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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  January 15, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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[000:00:31;00] a large-scale forum “small motherland, the power of russia” opened at odnkh with more than 7.00 representatives of local government. what are the participants discussing? snow storm with wind gusts up to 25 m/s. a storm is raging on sakhalin, flights have been cancelled, schools have been switched to remote mode, and some highways are blocked. what is the situation at this time? a large-scale protest of farmers and workers in other industries is taking place on tractors to the bundestag in germany. what are
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the complaints? requirements. colleagues, friends, students and, of course, fans. but in moscow today they said goodbye to yuri solomin. schools and universities in new regions will be fully integrated into the russian education system within 2 years. this deadline was outlined by education minister sergei krovtsov at a meeting with vladimir putin. but he also talked about how the overhaul of school buildings and the construction of new ones are progressing. and is there enough everywhere now? teachers. more details about everything anastasia efimova. it concerns a lot of people, and therefore the importance is difficult to overestimate. this is exactly how the president described the program capital repairs of schools, the implementation of which was requested by the minister of education to report on during the working meeting. as sergei krovtsov said, the project is being implemented without failures, which means that the assigned 7,300 completely updated educational institutions will be completed on
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time. we have allocated. we also discussed issues of personnel development, we have slightly increased the number of russian language teachers, speech therapists, and defectologists, but we see that today pedagogical education is the second most popular per 100,000 applications submitted this year there are more people enrolled in pedagogical universities of the ministry of education than last year, last year our pedagogical education was the third most popular, this year the second, so we are confident that these problems will... be resolved, especially since there is your instructions, changes to the law, when fourth-year students can already work at school, and today more than 50 thousand students are already working at school, this is a good practice, and young professionals come to schools, it is very pleasing that teachers, including young in schools there was only more, a whole series of steps have been taken, these are payments for classroom management, modern equipment with which to study in
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pedagogical... common sense, support for teachers and, of course, infrastructure development. we also organized a big event, these are university shifts, when high school students attend. come to our cities, actually rediscover russia for themselves, in every school we have an advisor to the director of education, in general, we have created a unified system of educational work, including advisers in secondary vocational education, this is very important in colleges, all primary school students are provided with hot meals, security is provided for all schools, we are doing this together with the russian guard, and also on
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instructions from the president, school... cooperation and regional security were discussed today by the russian defense ministers and iran. the negotiations took place over the phone, as reported by the ministry of defense, sergei shaigu noted that moscow and tehran are consistently increasing efforts in their interests. and there, as the russian ministers emphasized today, iran, will confirm mutual respect, sovereignty and territorial integrity of each other. social guarantees for military personnel and their families, as well as issues of patriotic education, are being discussed today at the second forum of northern military district veterans, let's win together. it takes place in patriot park. we will find out more details from our correspondent maria valieva, she is now again in direct contact with the studio. hello again, tell us what initiatives are being discussed at the forum today? yes, yuri, hello again, we continue to work at the patriot convention and exhibition center on forum we will win together. there are many issues
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being discussed here regarding military personnel, regarding fighters participating in a special military operation, as well as regarding support measures for their families. today with greetings. today, having returned from the front, you are contributing to another component of the struggle, an equally important, very important thing - this is working with the younger generation, the president
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also said this in his greeting, because this is also the front line, because without being able to win russia is at the front, our enemy is trying to conduct information
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war, and this is a war for what a special military operation will cost, as well as what other support measures are needed for the families of fallen servicemen, what else they can do . the forum is aimed at strengthening the status of a veteran to help, the solution was proposed by our military correspondent aleksandkov, when a person comes , who... passed already wounded, well , he understands what is happening, with him it’s faster - a widow or a wife will communicate faster, i ’m talking about families, go to families and tell, they won’t tell me, i’m a person from tv, and vadim will come , wounded, he
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went through all this, all this hell , they will be more frank with him, the first forum of veterans of a special military operation was held in july, like the second forum, we will win together, it was organized by the defenders of the fatherland foundation, it was created by presidential decree in april 2023 and ... already 2 months after the signing of the decree, branches of the fund appeared in all regions of russia. yura, yes, maria, thank you, i’ll remind you that my colleague maria valieva was in direct communication with patriot park. to other topics. a powerful cyclone hit sakhalin, it brought strong methyl and storm wind. due to bad weather, the local airport cannot receive or dispatch aircraft. dozens of flights have already been delayed. schoolchildren were sent to work remotely. traffic on the roads was partially disrupted due to poor visibility. more details about the situation. after
