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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 12, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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residents of the south-east of ukraine, residents of the western and central regions act more carefully, everything is simple, in this way they are trying to send death to as many as possible of those who are disloyal to the authorities and speak russian. telegram channels in kharkov write that thousands of police are planning to be sent to the kupinskoe direction. it was decided to form three battalions from kharkov police officers and send them to the kupinskoe direction, that is, a one-way ticket. the lists are already available and are known to the police themselves. trying to file reports on dismissal, but the machine started spinning, and they are no longer allowed to do this. get away from ukraine, but only for money. a western publication is already writing about prices. the german newspaper tages spiegel reports that for 1.0 euros you will be taken across the field to the border. the most expensive option is to bribe the border guards, and this is no less than 3,000 euros. many ukrainians cannot afford it, so they still count on avoz, in case they are lucky enough to cross the dniester and settle in moldova. but it doesn’t work out here. independent border guards caught up
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with the fugitive on a boat, dragged the selk on board they twisted his arms right in his wetsuit. others don't leave the house at all. paint the front door the same color as the entrance, as well as the entire face. why waste time on trifles? 2,500 hryvnia and they turn you into an old man. and if such a pensioner is determined to be thrown onto the front line, there is only one way out for them. clean volga is open. anastasia ivanova, anna pogonina, news!
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kupinsky direction, we’re going to the guys, the scouts, they said the other day. when we are already
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on our way to a mission, snipers are covering the lines, where could the enemy come from? i received a summons 2 hours later i was already at the military registration and enlistment office, they took reconnaissance, asked will you go, i said i’ll go, we plowed this land in training, we gained a lot of experience, i ask you to remember the holy commandment once... there is a task, which means you need to complete it, you need to go , must be done.
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the megamarket, there will be a discount, buy toys for children with discounts of up to 70%, a cheeseburger or chickenburger for only 45 rubles at tasty period, an important event of the week , however, it will happen tomorrow, these are elections in taiwan, this region of china is now attracting everyone’s attention, why, we will talk about this with a diplomat, an orientalist, a diplomatic professor. on friday evening people are still trying more to relax, do some personal business, but international life is in full swing, we will try to make our conversations interesting for yes, of course, of course, especially since everything is so complicated,
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the new year has begun very interestingly, elections are on the thirteenth, in in general it’s a four, and the four in the east, you know, is better than me, it’s not a very sad number. it is not our ally, but it is a state friendly to russia, we, of course, are not indifferent to what will happen on this island and around him, because our position is known, we support china, we believe that taiwan is a part, an integral part
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of the chinese people's republic, so naturally, russia's borders are directed towards the asia-pacific region. and in this regard, of course, we are not indifferent to what will happen there, because it directly concerns our national interests, primarily in the field of security, which is why it is also interesting. because this concerns , first of all, chinese domestic policy, the sustainability of this policy, stability this policy, because taiwan was noted, recorded in the chinese party documents, the chinese constitution, as an integral part, so when the current administration came to power, i mean the chairman. sidimpin, it was announced that this is the root problem, the most important problem, and one way or another,
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the future of china naturally depends on the outcome of the taimai problem, so china today looks like a great power, but which, unfortunately, is surrounded by a chain of american bases, nearby unfriendly states and so on, well let me at least start with the fact that there is japan, south korea, which is connected by various... agreements with the united states in the military-political field, there are treaty obligations today between the united states and the philippines, and the united states literally in a year expanded its presence in the philippines, bringing there are up to nine bases, nine bases, nine bases, uh, in addition, the united states carries out regular deliveries of weapons, thereby grossly, brazenly violating all treaty obligations. before china, 20 years ago, 30 years ago, i come from shanghai
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kamenike, it was recorded that the united states would gradually stop the supply of weapons to the island, that is, the americans promised to do this, they promised, it was written, but it was written cunningly, they will reduce, well, what do we see, that they do not reduce, on the contrary , they increase, which is so or otherwise from the spare parts that they supply to the island, from that equipment. from the weapons that the taiwanese receive, they are already making their own submarines, their own planes, fighters, and so on, they can fully consider themselves, at least provided with american support and so on, then president biden himself broke his promise, broke his so-called duality, he will help the united states, the united states will help taiwan or not, right now. definitely, there have already been several statements similar to biden’s, that in the event
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of an armed conflict, the united states will take the side of taiwan and will provide arms supplies, first of all, to the taiwanese side, so a very unpleasant situation arises, against this background, the elections that will be held tomorrow, they have the most important meaning, as for the taiwanese themselves,
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several times, that taiwan is an inescapable part of the prc, and naturally, china... will draw conclusions for the future on how to behave with this island, but i want to say, to bring you to a very interesting situation , which has developed on the island itself, they call themselves taiwan independent, well, they call it the republic of china, here we need our sinologists and non-sinologists to keep in mind that there is a people's republic of china, the people's republic of china with its capital beijing, there is. republic of china, which was once founded by sunitsen,
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then, naturally, this banner was raised by chiang kai-shek, in 1949, when he emigrated with his two million army to the island, naturally it all became the republic of china, china at that time did not have the means to carry out a landing operation , and then a situation arose in korea and chinese volunteers came to the rescue. to their korean brothers, in order to protect, liberate, yes, the korean war, that’s why the following situation is now developing on the island: there is a ruling party called:
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independence today is manifested in what: only 10 countries today recognize taiwan as holding independence and so on, but the state and so on, maintain diplomatic relations, of which the most famous are the vatican, yeah, why, because there are a lot of catholics there, and so or otherwise, the vatican has certain rights and obligations regarding convicts, to appoint clergymen, and so on, and the second...
