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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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the united states again hit yemen with tamahawks, explosions in the country's capital, what threatens the escalation of the conflict, what statements are being made in the un security council. south donetsk direction. the anti-aircraft gunners of the eastern group repel a massive night attack by the vzo. penultimate level of weather danger. the moscow region is once again shackled by severe frosts. how much for a thermometer? aircraft manufacturing, record
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harvests and kaisha with baked pumpkin, which will be shown at the exhibition in russia, voronezh and lipetsk regions. the united states has launched new attacks on yemen. bombed north, the capital of the country. the pentagon said the strike was carried out by an aircraft carrier using tamahawk cruise missiles. earlier , information about the attack was confirmed by officials from the american administration. according to them , the strike was carried out on the houthi radar. russia's envoy vasily nebendze spoke about the fact that the united states will not stop at one attack last night at a meeting of the un security council. the diplomat noted: strikes on yemen have nothing to do with the right to self-defense and violate the charter of the united nations. nebende called washington's actions armed aggression and emphasized: because of this, the war in the middle east is spreading to the red sea and the gulf of addon. called on the international community
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to condemn the us and allied attacks on yemen. this is yet another military aggression by the collective west in a long list of its forays into the suffering middle east. all the pseudo-right white house rationalizations don't hold water. i would like to remind you once again that freedom of navigation is regulated by the un maritime convention. rights of 1982, in case of violation convention, the convention allows you to start negotiations with violators and file a claim in arbitration or an international tribunal for maritime law. nothing in this document, as in the norms of customary international maritime law, gives the right to attack a sovereign country. the us representative explained the strikes on evin as necessary, as she claims they comply with international law. the diplomat emphasized. escalation in the region must come
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from the houthis. the representative of china, in turn, called not to distort the security council resolution and not to provoke new hotbeds of tension. it is regrettable that the military measures taken by the parties against yemen have not only led to the destruction of infrastructure and civilian casualties, but have also led to increased security risks in the red sea, and this is not conducive to the protection of commercial interests. us on the houthis and israel's military operation in the gaza strip. despite the late evening, hundreds of people came out into the street, demonstrators temporarily blocked the first highway near the un headquarters, now these images are on your screens, and then they moved in a procession, here there are also fragments of this procession in the last video, now i’ll show you another one, this is roughly what it looked like. demonstrators chanted
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slogans in support of the people of yemen and palestine, and also demanded that ships linked to israel leave the red sea. residents of several regions of ukraine heard powerful explosions tonight. kiev authorities reported sounds of detonation in the vicinity of the capital. similar information came from the sumy region, dnepropetrovsk region of kherson, which is still controlled by the kiev regime. air raid sirens sounded at six regions, including kyiv and kyiv. region in that part of the kherson region that is now in the hands of militants. in the artyomovsk direction, artillery paratroopers destroyed a western- made howitzer of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy self-propelled gun was discovered by scouts using a drone. the information was transmitted to the artillery control point. the fighters brought the mstab howitzer to the firing position. the enemy gun was destroyed with accurate shots. in most cases, of course, we now support our infantry. in the yuzhnodonetsk direction
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the russian military protected ground units and civilians from a new attack from the vzo. all air targets were shot down by the crews of the buk complexes, and they, in turn, were covered by electronic warfare fighters from the militant drones that were persistently hunting for the vehicles. eduard punigov will talk about the work of zennitchikov. south donetsk direction. the anti-aircraft guns of the eastern group are repelling a massive attack. the buk anti-aircraft missile system protects the sky day and night, covers army units, key industrial and administrative facilities, the new year holidays turned out to be especially hot for this crew, we work on the rszzo, we also work on
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the hymers, we work on personally shot down people on my account, that’s 15 targeters, we worked on new year’s eve. according to orsgo alha, we had a huge responsibility, i think we coped with our task, this crew had already repelled hundreds of attacks, but one missile still flew in response, there were arrivals by car, the prr flew to us, in this car i smashed r1a, i also got cut into pieces, you see, i got knocked up was hit by the mto, fragments and small ones flew into the stacks, and you were inside at that moment, right? yes, i was inside with one other officer, everyone remained alive, inside, they didn’t even feel it. the bux is capable of detecting targets at a distance of about 100 km, and the installation sees absolutely everything, missiles, planes, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles, duty is carried out around the clock,
