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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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there are biological research facilities in ukraine, how long has it existed in which countries and how many victims are there on its account. this is my little home. come on, i 'll show you everything here. it’s hard to imagine now, but 20 years ago this man, praising the fruits from his garden, was one of the most sought-after international journalists. the former military man came to georgia in 1991.
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for business affairs, but eventually became an adviser to president mikheil saakashvili and entered the highest echelons of georgian power. this is a giant persimmon it's called a kinglet. i think russian is the same in georgian. the career of former journalist jeffrey silverman developed until 2011, when jeffrey saw in the georgian news a story about the discovery of a new biological plant 70 km from tbilisi in the village of alekseevka. us laboratories. global security and partnerships between georgia and the united states. with the support of washington , a unique public health laboratory operates in tbilisi. now it bears the name of the influential us senator richard lugar. the journalist decided to find out what this laboratory is engaged in. and the very first facts that were obtained caused jeffrey silverman a real shock.
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were carried out on the orders of washington's military structures. i talked about this with people from my university; they had connections in the laboratory. one of them worked at the department of economic development, and from him i learned how this project began, how it was connected with the navy in the united states. when jeffrey learned who was behind the creation of the laboratory and that there were already numerous victims of secret biological experiments, he openly advocated immediate termination. military
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agreements between georgia and the united states. this was not an agreement reached with the mutual consent of georgia and the united states. it was an imposition of one's position. the americans simply said: you will do as we say, as ordered . immediately after these speeches , all major american and european news agencies stopped working with jeffrey, and he was soon fired from the administration of the georgian president.
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the reaction of those who really did not want to be discovered by an american journalist the information was made public, it didn’t take long to wait. as a result, i was kidnapped here on the street. if you look at the lugar laboratory, this is essentially a flagship project, the biggest pearl in a network of large and small laboratories in armenia, azerbaijan, central asia, africa. one of the local residents named vladimir told us about what was hidden behind the high walls of the biocenter. my neighbor is next door on the site, he always rented out his apartment to mercenaries, recently he rented out these two or three to the filipinos times they called me, they spoke a little english, yes, i translated them, the last call was, i remember today, it was 13 somewhere at night, i’m leaving there. in the rooms between
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the beds, one poor guy had already died, lying there on the floor on his chest, his whole mouth was all covered with foam, the other was in very bad condition, well... then it turned out that the second one had not died either. american journalist esha krishna is with you, investigating the activities of pentagon laboratories around the world. she managed to obtain sensational documents from the us government proving that she was on ukraine already has a whole network of biological laboratories similar to the georgian lugar center. the us state department issued a press release, which is no longer available. but we managed to archive it.
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remember, i told you that i have an informant in kharkov, and this informant gave me a bunch of documents. so he sent me an interesting document. institute of veterinary medicine of the national academy of agricultural sciences. donor to the united states department of defense.
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and january, all of january 2014, he spent first 9 days in intensive care, then in pulmonology, because he just had some kind of strange, atypical pneumonia, the child began to lose consciousness, it turned out that he was developing it very quickly and rapidly, not like regular pneumonia, he developed a lung abscess, they made two punctures, well, in general it was very scary, alexey decided... to find out the nature of the strange strain that almost killed his child hundreds of other residents of odessa, where, starting in 2010, they began to carry out secret experiments, scientists from the usa. we,
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as social activists, naturally do not have access to financial documents of various biological laboratories, but from the information that is distributed in the open. he tells me that they are cleaning up their website and he sent me some documents here and he also sends me the original links to them. here you can see the ukrainian anti-plague institute, located in odessa. donor of the us department of defense, beneficiary
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of the ministry of health of ukraine.
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considered the issue of approving you as deputy minister of health
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and protector of the minister of health. the american side lobbied for the appointment to the post of minister of health of ukraine, mrs. ulyana suprun, a us citizen, an american of ukrainian origin, they set as their goal reform, perhaps, the modernization of biological laboratories that remained in ukraine from the soviet union. acting minister of health ulyana suprum met with odessa doctors and told about the details of the upcoming reform. who exactly supervised the activities of ulyana suprun as minister of health of ukraine is indirectly indicated by this letter addressed to her, written by the director of the pentagon division of the dtra company, robert pope. in it, he asks to speed up work on transferring ukrainian laboratories under the control of american specialists. general stages. to achieve our joint goal is the analysis of particularly dangerous microorganisms, their consolidation in
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a visible depository, on the part of the united states was a rather interesting scheme has been chosen for managing the ukrainian segment of the bioresearch program. you need to understand that ukraine did not conduct any biological research on its own, that is, it actually acted as a contractor in the american program, providing the territory of the village. providing its citizens as virtual experimental guinea pigs for working with toxins, pathogens, microorganisms, transferring the results of all this activity to the disposal of the us military department, while the pentagon in order in order to formally maintain a certain illusion of legality, he used to work in ukraine the so-called agency to reduce... the threat of dtpa, on the other hand, this was such a demonstrative factor, because formally all this was passed off
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as civilian programs, but in many other countries cis, the center for disease control (cdc) was responsible for this kind of program, this is in fact a real civilian organization, but in ukraine there are programs of a purely military nature. was engaged in dtra, that is, the division the pentagon, in fact the dtra, that is, a division of the pentagon, issued all the tasks in full and then collected the results. in less than 3 years , almost all major biological stations in ukraine came under the control of the pentagon-supervised agency. speaking about the activities of ulyana supron, as the acting minister of health of ukraine, one cannot fail to mention that ms. suprun was actively lobbied for her activities. this pharmaceutical giant of the united states
