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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the war in the middle east is growing. by the end of the week, the americans and british launched a massive missile strike on targets in yemen. they didn’t hit yemen before. russia recognized these actions as illegal and dangerous, because the yemeni houthis, who are supported by iran, will inevitably respond. and they have opportunities. in any case , anglo-american attacks are not pacifying.
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usa and england, valentin bogdanov and alexandrov. carbon copy, contrails tear up the night with tomahawks launched from surface ships and submarines, with on the deck of an aircraft carrier, a steam catapult spits out fighters and reconnaissance aircraft. and these are the consequences: the largest cities of yemen and their environs, the capital sanaa, the port of hadeida, as well as saada, tais and damar, are under attack. in total , the first wave was hit. 73 objects
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the wave will begin just in time for television prime time at 37 pm us east coast time. an hour later it's on every tv in america. 16 different locations and dozens of targets were hit in an effort to weaken the houthis and deny them the ability to carry out illegal and reckless attacks on ships. not a word about the fact that the united states is once again attacking an independent state in the middle east without sanctions. what is happening according to the rules of the genre is masked by the format of a certain coalition, where washington has convened the obedient and trusted, so that the british typhoon fighter takes off to set a course for yemen. well, the arab countries have shied away from acting as washington’s accomplices; secretary of state blinken failed to persuade them during his recent tour; televised addresses are expected from biden until the last minute, but before the broadcast. limited to a written
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statement, on the radar of the press, the head of the white house will appear only a day later. mr. president, we are waging a proxy war with iran. mr. president, were the strikes against the houthis successful? biden was flying to pennsylvania, not to the middle east, but he was greeted there as if lined up along the road were not his own fellow citizens, but the houthis, whom he... ordered to bomb, cease fire immediately, the crowd chanted after the passing motorcade. cease fire immediately. biden hurried to the fire station, in the role of chief arsonist, appropriate coffee shop, the us president was also given a warm welcome. it turns out that biden has just started, and he has already been called a loser, that is, a loser, how to win and most importantly from whom. will you continue to bomb?
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looks like biden is getting lost in space, his defense minister lloyd austin has long been lost from not a single photograph since december 22, when the head of the pentagon was first admitted to the hospital with cancer, where he ended up in the ambulance again on january 1, precisely on new year’s day on the caribbean island of santa cruz , writes bloomberg,
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on national security and discussed strikes against yemen, but what kind of team is this without a key player? they allegedly directed these attacks from a hospital room. he needs to be fired, and if he isn't fired, the republicans will have to start impeachment proceedings against him. austin didn't tell biden anything, biden didn't tell congress anything. here, not only republicans are indignant, but also their own democrats. the white
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house made a big mistake by spending months negotiating with the australians, the british, canadians, but the only ones with whom the white house did not talk were members of its own congress, according to. constitution, this simply had to be done, the president can independently take military steps only in case of self-defense, for example, if our ship or plane was attacked, but he cannot independently make decisions to prevent future possible attacks on our ships without the coordination of these actions with congress. however, congress was not consulted when the so-called arab spring was launched into the middle east. the americans stirred up yemen in 2011, when biden was already in the white house. as a result. yemen, which has since been in a state of half-life, is only a link in the chain of other middle eastern countries destroyed at the instigation of washington, such as libya and syria, and
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a little earlier, iraq and afghanistan. biden, by the way, was somewhere nearby all the time, either obama’s vice president or the head of the senate foreign relations committee, complete. and trump too. we're dropping bombs all over the middle east again, where i defeated isis. and our minister of defense, who just went missing for 5 days, running the war from his laptop in his hospital room. remember, this is the same gang that surrendered in afghanistan, where no one was prosecuted or fired. it was the most embarrassing moment in the history of the united states. now we have wars in ukraine, israel and yemen, but there is no war on our southern border. and that makes a lot of sense, no matter what. joe biden is the worst president in us history. each of the conflicts listed by trump potentially threatens a third world war; the houthis are behind iran. all this has a chance to move to a higher level. what's our plan? this is a potential blow that drags us into
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war. i'd like to hear from the white house exactly what the plan is and how it fits into american law and the constitution. as is the white house, so is the state debate. they are still seriously assuring everyone that the united states has not violated international law. these strikes were necessary, they were in accordance with international law, this is the right of the united states to self-defense, which is reflected in article 51 of the un charter. about what the right to self-defense, london and washington speak a thousand miles from their own borders, since when did this right begin to extend to commercial ships? obviously. the self-proclaimed coalition does not have any legitimate mandate for forceful action; it is one thing to protect commercial shipping, attacks on which are unacceptable, and completely different,
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to disproportionately and illegally bomb another state. at this very time , a protest rally was gathering at the un headquarters, hands off yemen was chanted by those gathered at new york.
