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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, the cup of patience is almost full, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start the report. february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-assed. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they they say that they will supply tanks and missiles, everything will be fine, that is, we create the impression that the war must be waged to the bitter end.
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the port of ecuador does not stop working, fruit exports are 100% maintained, the head of the association made this statement in an interview with our channel. marketing and export of ecuadorian bananas richard salazar. earlier , information appeared in the media that due to the riot in ecuador , supply disruptions could begin on the russian market. my colleague marya kudryavtseva checked the availability of bananas on the shelves and found out from market participants why don't you wait for prices to rise? will russia be left without bananas due to the rebellion in ecuador? this question is asked by many media, and we decided to check it ourselves. we go to one of the markets. now there are bananas on almost every counter, but...
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there are no pineapples from ecuador, we directly contacted the ecuadorian banana marketing and export association, which accounts for almost half of the export of these fruits from the country, they confirmed to us that the difficulties were temporary. the most difficult period is already behind us.
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the traders are optimistic, we don’t see any problems with the shortage of this product, we can probably judge that in early march there may be some changes in the price area, but i’m not sure that they will be significant, so far we can draw any conclusions about the impact of the unrest in ecuador on exports it’s still early for fruits in russia, on average the delivery time by sea is from 3 weeks, and a few days of weather will definitely not make a difference for the market, if prices for bananas start to rise, then... in general, most likely it will still be quite temporary phenomenon, somewhere even this may be related to some speculative moments, when individual market participants try to play on this, specifically on the information that supplies have supposedly been stopped there and the like, but in general there are always other suppliers in the world who, in general, are ready to supply these products, besides, ecuador is not the only country that exports bananas to russia, according to russian...
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and indian estimates, literally today there were several conversations, well, the service actually exists from novorossiysk from india, regular service, there are no problems with logistics. popular fruit among russians, it accounts for approximately 22% of fruit purchases in retail chains. according to suppliers from other countries, these preferences will not change in the near future, and as we were told by the banana marketing and export association of ecuador, despite the riots in the country, they they plan to increase
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exports to russia by another 7% this year. maria kudryavtseva, yulia sokolova, danara kurmanova, elena fedotova, news. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy cosmetics for 1% of the cost, apply thank you bonuses, get a discount until 99%. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it once, turn it, turn it only after confirming the payment, before february 4th.
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it’s logical to have one in your medicine cabinet, there are millions to choose from in russia, start the year with bargain purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy men’s clothing, shoes and accessories with discounts of up to 70%. thousands of holiday discounts in a magnet, milka chocolate from 74.99, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, thousands of products with cashback up to five. the legendary free alfabank credit card has forever become even more profitable. get super cashback every month
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and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable. alpha is profitable. start the year. profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy a hairdryer for 1% of the cost, apply sbert thank you bonuses and get a discount of up to 99%. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy electronics with cashback of up to 50%. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be discounts, buy household appliances with cashback of up to 50%. rather than look at it 100 times, it’s better to turn it around once, rotate, twist, only after confirming payment, before february 4, order savita delivery from one ruble, check
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that the product suits you, and then confirm payment, start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, have time to buy perfume for 1% of the cost, apply bonuses elect thank you get a discount of up to 99. start the year with profitable purchases at the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%. the first exchange trading on cryptocurrency derivatives bitcoin etf took place in the united states. demand was high with first minutes. maria filippova will tell you all the details. the first exchange trading of bitcoin etf took place just 7 minutes after the start; their total volume exceeded a billion dollars. on the first day on the nasa exchange, the cryptocurrency etf grew by more than 25%. the us securities and exchange commission has officially approved the launch
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of the first eleven etfs investing directly in this cryptocurrency. the imf said that it is still studying the consequences of the decision of the american authorities and calls for caution. crypto assets. does have several purported benefits, these include cheaper , transparent payments, but at the same time they pose macro-financial risks, including risks to the effectiveness of monetary policy for financial stability. therefore, it is important to find a balance between benefit and risk. a consistent, coordinated , comprehensive regulatory framework is needed. however, this is an event that investors have been waiting for more than 10 years. this is how long the regulator refused to launch etfs tracking the spot price of bitcoin. total was rejected over twenty applications. the long-awaited permission makes it possible to invest in bitcoin without buying it. the management company will do this on behalf of the investor. french investors, who are the majority.
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cryptocurrency, the bitcoin rate began to fluctuate. on tuesday, it reached 49,479 thousand dollars, then a false message appeared on the commission’s former twitter account, even before the official announcement of the permission to trade the etf, claiming that everything had been approved. the agency announced the hack, and later admitted that there was permission. the course reacted. on the evening of january 11th on the day at the beginning of trading, bitcoin reached a peak of more than $49,000, then declined. today bitcoin is just above 46.000. unpredictable. analysts note, however, there are special optimists who predict unprecedented heights for quotes.
