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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 13, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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an interesting detail: the far eastern general, as many call chernikov, a professional judaist and master of weightlifting, graduated from krasnoyarsk state university in 2003 with a degree in law. and, in addition to an excellent legal education, sporting achievements, and a brilliant career in the russian ministry of internal affairs, mikhail yushich is primarily a civil engineer. he received his first education at the krasnoyarsk engineering and construction institute, now the institute of civil engineering. there are simply no chernikovs, more about that a day
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anniversary, say the general’s colleagues and friends. dear brotherly heart, i sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary. 50 years, a wonderful, beautiful date, with all my heart i wish you good health, all the very best, as kind as you are for all of us. for friends, for colleagues, kind, demanding, highly qualified professional , happy birthday, dear mikhail yuryevich, i congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on your fiftieth birthday, you have come a difficult path from an ordinary state traffic inspector to the head of the main supply department road safety of the ministry of internal affairs of russia, once having arrived in your homeland, you are almost 30 years old. if you remain true to your duty and serve
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as an example of true professionalism for your subordinates, the contribution that the state traffic safety inspectorate of russia makes to ensuring the transport security of the country is invaluable. i am confident that the reliable , time-tested cooperation between the ministry of transport of the russian federation and the state traffic inspectorate of russia will allow us to continue to solve the most important problems for our country. and i sincerely wish you good luck in your service, good health and prosperity, happy anniversary mikhail yurievich. dear mikhail yuryevich, i sincerely congratulate you on your anniversary, happy birthday . your whole life is connected with work, serving people. and today you provide both security and comfort in our country. and of course, i want to join in the congratulations of friends, relatives, colleagues on...
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now we will take a break for a few minutes, there is still a lot of interesting news ahead, stay with us! pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless from the reasons for its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. this is a corporation. this is enterum. entermin is an enterosorbent of the new. generation, its mineral matrix removes toxins from the body, preserving useful substances, a smart solution against poisoning, just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts, you can, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles and receive a superbox as a gift, you can iota pintalgin extragel against pain in muscles and joints , it contains the highest dosage of a substance for pain and inflammation, and a special component for better...
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are symptoms of prostatitis. langidase promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. the recommended course is two packs. langita. thousands of holiday discounts in the magnet, drinks good 109.99. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin , let’s do without pain, this is our first family freckle and great-grandmother, it’s not immediately possible to understand its value, but everything changes when love is gained, the freckle conquered a rebellious heart and ran away, separated, became the most valuable value, family, some some are trying to disguise it wear it as decoration, save it and pass it on to another generation, national
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demography project, there is a cold pathogen around, urvi took the earth prisoner, quickly get into action ismigen, ismigen activates the immune system with just one tablet. renival solicylic acid. we trust renival. we choose renival. the legal program of vesti dezhurnoy is with you. we continue our release. escape in handcuffs in moscow,
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a foreigner suspected of drug smuggling stole the car of customs officers who were taking him for interrogation and managed hide. later the car was found in a nearby yard, and... gangster in a trash can nearby. report by vladimir bazov. an attempt to smuggle prohibited substances across the border turned the measured life of a foreign citizen into a thriller. at vnukovo airport he was detained by customs officers. the drugs were confiscated, and the traveler himself was taken to the police station in a police car. on the way, the car stopped at a gas station while the driver paid for gas, the attacker apparently remained alone in the cabin. without thinking twice i decided: “here he is.” a chance for freedom." he got behind the wheel and accelerated towards the north of the capital. even handcuffs did not prevent him from escaping from... those accompanying him. during a set of operational and joyful measures, the car in which the attacker was driving was discovered by the police in beskutnikovsky passage. the thief did not find a better option than to hide in the nearest trash can, perhaps he wanted to pretend to be homeless or
