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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 10:00am-10:30am MSK

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more at in st. petersburg , the wildberries warehouse has been burning for the second day. the ministry of emergency situations reports that the fire is still engulfed in the rubble of collapsed structures, which is about 400 m2. employees managed to evacuate the day before, but no casualties were reported. a criminal case will be opened into the fire. the head of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykan , also instructed him to provide him with a report on the circumstances of the incident. abnormal frosts hit several regions of the country at once. in the capital, last night the columns the thermometer dropped below -30 again. heating systems are turned on to maximum, utilities are working in enhanced mode. but already at the beginning. during the working week, the frosts in moscow
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will recede, the temperature will warm up to -2, but the frosts are in no hurry to leave the urals. in the chelyabinsk region at night the temperature dropped to -30°. it is also cold in kurgan; a storm warning has been announced in the sverdlovsk region. forecasters predict snowfall against the backdrop of abnormally cold weather. the southern regions of the country do not lag behind the urals. in volgograd -30, in kalmyk -20, below normal temperatures in the republics of the north caucasus, there are still heavy snowfalls, blizzards and... rome will take part in a possible eu operation to protect merchant ships in the red sea from houthi attacks. this was stated by italian defense minister crosetto. european media write that brussels plans to send at least three warships to the red sea by march. the head of the british foreign ministry assured that they are ready to carry out new strikes on houthi targets. david kemerton said london was committed to freedom of navigation. ready to back up my word
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case, in washington they were angry with their british colleagues because of the leak of data about the strikes on the houthis, as the daily telegraph writes, one of the united kingdom’s military personnel attended an emergency meeting of the british cabinet and prematurely shared information about the airstrikes with the press. in kiev , in the same place as a few days ago, a sewer broke again. the river again flooded the long-suffering julivernos boulevard.
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briton kalon smith applied for wbc, wbo and ibf, but our athlete left him no chance. from the very beginning of the fight in canadian pebek , beterbiev went forward and seized the initiative. in the seventh round, beterbiev knocked smith down and then knocked him out. thus, the russian’s career totaled 20 wins and no defeats, while the boxer won all his fights ahead of schedule. our broadcast will continue with the stop fake program, alexey kazakov will talk about the technologies of the information war against russia and expose the lies of ukrainian propaganda. they shoot down absolutely everything, from kamikaze drones to hypersonic missiles, but immediately complain about hit. the amazing logic of the kiev regime, which either praises its air defenses for being 100% effective, or, on the contrary, demands their strengthening at the expense of western ones.
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sponsors, we’ll tell you more about this and more right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, group and massive strikes by the russian armed forces again put enemy propaganda in an awkward position. judge for yourself, first the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny reports the interception of ten out of ten daggers, and at the same time boasts of the destruction of many other missiles, be it calibers or iskander, but after just a couple of days , the speaker of the ukrainian air force ignat admits that there is no talk of such effectiveness of anti-aircraft crews, and zelensky personally complains about the alleged arrivals into peaceful buildings resulting in the death of the civilian population. in general, the inconsistency of methodological approaches already smacks of schizophrenia, but an explanation is not difficult to find. first, they say that all the missiles, all calibers, all drones were shot down, who is this working for, this is working for the internal audience, for those regions that are located far away from these places. events, second
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the goal they are pursuing with this is to work for a western audience, such a collective kirby, who is fighting for funding for ukraine, and so that money for... and the iron dome, conditionally, is allocated, blood is needed, this is a complete contradiction, this is a world of madness , the world of the absurd, such a block 666. moreover , it is increasingly difficult to maintain the necessary balance between victory and sacrifice, take at least the footage from the resource kievsky dvizh, popular in certain circles, assures that this is what it looks like to get into a residential building of a whole a dagger, or here’s another, similar case from kharkov. a police officer's body camera allegedly captured the aftermath of a strike from... not a hypersonic, but at least a cruise missile. the third floor, people in the apartment are closed, the trusting yellow-bladed public will eat and not choke, which cannot be said about any sane person, physically, it looks like some kind of splinter,
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debris hit the house, in general , a fire occurred, naturally, this does not even stand a chance of being hit by a drone, yes, which... is 10-20 times less powerful than modern rocket. in short, they completely lied, but perhaps the reports about those missiles that they say were neutralized, for example, the unian article caused a lot of noise, and the work of ukrainian sappers to neutralize the warhead of the same dagger also look crazy. in the photographs you can see a metal blank, and it’s quite compact, but hypersonic complexes have much more impressive dimensions and the tip is ready. made of thin glass ceramics, that is, if it fell to the ground hypothetically, it should have broken. accordingly, there is no doubt that bandera’s followers simply repeated their relatively recent story on bis. yes , we all remember a completely ridiculous situation in which klitschko showed some spare parts, a collection
