twenty seriously injured victims were quickly transported to moscow. eight patients are in serious condition, 13 patients are in moderate condition. and the rest are in satisfactory condition. but all patients have a positive dynamics, good prognosis for treatment. all patients are under constant 24-hour medical supervision, some are already preparing for discharge. and, of course, all necessary medical care, including medical rehabilitation, and those who need the necessary sanatorium treatment will be provided. the provision of medical care to the injured belgorod residents is under the personal control
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of the minister of health; after complex operations, patients are recovering and do not lose heart. we hope that there will be peace soon, we will stand, we are russians, we will stand. bryansk the region is preparing today to show its achievements at the exhibition forum russia. the sound of crystal will be heard in the vdnkh pavilions. these are products of the dedkovsky plant, one of the oldest largest enterprises not only in this region, but in the whole country. lyudmila gusarova will tell you how agriculture and industry are developing in the region. the bryansk region is interesting for tourists for its ancient temples, of which there are hundreds in the region. since ancient times, the territory of the modern bryansk region has been covered with dense forests; today their area is more than a million hectares. lesnaya the industry is one of the most important in the economy;
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wood supplies are exported to other regions. in the form of compensation , reforestation is necessarily carried out; the felled plots are planted with trees of traditional species, oak, maple, spruce and pine, so that the wealth of the bryansk forest. it is our reserve in the suzemsky district that has been chosen as a site for restoring the population of red-listed teeth in their natural habitat. at first there were only 10 of them, but every summer new offspring appear. in 12 years , the herd size has already grown to one and a half hundreds of individuals. in winter they are fed with crushed ops and hay. russia also knows the bryansk region as a potato region. every fifth kilogram of potatoes in the country is grown in these fields. this year, farmers set a record, harvesting 1,800,000 tons. the key to a high yield is the selection of promising domestic varieties. agricultural producers use
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more than 70 potato hybrids in their fields, 10 of which are russian selection. arthur is our promising variety, which has shown very good results in terms of taste, by yield. recent years have been a time of major construction projects in the bryansk region; a striking example is the martial arts palace, one of the largest sports facilities in the central federal district. five huge buildings and a main hall for 4.00 spectators make it possible to hold international level competitions. the palace is named after the current athlete, the legendary bryansk wrestler, ten-time world champion in sambo artem osipenko. the new slavic bridge connected the two banks of the desna, replacing the pontoon crossing. capital bridge along with a new road. the dam provided a shorter route from outlying areas to city ​​center. the dream of many generations of bryansk residents has come true. and today, the first equipment produced
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by our industrial enterprises will pass over this bridge, and nine such bridges have since been built. today the bryansk region and a developed industrial region are a century and a half old to the bryansk machine-building plant. the latest development of the enterprise is the new mainline diesel locomotive 3t e-28. in the far east he will provide. roma really set a record, especially exports from china increased. trade turnover between russia and china at twenty in the third year it grew by more than a quarter and exceeded $240 billion. this is a new record. exports to our country increased by almost one and a half times, imports from russia by more than 12.5%. in the twenty-first year, trade between the two countries increased by about a third to $147 billion. in the 22nd year
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, the figure increased by almost 30% and amounted to 190 billion. vladimir putin and the chairman of the people's republic of china xidzenping previously set the goal of increasing the volume of trade in goods and services to 200 billion dollars by 24. the imf's uncertainty is very easy to explain if the us authorities will still make an appropriate
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decision, they will, roughly speaking, throw europe under the train. according to the washington post, only 2% of frozen russian assets are located in the states, the rest is in belgium and switzerland. that is, old europe will have to take on almost the entire act of international crime, in other words, theft. this will definitely damage the reputation of the euro. but the risks for dollars are now being assessed in washington. microsoft has overtaken apple in the ranking of the most. companies in the world to close trading on the stock exchange, back then, microsoft's shares rose by half a percent, while apple's fell by 3 tenths. the last time microsoft squeezed the apple in terms of its market capitalization was in the twenty-first year. then the price of apple shares was negatively affected by concerns about supply chain disruptions due to the pandemic. now the securities are falling in price against the backdrop of analyst ratings who expect a decline in iphone sales. as bloomberg noted, among the major technology companies only apple. decline in revenue throughout all four quarters of the past