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as soon as one crew’s shift ends, it is immediately replaced by another crew. the commander of this battery graduated from the air defense military academy in smolensk, during the special operation he from the first day. why join the army? decided to connect your life with the army? i don’t know, i always liked it, i liked everything about being a military man, so i chose the profession, what do you remember most during all this time? i can’t even say that right away, our job is probably that we hit targets, happy people are always happy to see us. the anti-aircraft missile system can simultaneously target several targets, its main trump card being almost sniper-like shooting accuracy. the beech blows against... endures very painfully, constantly hunts for him, the anti-aircraft gunners understand this very well, so they constantly move or hide in the forest belt. the anti-aircraft gunners are also being helped by electronic warfare units , for example, one of the enemy drones that they managed to forcefully
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land, we don’t know the production of which, we won’t touch it either, how serious a threat this device poses, quite a big threat, there is a large charge inside it. itself is cumulative, the fuse flew off, well, most of the fragments, too, we can’t find the wing. sappers examined the device and decided to destroy it on the spot. eduard ponegov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. severe frosts have returned to the moscow region, and the penultimate orange level of weather danger has been declared. it's about -25 outside now. forecasters warn that by 9 am the temperature will drop to 20.7° in the region even colder, so in the wedge near moscow it is now already 32° below zero. city services are working in enhanced mode, the heating is turned on to maximum. residents are advised to reduce the time spent on the street, and drivers are advised to stock up on fuel and warm clothes. take part in the shadow theater,
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buy felt boots, eat porridge with baked pumpkin. you can go to... at dnh today. at the exhibition russia forum day of the voronezh region. representatives of the region are ready not only to talk about the rich historical heritage, but also to show the latest achievements. from the region where airplanes are launched, record wheat harvests are harvested. report by evgeniy and neighbour. the homeland of air force one of the russian president's plane and the world's first supersonic passenger tu-144. over twenty types throughout history, winged aircraft have been produced at the voronezh aviation plant. now. the only one in the country where long-haul and wide-body passenger aircraft are built. just such a first flight was made last fall against the backdrop of its predecessor , the il-96-400 mlinney, its more powerful engines
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can accommodate up to 370 passengers without landing and can fly across the entire country from west to east. the plane is completely domestic. this is an answer to those, including skeptics, who often say that we cannot do anything, here is completely import-substituted the plane was lifted, the plant once again confirmed that the team can still do it. the tasks that the state sets for him. voronezh and cosmos are brought closer, created by the design bureauchemicals. rocket engines provided 19 successful launches last year. now they are working on a fundamentally new model, the first oxygen-methane engine. the people of the region are, in every sense, good at building bridges. this plant for the production of metal structures is one of the largest in the country. elements of olympic venues in sochi the recognizable arches of the crimean bridge were created here. we are steadily going through all of these.
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they grow the healthiest berries , fruits, vegetables, produce cheeses, cottage cheese, eggs, bread without chemicals, the region is the leader in the country in the number of organic farms, more than thirty, they are now working on promoting their products, if it will be under one particular regional brand, this will be very cool, that is, we will already have a voronezh recognizable brand, voronezh students are now taking design, it, medicine classes at a megaschool, the largest in the country, designed for almost 3.00 children, an unusual building with ... rays was erected in a couple of years, now they want to build a mega-kindergarten with 600 places nearby.
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a real princess castle has received a new old look in the region. manor of the late 19th century, brick neo-gothic monument. the aldenburg palace is currently being reconstructed; it attracts tourists with its beauty and mysticism, they say there are ghosts here. you don’t have to guess anymore what kind of ships tsar peter ii built at the voronezh shipyards, this one is now easy to see and even stand on the contrary, it’s a copy of the battleship gotha destinations. the original was laid down in 1698. the emperor personally supervised the work; on the museum ship, he also has a royal figure in one of the cabins. by the way, lenkor, as they say, operating in the year of the 350th anniversary of peter the great, walked along the voronezh river. evgenia sosedka and andrey plotnikov, host voronezh. a hearing on the appeal of the russian olympic committee against the suspension of ioc membership will be held.