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of spare parts, calls them daggers, apparently, they dug up something similar in shape, and they decided, naturally, what it could be, except a dagger, because it's a morkie. he once called something similar a dagger, well, this is from this series, in my opinion, theirs is just an information picture, it has already turned into a mess, especially after last summer, there obviously, well, no one cares about any kind of adequacy anymore, but what are the daggers, if the defenders already have everything they need to fight just a few zircons, according to infopomoek, the newest russian missiles have no chance of escaping the vaunted american ones sam systems from patri and franco and... italian sampt, but only an absolute amateur, who, in principle, is unfamiliar with the characteristics of our 3m22, can give out such a thing. according to data from open sources, zircon moves at an altitude of 40 km, developing a speed of about eight or even nine mach, which is equivalent to 2.5 or 3 km/s, the most
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modern patriot anti-missile missile (pack-3) flies no faster than mach four and can intercept objects at a maximum of 36 km altitude. in addition, reaction time is not in favor of the western complex. in 15 seconds from the detection of the target by the patriot to its first salvo, the zircon will have time to cover a distance of about 37 km, and this is even if our missile, in principle, can be detected at hypersonic speed; it is surrounded by a plasma vortex that absorbs the radar radiation of the radar. from time to time, the target audience of ukrainian citizens needs to be fed with some positive news that at least something seems to be working out. they can be invented and sucked out. that’s why they are fakes , so that thousands and thousands of them can be riveted every day. the second most important factor, we have talked about this more than once, is that any war is a testing ground, for advertising military equipment, that is, this is also a kind of specific information operation
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that creates an information background later on international markets , at international exhibitions where western weapons are demonstrated, this is also an additional bonus, however, the threat of the regime is not... not only russian weapons, but also its own utility infrastructure, in particular on julyaverno boulevard in kiev one could see 2.0 leagues away not under water, the block was painted in characteristic colors after a sewerage break, but for some reason the klitschko administration stubbornly insisted that only clean cold water without any impurity was brought out from under the ground, hysterical they called, quote, not to get involved in dirty attacks on the city authorities, or, more simply, they literally offered to the people of kiev... they are trying to pass it off simply as the fact that there is now a rupture in the sewer system, which is pipes of some kind of cold water, well, of course
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, everyone can see it perfectly well , everyone has a sense of smell, they can hear what stinks, yes, because well , it’s impossible to hide it when your house is surrounded by a huge huge one. and the infrequency river, of course, everyone sees this perfectly well, they understand what klitschko conveys to them through the media, this is fake, all this is typical against the backdrop of news from ukrainian resources themselves. about the purchase by the mayor of kiev of a luxurious mansion for $6 million in hamburg, although klitschko did not comment on such a resonant acquisition. as for the sewer emergency, his team limited themselves to a dry reply, saying that everything would be fixed and that repetition would not be allowed. yes, just a fresh addition, almost simultaneously with the accident at julie verno, a similar situation was recorded on bolshaya vasilkovskaya street, in the same svyatoshinsky district, at the akadem gorodok metro station the ceiling began to leak. more likely the crisis is connected with... the state of the aeration sewage station on kollektornaya street, which receives wastewater not only from
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the capital itself, but also from the cities of bucha, irpen, bortnichi, vyshgorod and from the village of sofievskaya borshchagovka. the first block of treatment facilities has been in operation since 1964, and the other two are also far from new, launched in 76 and 87. need i clarify that since then there has been no full-fledged renovation there, so the station. behind which over a million cubic meters of water passes every day with infrequencies, may well cause an environmental disaster for the whole of kiev. here's the whole european integration, this is the consequence of the maidan, its belching, this is the water that floods the metro, these are the bridges that are collapsing before our eyes, wherever you poke, everywhere you get this hole of corruption , in a word, complete hatred, the junta is having a hard time getting over things. one of them was drawn in the crimea, claiming that the stormshadow missile reached a military unit near evpatoria, they referred to
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a verified source among the waiting people, but as it soon became clear, they were simply knowledgeable trolled by one of the russian telegram users with patriotic views, who threw selective nonsense at them in the feedback line and appreciated how willingly they swallowed the bait, but even this is not the limit, to be convinced, just watch the broadcast of the ill-fated telethon, where they reported on the grandiose... 6-7, well, that is, it should fly up almost point-blank, and at the same time the crew,
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the bomber, and the air defense should not do anything, as for this expert in the video, in general, he didn’t believe in that, nothing, he was surprised at first, then he will happily pick it up on the next broadcast, sometimes the enemy tries to support their speculations with something like evidence, here is a striking example, everything is presented as if a member of the northern military district from the kirev region. you don’t have to look far for a refutation, the original video was posted from mikirov back in march last year, and is it necessary to clarify that there the fighter did not promote narratives favorable to the enemy at all. after the incident , it’s no longer so small. period of time and people are already completely different, that’s right