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of the year. discord will lay off 17% of its employees. the new york times reports this with reference to a letter from the company’s ceo. in august, as part of the restructuring , only 4% were planned to be fired. such large-scale cuts were explained by the need to improve collaboration methods to increase the organization's agility. and the day before, bloomberg reported that in order to reduce google's costs, its parent company was laying off hundreds of people. who work on the digital assistant, hardware and engineering teams. a year before this, they announced a reduction of 12 thousand jobs, this is more than 6% of the total number of employees. well, at the end of the exchange rate , the dollar today is 88 rubles 78 kopecks. euro - 97 rubles and 54 kopecks. novel. mash, thank you. continuing the economic theme. the largest dairy farm in russia is being built in the volgograd region. the grandiose project will be completed this year. the enterprise can. say up to 40,000 tons of milk, livestock will increase to 11
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thousand. larisa lazuk has details. the morning is frosty, but by the way, the cows are not afraid of frosts, they themselves are so warm, the main thing is, so that there are no drafts. in the new livestock building , truly comfortable conditions have been created; the future dairy herd and agricultural herd are growing here. donskoe enterprise. donskoye is the successor to russia's large, successful economy in soviet times. having already fallen into disrepair, in our time it has not only been revived, but thanks to competent management and state support, it has become one of the leading ones. 38.00 tons. today the donskoye joint venture gives. this is a very large number. and today we milk a cash cow, last year 11.151 liters kilogram of milk per feed cow. by constructing an irrigated plot. in the kolachevo steppes , they resolved the issue of feed, and 5 years ago
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they began building a new livestock complex in an open field. the builder is working on the last building of the livestock complex, with the corresponding infrastructure. the head of the region, andrei bocharov, even at the planning stage, identified this investment project as particularly significant for the agro-industrial complex of the region. a project with a total volume of investments only, capital investments in the farm about 3 billion rubles. well, plus about a little more. naturally, it requires a very attentive attitude towards it, but 2024, in 2024 we will complete the implementation of this project, the region completed the agricultural year with decent results, donskoye is in the period of its revival. became a city-forming city for the region, the number
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of workers increased almost fourfold. larisa lazuka, roman metroshkin, lead volgograd from the kalachovsky district. a new school opened in one of the adyghe villages. the building is designed for 250 students. in classes modern equipment, and also in the school there are recreation areas, sports and assembly halls, workshops, canteens and much more. the building was built as part of the national education project. this is already the third educational institution in the municipality. children built in 6 years, but the work does not stop, three more schools with 1,100 places will appear in this region of the republic. the fifth stage of the russian cup in cross-country skiing has started in tatarstan, and for the first time it is hosted by the ski and biathlon complex in the village of mirny. how was the first day of the tournament, which of the olympic champions came to competition, alexander abramov will tell you. sports kazan usually includes
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akbars hockey, unix basketball and rubin football, water sports and gymnastics. now kazan is also a city of cross-country skiing. the mirny biathlon complex was opened last year, but only now is the first major official race here, the fifth stage of the russian cup. in march of this year, we already held competitions here, olympic hopes, but these competitions were more like a show race, and today we have official competitions, a very important responsible start for us, and we did everything, a lot of work was done to prepare for these competitions to be held at a high level. it is clear that he is in the old place, here once upon a time in soviet times people competed. but in fact, what kind of tracks are here, i ’m not exaggerating at all, it’s just that all the athletes say, we don’t have such a width in russia, by the way , outside of it there isn’t either, athletes run on the same track and no one bothers them nearby, those who warming up, great i hope more will appear here in the near future hotel, and if it appears here, it will be - well, probably tyumen and kazan, these
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will be two of the world's real ski resorts. on the first day of the fifth stage of the russian cup, freestyle racing, with a time trial, the leader... of the season, veronika stepanova, confidently won the 10 km race, these are two laps around the stadium, the distance was completed in 25 minutes and 18 seconds, without a chance for her rivals, 39 seconds advantage over her closest competitor, for stepanova this is already the eighth victory of the season at the russian cup, excellent, in total the girls have 81 of the country's best skiers took the start, including two olympic champions, in addition to
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veronica stepanova, tatyana sorina. in the men's competition, 111 people took to the start; there were no surprises; alexander bolshunov won with a 47-second advantage over his closest pursuer, artyom maltsev. three-time olympic champion bolshunov is on a unique winning streak. this was the thirteenth victory in thirteen races of the current season as part of the russian cup. on the track bolshenov in the yellow leader's jersey at the award ceremony in less yellow leader's hat. today there are difficult weather conditions. cold, frost, snow, wind, but in principle everything worked out well, the skis worked, i also feel good, so the result is good, what can you say about the new ski and biathlon complex here in kazan, it’s a big event that they opened a new point, yes, that year we came just for the opening, they opened this complex, a very, very good complex, in principle