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our base case scenario hovers around the 6,000 mark, and the most optimistic one, and the etf's approval, only strengthens it by one and a half million dollars by 2030. despite this volatility, the demand for investing in bitcoin will be stable, experts are sure. bitcoin will not become a means of payment due to technologies. accounted for 2 billion 300 million dollars, in second place is the etf from black rock, more than a billion,
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this is a fund in a special account of washington for past services. it was he who managed to melt the regulatory ice and achieve approval of derivative exchange instruments for the main cryptocurrency. the turning point was the company’s victory in court, thanks to the etf, experts expect a revival in the crypto market. now in the crypto market, in principle , a certain condition has already dragged on, which is often called. in winter, well, that is , such a long-term protracted fall the cost of crypto assets, and i think that this kind of decision is one of the solutions that could very well turn this crypto-simus 5 around and lead to a possibly protracted phase of some long-term growth of crypto assets, and in the meantime the us has done everything to complicate life russian crypto market, sanctions were imposed against the chatex crypto exchanger and a dozen digital currency addresses. the document is published on the service website. on control of foreign resources of the american treasury, and investors expect that following the release of bitcoin
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other cryptocurrencies will appear on the exchange market; the next one, for example, may be the second most popular ethereum. starting this year, the ministry of economic development and trade will switch to a new system of state support in the field of tourism; the regions will allocate a single subsidy, which they have the right to direct to whatever they deem necessary. the key indicator will be the number of trips, for example, in the khabarovsk territory the tourist flow for 2023 has already increased by a third, how the tourism industry in the region is developing in a special report by vira moroz. explore taiga landscapes, conquer snowy protected peaks, plunge into hot thermal baths, in strong minus. kick a goal into the goal wearing felt boots, the sights of this city can be found in your wallet.
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khabarovsk is one of the cities whose attractions are on the most expensive banknote. for example, this stately man with a large mustache, the founder of the city, count muravyov of amur. and then there is a bridge over the amur river, which is also depicted on the banknote. and already a couple of tens of kilometers from the city they open completely other species, these places cannot be reached by a regular car. we don’t drive around, the main thing is not to replace the phone, that’s why we drive at a speed of no more than 15 km/h, firstly, this is necessary for safety, and secondly, in order to have time to consider what is happening in the forest, look, nakhozhino, the zebra found all this, where, where, where, here they are, these are the old tracks, you see, already covered up, who is it, yes, it ’s just a hare’s track, we met wild boars
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, we met, uh, you see, we met, they exchanged a teddy bear. the taiga begins here, and the path on atvs passes borders of the richest natural reserve of the far east, khikhtsirsky. after an active walk, a samovar and tea from herbs. people from all over the country come here for such experiences. geography is usually the case, at the moment this is the far eastern part, these are chinese tourists, but from other cities of russia there is moscow. just to see what it’s like in the forest, when about 3,100 tourists passed through the calm this year, what results do you plan to achieve next year? well, we plan to increase the percentage at least by 10 the tourist flow, or maybe
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more, well, how it goes.
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recreation at the disposal of the region. negotiations like this are underway, and i recently met with minister alexander alexandrovich kozlov in moscow. yuri petrovich trutnev supported us, he was here to look at the site, so it’s a good prospect. almost a billion rubles have been invested. a total of 17 will be required for the construction of year-round recreation areas. ski slopes, hotels, glamping, all this will appear by 2028, before that behind a large-scale ski on vacation we went 4 hundred kilometers from khabarovsk, near somolsk-on-amur on almost 250 hectares of the khaldami ski complex, the cable car also has heated seats, its length is 2,500 m, and the length of local trails
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is 25 km, for those who have just decided to master alpine skiing or snowboarding in khabarovsk. there are suitable slopes, you can add extreme sports here, and apparently only a correspondent can do this, i’m just standing on the mountain skis for about 15 minutes and will try to pee in myself, the main thing is not to knock down the children, mothers, than what's good about this soncher is that it's shallow and short, making it relatively easy for beginners like me? the snowman ski resort is right on the banks of the amur with two slopes of 500 and 200 meters of all the infrastructure for skiing and an overnight stay. tourists come to us mainly from the city of khabarovsk, because our base is located 20 km from the city center, the tourist flow has doubled since the nineteenth year, if it used to be 16.00, at the moment there are 30,000 tourists, and that’s all became
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thanks to the road that led to ours bases. over the past couple of years in the khabarovsk territory, in almost 2 seconds, looking at the growth trend, six months ago he decided to expand his business, before that his company was engaged in furniture. we have many plots of 12 acres , in total, this is about one and a half hectares, now houses are literally built up on four plots, a second line of houses is planned, we still have a forest there, we are completely... already surrounded by a forest belt, and we are planning, in general, to move there even further, there are requests, people are asking for more houses, they want bigger houses, well, we it’s as if we are still counting on them to come. family people rested calmly in silence, in comfort. you can relax in hot thermal baths not only outside the city.
