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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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another component of the struggle, no less important, a very important thing is working with the younger generation, the president also said this in his greeting, because this is also the front line, because not being able to defeat russia at the front, our enemy is trying to wage an information war , and this is a war for what the next generation of russians will believe in; the forum won together.
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is aimed at strengthening the status of a veteran of the northern military district, and is also organized by the defenders of the fatherland foundation, this fund was created by presidential decree, and the first forum that he organized was held in july last year, then it brought together more than 200 sbo participants, and now at this second forum there are twice as many of them. many issues are discussed here, in particular here. issues of mentoring, so that participants in a special military operation communicate with young people, people, but also so that when they return from the front, they can calmly return to normal life, return to work, so that they are supported in everything. the defenders of the fatherland foundation, its formation, its maturity occurs along with us. together with you, it is very important that
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we organize consolidated work here and that you, for your part, say what is going wrong, what measures we should take together, and what problem areas still remain for the participants of the special.
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federal laws aimed at state support for veterans, strengthening their status, and stimulating employment. veterans and their children received serious advantages when enrolling in universities and colleges, received the right to undergo free retraining and receive additional professional education. well, we continue to work here at the forum together, we will win, we are waiting for the performance. what else needs to be changed, they say: thank you, we feel the support of the whole country, colleagues, maria, thank you, our correspondent, maria valieva, was in direct communication from patriot park. wildbury continues to search for 12
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people who worked on the day of the warehouse fire in the village of shushary in st. petersburg. they do not communicate, the company’s press service reports this in its telegram channel. the warehouse caught fire last night saturday, according to wildburys, there were 1,200 people there that day. there were no reports of casualties. the fire was assigned the maximum level of complexity. the smoke was so strong that you could even see it... from an airplane. they were able to put out the fire only a day later. the building burned down completely along with all the goods. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. it is possible that material damage, according to preliminary estimates, exceeds 10 billion rubles. moscow says goodbye to yuri solomin, actor, director, people's artist soviet union. he passed away on january 11. the civil funeral service takes place in the state one. academic maly theater,
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which he directed for 35 years. our correspondent dmitry kaystera is in direct contact. dmitry, greetings yuri solomin is called the keeper of russian theatrical traditions. and the small theater is a moral reference point for thousands of spectators, what are they saying at the ceremony today, what are their fellow fans saying? hello, well, you know, they say exactly the words that you just said, he really was the custodian of the russian classical repertoire theater, so the entire academic stage on the territory of our vast country from the far east to the western regions...
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has been going on since the year fifty-seven, when a twenty-two-year-old graduate of the shchepkin theater school yuri mifadyevich solomin came here to the maly theater and first became leading actor, and then a famous artistic director who raised a huge number of theatrical generations, i say in the plural, because this indeed, we are now in front of the main entrance to the maly theater, and you know, just recently there was simply a sea of ​​people here, that is, of those who came to say goodbye to yuri mifodich,
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they were fully realized both as a leading artist, and as a director, and as an artistic director, such a powerful, even creative radiance always emanated from him for many decades, you know, because his name and his film images were known not only in all parts of the already former soviet union, but also in many countries of the world, shortly before ceremony of farewell, a car with a flag of the japanese ambassador drove up to the small theater here, this is not at all by chance, because we all remember the award-winning film... his excellency, everyone remembers and tas is authorized to announce other works, more than sixty movie roles that were included into the golden fund of our domestic culture,
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and not only ours, but world culture in general , because he was an actor of enormous global talent, now the farewell is already ending in the small theater, very soon the last ones... his colleagues, friends, fans talent, and then the funeral service will take place in the main cathedral of the country, the cathedral of christ the savior, but this is an honor that very few people receive, this symbol testifies to the importance of yuri mifodovich in our culture and in general in our russian life, but yuri solomin will be buried today at the troekkurovskoye cemetery next to his wife. it was his personal will, which he expressed yet. life dmitry, thank you, dmitry kaistra was in direct contact, in moscow, at these moments there are farewells to the actor and the idol of several generations, yuri solomin. his fans in kogalym also bring flowers to the portrait of yuri solomin.
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the only branch of the small theater in russia is located in ugra. it was opened in 2019. this year, let me remind you, was declared the year of theater in russia. the most modern. the equipment of the branch building allows performances to be staged at the same technical level as they are staged on the main stage in moscow. now there’s a short advertisement, and then we’ll continue, we’ll just wait. with vdnkh. large, tender, mushroom bikchickenburger is already in the combo for 429 rubles. apartment in moscow count five. with just five purchases from 1. rubles on any credit card from bera until january 31, an apartment in moscow can be yours. and if you don’t have a card yet, get a free credit card for 120 days without interest. win with the best credit card in the country, my daughter sang
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try a new product: big chicken burger mushroom, delicious. today the scale opened at vdnkh. small homeland forum the strength of russia, it gathered more than 700 representatives of local government from all regions of the country. the forum's goal is to unite the municipal community and increase the prestige of city services. we find out what is being discussed from our correspondent anna voronina, she is in direct contact with the studio. anna, hello, what's on the forum program? hello, colleagues, the program today is very busy, the head of municipalities will discuss the introduction of innovations in infrastructure. other issues that
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will be discussed today within the framework of various lectures on the territory of vdnkh, well, we started today with a panel discussion on the topic the power of tradition, where they noted that today the battle is taking place not only at the front, on the ground, but in the virtual space, through films, music, various videos, first of all, it is a battle for minds.
