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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 12:30am-1:01am MSK

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such a borderline temperature, taking into account the fact that we are on the banks of the volga and there is wind, of course it was dangerous, but in general, thank god, he still calmed down this temperature for us. the sprint at the fifth stage of the russian cup was run in the classical style, the distance is one kilometer and 160 m. the leader of the overall standings of the russian cup, veronika stepanova, did not take part in the sprint. i felt bad this morning. but the leader of the sprint cup standings, anastasia faleeva, is in action. in kazan in the sprint anastasia.
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a surprise occurred, alexander bolshenov showed only the second time, this result i shouldn't have been misleading, it was only qualifying, and the main battle began with the quarter final races. as a result , without surprises, bolshinov won the final, that is, the fourteenth victory out of fourteen possible this season. especially in this weather, you can breathe so hard right away, yes, it’s still better. i think that today many athletes are just at the qualification stage and did not show their best results. that is, those who have experience, who understand, so as not to immediately inhale this cold, then ran a little calm down. comment on bolshenov’s victory, today your yesterday’s wish for him to win all the races has become even closer. yes, and i’m actually glad, he wins tactically as always, i hope that the young guys in particular are watching him and analyzing how and where he wins, although today it was clearly visible that he was not only beautiful on the descents. the fifth stage of the russian ski cup. the racing will end on sunday,
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with one of the most spectacular disciplines of cross-country skiing, skiathlon. alexander abramov, stanislav petrov, nikolai portnykh and umar tuskaev, lead kazan. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future together, let's find out. com russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. kupinsky direction, we’re going to
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the guys, the scouts, they said, the other day we’re going for a mission, we’re getting ready, we’re going through everything , the work is very hard, it’s combat work, when we ’re already going to a mission, snipers are covering the lines where the enemy might come from , i received a summons, 2 hours later i was already at the military registration and enlistment office, they took reconnaissance and asked if you’ll go ? i said, i’ll go, we plowed this land in training, we gained a lot of experience, i ask you to remember the holy commandment of a scout, he himself is dying, i’m helping out a comrade, there is a task , so we must complete it, we must go, we must do it.
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arrested in 1967, spent 7 years in prison, 1985-1990 - constitutional president of the republic of nicaragua, 1990-2006 leader of the opposition since january 10, 2007, president
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of the republic of nicaragua. dani artega has led nicaragua for 17 years in november. in 2021, presidential elections were held, where once again with great success, ortega won, and in january 2022, on the square of the revolution in monago, he took the oath as president, by the way, at the same time , along with him, the oath was taken as vice -president, rassariv muril, his wife and faithful comrade-in-arms, rosarilosa, great-niece, under samos, was imprisoned, at that time she was
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part of a popular group of artists, they wrote songs, performed them, traveling throughout the country, one of the participants, the leader of this group was called. his name is well known, but one day they were arrested. yes, yes, they were sent to prison once. it must be said that daniel artega comes from a family of hereditary revolutionaries. his father fought for revolutionary ideals under the banner of the legendary augustus sandino, the national hero of nicaragua, he was called general of free people. he is still one of the most revered people. you know, i was shaped by listening to what my mother told me. this was a message from
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a christian believer. but i considered christ. rebel. on the other hand there was. the story of my father, his participation in the liberation struggle. i was 7 or 8 years old when i first heard about sandino from him. about the fact that my father knew the syandan personally. well, then i had to get acquainted with the dictatorship of samosa. that's right, my father was the first to tell me. at first third of the last century, that is, the twentieth, the nicaraguans fought endless civil wars among themselves. this prevented the americans from calmly exporting coffee, cotton, and bananas from here. the united states occupied almost the entire country
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under the pretext of protecting the railway. customs , all roads came under the control of the american marine corps. gradually, the rebellion is replaced by the fight against the american occupiers. for the first time in world history, the united states uses military aircraft to bomb peaceful towns and villages in nicaragua. especially furious resistance to invaders.
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not fate, when we moved to monagua, the only housing there that we could afford was only in the quarter that bore the name of samosa. yes, it was like that. my brother was born there, whose name was camillo. he later died in urban battles fighting against samosa. quarter named after samosa. yes, it's ironic. is not it? at the age of 17, having interrupted his studies at the faculty of law of the university, daniel ortega joined
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the partisan detachment of the sandenist national liberation front. personal courage combined with leadership qualities made his commander of the central front of partisan detachments. in 1967, the samoso secret police captured the young commander. the court sentenced him to 14 years in prison. only after 7 years. comrades recaptured ortega from his jailers. a secret departure to cuba and an imminent secret return to their homeland. ortega heads the underground in the capital of managua, then leads the northern and then the southern partisan fronts. he played a decisive role in restoring the unity of the sandinista front. daniel ortega spent some time in moscow, within the walls of the university. friendship between nations. personnel forges.
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even during the civil war, many young nicaraguans went to russia to study. they received education in many specialties, prepared to be doctors, teachers, engineers and technologists, by the way, even sports instructors, meteorologists, mineralogists, volcanologists, these were thousands of non-caruguans
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who studied in russia, i will especially emphasize their role in public education , which forms the foundation for the development of any country. the same must be said about healthcare and energy. in july 1979.
