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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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the united states is not interested in a ground war in yemen. this was stated in the white house against the backdrop of night attacks by the united states and great britain on houthi targets. the ansar allah movement vowed to retaliate; on friday, a missile was reported, albeit unsuccessfully, against a british cargo ship in the gulf of adana. the latest details of the operation in the red sea in the reports of our correspondents in the usa in the middle east, valentin bogdanov and alexander belibov.
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the pentagon got it right with the strikes on yemen to prime time television. the american viewer saw the first footage of the explosions at 8:00 pm us east coast time. another live war. columns of fire against the backdrop of a dark sky, where they are hitting are hard to understand, but the direct inclusion of reports from the american department of defense adds to the victorious effect. countries, the united states is making it clear that it is not worthwhile to act as a deterrent for iran and others to aggravate the conflict with the help of this strike group,
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not a word about the fact that the united states is once again... attacking an independent state in the middle east, without un sanctions. the illegality of what is happening is traditionally masked by the format of a certain coalition, where washington has convened the obedient and trusted. biden is expected to make a televised address until the last moment, but the american president, who has spent at most 1 hour in public over the past 20 days, is limiting himself to a written statement. pentagon chief lloyd austin monitors the progress of the strikes from his hospital bed. it's a piquant situation, to put it mildly. today, at my direction, the us military, together with the uk, with the support of australia, bahrain, canada and the netherlands, successfully struck a number of sites in yemen used by houthi rebels to threaten freedom of navigation on one of the world's most important waterways. if necessary, i will not hesitate to take further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international trade.
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and iran, we have to make iran all of its proxies understand that they will have to pay a price for what they are doing. thus we are on the way to initiate a policy of containment in this region. to american hawks, everything that happens, of course, i liked the fighting stance regarding iran, they are ready to get up at any time of the day or night, a big war with tehran, the us deep state has been dreaming for decades, but voices in defiance are becoming louder and louder. biden is criticized by his own party members, especially the left wing of the democrats. the president had to come to congress before applying.
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but the white house definitely shouldn’t hope for any small victorious war in an election year, and trump won’t allow that either. biden is not only stupid and incompetent, i believe that he had gone completely crazy. he is a raving madman with his extremely dangerous open border policy, he is a mental disaster that is leading our country to hell. and the third world war will begin for him, for no reason. against this prospect, immediately after reports of the strikes, people came out to protest on...
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on the streets of american cities, they demand an immediate stop to the bombing of the gaza strip, the aggravation of the situation in yemen and the red sea, a direct consequence of the violence that accompanies the israeli military operation, a settlement in the palestinian zone conflict, a guarantee of peace in the middle east, the opposite option, even greater globalization of this conflict. however, their allies do not want to see this reason for the investigative connection between the united states and the situation in gaza. despite the efforts of russia and a number of arab countries, nothing was mentioned in the latest security council resolution on yemen. today, at the initiative of our country , an urgent meeting will be held at the un again. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and maria egorova, news from new york.
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the attacks of the american-british coalition did not come as a surprise to yemen. just the day before the houthi rebels moved some of their weapons to reserve security sites. and declared a general mobilization in the provinces they controlled. yemen today, like a tender blanket, is divided between various groups, the main force of which can rightfully be considered the ansar allah movement, those same houthis. they control the western part of the country, where the majority of the population lives, including the capital sanaa. it was on this territory that the us and uk struck last night. this is what our fellow citizens living now in yemen. there was 73 damage.
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there is irritation and a readiness to mobilize against the americans. the targets of the attack , as reported by the pentagon, were radars, air defense systems, warehouses, as well as launch sites for drones and missiles, although, judging by the footage of the night bombings, the damage to the ansar allah group was still caused to its combat effectiveness in general by the us and allied attacks. not to say that they had a significant impact, but they greatly angered the houthis, who are now threatening washington and london with retribution for their actions. yemeni armed forces without hesitation will strike at the sources of the threat. this brutal aggression will not stop yemen from standing in support of the palestinian people. our armed forces confirm that they will continue to stop israeli ships and
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vessels heading to the ports of occupied palestine. and these are clearly not empty threats. the houthis also have a wide range of attack drones and several types of anti-ship missiles, both their own and... given the military capabilities of the houthis, according to the yemeni rebels, the us high military command it’s worth listening, because the targets of retaliatory strikes by the ansar allah movement could be not only coalition ships in the red sea, but also american military bases located in countries neighboring yemen. the entire arabian peninsula and the persian gulf countries, including the largest american base in the middle east, are within the striking radius of the ballistic missiles that the uhuthis are armed with. aludeit, located on the territory of qatar, in this conflict the countries of the region, if not on the side of the houthis, then certainly not against them, so the us operation from only bahrain supported regional players. key countries in the region, such as saudi arabia or the united arab emirates, remained in the country.