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simply hide behind bags of waste. however, the copperfield-style disappearing trick was not possible. caught on cctv cameras. it was from them that they identified him. he was one of the first on the scene. correspondent, daniil sukhoruchko. this is exactly the car of the federal customs service that the attacker stole; presumably, he left it here and disappeared in an unknown direction, but a little later the police found him, he hid in trash cans. the second time, the suspect did not dare to avoid the police and was taken to the police station. now you can be charged with drug smuggling a few more criminal articles will be added. even during the first arrest, the foreign guest promised to hand over his curator, who allegedly supplied him. prohibited substances, perhaps now he will be more willing to testify against his boss in hopes of court leniency, but it is also possible that this is only one link in a large chain of drug mafia. vladimir bazov, daniil sukuruchko, lead, duty unit. the domestic life of wild animals;
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exotic animals are now and then registered in ordinary apartments. this brings joy to the homeowners; the neighbors are cougars, there are not always enough spiders, rare cockroaches and snakes. moreover, pets sometimes literally sneak away from their owners, how to get along on the same landing with former inhabitants of the jungle, and how security forces regulate the peaceful life of wonderful animals. report by vlada egorova. ordinary. sunday afternoon, a residential area of ​​the capital, and its unusual inhabitants, sergei tatarintsev and puma hercules. every day this couple walks in the park near their house. rarely during daylight hours, more often in the late evening, so that local don’t make residents nervous again. people are afraid of those around them, as i understand it, there were a lot of complaints, tell us how the situation is now, well, we live in the same place, people, of course, continue to complain, what we have always encountered is the subjunctive mood, we don’t we know what. what’s in his head, even an ordinary domestic cat scratches, hercules
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has broken off the leash more than once, but according to the owner, he has never attacked people, he says he has known him since infancy, took him from the penden zoo, went out, raised him and takes care of him to this day, i’m sure he tamed the beast, i’ve been walking with this predator for 4 years, the reaction of passers-by is usually absolute indifference, one of the complaints was from local residents that you put him under muzzle. okay, let's say i put a muzzle on him, what will you do with his front paws and claws? this did not calm the indignant neighbors; complaints reached the local police officer. the owner of the puma was given an order not to walk the predator in public places, but then there are no special areas for this. sergei decided to fight for the rights of hercules in court, but lost in all instances. this story has been covered by the media more than once. even singer victoria daineka joined the fight against the big cat, first as a witness in court, then as the heroine of a tv show. lawyer.
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there are a certain number of dog breeds, for example , which must be worn with muzzles when walking, but there is no cougar on this list, but the cougar is on the list of animals that are prohibited from being kept at home, it was approved by government decree in 2019, it includes other wild animals, cheetahs, foxes, wolves and the so-called exotics, snakes, spiders, pythons, sergei managed to acquire a puma before this list came into force by law and now take it away. no one has the right to do so, and this is one of hercules’ entertainments; he usually walks calmly with his owner, but sometimes he climbs his favorite tree, so to speak, to hunt, however, there is no one in particular who hunts here, during all this time he has never i didn’t attack anyone, but i moved away just in case, despite the fact that hercules seemed to be left alone, having such animals is all protectors it is not recommended to have a wild animal that reaches sexual maturity. suddenly it changes and turns from a teddy ball into an aggressor, which can lead to
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harm to you and the people around you, this is quite dangerous. and if law enforcement agencies find out about this, the animal will be confiscated and a fine of one thousand rubles will be issued. by the way, lawyers are in favor of increasing it by at least 10 times, however, it is not easy to track violators in a multimillion-dollar city. they are often found out when the animal escapes due to the fault of the owner and is accidentally found, for example, on the street, then all responsibility falls on the owner. basically , administrative liability for the improper maintenance of such an animal; there may also be civil liability if the animal caused some damage to the property of another person, or harm to health. if you still really want to have an unusual animal, then a leopard gecko is just what you need, at least he definitely won’t have problems with the law, they are very tame, very pleasant and don’t bite at all, he has no teeth. kristina khatskevich two the lizards, steve and arya, live for 4 years, during which time they managed to start a family, although
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the owner takes care of their children herself. each such spotted comrade has his own character , for example, steve, he is a researcher, if he accidentally forgets to close the door to the terrarium, he will definitely run away, it’s not so easy to find him in their apartment, but at the same time he is absolutely harmless, this is at first glance it seems dangerous, but in fact they live peacefully both with other pets and with their owners, these are generally unpretentious animals, with minimal care. your neighbors live next to you, aren't they afraid of what this neighborhood is like? no, they’re not afraid, the only thing that they’re probably surprised by is that we often have crickets singing, and christina also breeds and also raises argentine cockroaches, all this is pure protein, ideal food for her exotic zoo, their menu contains only healthy food, oatmeal and carrots, and the company of blifar are banana eaters, vanilla and spark, they live in a separate terrarium among the trees, and require almost no care. they feed on crickets, we just throw live crickets in there, and at night