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they understand, they are already striving, victory at any cost , in the video, which is the most important thing, and the man is in a balaclava, in a mask, that is, his mouth is not visible, that is, they simply removed the sound and put their own soundtrack on top, and it’s like if you look at the original, the original is of good enough quality, that is, it was studio filming in order to... more or less equalize the poor sound quality with the good quality of the video, that is, those who created these fakes slightly reduced, including lowering the quality of the videos. this a classic fake, which is very often used during the air defense forces, when russian soldiers try to say something that is not what is actually happening. here are the next non-bolits about the mythical atesh movement. this time, a lot of material was devoted to the imaginary pro-ukrainian underground by bbc authors, who either did not see, or rather did not... want to see a resonant investigation of the anti-fascist project nemizid. in particular, he established on behalf of
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the pseudo-resistance none other than valeria salagub, once an actress with a failed career, and now an employee of the seventy-second center for information and psychological operations. all its ins and outs have long been exposed and are in the public domain, which for some reason did not stop the british media holding from concocting clumsy disinformation about the so -called heroic partisans. and it’s important to keep the picture and... the myth that inside russia there is a partisan movement that is against the kremlin, against moscow, against the russian army, crimea deserves special attention, because for them... this is the most tasty morsel, in principle, these are all the goals the counter-offensive that was launched was to enter crimea with troops, enter the peninsula and conduct military operations there, but as you can see, all this turned into turning ukraine into a huge burial ground. further, to the dumpings of western media, which traditionally look for a russian trace where there is none. the german
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lie factory brands the attention of pro-russian rijksburgers as a farmer. that they staged large-scale protests throughout germany, and, judging by the characteristic newspaper covers, wants to transparently hint at the leadership role in such processes, personally, of vladimir putin. by according to the perverted logic of mass media disinformation, the kremlin is thus pulling off almost a coup scheme to get rid of olaf scholz and bring sarah wagenknecht’s conservative party to power. but why engage in such wild conspiracy theories if the real reasons for farmers’ discontent are on the surface. the russian trace comes
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with serious inconveniences. farmers had no trouble blocking a total of 380 roads. in berlin , the brandenburg gate was blocked by piles of manure. on the ring road of the german capital cordons of agricultural machinery lined up. in addition, tractors and combine harvesters stopped travel on the important a24 autobahn. it connects the berlin metropolitan area with hamburg. meanwhile, in the area of ​​hamburg itself, the blockade affected germany's longest highway, a7. and not far from dresden. on the a-17 highway, protests cut off the route to the czech republic. in addition, a couple of transit routes were blocked. in two places at once, near cologne and the same dresden, there was no traffic on the a4 highway from poland to the netherlands. and in frankfurt am main, farmers blocked the a3 highway from the dutch border to austria. so now citizens of four
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eu countries have problems. but the question here is: will all of them believe in the hand of the kremlin, as well as whether they are ready to believe in russian intervention. americans, who again, exactly according to the manuals of the sixteenth year, are driven crazy by horror stories about moscow’s alleged desire to rig the results of the future presidential elections overseas, they say the nsa and the cia see some prerequisites and even told cnn about them, but of course there are zero specifics. i want this so, throw up your hands and ask, but it was the russians who forced biden to hit yemen and start a new war, and it was the russians who planted cocaine on hunterubay. or this clash that took place in the capitol, it was the russians who staged it on january 6, which became such a wake-up call for the civil war in the united states, you can still ask a million such questions that will affect the elections, as many have convinced us, but no economic sovereignty is needed, yes, we don’t need military sovereignty, why, if we have such powerful friends as the united states, well
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germany has powerful friends, the united states, and as a result they get such a farmer's maidan... by the way, after a short time, the above-mentioned german farmers were also joined by railway workers, demanding higher wages and explaining their actions by the influence of russia, the scholze cabinet, as strangely enough, i didn’t guess, although it’s not evening yet, because it’s no secret that professional russophobes are capable of any kind of cheating tricks and the most ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stop fake on program tv channel russia 24. pain can be different: the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgin acts against pain,
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you appeared before me, are these warm, what? frosty sun, when will this weather swing stop? it’s a mistake that wolves howl at the moon, and who can live well even in such cold weather? they crawled over the snowdrift and continued walking along the alleys. a disinfectant solution that is safe for people and harmful to bacteria. trains spend the night here, just like the electric depot on the big circle line. the driver - working at night - stays overnight in the rest room. and why the new metro bridge changed the appearance of the whole area, but americans fortunately have nothing to do with this, it’s a roller coaster. he's the one walking. who said meow?