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in attracting international conflicts, transferring them to the territory of the russian federation, our multinational people and turning them not only against the state, but also against each other, which is why it is so necessary for heads of municipalities to interact with representatives of various diasporas on their territory. russia has historically been formed as a multi-ethnic
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state, and the management of national relations has always been given increased attention. in the entire history of russia, we... have not lost a single people, we have managed to preserve our colossal linguistic diversity, and today, let me remind you, according to the latest census, we have 194 peoples who speak more than 150 languages, including dialects , there are 277 numbers there, that is , colossal linguistic and cultural diversity, but it should be noted that more 80% of respondents in the russian federation today note the level...
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we have a project: many cultures, one territory, in june we gather on the shores of the unique lake sorkovy sor, celebrate sabantuy, representatives of the tatar-bashkir peoples come to us from all the cities and towns of our yugra . in august, on the day of the indigenous and small peoples of the north, on the banks of the vandras river we gather representatives of khanty and mansi, this is called the childbirth day holiday. winner in the category best national practice, we will find out a little later, i will definitely i’ll tell you which city received this title, colleagues, thank you, anna voronina spoke about the opening of the small motherland forum , the strength of russia, today
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employees and veterans of the investigative committee of russia celebrate their professional holiday. the department was formed in 2001 for civilians of donbass. over the past year, over 130 criminal cases were solved, with details from anastasia ponko. the investigative committee of russia is one of the country's key law enforcement agencies. every day, its employees investigate the most complex criminal cases, protect citizens, public order, honor of the state. over the past year, colossal work has been done, 136,000 crimes have been investigated. state your name, investigators are interrogating a serviceman in the ssu, he cold-bloodedly shot an unarmed resident of mariupol with a machine gun. the investigator determined that he fired at least 15 shots. the investigative committee provided the court with enough evidence to pass a verdict,
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punishable by 25 years in prison. the investigative committee is investigating the crime of ukrainian nationalists against. civilians since 2014, these are terrorist attacks, murders, cruelty to civilians and intentional damage to property, during which time more than 400 criminal cases were initiated. the overwhelming majority of crimes committed against civilians in donbass and novorosiya have no statute of limitations. the investigative committee of russia will take all necessary measures to ensure that the criminals suffer inevitable punishment. four people appeared as members of the investigative committee of russia. new regional departments for russian investigators in new territories got hundreds of previously unsolved serious and especially serious crimes, modern methods of investigation, advanced scientific achievements in domestic... criminology, all this makes it possible to identify the perpetrators even years after the crime was committed. special attention is paid to this activity. military researchers and
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specialists from the established departments report on their work to the chairman of the investigative committee , alexander bastrykin. he himself comes to new regions. the receptions that the head of the department holds in the military have become permanent. hospitals. he is personally involved in solving the problems of defenders of the fatherland. this means we need to continue this work and make a decision. at which you reported that not a single appeal would be left without consideration and a proper response. high-profile crimes, the murders of military correspondent vladlin tatarsky and journalist daria dugina, attempts on the life of writer zakhar prilepin were solved as soon as possible, and suspects were identified. the investigation into other high-profile cases is being completed. nikita zhuravel will appear in court for attempting to publicly burn the koran. revealed inventive schemes for tax evasion by millionaire bloggers, in particular elena blinovskaya.