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but we will never allow ourselves to violate the principles of laws. so, what exactly happened in nicaragua? at the first stage of the revolution, the sayndin front made efforts to build a socialist state in our country. in 1984 we went to the polls again, we participated in the elections to the constitutional assembly. having been elected president for the first time in 1984, artegov managed to create
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a democratic constitution. he established a multi-party system in the country, increased literacy of the population, but what failed was to overcome poverty, nicaragovo still remained a very poor country, and people, not karaguans, were simply tired of waiting for the society of justice that was promised to them to come, in 1990.
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to feel support, to see the enthusiasm of ordinary people, poor people, this is happiness. in terms of population, nikaragovo, of course, is a small country, a little less than 7 million, they call themselves briefly and somehow affectionately, nika, there is a huge mixture of peoples, nationalities, it would be said that almost the entire population nicaragua, these are... yews, descendants of spanish settlers from the 16th century to the 20th century, white conquerors, colonizers who came to these lands more than 5 thousand years ago, mixing with the aborigines, indians, miskita, suma, rama with blacks, in fact non-caraguans gave birth to this new nation, but they
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all have a common language, spanish, as one shepherd said, all sheep are in the same stage. samostovsky prison, the president who was elected for the first term. how, what has changed, and what remains inside you? the principles have not changed, they are the same. world, our world does not change. this must be a world of democracy, a world of freedom, a world without war. these are
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simple and timeless principles. and if everyone thought so. there is something for travelers to see here, but don’t expect european comfort or emirati chic. nicaragua is a living country, poor, one of the poorest in central
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america, but colorful and not much like anything else. what does today's nicaraguan need to feel happy in this world? nicaraguans need jobs, health, education and housing. this is the main thing - these are the basic elements. but as i understand it, this a non-korugun is not very different from all normal people on earth. yes it is. and similar problems face all of humanity. add to this the culture of sports, we did all this in the first period of being in power, culture of sports, then again we took up the effort to solve these problems. nicaragua is called the country of volcanoes; there are about forty of them here and many of them are active. the freshwater lake of nicaragua is
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huge, similar to the sea. the nicaraguans call it that. the sweet sea, the result of this volcanic activity. once upon a time it was part of the pacific sea bay, but the plain, which was formed due to seismic activity, separated it from the ocean. the marine life in the lake remained and adapted to the press water. freshwater sharks live here. one of the most bloodthirsty species is the bull shark; they say it can attack even close to the shore, at a depth of half a meter. there are several islands on the lake. the most famous is ometepi. it is formed by two volcanoes, between which there is a narrow strip of land. here you are welcome. and then go down to
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on a special board at a speed of 70 km/h. local instructors give a short briefing and give you a special suit and board. vulcan boarding is the name of this exciting activity. i need to set aside at least an hour a day, either in the morning or in the evening, and i must say that
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i feel good. another very important feature of nicaragua is gender equality. according to the official ratings of the organization of nations, for gender equality, nicaragua is constantly, stably included in... the proportion in the executive branch is 50 to 50, yes and in general there are 52% women in nicaragua, men have 48%, we are in the minority. women are good
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administrators, more disciplined than us men. well, the fact that 52% of women in nicaragua is good, it’s easier for young guys to choose a bride, oh yes, but... so, judging by what you said, comandante, thank god you have an interesting job, president countries, i see, thank god , you have good health, you have everything to be a happy person, i understand correctly that you then feel like a happy person, no, that’s not so, a person cannot feel happy when there are so many unhappy people around, preoccupied with the most basic decisions. many people do not have the basic, most necessary things, they lack stability, they lack
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the well-being that makes people happy. and here is another story of nicarago, which was told to me at one time by a brilliant expert on this continent, who, unfortunately, has passed away, an outstanding journalist. destroyed the first capital of nicaragua, the city of leon, and a postage stamp depicting the eruptions was issued at the same time.
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the spaniards were looking for a passage, this project does not mean we want to compete with
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the panama canal. we are talking about adding to it in order to create a new waterway for large ships. pero ahora quella sos libre mi caraaguita, yo te quiero mucho más, anicua, nekaraguta, you are sweeter than honey. long live free nicaragua.
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this is the girl who ran into the restaurant, it was a great film, the film is very entertaining, i’m delighted, let’s re-educate this major, it was so beautiful, it was tasty, it was juicy, just the sea impressions, now i will show you a real paradise, very large-scale, interesting and impressive, oh, well, everyone heard it, the audience applauded very often, the whole room laughed. wash where you can in the gurak class, well, i looked right in one breath, everything was there inside , it’s good, it’s great, it was interesting whether she would get better or not, i had a question about my social status, well, it’s just great, what -it still has something in it, the first bug - this is my favorite film, now there will be a new favorite film serf 2, we must be flawless, simply awesome, then continue to make techniques,
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serf 2
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in st. petersburg, there was a major fire in the wilburys warehouse. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, ordered to initiate a criminal case into the incident. the area engulfed in fire reached 70,000 m2, later decreasing to 4.0. this was reported to the ministry of emergency situations. rescuers have been at the scene since saturday morning. the roof of the building collapsed. when the fire just started to spread, there were more than 1.0 people in the workplace. they all managed evacuate. the fire destroyed goods worth...
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many billions of rubles


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