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sonitsen, in which chiang kai-shek was a member, and so on, which during the years of his reign, say, for the last 20 years, did something that was possible in order to build, maintain, build bridges of relations with the people's republic of china, primarily in the field of business, but somehow strangely, kchaikanshe, he was not a pokonnik, death , this is after his death. the consent of the chinese , who were interested and who understood that this was a peaceful trade route, which could subsequently, under certain circumstances, lead to the reunification of the island with the mainland, like alya hong kong, approximately, well, yes, approximately like that, well, there were other obligations on the part of great britain, and if we take macau from the side of portugal and so on, but here all
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this is not very obvious, here is the third party , which is led by... the former mayor of the city of taipei, that is, the capital of taiwan, here he is formed a party, so it turns out that according to measurements, uh, according to measurements of the situation, i mean, i’m talking about public opinion, the following picture turns out to be very interesting, that the government party today has 34-35%. eh, i said, the commandant. yeah, something like this: 30 30 30 33 in second position this means that the ruling party is dp, that is, it has a democratic progressive party.
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what the ruling party won in this election struggle, it won is that it split the opposition into two parties , certain, let’s say personal motives naturally played there, that every leader of gumendan, the leader of the people’s party wanted to be leaders and so on, it didn’t work out, it didn’t it turned out and so on, that is , the governor wanted, the people wanted to become president of the so-called, and... the leader of the people's party had to to take the post of vice president, well, that is, they didn’t agree, so uh, what do we have? we have three parties, but the main and fundamental
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point, which, unfortunately, is talked about very little, is the so-called public opinion of the island, today 80% of the chinese or taiwanese or chinese who live on the island speak out for compliance.. .status quo, that is, for maintaining the status that taiwan has today, not for separatism, for nothing, but for the way they live, yes, well-being is not bad, it is higher than naturally in china, here are the prospects, the innovation process is underway, the most famous chips, the most famous technologies, machine tool industry, they make submarines, they make their own airplanes and so on, that is, in principle, everything is fine, and moreover... . enjoys the full support of the united states of america, they actively trade with china, yes, yes, so it’s very interesting, it turns out that this is the main defining moment of the policy
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of each party, so the ruling party says and throws out the slogan, what are we for separatism, we are for independence, this slogan continues, but the other two opposition parties, they do not recognize the principle proposed by the chinese... the people's republic of china , the principle of one state, two systems, they do not recognize, they want something else, they call this is a de-escalation of relations, strengthening interaction and so on, but in no way do they sit down on the spin of the box that the people's republic of china naturally offers. we literally have two minutes left, everyone is interested in one thing, i understand that such forecasts - it's a complicated thing. as it seems to me, since today is such a vague situation, yes, either there will be a bad world, which will be similar to
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today's world, to today's conflict situation, or it will be a war, but i just want to say that neither china nor the usa, today, they we’re not quite ready for this war, well, let’s think about the fact that the chinese, that means the chinese presence.
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interesting topic, but we’ve run out of time, yes, next time, next time we’ll definitely talk, because we’ll discuss the results, and as i understand it, this is a topic on all year and maybe for longer, thank you very much for coming, so let's hope that a bad peace is better than a dirty dirty war, in which one way or another, in which we will also be affected, but for now the situation is such that with we are actively fighting the west, thank you, and i’ll remind you that we talked with a diplomat, ustakov expert, professor at the diplomatic academy vladimir zakharov, well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a halva, you take out credit cards, transfer the debts to halva.
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