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a two-day break, the south of sakhalin is again at the mercy of the elements; wind gusts reach a destructive force of 25 m/sec ; it is unsafe to be outside, the wind blows away bloody roofs and new year's trees. in the yuzhno-sakhalinsk-aniva region, the wind knocked the main symbol of the new year. fortunately, there were no people nearby when the structure fell, and no one was injured. residents of kolin move through the streets in short bursts, roofs are falling from city buildings, traffic on intercity highways is limited due to poor visibility, traffic police crews have been on duty on the roads since the very morning. they don't let me in? no, it requires registration. we are not registered there, but we live there, as if we have an address. in the aniva district, in the village of troitskaya , a heating point was set up for car enthusiasts in a community center. anyone can come here it wasn't the weather that caught me off guard. so far
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, 15 switches have been installed here. several passenger buses got off, no one was hurt, emergencies ministry employees and traffic inspectors are on duty on the highways, urging drivers not to risk their lives, but not everyone listens. the cyclone added work to the energy sector, power outages occurred for some residents of aniva and yuzhno-sakhalinsk, zero visibility, stormy winds, and adjustments were made to the work of the main air harbors of the island. at the moment, flights from moscow, flights from khabarovsk and vladivostok, flights from novosibirsk, went to the reserve in the city of khabarovsk. they will begin accepting flights as soon as they are allowed. weather conditions, according to weather forecasters, this will happen in the evening,
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now all efforts are being devoted to clearing the runway. elena zhenchenko, alexey ketchik, host sakhalin kuriles. a large-scale forum “small motherland, power of russia” is taking place at vdnkh. it brought together more than 700 representatives of local government at various levels from all regions of the country. my colleague anna voronina monitors their work. to the air, anna, greetings, tell us what you are discussing, yes , hello, yuri, hello, colleagues, i must say that the discussion continues, a panel discussion on the topic of glory in people has literally just ended, this is really so, the glory of our state and the strength of our state, strength russia is represented in our people, in their representatives , in every representative, regardless of nationality, all of them, there are a lot of them on the territory of our... country, but the main task of the heads of municipalities,
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which was discussed today at the panel discussions in serving this people, as presidential assistant igor liveter recalled. service is the need to bear everything on yourself, all the problems, and the higher the position, the heavier the burden, so i would call it... endurance, i would like to say that this is very important, because during service you meet people , especially you, you live directly the lives of the people there, and today, within the framework of the forum, representatives of municipalities from all regions of russia met with the minister of finance, he in his
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addressing the audience, he noted that today the municipal economy is being built thanks , among other things, to small medium-sized businesses, and they , in turn, survive due to attracted investments; it is precisely the task of attracting investments that falls on municipalities. there is not a single investment project that could be implemented without the desire of local authorities, because issues... construction, issues of permitting documentation, connection to utility networks, creating a comfortable environment for people to work, these are all issues of municipalities, therefore, this and that is extremely important to us... the interaction and communication that we are building with you, but today the winners in the competition for the best municipal government practice were determined; there were several nominations, in particular , the city became the first in the management of municipal finances tsyzron, but in urban planning
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policy the city district of dmitrovsky, moscow region, was chosen as the leader, so they communicated more actively and better than anyone else with the townspeople, interacted with... today held a government meeting, in which included talk about culture. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova made a short report. the main theses were collected by the authors of the leading program film industry, ivan kudryavtsev. the new year 2024 at the box office began with records. box office receipts for the first
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week of the year amounted to almost 6 billion rubles. 95% of them are domestic films. these are absolute records. the leaders were comedy klim shipenko halop-2. a musical fairy tale by alexei nuzhny - the bremen town musicians, created and released with the participation and support of the tv channel russia-1, as well as a new part of the animated franchise three heroes of the earth cube. at the beginning of the twentieth year, on behalf of the head of state and your instructions , additional financial resources were allocated for the production of domestic films , taking into account the fact that the film production cycle is 3 years, we have already just
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seen for... our average daily during this period was 1.8 million. every day , 175,000 more spectators came to cinemas than on the same days last year. almost 15 million people visited cinemas in russia during the new year holidays. once. a noticeable part of these visits were on the pushkin card, a beautiful instrument of state support for the industry, when budget money for culture is distributed by the viewer himself. for 3 years to the pushkin card program. 10 million children have connected, all funds are included in the federal budget, so we will provide everyone with the appropriate resources so that the poshkan card project continues to move forward. it is important to further develop such areas so that people have a lot of opportunities, broaden their horizons, this all enriches the inner world
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people, and what is very important, are motivated by interest in their culture, in their native culture, in their traditions. ahead. new event films , among the most high-profile premieres, ice 3 and 100 years ago, new russian science fiction based on the work of the soviet classic kira baluchev, and this is only until the end of spring, so the best year at the box office for russian cinema may be the whole of 2024 . ivan kudryavtsev, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotaryova and olesya shempel, news! revenues of the suetsky canal have decreased by 40% since the beginning of the year, the volume of cargo transportation through it continues shrink. due to the threat from the yemeni houthis. dmitry morocco is following the developments. international logistics companies continue to reduce shipments through the suet canal due to the threat from yemen's houthis. since the beginning of january, the situation in the region has become much more complicated. against this background, revenues of the transport artery connecting the mediterranean