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in lugansk, a branch of the moscow academy of the investigative committee was opened. we are glad that in the course of these recent historical events, we have the opportunity to branch out into the lugansk people's republic. i am convinced that the branch’s staff will fit well into our educational team. a team of teachers, a team of students, several people applied for one place at once, worthy ones entered, and the decision to become the investigator was not spontaneous; many, despite
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their young age, had already made their choice long ago. since childhood, i have sort of oriented myself toward this profession. it is work with the investigator that i believe that the country needs, and it is, as it were, worthy of teaching the investigator in itself. the future belongs to today's students and cadets, who have someone to look up to... someone to learn from and whose work to continue. anastasia ponko, news. and now to the footage that comes at these moments from buryatia to ulan-d to extinguish a fire in a restaurant, the fire has already engulfed 900 m2. information about there were no injuries reported, this is according to the ministry of emergency situations. now about the weather in yuzhno-sakhalinsk, schoolchildren have extended their holidays to deal with the consequences. the consequences of snowfalls are also being eliminated... in the regions of southern siberia, we’ll talk more about this with meteorologist ekaterina grigorova. ekaterina, hello, where else can we expect problems due to the weather, or rather bad weather? yes, that’s absolutely
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right, in many regions there were also storm winds today, but let’s start with the far east. this is a video of the aftermath in the vicinity of yuzhno-sakhalinsk. rural houses it skidded almost across the roof, residents were forced to dig passages in the snowdrifts and clear the snow-covered windows. wind gusts on the island today reached 25 m/s. lots of snow. the snowdrifts in some places, even at weather stations , exceed half a meter, let there be light, that vanya has already gotten there, oh, well, andrei gave vanya a task, well, that’s right, but so that at least you can see what’s going on, that at least the sun has appeared, well, snowfalls and blizzards at night and were observed in the south of siberia in the morning, on the federal highway siberia in the krasnoyarsk territory due to snow... charges collided 12 cars, roads were blocked due to bad weather today in khakassia, novosibirsk, kemerovo and omsk regions. the period of bad weather in southern siberia began with a sharp warming. in
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anzherosensk, kemerovo region, a thunderstorm was observed at night. in novokuznetsk it warmed up to +4 and it rained, then it got sharply cold. both the roads and sidewalks were icy. some residents moved around the city on skates. the picture that the synoptic map gives us today speaks for itself. there is an active struggle between. cyclones and anticyclones, processes replace each other and weather conditions change dramatically. sakhalin is now in the rear part of a small cyclone under the influence of secondary cold fronts, which cause short-term snow charges and gusty winds, and not only on sakhalin, but on the coast of the primorsky territory on the kuril islands. an extensive cyclone is circling over siberia, active frontal sections are passing through the south, the south of siberia is now also in the cold rear of a large vortex, under the influence of cold fronts from... from irkutsk to novosibirsk, snowfalls and blizzards. here the proximity of a cyclone and an anticyclone also contributes to increased wind. the zone of large pressure gradients stretches for 4.00 km
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across... eastern siberia, across western siberia and to the southern western borders of our country, and where the pressure drop is especially large, the wind accelerates to about hurricane speeds in the novosibirsk region, altai, and khakassia in the south of the krasnoyarsk territory, gusts of up to 30 m per second are likely. in bratsk and the irkutsk region , wind gusts of up to 24 m/s were recorded today. in the first half of the day it warmed up to -5, now it has already gotten colder to -12. the snowfall has stopped and the wind will subside at night. and the frost will continue to intensify tomorrow morning -23, next night -31. in yuzhno-sakhalinsk until the end of the day -13, snow, blizzard, wind with gusts up to 20 m/s. by evening the wind will begin to subside, precipitation will stop at night, and the frost will intensify. tomorrow morning -22, sunny in the afternoon -14. well, the west of the country is experiencing warming. the atlantic cyclone managed to break through to the russian plain and displace the ice anticyclone.
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change of weather. accompanied by snowfalls. now the boundaries between heat and cold pass through the pskov and smolensk regions in the west of the central region, through the donbass and further to stavropol. the cyclone, which pushes heat onto the russian plain, continues to shift westward. and let's see how the temperature changes. so, yesterday a slight frost held its position even in the south. the -10° isotherm ran along the western border of the country. it was even colder on this eastern line. well, it's freezing today. drank for several hundred kilometers. in the volgovyat region of the urals, the temperature returned to normally, in the center of the country in the south it is now even warmer than expected according to the climate. in the center of the country the temperature has already risen to -5° and warming continues. in the thaw zone, now kuban, the lower don and the shore of the caspian sea. snow in the mountains is already losing stability amid warming. the freerider posted a video of his descent from krasnaya polyana, where
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he himself triggered an avalanche. fortunately , it all ended without injuries. there are plenty of people who like to drive off-piste. the following shots show a group of freeriders making their way to the closed part of the slope cableway. but in moscow today the temperature will rise to -2°. snow will continue until the end of the day and into the night. tomorrow there may be light snow during the day -1, then it will get colder. on wednesday it will be about -6, on thursday night it will drop to -14 below zero, and then it will get warmer again. we continue to monitor the weather. we are starting a music festival, but we didn’t have enough time to jump, and you ran out of dresses, a great movie, i liked a great movie, and the emotions were simply unforgettable, i wanted to sing along with the artists and run with them on adventures.
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it was so bright there, beautiful, like a frame, just like a separate picture and unexpectedly and very cool, the girl ran away, i want them to know what a father’s nest is, i liked the music, it’s calm here, here it’s energetic, so downright powerful, i’ll get it back from me in childhood , these songs, the whole story, this is the story of our childhood, everything is so beautiful, everything is so fabulous, oh, just in general, kindness, the most. great feelings, it gives me goosebumps, it’s amazing, and it’s a really cool film, a wonderful gift for the new year to our viewer, bremen musicians.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions. over 6 years, more than 600 of them will be produced in russia.
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