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, a good track with difficult climbs, this is also good for us, and the best thing is that it after all, everything is a new place. pentalging against pain in muscles and joints, it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation and a special component for better penetration into the source of pain. pentalgin extragel is designed to combat pain and
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of the russian winter, the snowstorms have passed, followed by frosts. weekend in russia is promised be very cold, where the temperature will drop the most and how much it will be on thermometers in moscow. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel of the fobas center. i, anna volkova. hello. after a series of snowstorms, the country is hit by an arctic invasion. it’s sweeping, there are traffic jams on the streets, flights are delayed at airports, footage from moscow on thursday, alas, you won’t be able to admire the views of the metropolis, this is the situation, here i always had a beautiful view of moscow, but now it’s gone, here’s the neighboring house, it’s practically can not see, the snowfall in the capital began on wednesday, but cleared up on thursday, visibility dropped to several hundred meters at certain moments, by the evening about a fifth of the monthly precipitation fell at the reference weather station, in some... areas of the city there was even a january thunderstorm, a rare anomaly , well, the picture was completed by a big snowstorm, a gusty wind that literally blew
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people off the sidewalks. bad weather raged not only in moscow, the blizzard swept through other regions of central russia, the north-west, it snowed, including in st. petersburg, strongly in the south it was noted on the volga, saratov was stuck in ten-point traffic jams, in the pendensky, ulyanovsk... khan regions in tatarstan it was necessary to introduce restrictions on the highways, and a few hours before that a snow storm swept across siberia. residents of altai posted such photos online in the morning, with road signs broken by air currents. both the siberian region and the russian plain were hit by atlantic cyclones on thursday; fortunately, by today both vortices are weakening, one will go to the baikal region, the second will move to the southern half of the european russia for real. precipitation is localized in the southern urals and in the eastern black sea region, however, the weakening of snowstorms is only one of
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the consequences of a change in the atmospheric situation. it's almost always winter in our country. a simple rule works: after heavy snowfalls a cold snap comes, because precipitation is most often brought by warm fronts of vortices, but they are always followed by cold ones, and look, today the cold will intensify to the east and west of the urals, and thaws will be pushed to the extreme south of russia. i note that the cold snap is not everywhere will be long-lasting, the same cyclone that is circling over the volga region today will go to siberia this weekend. this will intensify the arctic invasion. on the russian plain , but they will provoke a sharp warming in the upper reaches of the abi and yenisei, so that, for example, in novosibirsk it will be extremely cold only today -19, but tomorrow it will snow again, the temperature will rise to -90, on sunday there will be a thaw, however, with the beginning of the new week, the cold will return and ice may form on the roads; for the urals the forecast is exactly the opposite, in
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chelyabinsk is relatively warm today. -7 is 3° above normal, and then frosts will hit, on the weekend -17-19, on monday, tuesday -13-15°. in moscow, the temperature will drop today to -13, light snow will remain, on saturday and sunday the precipitation will stop and it will become a couple of degrees colder. the next cyclone will hit the russian plain at the beginning of next week , snowfalls will increase again, but the temperature will warm up to -2. from four,
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that's all for me, goodbye. the us and britain launched a series of airstrikes on yemen, and the international sanaa airport. they say this is revenge for the attack in the red sea. the houthis have already promised to respond. and the ukrainian army attacks civilian targets of the dpr. as a result of the hail attack , houses and two kindergartens were damaged. there are
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people injured. what is the condition of the wounded? a powerful snow cyclone hit the south of sakhalin, there is almost zero visibility on the roads, vehicle traffic is limited, 20 flights are delayed at the airport, cars are built, nuclear medicine own cheeses, novo ddnh today its own achievements are shown by the kaluga region, ryazan and bryansk. let's start with the latest information from yemen. last night the us and britain carried out a series of air strikes. strikes on several cities in the country, more than sixty houthi targets were attacked, as reported by american television channels, pentagon chief lloyd ostinde gave orders via a secure communication channel directly from the hospital. washington explains the massive attack by protecting ships in the red sea. the houthis say there will definitely be a response to the coalition’s actions. russia in connection with attack on yemen, requested an urgent meeting


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