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noted that the international olympic committee is politically biased towards our country, i haven’t even been following it lately... says bang, because that he somehow bang one thing, then tomorrow bang another, the day after tomorrow bang the third, and it seems to me that they, well, they want to completely erase russia from everything that is possible, sports, culture and so on, but i’m sure that sooner or later it will all end anyway, and although you don’t know, weak people , which i consider them to be, will not have the courage to apologize to us, but they will simply open the door for us, the russian guard congratulated
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the journalists on their professional holiday , russian press day, and thanked reporters who promptly and objectively inform the public about what is happening in the special operation zone. from the first day of the northern military district, russian journalists, shoulder to shoulder with the fighters on the front line, have been showing courage and heroism; correspondents work selflessly, sometimes sparing their lives, an example of this is our colleague boris maksudov. according to investigators, he ordered the murder of his wife, so the prosecution believes that he
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expected to quickly resolve issues with real estate. alexander ostakhov will tell you how a pensioner looked for a killer and what kind of love he tried to secure for himself. comrades of vladimir kychin and yuri novikov are now tightly binds not only the common glass box in the most city court hall, but also the blood that tatyana novikova was shot in the fall of 22; according to investigators, her husband is the one who ordered the murder, and the accomplice is that. the perpetrator of the crime is nearby. yuri, you don’t feel sorry for your wife, after all, we haven’t married for so many years. in response, novikov looks somewhere at the floor, either his conscience has risen, or he’s just bewildered, because he’s a salesman. he tried his best to confuse the investigation and probably felt like the hero of a twisted detective story. yuri, tell me what happened. after the murder the man convinced the investigator that during a family walk with the dog , a stranger accosted the couple, saying that he was indignant that the shepherd was without a leash, the husband turned away, when suddenly there was a shot, an instant and the wife’s body on the ground, the shooter, disappeared. but the investigators
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immediately had a lot of questions about this version, why the veteran of the internal service, who fought in... time for robbery, was released, did not live well, therefore, apparently, he accepted the offer, received 100,000 in advance, and did not make it to the remaining 400, he was found a month later and detained in petersburg. please stand at the distance you were at at the moment. according to investigators, novikov supplied his accomplices with a revolver and live ammunition. at the agreed time, he took his wife away from prying eyes, surveillance cameras and street lights.
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tatyana was 49 years old. the kodomsky case has been separated into separate proceedings, but novikov and kichin are being tried together. not only for murder, but for illegal weapons trafficking. according to investigators, novikov decided to deal with his wife because of greed, he wanted to inherit her plot in the moscow region, an apartment in moscow and a car. the accused himself says that it’s all because his wife cheated on him and this after 15 years of marriage. what truth will be determined by the court, but it is important to remember that for murder for personal gain, the sentence is always longer. alexander ostakov, dmitry vishkevich and evgeny makunev, lead the duty unit. the court pronounced a verdict in the high-profile case of the former head of the main directorate for physical culture and sports of krasnoyarsk. valery chernousov was found guilty of bribery and fraud. as it turned out, through an intermediary, he received a bribe from the director of the sports club center in the form of construction and fuel and lubricants . he also stole a million rubles from three subordinate municipal institutions. it was established that he
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spent all the funds on building a house. valery chernousov admitted fraud in court and compensated for damages. but with the fact of receipt. did not agree to bribes. nevertheless , he will spend 7 years and 8 months in a maximum security colony. russia celebrated the day on friday employee of the prosecutor's office. at all times, this department was one of the few government agencies where people could turn with any of their troubles and problems, from power outages in their apartments to deception by scammers. but today the priority is still protecting the social rights of russians. the president especially noted this when congratulating him on his professional holiday.
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law and justice. and this year our citizens expect equally active offensive work from you. as before, priority tasks include identifying and eliminating violations of social labor rights of citizens. monitoring the strict observance of legal rights, payments and benefits for participants in a special
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military operation and their families. the work of prosecutors has increased significantly over three centuries. opposition. special officers are in their hands to ensure law and order in the army. protecting the rights of our military and overseeing compliance with defense orders, but the rights of ordinary citizens are equally important. the prosecutor's office responds to problems in the field of housing and communal services, resettlement of dilapidated
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emergency housing, and utility tariffs. an important area is the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs. we helped large, low-income and single-parent families cope with difficult life situations. close attention was paid to providing palliative care to young patients. including children from orphanages and boarding schools. without the help of prosecutors, it is difficult to imagine the work of the legislative branch of government. this is not only about monitoring the implementation of adopted laws, but also an expert legal assessment of initiatives. over the past year , state duma deputies sent 18,500 appeals and deputy requests to the prosecutor's office. each one had a reaction: professionalism, responsible attitude to business. here. our prosecutors, based on your findings, we can adjust laws, we can initiate new ones in order to
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effectively solve problems and protect the rights of our citizens. the high status of the prosecutor's office is, first of all, the result of your work and, in many ways, the personal merit of the prosecutor general of the russian federation , igor viktorovich krasnov. we pay great attention to "on behalf of the president russia, the government and the federal assembly, those who particularly distinguished themselves in service and veterans of the prosecutor's office were today presented with state and departmental awards and certificates of honor, this is already a good tradition. egor grigoriev, sergey truskov, dmitry matrosov, news! today! 17:15 don’t miss the final episode of our program, here are its main topics. gang conflict in the courtyard
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of a high-rise building. in tyumen, the circumstances of a high-profile case of attempted murder are being clarified, which is why the daring raiders took up arms and opened fire under the windows of a residential building. houses. participants in the conflict smashed several cars, here is one of them - new parts for a gangster car. an alleged fraudster from barnaul was acquitted of having stolen more than 150 million rubles in her homeland. flew overseas to cook borscht for sale. the probable aperist promised her clients luxurious housing, taught them how to run a business, and robbed them dry. you think, lord, remove the water all.