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they hunt. according to christina, such an exotic pet is the best friend for small children, it won’t cause trouble, it won’t cause harm, it won’t bother the neighbors, and the expenses for them are minimal. vlada egorova, anton fedotov, dmitry frolov, lead: duty unit. a meeting with journalists was held at the ministry of emergency situations, timed to coincide with russian press day. this year , more than... journalists at the federal level and more than 200 in the regions were awarded with supreme awards, certificates and valuable gifts, all of them promptly and accurately covered the elimination of various emergencies in difficult conditions, they created stories and films about it. in addition, our program throughout the year tried to provide informational support to all the activities of the ministry of emergency situations, and those who were noted in the ministry, the report of alexandra mostova. at the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia today they honor journalists who are always on top of events and know first-hand how rescuers work. together with them, reporters have repeatedly visited emergency sites. in the large
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hall are representatives of the television and radio company, editors, and correspondents from news agencies. large team of professionals who, together with rescuers, create a culture of safety. our colleagues are among the recipients. the executive producers of the vesti dezhurnaya program dmitry stepanov and denis novozhilov, as well as correspondent maxim shevchenko, were awarded commemorative medals. in addition, commendations were presented to the deputy director of the legal programs production service mikhail sobyanin and vgtrk cameraman sergei ukhvarenok. through sergei's eyes, viewers see a picture of what happened, even on a holiday.
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we will continue to tell you more. alexander mostovay, sergei ukhvarenok, sergei kuznetsov and vadim chetvertkov. vesti is the duty unit. this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel. don’t miss the investigation of eduard petrov, obsessed with gold. about 40 tons of gold are officially mined in transbaikalia every year, but it is unknown how much of the precious metal
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passes through the hands of black miners. we received operational information about the functioning of the zabaikalsk checkpoint. gold smuggling channel, police, everything, everything, everything, don’t touch, 16 members of the criminal community were detained were taken into custody, border guards, customs officers and police officers of transbaikalia exposed the international organized crime community, how the smuggling of precious metal was organized, you admitted your guilt based on the case materials , vulgarity, second style. where a weapon seized from a crime scene ends up, usually it is immediately sent to the forensic center of the ministry of internal affairs and a ballistic examination is carried out there, it shows whether the seized weapon was used in crimes; specialists will not miss it
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one detail: how the distance from which the shot was fired is determined and how the weapon is fired from... about modern technologies andrey romanov. there are no targets in this shooting range, but experts usually manage to hit the target with the first shot. one of the main requirements when conducting ballistic examinations is safety. the weapon is mounted on a special stand, and a device is connected to it, which remotely presses the trigger. for the safety of the expert , there is this one. metal plate and casing, they are needed in case rupture of the trunk or destruction of the exhibit. you can start the device remotely using this remote control. research of a carbine with a rifled barrel, designed for civilian use, the expert loads the weapon, moves to a safe distance and presses the button. after experimental shooting, it is necessary to find
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control bullets. this is a keevlar synthetic thread that stops a bullet, we will be looking for it in hot pursuit. experts check this carbine at the request of the manufacturer. from 2021, amendments to the law on weapons oblige manufacturers and importers to submit samples from each batch of weapons for inspection. which is planned to go on sale. according to forensic requirements , the traces must be different, and we must see this clearly and clearly. only such weapons will reach the russian federation market. this allows us to exclude from sale imported weapons that are prohibited in our country, as well as military weapons that were previously scrapped. this is just one of the areas of work of ballistics experts, where more often they have to work with weapons and ammunition that were found at the crime scene. for example, using a bullet removed from the body of a murdered person, a specialist will determine from which weapon the shot was fired. for an accurate comparative study , the police keep a huge number of firearms samples in their warehouse. in cell number four we have a nine-millimeter