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the united states is clearly not going to slow down; the white house stated that it reserves the right to resume hostilities in the event of new threats from the houthis. there is now plus one in the list of countries where the stars and stripes flag is burned with undisguised pleasure in the central capital square. america has never been loved in yemen, but now it is truly hated here. we did not attack american shores, we did not move to american islands and did not attack them. your attacks on our country - this is terrorism. america is a terrorist and the world's main devil. the streets of yemen cities, including the capital sanaa, were filled with thousands
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of people protesting against the attacks of the united states and allies on the territory of their country. almost every second person has a firearm in their hands . at the end of last year, the yemeni houthis in the provinces they controlled began to mobilize, preparing for a possible attack, as it turned out, not in vain. and although, judging by the footage of the night bombings, the houthis suffered some damage. not to say significantly influenced, but greatly angered the yemenites, who are now threatening washington and its allies with retribution. the armed forces of yemen will unhesitatingly strike at sources of threat, as well as against all aggressive targets on land and at sea in defense of yemen, its sovereignty and independence. and these are not empty threats at all; not only ships and coalitions can become targets for retaliatory strikes. in the red sea, but american military bases located in countries neighboring yemen. within
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the radius of destruction of ballistic missiles that are in service with the uhuthis, the entire arabian peninsula and the persian gulf countries, including the largest american air base in the middle east, aludeit, located in qatar. and in this conflict, the countries of the region, if not on the side of the houthis, are certainly not against them. so the us operation was supported only by regional players. bahrain and key countries in the region, such as saudi arabia or the united arab emirates, remained on the sidelines. the americans already tried to put an end to the houthis in mid- 2010 with the help of the same saudi arabia. here footage from those years. but then it was not possible to defeat the houthis, despite the superior forces that opposed the yemeni rebel countries. having failed to achieve success, the americans simply moved away from the yemen shores. and here is saudi arabia. for several more years it was under the radar of the rebels, who attacked oil fields and refineries in
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the kingdom with drones. and now the americans decided to return under the pretext of protecting shipping in the red sea. the yemeni houthis, almost from the very beginning of the escalation of the palestinian-israeli conflict, provided active opposition to israel. they have anti-ship missiles, they demonstrated them. they showed off their quasi-ballistic missiles. and of course, drones, that is , they are a little short in distance, they have a slightly different trajectory, but nevertheless they can hit a ship, they learn very quickly, in order to hit a serious target, they launch swarms of drones there, open the air defense, and then missiles fly there , since the end of november last year, the largest companies in the field of maritime cargo transportation were forced to security to redirect their ships bypassing the red sea along a longer and more expensive route around africa, through us with good hope, energy prices jumped immediately, on average by several percent, following the cost of oil and gas, everything
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else is becoming more expensive, after all, it passed through the red sea about 1/5 of total global trade, including 30% of world container traffic. for example, tesla is already running short of components, and therefore the company’s plant in germany has almost stopped the assembly line, but this is just the beginning, they warn experts. it seems to me that we have not yet felt the scale of all this drama, which , perhaps, is only at the very beginning of the journey, because if we have to rewrite all the logistics, we will not be talking about the ruin of container companies, of course, they are just these the risks will be built into the price, and then the blow will be dealt to the entire world economy. yemen today, like a patchwork quilt, is divided between various groups, the main force of which can rightfully be considered the ansar allah movement, those same houthis, it controls the western... part of the country where the majority of the population lives, including the capital sanaa, it is on this territory that the forces of the anti-houthi
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coalition are striking, only the final target of these attacks is not the rebellious yemeni rebels. the yemenite ansar allah movement is not just a shiite group, but another of iran’s main allies in the middle east; american strikes against the houthis are nothing more than an operation against iranian forces in the region, a kind of test of the reaction to what is happening on the part of the islamic republic. but get into a fight in tehran they prudently don’t want to, knowing full well what an open confrontation of such a scale could lead to, but in washington they don’t even think about the consequences of a big war in the east. the winner of saturday's elections in taiwan was the current deputy chief of staff of light. thus the status quo is maintained. opposition party candidate guomendang
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houyou admitted defeat. our correspondent in beijing, alexander balets, talks about how they followed the process in mainland china. yigu, liangzhi, tong and junguo, one country, two systems, and most importantly, china is one and china is one, this principle , specifically directed towards the taiwan strait, is unshakable for the chinese, and as beijing has already stated, whatever the results of the regional elections in taiwan, no matter what happens there, they will not change their position as requested adhere to the rest of the world. the huge hieroglyphs on semyonya beach are a reminder to taiwanese compatriots; in clear weather they are clearly visible. on the neighboring islands of kinmen, no more than 20 km from here, the closest ones are in four, and this is also part of the chinese province of taiwan, there are buggies scurrying along the beach, giving rides to tourists who specially come to see, what’s it like in taiwan? of course, we worry about them, these are our friends, our brothers, we are one people, the chinese people.