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in the center of khabarovsk, in a building that is considered a monument of architecture and urban planning, there is a year-round, outdoor swimming pool. the air temperature is almost -30°, in the water - +30°. those who swim are protected from the cold by a cushion of vapor that rises under the water. the pool was opened in 1960 and until 2012 it was operated by ministry of defense, then became the property of the region, in 2015 they signed an agreement with the investor, who assumed obligations for reconstruction and maintenance. on average, up to 500 people a day pass, but now in winter it’s significantly less, and what kind of people come to us, what cities come from central russia, but mostly from the dacha town ... well, in first place is vladivostok , they like to come on a one-2-day weekend itinerary; their program definitely includes
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visiting the outdoor pool and getting pleasure. next door to the swimming pool, almost 7,000 km away, is the largest free skating rink in the far east, a family skating rink in honor of the year of the family, and this is not only the name of the site. what a concept. please note that our cat is divided into specific sports locations. we have a kids' area, this is an area for those who have just started skating and will take their first steps on the ice. there is an area for hockey fans. and in this zone we also meet professionals from hockey, ice hockey, sword hockey and amateur hockey leagues. in during the winter there are more than 50,000 people here. at events, at new year 's events , more than 2,500 people are present here at a time; in the khabarovsk territory
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, tourists are offered to play valenkoball, football, which was invented in komsomolsk-on- amur, because in the far east they kick the ball not only in the summer, but also in severe frost, and not in boots, in felt boots, strong, warm ones, because the winter here is long and harsh, yes! the spirit of the khabarovsk region can be found at fairs in souvenir shops, for example, scents of the association. we want to form an emotional attachment to our city, because our city has a lot to love about our region. we have these nanai legends, our petroglyphs, for more than 200 years they are the same age as the pyramids. and of course, we would like our guests, our city , to experience exactly the same emotions that we khorovites experience. then in no other place can you find what kind of fish is caught specifically in the amur, so pike perch, whitefish , carp, snakehead, topgazer, pike, what
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tourists most like to carry with them, carp, whitefish, pike perch, topgazer, pike, everything tourists love our fish, in the khubarovsky region we have far eastern lemongrass, dried berries, laza, lemongrass, these are only in our far east, velvet-amur berries. we also have honey from amur velvet, pine nuts, only we have large nuts that grow like this , we collect rosehip petals ourselves, you can take pictures with ice sculptures, ride down the slide and stroll around the fair on the central square of khabarovsk at the amurfest festival, which is taking place within the framework of the national project tourism and hospitality industry. and the way to the most interesting places will be shown by this blue-green whale, a symbol of the region. the homeland of whales, the shantar islands, aircraft made in komsomolsk on the amur. the whaler has become a tourist symbol. the information center is a uniting place between tourists and tourist
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sites, travel companies, museums, theaters, that is, we are called upon to tell about our khabarovsk region, about our beloved khabarovsk, people come from almost all over the country, and we have a lot from the west. our far easterners also like to travel, these are kamchatka and sakhalin. an active reboot of the entire tourism industry of the khabarovsk territory began several years ago. the development strategy is designed until 2026. at the end of the twenty-third, the head of the region summed up the results. the national tourism project was launched in the twenty-first year, during these 3 years we have attracted billion 300 million rubles from the federal budget. in general, the hospitality industry this year has increased...
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for the development of the tourism industry, the region reimburses entrepreneurs for expenses up to 85%, the amount of subsidies increased from 6 to 20 million rubles. as for federal support, in 2024 the regions will be allocated a single subsidy of 6,200 million rubles. it is planned that the khabarovsk territory will receive more than 73 million. they plan to invest the money in large tourism projects, for example, water conservation. a complex on four floors, one of which will be given to children, and the others will be turned into recreation areas with all types of baths and pools of different temperatures, five high-speed slides 11 m high, 560 people will be able to stay in the water park at a time. large openings are expected tourist infrastructure facilities, well , first of all, in khabarovsk, this is a water park and a four-star hotel, we included large objects of attraction in the masterplan of khabarovsk.
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this is an embankment, a far eastern art museum, all of which will begin to be built using funds raised, federal funds and bank funding, regional ones. by 2030 , khabarovsk plans to improve a large pedestrian artery and central street and open the longest river embankment in the far east, along the amur, which will become another magnet for traveling to the homeland of whales.
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the united states and britain launched a series of airstrikes in yemen, sanaa international airport came under fire, they say this is revenge for the attack in the red sea. the houthis have already promised to respond. and ukrainian. dpr, as a result of the hail attack , houses and two kindergartens were damaged. there are people injured. in which condition? a powerful snow cyclone hit the south of sakhalin. on roads with almost zero visibility , vehicle movement is limited. flights are delayed at the airport. automotive industry nuclear medicine own cheeses. today at vdnkh the kaluga region,
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ryazan and bryanka are showing their achievements. in the penza region, an employee of a high-security plant was detained ; according to intelligence services, he passed information about the work of the enterprise to polish intelligence; as reported by the fsb , the employee himself established contact with foreign security forces; in exchange for cooperation, he expected help in moving abroad. according to the investigation, the suspect collected information about the volume of production under the state defense order. detained already admitted. that in fact his work should have brought much more harm, he planned to give me political asylum and to transfer to them data about the state enterprise, the sensitive facility where i work, data about the volume of production, the location of workshops, electrical substations, about electrical substations, so that if they do...


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