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and red seas fell by 40% in the first 11 days of the year. during this time, 544 ships passed through the canal, which is a 30% reduction in traffic. for reasons. dangers from use the world's largest companies, such as sama, hapaklloid, mayersk and zim, have abandoned the route, but they are ready to return at any moment. the soetsky canal remains the most profitable transport corridor compared to alternatives. we are now seeing that other routes are also experiencing certain problems; resolution of these problems is generally not expected in the near future, so, apparently , companies will not be able to completely abandon their use. and the suet canal, and most likely the usa and allies, they still will try to solve this problem. the soviet canal has so far served as the fastest convenient trade route between. china and europe, now a ship that is heading, say, from shanghai to rotterdam, has to carry cargo around africa, going around
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with good hope. this is 6.00 km longer and adds 7 to 14 days to the journey. the situation has already led to a sharp increase in transportation costs. if on january 5 the price for one container was 2.871 dollars, then a week later it jumped to 3.101. all this leads to an increase in the cost of goods. for ordinary consumers, we can say with confidence that this has an impact on the increase in the cost of transportation, again, returning to other routes that take longer, this automatically increases the cost of freight due to a longer journey, and this will certainly have an impact on the cost of goods , through the soviet canal separating africa from asia, about 12% of all world trade in money still passed through, this is approximately 10 billion dollars per day. we are mainly talking about the export of energy resources such as crude oil liquefied natural gas accounts for 5 to 10%
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of global supplies. tensions are rising again in the red sea; the largest danish oil transportation company has announced that it will stop sailing in the red sea. this company owns about 80 vessels that transport refined petroleum products. marsk also said last week. which stops service on these routes, results in a week or two of travel being extended, and this is the reason why oil prices have risen. the price of brand oil exceeded $80 per barrel on january 12 after us and british missile strikes on the yemeni houthis, but then began to decline again. according to experts, traders do not believe in the likelihood of a major war in the region, so the market situation remains stable, but the main risk for oil prices remains the possibility. involvement of iran in the conflict. now regarding the footage from brazil, which is also distributed by telegram channels , it must be said that these shots are really
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dramatic. at least 11 people have died due to heavy rains in rio deneiro. according to information from the operational monitoring center of the city hall, its main highways are flooded, and the work of ground transport and the metro has been suspended. we will closely monitor the information coming from there. now to others. events in russia have been summed up for the year of television, the country's most popular tv channels in 2023 have been named . dmitry will tell you who is in the top ratings, which programs and presenters most often aroused interest among viewers. caestra. the television year was a remarkable success for many russian television channels, channels that are watched in every home, and which throughout the year attracted the main attention of the audience of our huge country. sympathies. were distributed differently, the list was topped by russia-1, second and third places in the 2023 rating were taken by ntv and
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channel one. it is worth noting that ntv channel has occupied the second step of the podium for another year in a row. a very worthy , truly strong result. channel 5 took fourth place, increasing its share over the year audience by 6%. arentv showed a record increase in audience among leading tv channels at once. by 11%. behind these indicators there is a huge amount of work, creative energy, measurement of tv preferences, strict scientific sociology, which is carried out by the company mediascope. the annual report of this research company, the most authoritative and objective verdict of the television industry, allows you to evaluate not only the overall results of the channels, but their success in working with different age audiences, as well as the indicators of specific projects, the main of which... rating, percentage of all television viewers in the country who watched the channel. television is still the main source of news; last year
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, interest in information and socio-political broadcasting was understandably extremely high. among the information leaders of the year, daily evening broadcasts of the big three channels. and this is how the places were distributed. news at 20:00. behind them are the main releases of ntv and channel one, with
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also very good indicators. on the first, also a very spectacular project full of spectacular dynamism, our evening with vladimir solovyov, whose programs became the bright journalistic works of the past year, daily heated discussions and sunday final programs, weekly essays with a line of contact behind the tape, well , solovyov’s own channel, in each of his on-air slot roles, vladimir solovyov confidently led, personally becoming one of
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main ones. well, all together and two ntv projects -
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superstar and mask. in general, according to the results, russia tv channel retains its leadership in the domestic television market for the eighth year in a row. broadcasting network is not static, it is dynamically updated, responding to viewer requests, but the fundamental principles remain unchanged. the tv channel focuses on the widest possible audience in the country, with which it
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is no coincidence that it shares the same name. dmitry kayster,


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