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the americans already tried to put an end to the houthis in mid -2010 with the help of the same saudi arabia, which for several years experienced a response from the yemeni rebels that attacked the drone. oil fields and refineries on the territory of the kingdom, while the americans simply moved away from the yemeni shores. today, merchant ships also bypass the country, after all, the babel-mandeb strait is the most important transport corridor connecting east to west, through which 12% of world trade passes, the us operation, seemingly aimed at protecting commercial shipping, clearly had the opposite effect. world markets reacted quickly, oil prices went up, updating the record.
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islamic revolution, if it follows, it will most likely happen in syria or iraq, where the forces of shiite groups will come under attack from the american contingents in these countries, as for the direct clashes between washington and tehran, such a scenario is now unlikely to be needed by either side. alexander bilibov, dmitry cherbakov and denis sokolov, lead the middle east. oil tankers are beginning to change routes around the red sea, with at least four vessels diverted. course after us and british strikes on yemen.
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anna lazareva will tell you how this news affects the global oil market. the most obvious consequence of the escalating conflict in the red sea is volatility in the oil market, as it is estimated that every tenth ton in the world was transported along this route. the blows to yemen pushed quotes up, yesterday they added more than 2%, today they are already more than four. now the brand is trading above $80 per barrel, but this is far from the limit. and myself. probably, such a terrible scenario for the world oil market is if iran, as part of direct clashes with the western coalition and the united states, closes the strait of armuz. the strait of armuz is the exit from the persian gulf, and oil from iraq, kuwait, saudi arabia and iskator lng pass through. about 20 million barrels per day pass through there, that is, approximately 20% of global production in general. and if this artery is blocked for at least a week or two, then it will be already.
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there is another less dramatic scenario: if iran does not block the armuz strait, it will instead limit oil exports. about a million barrels per day could leave the market in this way, experts say. then there is a risk of prices rising to $100 per barrel. this will have a huge impact on prices. analysts predict. that the consequences may be worse than the crisis of the seventies, but still this is only a potential risk. if the situation takes the path of escalation, the market will have to factor it into the prices, and this is not only oil, it is also lng, the export of which from kator to europe goes through the red sea, but at this stage we are not at this point yet. not only oil tankers, but also other commercial vessels come under fire from the houthis. against this background, the second largest container carrier in the world , maersk, has once again postponed its operations completely. opening of the route through the red sea, they did not rule out that its stable operation may not
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resume for several more months. merchant ships traveling from europe to asia and back are forced to use more expensive and longer routes around southern africa, an extra 800 km, although there is an alternative, and this is the northern sea route. the svyatsky canal runs through a fairly large one, so to speak. turnover in order for all countries to feel, so to speak, an increase in delivery times, that is, and of course, we are in russia, we set ourselves the task of developing the northern sea route, and of course, it would be quite profitable for us if some of the ships went through the northern sea route, but so far international companies are choosing, in fact, to bypass africa, to overpay for the freight, and to expect more time. delivery of goods. shippers are talking about supply disruptions, rising insurance prices and rising
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freight costs. according to the wall street journal, the cost of transporting a forty-foot container has almost doubled. for example, delivery from china to rotterdam will cost $3,500. growth over the week 115%. and there is now potential for further growth in rates. because in the covid years, the cost of transportation was almost 10 times higher than now. the increase in transportation costs may affect a variety of sectors of the economy; not only oil, but also, for example, cars and food products may begin to tremble, and this is fraught with a new round of global inflation. within a week, russian troops occupied more advantageous positions in the zaporozhye and kupinsky directions and thwarted attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to transport sabotage groups on the left bank of the dnieper, shot down a ukrainian fighter, an attack aircraft for the first time, two american-made malt aircraft guided missiles. this. so -called decoys are false targets that distract the attention of air defense. interception will help
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study the control system to distinguish them from missiles with live projectiles. and here’s what else the ministry of defense said about the results for the week. the period from january 6 to january 12, the armed forces of the russian federation carried out 23 group strikes, with precision weapons, large range, air and sea based, including dagger hypersonic aircraft missile systems. as well as unmanned aerial vehicles for enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine that produce, modernize and repair aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicles, armored vehicles, launch vehicles... russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. we create new cultural spaces. and of course we we open new routes to the point of attraction.
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discover the achievements of our country. come to the exhibition. forum russia , everyone who sends me money becomes incredibly rich, quantum psychology is working with the subconscious, i’m a billionaire, you ’re a billionaire, just trust as much as possible, you dance, there’s dancing, hugs, and you’re pushed right to the booth where the managers once you have taken out a loan, they will all run to you to buy it thoughtlessly, that is, this is the ticket.
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well, india and china understand why there is a big population, japan has always placed an emphasis on railway transport, so they... also have high indicators, but today ’s high places are the daily work of the team. we have already succeeded in creating a new modular station. production takes place in two regions, in st. petersburg and chechnya. the service life is 50 years, and the structure can be installed in just 4 days. there are already plans to install fifteen such stations.