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stechkin automatic pistol, with which we will conduct comparative studies. experts are familiar with each of the instances of their history in detail. in the period from 2012 to 2022 from pistols of this model hunting weapons were produced by replacing the barrel and adding a butt. it’s a complex science ; using ammunition, you can accurately determine not only the model of the weapon, but even a specific instance of the barrel, as well as the trajectory of the bullet and the distance from which the shot was fired. such examinations are appointed during the investigation of cases of murders and injuries caused by firearms. during the examination, the expert can establish the name of these half-shells, establish the model of the weapon that was used in commission of a crime in the future, if the investigative operational units of the instance... are already seized, the expert can say whether the bullets were fired from this instance and the cartridges were fired, or from this instance. we recorded this interview in the room where ballista experts keep a collection
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of firearms, which over the years were involved in criminal and administrative cases, here are unusual pistols that can be reloaded with one hand, a miniature kalashnikov assault rifle, cane-fired guns from france, and model revolvers xix century. here the method of separate charging is used, that is, each camera. gunpowder was poured in, a bullet was placed, a capsule was placed on the brane tube, well, each chamber had to be covered with wax, because when firing, in general, through the gap between the barrel and the drum, the hot powder gases could get into the adjacent chamber and a shot could also occur from the barrel simultaneously from the cameras. ballistics is just one of many areas in the work of the forensic center... research, in a word, is used by everyone opportunities to collect the evidence
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necessary to get to the bottom of a criminal case and, as a result, make people’s lives safer. andrey romanov, alexey gorshkov, yuri ermakov, lead the duty unit. in the history of american justice , a difficult and at the same time striking case involving a miscarriage of justice appeared. the story shocked the united states 4 years ago, but in addition to the incredibly long road to freedom , i also had to fight for compensation, for a life that can no longer be lived, the amount was
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huge. north carolina man acquitted after 44 years of wrongful imprisonment, will receive compensation in the amount of $25 million. when i was imprisoned, my mother was 42 years old, my father was 45, and i was imprisoned for 44 years. i didn't spend it with them. my father died, my mother passed away six months before my release, now tell me how much does it cost? in 1976 , concord resident sarah judson bost pointed out a twenty-one-year-old black guy. she claimed that it was he who broke into a woman’s house on an april night, robbed and raped her. even though long was among the other suspects, the law enforcement officers took the guy into custody without ceremony. as was later proven, the investigation was conducted with gross violations. biological agents were then discovered at the crime scene.
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illegally convicted, but also the public, dollars, which outraged not only himself , but after an official apology from the concord administration, the amount was increased. i'm calling to let you know that governor roy cooper's office has said it will formally apologize to you. now they seem to have stepped out of an ideal picture of the american dream. circle of ronnie and ashley among the blooming park in state of north carolina, they look as if years of warm evenings by the fireplace are behind them, three children and grandchildren, all this could have happened if not for the mistake of the american justice system. ashley still has a mask on her face with the eloquent inscription “free ronnie long.” when he was released, we felt incredible relief. we seemed to have gone through everything, but a long adaptation to life in the wild began. that was hard. i didn't see the american
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dream. i listen to barry white, i sing along to him, i talk on the phone, i make videos about what i do. god, this is amazing. however, there are difficulties in socialization; the information bases of official departments , one might say, for almost half a century did not know anything about the current millionaire named ronnie long, who is still not easy, for example, to open a bank account. subscribe, our episodes are also available on the platform let's see , that's all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel
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. this is the same business that ran into a restaurant , it turned out to be an excellent film, the film is very entertaining, i'm in delighted, let's re-educate this major key, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just a sea of ​​impressions, now i will show you a real raiki, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, well, everyone heard it, the audience applauded very often, everyone in the audience laughed, wash where you can, in gurik, cool, but i looked right in one breath, everything was there inside , that’s good, that’s great, it was interesting whether she would get better or not, i had a question about my social status, well superbly simple, there’s still something in it there is, the first one is my favorite film, now there will be a new favorite film “2”, we must be impeccable, the film is just a...
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the north of the capital of the country was subjected. the pentagon reports that the strike was carried out on the aircraft carriers using tamahawk cruise missiles. earlier , information about the attack was confirmed by officials from the american administration. according to them , the strike was carried out on the houthi radar. russian permanent representative vasily nebendya said that the united states will not stop at one attack last night at a meeting of the un security council. the diplomat noted: strikes on yemen have no nothing to do with law.


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