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i am following an accident that claimed the life of the strongest teenager in the country, which happened on a snowy road, most of the former part was covered with snow, the dividing line the lane is not visible, even a professional driver will think three times before setting off. who sold a car to a minor child, why did an adult allow a schoolchild to get behind the wheel, strong prospects, they cannot place their strength there. the film crew visited the scene and found out all the details of the terrible accident. from bashkiria sultan ziganov. previously convicted
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social activist sergei udalsov went to pre-trial detention for 2 months. he has been charged with justifying terrorism. the day before they came to search him. details of the case have not yet been disclosed. judges elected the preventive measure against sergei daltsov behind closed doors. advocate. congratulations on the anniversary were received by the head of the main department for ensuring road safety, police lieutenant general mikhail chernikov. with his arrival, the department became open and
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accessible to journalists. reporters from the duty department regularly take part in joint raids and special operations with traffic inspectors, as, under the leadership of mikhail chernikov, the state traffic inspectorate was able to decide the most complex tasks on the roads, and what distinguishes a real leader from an ordinary boss, report by andrey ivlev: when you yourself drive, move and see certain, let’s say, issues that arise on the road, his life and work are one big road, his profession obliges him to be in dynamics. mikhail chernikov, head of the main department for ensuring road safety, and he is 50, this is truly unique footage from the film by journalist eduard petrov, one day with a general. for the first time in the history of the soviet traffic police and the russian traffic police, the current chief of vzvanie himself got behind the wheel of a domestic lada granta car and drove 500 km along the moscow-tula, orel-kursk route, without special escort signals.
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police lieutenant general mikhail chernikov knows well what safe road traffic should be like; he began his career in the profession as a state traffic inspector in his hometown of achinsk, then moved to a leadership position in the state internal affairs directorate for the krasnoyarsk territory, and then worked in the ministry of internal affairs of stavropol. in 2015 year became the head of the department of internal affairs of russia in the khabarovsk territory everywhere in a constant flow. mikhail chernikov personally goes to all high-profile incidents on the spot and gets to the bottom of them.
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showed himself to be a person who is absolutely sincerely not indifferent to the problems that motorists have, and this work continues. the state traffic safety inspectorate, under the leadership of mikhail chernikov, often comes up with initiatives that are adopted by deputies. this was the case with the abolition of mandatory technical inspections for cars and motorcycles owned by individuals, and also with regulating the status of electric scooters by introducing the use of an electronic driver's license. parliamentarians
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are valued. new technologies and personnel manage to ensure the safety and comfort of all traffic participants and quickly detain especially dangerous criminals. this is how modern cars appeared in the fleet of department employees in the chechen republic. these shots were taken in october during a working visit. mikhail chernikov got acquainted with the conditions of service of employees, talked with the personnel and the head of the republic ramzan kadyrov, who posted this video on his telegram channel. i
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thank each of you from the bottom of my heart. for your treasure, for your chosen profession, your path, the path of serving the people. mikhail chernikov appreciates professional personnel. specialists for the state legal inspectorate are trained on the basis of the oryol law institute of the ministry of internal affairs of russia named after lukyayanov. here are the most advanced training classes with all the equipment and simulators. oh great, get out of here, let's try it now. an interesting detail: the far eastern general, as many call chernikov, is a professional judaist and a master of heel sports. in 2003 he graduated from krasnoyarsk state university with a degree in law. and, in addition to an excellent legal education, sporting achievements, and a brilliant career in the russian ministry of internal affairs, mikhail yushich is primarily a civil engineer; he received his first education.


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