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new sensations. so, in the capital, there are real weather swings. during the day, the temperature can rise immediately by 10°, and then almost instantly fall just as much again. and all this is accompanied by snowfall, blizzard and ice. now it's -20 again. for the northern regions of russia, such weather is quite normal, but for moscow it is a real extreme, which happens only a few times during the winter. the most difficult time for road service drivers, of course, for utility workers
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who work around the clock, but... who can live well in the cold, there are those. dressed warmly, irina varanova set off into the winter. characteristic script of frosty snow under your feet. thermometers show approximately -20°, it feels like -30° for those who are responsible for the one they have tamed, everything is minus 40. and only for the active ones these minuses turn into a confident plus. what is your name? sophia. are you warm, little girl? what is 15, it’s hot now, it’s hot now, thank you, usually on weekends there are 10 times more people at the skating rinks, now muscovites prefer to hole up in warm apartments, guests of the capital have no options, they need to walk and take pictures, everyone warms up with whatever they can, with jackets, hats, boots, smiles, we visited the shopping center, in addition to the famous sights of our
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capital, last week there was still something to admire; the heavens put on a real show, plunging the capital into a giant cloud, which, like an eraser, was rapidly erasing the views from the window. weather forecasters called this white veil that moscow threw over itself a black blizzard, which painted everyday life in gloomy tones. only a bump stop on the warsaw highway was able to stop this passenger car. and here the drivers who found themselves in the path of this truck thanked for a long time the almighty for not flying away. into the ditch with her. the cause of many accidents was called wet snow and ice, the climax of the weather orgy this week was even more unexpected, thunder struck in january. for meteorologists, such sudden weather changes are also surprising, but understandable. what's unusual: cleanliness, very frequent transitions. moscow was located near the center of the cyclone in recent days and the atmospheric fronts
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were close to each other. even in their own natural fur coats, some residents of the central district of the capital prefer sit out in enclosures. of course, we don’t expect to meet bears, at least brown ones, we can only envy them now, but on these frosty winter days , gray wolves feel great in the moscow zoo, they are in the best shape and they have no reason even to... it’s a mistake that wolves howl at the moon, they howl in general when they need to designate territory, they not only use their smell, but also their voice, they howl, but it’s hard to call it howling, they sing very beautifully, you can warm yourself up monkeys, they have bananas, cucumbers, vitamins, as well as tropical conditions and a hammock, everything you need for a carefree pastime and not bothering the primates, what is it like for squirrels in the parks now, the residents of khimki decided to brighten up their winter chores by building these umbrellas over the feeders, squirrels...
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anyway for everyone else fun, record snow, then the frosts thawed again, weather forecasters keep reporting to us about anomalies for more than a hundred years of observational history, although thanks to the classics we have other even older evidence, everyone remembers the famous pushkin snow fell only in january, that’s how half a century after writing these strict, although in the old style, but in october vladimir gelerovsky describes a hundredfold, we passed the stations. crawled over a snowdrift and then walked along the alleys, this is how moscow greeted me for the first time in october 1873. there is another thaw ahead at the beginning of next week, the thermometer will approach zero, and we , having celebrated the old new year this night, are seeing off the first half of winter. irina baranova, andrey lapidus, ilyas salakhiddinov, nalibarisova, elena nasonova, week in city. to the main stories that happened.
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next we will be back soon, now there is news that could not have been ignored. nagatinskaya embankment literally sparkled with new colors. there, more than twenty buildings were decorated with architectural and artistic lighting. now every high-rise building in the area of ​​the southern river station is practically an art object that creates a unique atmosphere in the evening. industrial climbers spent more than two months installing the leds, and the effort was well worth it. the entire area. by the way, there are many more buildings and bridges in moscow that simply beg for such a design, a real botanical miracle happened in the apothecary garden, there for the first time in three centuries a giant lily blossomed, it was once brought from eastern australia, since then the plant has felt behaved normally, produced huge stems, but never bloomed, then suddenly...


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