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also, a completely domestic train from the swallow series was created, and new passenger cars. a separate important area for the country’s economy is the transportation of container cargo from the far east, as oleg belozerov noted, currently the load is about 60%. it was possible to increase the figure due to an increase in the number of terminals from 6 to 17 in the far east.
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as a result, this work also helps to increase cargo flow by... the work to modernize border crossings, as well as the use of new modes and technologies at checkpoints, also helps to increase cargo turnover. another important trend is the growth in cargo volumes, which is up to are inserted by rail into ports for export; if previously the figure was 40%, now it is already 78. let me remind you that the goal has been set to increase the throughput capacity of the eastern landfill, and
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as oleg belozerov noted at the meeting with the president, including now using innovative technologies, we are talking about heavy traffic, for example, on the eastern range there is a 17% increase in trains with increased weight. the head of russian railways recalled that the investment program is approximately 1,200. rub. the key issue is construction at the eastern site.
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everything the government does is wrong, they spend our money in abundance in other countries, and the germans are doing worse and worse. we realize that taxes are rising, fuel prices are rising, and so on. patience is almost overflowing, this state has socially devastated this country. you can start the report from february 24, 2022, but this is not the whole
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story, it did not even begin with crimea or maidan. what we hear in the mainstream media is half-assed. our self-proclaimed experts are heard in ukraine. they are encouraged when they are told that they will supply tanks, missiles, everything will be fine. that is, we create the impression that the war must be fought to the bitter end. we look before everyone else, where? let go, where, vosnetsova, i’m doing the haymaking , you know, i’m not very comfortable, someone was killed again, but what’s wrong with you, there’s no sleep or rest , let’s sign up and look.
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so she went, her dear went, our guys are all reliable, we all help each other, we all cover each other, the squadron group defended the raid, the enemy didn’t expect it, do your job correctly and not be afraid of anything, reconnaissance for today is a intelligence work is structured in such a way that all
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success will depend only on it, practically, this is what data we will provide, the work is very hard, combat work, we advance in twos, first, second, for everything about everything we have two minutes - three, we reach the dugout, throw grenades there, take the prisoner, throw the waste there, retreat to a safe place, the polka will work , the ags will work, who throws it into the dugout, the second deuce, so that at least it is jammed by this blast wave, that’s all while he’s there he comes to his senses, we run up, throw everything, everyone is ready, there are no objections, that’s it, we’re moving forward, that’s it, two’s distance. 3-4 m between pairs, one and a half meters.
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kupinsky direction, we are going to the guys, the scouts, there is active fighting here now, the path is very difficult, we are making our way through the grass, excellent physical conditions, of course. preparation, now we will get acquainted with the soldiers from the reconnaissance battalion, who will tell us about the preparations for the most important operation, the car will not pass here, so this of course complicates our path, we have to walk for a very long
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time. you still need to get through the branches look at your feet, also everything is for safety reasons, here you don’t enjoy the sun and good weather, here you are more happy when the sky is overcast, deep dugouts are hidden under camouflage nets, in one of them the scouts who have already become legendary in the kupinsky direction of the motorized rifle division are waiting for us army corps. baltic fleet, a machine gunner scout with the call sign cossack conducts an excursion for our film crew. well, let's go, let's go and see our home, where we come on vacation, where we relax, so to speak, we gather our thoughts, wash our clothes, and so on , relax, watch the news, of course, we also have a tv, we are people too, yes, even here there is a tv, of course, but how could we do without it, we must know what is happening in the world, and then suddenly
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a special military operation will end tomorrow, and we don’t even know, the weather today has changed in recent days, now it’s frost, now it’s raining, so we have to cut some wood, the weather, one might say, is now playing on us in a sense, they said the other day, let’s go to the task, so we’re getting ready, going through everything, everything should be adjusted, the first aid kit should. equipped so that everything was beautiful, as they say, the back is fine, but nothing, oh, well, that’s it
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, the task came to make a raid, just make some noise, we had four people, we carefully went to the enemy, crawled probably 10 meters and he didn’t i saw, they just threw a tratil shash there, checkers, they just demolished the dugout and left unnoticed, the enemy didn’t even understand what was coming and what happened at all, scouts, these are some kind of superhumans, that is , 10 m. you’re just the enemy, look into the eyes , yes, you can say that, yes, to me i like our work, i’m that kind of person , why not, there is a task, which means we need to complete it, we have to go, we have to do it, we go and do it, we don’t just think about the bad, we always think about the good, what’s waiting for us at home, the reconnaissance battalion fighters received the highest awards from the hands of the hero of russia, the chief of staff of the motorized rifle
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division. well, to the loss of personnel, that is , a long time in this direction, well , if we have already advanced in other directions, that this direction was the most difficult. during the offensive in in the kuzyomovka area, scouts occupied key heights. there, the uav crews detected enemy artillery in time, promptly adjusted the fire and struck, thereby foiling the plans of the ukrainian armed forces to destroy our positions.
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thanks to our skillful actions.


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