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the ferry crossing that connects syamn with kin mennem has queues at the port every morning, but the main influx of passengers has arrived. on expensive porcelain, piece production, the head of kaner has repeatedly said that business ties will contribute to economic integration on the kin islands, the first step has already been taken, even three: transport, mail, trade , a special interaction program from the chinese government, which was supported here, and now they also want a bridge, the opening of communication between kinmen and the mainland made kinmen an economic
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springboard for taiwanese businessmen, in fact, it gave development to taiwan. kinmen is completely dependent on mainland china. beijing's fears are not in vain; the speaker of the us house of representatives, johnson, is already assembling a delegation for a voyage to taiwan and has promised pro-american political forces on the island another support, movement at the american military base closest to taiwan, where
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fuel supplies are replenished, not to mention the supply of weapons to the island, although the united states periodically delays them, without forgetting.
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there is generally a lot in common here, namely in the province of fujian, where the mennanese live like in taiwan, the same architecture, the raised canopies of the roofs with colorful figures of dragons, the same passion for kulunu. during which it is customary to talk about anything but politics, and so too much when it comes to relations between the sides of the strait, the key to stability in which, beijing emphasizes, is... in principle, one china. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov and natalia ponchina. news of the week, china. on friday in
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moscow , the results of the presidential grants fund competition among non-profit organizations were summed up. more than one and a half thousand socially oriented projects will receive state support in february. the winners include participants from all over the country. various areas: science, medicine, ecology, social assistance, patriotic education, in total about 11.00 applications were submitted to the competition, this time the winners will be allocated over 4 billion rubles. it's time to dream, the guys are good at it. one of the emphasis of such training was the non-profit organizations of the liberated russian regions, donbass, novorossiya and russia really today for young people. who are energetic, who are ready to spend strength, will, energy, this is exactly the time, opportunity and country of opportunity, those of the foreigners who
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participate in various competitions, they with square eyes they say: you just don’t understand, you don’t appreciate, you’re already used to the fact that you have this, we don’t even have anything like that, but those mechanisms of social elevators, prime minister mikhail mishustin presented government awards on thursday.
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the truth, you know what i want to say, here in the context of what is happening to us, i looked at our entire thousand-year history, such a term, the russian economic miracle, is mentioned twice. mikhail vladimirovich, this is the truth, from the heart, taking into account 18,500 sanctions, four percent economic growth is cool, we would like to wish you.
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we won’t, we’ll do better, we’ll return to the special military operation zone or to other hot spots and continue to do our job. the government prize is traditionally awarded once a year on russian press day, which is celebrated on january 13. people who can, as the president noted, now working in the information space is a very important battlefield. i will add that this is also a huge responsibility in... in the current conditions, when russia is conducting a special military operation, protecting its citizens, although such a word seems simple, little knowledge,
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it gives rise to confidence. on the contrary, a lot of knowledge gives rise to doubts, and in order to dispel these doubts, professionals are needed . today there are journalists here, professionals from various fields who are very important for our people, and i want to urge you all to support creativity, and i want to ask that you have support for creation here in your heart, and... i also want to say that we will definitely be competitive, constantly setting new goals and challenges for their audience. well, that's all for today, all the best and see you next sunday.
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we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival. let's start the future together. find out more at we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. look, look, in application or website. russia is the biggest country in the world. 11 time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations, at
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home or online. how. about 1 million election organizers, observers, video surveillance at polling stations, guaranteed protection, electronic ballot processing systems help with this, every voter’s vote is taken into account and the mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting, state the automated election system ensures accurate, quick counting of votes; elections in russia are important and fair. yes, a special military operation requires large resources, our country has enough money for everything , a new interview with putin, which will be discussed, but another thing is when you look with your own eyes, the best shots of the week, what an interesting transport you have, dmitry sergeevich, we are mastering the inscription , cleaner, unusual details of presidential events, objects like ugh,
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i wanted to say that, damn, on... good evening, it’s better to see once than to hear 100 times, here a lot becomes clear at once, in the first working week of the new year , vladimir putin first came to chukotka in one of the most remote regions of the country, the president traveled from the airport to anadrya. winter road and shared his impressions of the road at a meeting with city residents. the conversation turned out to be warm and informal: they talked about benefits for large families, support for svo participants, problems of transport accessibility, there was there are also many personal questions for the president. and then, continuing his trip around the far east, vladimir putin flew to khabarovsk, where he met with local entrepreneurs and visited the mechtolet animation studio. in the schedule.
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there were other events for the president, subscribers of the zarubin telegram channel will learn about them before anyone else, there is also an exclusive interview and the most striking shots of the week. this has been the case all last week. hello, we have already shown you a lot of interesting things, but that was, of course, just the beginning. we're watching something new right now, bright. like crazy, you somehow couldn’t even believe that there was at least some region that you had never been to, well, far away, of course, the first, second, i had been planning to visit there for a long time, and i don’t regret that i went there, why, because it’s one thing when you know it from papers, and another thing when you look with your own eyes, what i know was that there were several visits, but one way or another there were no weather conditions, so of course it was important for him
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put - eh, let's say, definitively.


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