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of america from science is notorious for its activities in georgia and its activities in georgia are related specifically to the activities of the lugar center, which was engaged in the development of a new type of biological weapon. during testing of new drugs on the territory of georgia on experimental citizens from among the citizens of georgia. several dozen deaths were recorded , just from helium preparations from science, which is noteworthy: one of the leaders of this corporation, the pharmaceutical giant of the united states of america. is which was the us secretary of defense, according to the information i have, rumsfeld lobbied for the closest cooperation between science corporation and other pharmaceutical giants in the us, with the military department of the united states of america, and specifically with the biological laboratories
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of the us department of defense, located at fort detrick. this is a us military base, on the territory of which research in the field of military biology is being conducted. what is noteworthy: fort detrick became famous back in the forties, when many prisoners of war of the former imperial army were taken there japan, which were directly involved in the work of detachments 731 and detachments 100. of the imperial japanese army, these detachments, i recall, were engaged in the development of biological weapons and testing them on captured red army soldiers and ordinary residents of china. in harbin, china , work continues on the creation of a museum of unit 731, which is also called the devil’s laboratory. the japanese army was
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developing bacteriological weapons here, and painful experiments were carried out here on... living people. at the end of the thirties, harbin was occupied by the japanese army. by order from tokyo, a secret center was opened here to study a new type of weapon, deadly viruses, which were planned to be used against china and the soviet union. the death camp, where bioweapons were tested on living people, was listed in the documents under the code name detachment 731. you know, they did all this research on living people.
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returning to terrible memories is not an easy test for her, as for the few survivors of this death camp. when the laboratory began work, natalia was only 7 years old, but she remembers how black smoke poured out of the chimney above the building day and night, so the executioners destroyed the bodies of the dead. burned, all the material, now the museum exhibits again reminded her of the terrible everything that they had left, they were all the moments of her childhood and the fear of becoming part of a group of test subjects that japanese scientists recruited from local residents, a woman
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is shown there, she was pregnant, they pregnant night... it was here that japanese scientists, working under the command of general sir and shii, figured out how microscopic viruses could become weapons of mass destruction. behind the barbed wire of the laboratories of unit 731 , porcelain bombs containing infected insects appeared that could infect thousands of people with deadly diseases.
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there were huge bombs, huge glass bombs, like that. before the second world war, there was a military unit, led by a scientist named ishii, during the course of research. they learned to use fleas and other insects as a delivery mechanism, they were infected
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with a virus or bacteria, then these insects went to infect some territory. after the signing of japan's surrender, doctors from detachment 731, general ishii himself, ended up in the united states, where they were together with their former members. well, or countries that refused to put up with their imperialist aggressive policies. the new home for war criminals was the same secret
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us army center for the development of biological weapons at fort detrick in maryland. fort detrix is ​​the most secret biological laboratory, which is located in the city of fredrick in maryland. and until sixty-nine the development of biological weapons there was carried out officially, that is, not hidden. the results of this. cooperation of the us army, scientific killers, according to chinese journalists, will appear less than 5 years after the end of world war ii during the korean war of 1950. radio message dated february 22, 1952 from the state-owned chinese news agency xinhua. according to our front-line correspondent, from january 28 to february 17 of this year,
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the production, accumulation of components of biological weapons, but the very nature the secrecy of a large number of scientific institutions funded by the ministry of defense is evidence that, of course, a certain kind of work is being carried out there. there were incidents in the usa itself. in the fifties , they dropped something over san francisco, some microorganisms, to see how they spread in the wind. german journalist thomas röper studies history. experiments carried out by its specialists. in guatemala, the us infected the indigenous people with syphilis and conducted an experiment to study how it would develop. this is all
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things that the us has openly admitted to for a long time. pain can be different: the mechanism of development of pain is important, what caused the pain, if there is pentalgin, universal. against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pintalgin, we can do without pain. just spend gigabytes and minutes and receive gifts. is that possible? can. yota, connect for a maximum of 399 rubles. and get superboxes as a gift. can. yota. what's your mood today? lung and airy, romantic and sensual, relaxed sublime. find the
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everything is logical, you can see for yourself on the internet by looking at the tsikrf portal, choosing in the country is free, important, honestly convenient, in 1960 the americans launched a large-scale operation belweder, documents about it with a note to destroy after reading were published on the internet. in june 1960 , the us chemical command assigned the dugway proving ground in utah to research and develop field testing methods for insects for future use as entomological munitions. these similar tests formed the basis for the development offensive biological weapons, although back in april 1972 the united states, britain and the soviet union signed a convention that strictly prohibits their development. americans
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exactly. since the signing of the 1972 biological and toxin weapons convention , they have tried to circumvent it in every possible way, and for this they created biological laboratories in third countries. siti fadila supari, the former minister of health of indonesia, tried to find out what exactly the mysterious american laboratory under the name namru-2 was doing, opened in her country back in the early seventies, and what is it. “the laboratory was intended to work on joint projects to study tropical infectious diseases, but no collaboration ever took place, they carried out almost the entire research program themselves, our employees were assigned only a small one.


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